How to use spring-boot integrated liquibase - spring

I would like to use spring-boot integrated liquibase, maven project application configuration file and pom.xml should be how to configure? Please advise.

You can find integration examples at this GitHub Project

just add liquibase dependancy in your pom.xml - the schema update will be launched automatically at startup of your application.
By default your master changelog is located in db/changelog/db.changelog-master.[json|xml|yml] as resource


Use of spring-boot-maven-plugin

While creating a spring boot project I define property in pom.xml as <packaging>war</packaging> with which I can create a war and thereafter deploy the war into server maybe tomcat or WAS.
But I came across a plugin named spring-boot-maven-plugin whose documentation states that it's use is to package executable jar or war archives and run an application in-place.
My query is why do we need this at all ?
If my packaging can tell me what to create and then can deploy it to run, what is the used of this plugin.
I am trying to understand a new project so wanted to be sure that every line makes sense
The maven plugin will create an "executable" archive. In the case of the war packaging, you would be able to execute your app with java -jar my-app.war. If you intend to deploy your Spring Boot application in an existing Servlet container, then this plugin is, indeed, not necessary.
The maven plugin does more things like running your app from the shell or creating build information.
Check the documentation
The Spring Boot Maven Plugin provides Spring Boot support in Apache Maven, letting you package executable jar or war archives and run an application “in-place”.
Refer this -

what is reason the spring boot application doesn't read file?

i have a maven project then i'm manually added a 'src/main/resources' directory and but it can't read the file;
How can i convert my maven project to spring boot project ?
You need to say your IDE that src/main/resources is a source folder.
Try a maven plugin (e.g. for Eclipse,
do it manually
start your application using the maven spring-boot plugin
mvn spring-boot:run

Show Logback error when I run Simple Spring Boot project

I follow this tutorial to create spring boot project, when I run the project, it shows an error. Please help me to fix it.
my pom.xml
You mentioned that it worked with gradle but not Maven.
One possible solution is to delete your local maven repository to force it to redownload the dependencies:
Go to your home folder and remove the folder ~/.m2/repository.
Then, try rebuilding your project with maven : mvn clean install
I try to update Java and Maven,but it also do not work,and then I change Maven to Gradle,the application can run! Maybe Maven has problem.

Package war with specific profile in Spring Boot

I want to package a war for a specific profile. Is this possible? My pom.xml is configured properly to package war files and I'm packaging the app my with
mvn clean package
But, I don't know how I can provide the Spring profile in this command.
Thanks, any help will be appreciated.
I don't completely understand why? If you are looking for the application to always start with a certain profile then modify your to spring.profiles.default=<specific profile>

Jar files for spring-hibernate integration

I'm working on Spring Hibernate Integration program as Ant with MySQL but I'm stuck with which jar files to add and at which location
I'm using org.springworks.orm.hibernate.*. Which specific jar file needs to be added?
You can download the jar from MVNRepository.
But as suggest by M. Deinum, you should try upgrading to Maven or Gradle.
