Jar files for spring-hibernate integration - spring

I'm working on Spring Hibernate Integration program as Ant with MySQL but I'm stuck with which jar files to add and at which location
I'm using org.springworks.orm.hibernate.*. Which specific jar file needs to be added?

You can download the jar from MVNRepository.
But as suggest by M. Deinum, you should try upgrading to Maven or Gradle.


How does a jar pull transitive dependencies in Maven?

I am buliding small Spring Boot app - pacakged as jar file (I'm using maven plugins).
I know that there are solutions which allow me to build jar file with all desired dependecies (e.g. maven assembly plugin).
The question is what if I don't pack maven required depedencies using those solutions? Am I correct that I will always get "NoClassDefFoundError" ? So should I always pack my project with all depedencies into jar file or there is another solution to "makes thigns work"?

Difference between Spring boot 2.5.0 generated *jar and *-plain.jar?

I upgraded my spring boot app to 2.5.0, then is app.jar and app-plain.jar is created by gradle.
I would like to the difference between these jars.
app.jar is the archive produced by the bootJar task. This is a Spring Boot fat jar that contains all of the module's dependencies as well as its classes and resources. It can be run using java -jar.
app-plain.jar is the archive produced by the jar task. This is a plain or standard jar file that contains only the module's classes and resources.
You can learn a bit more about this in the documentation for Spring Boot's Gradle plugin.

How to test executable Maven Jar file through any web server?

I just created a maven project and did all the procedure to create a maven build. Then I exported that maven project as the jar file. I want to test the same jar. How could I achieve this with anyone of the web server like TomEE, JBoss?
Thanks in advance
Why not packagong a war instead of a jar? Then just drop it in the webapps/deploy folder of the server and start

Use of spring-boot-maven-plugin

While creating a spring boot project I define property in pom.xml as <packaging>war</packaging> with which I can create a war and thereafter deploy the war into server maybe tomcat or WAS.
But I came across a plugin named spring-boot-maven-plugin whose documentation states that it's use is to package executable jar or war archives and run an application in-place.
My query is why do we need this at all ?
If my packaging can tell me what to create and then can deploy it to run, what is the used of this plugin.
I am trying to understand a new project so wanted to be sure that every line makes sense
The maven plugin will create an "executable" archive. In the case of the war packaging, you would be able to execute your app with java -jar my-app.war. If you intend to deploy your Spring Boot application in an existing Servlet container, then this plugin is, indeed, not necessary.
The maven plugin does more things like running your app from the shell or creating build information.
Check the documentation
The Spring Boot Maven Plugin provides Spring Boot support in Apache Maven, letting you package executable jar or war archives and run an application “in-place”.
Refer this - https://www.javaguides.net/2019/02/use-of-spring-boot-maven-plugin-with.html

Re-load groovy files from jar within WAR

I have set of groovy files within JAR (rules.jar) and have added this JAR as dependency to WAR (project.war) through Maven. I have done the groovy configuration using Spring and it all works fine and it gets called.
<lang:groovy id="primaryScript" script-source="classpath:org/sample/rules/PrimaryScript.groovy" refresh-check-delay="5">
The issue comes when I change something in Groovy file and it doesn't reflect till I re-build the jar and copy the jar within project.war's WEB-INF/lib.
I want to use the capability of Groovy re-loading and I don't want to keep the groovy within the WAR. Can anyone please help me out here.
I am using JDK 1.8, Groovy 2.4.7 and Tomcat 8 and use Netbeans.
