How to read batch script variable in CMakeLists.txt - windows

Hello to whoever reading this.
This is not actually a question. It's a problem i faced and i was trying to find solution here in stackoverflow. But i couldn't. [Chances are it may be duplicate in the eyes of experts]. Anyway thought i'll share the solution which is working for me.
The Problem
I work on Windows CE panels so in some scenario I need to read batch script variable in CMakeLists.txt to do some filtering based on whether it's Windows x86 or Windows CE. How to do that ?
Could be the same as This but for me export didn't work. So the whole picture.
Later checked export is in bash. In batch set will work

The Answer which is working for me. [There are chance that other solution also exists but this worked for me]. Ok here it goes.
In batch file
In CMakeLists.txt
message(STATUS "Print Message = " $ENV{PANEL_TYPE})
message(STATUS "Other Message = " $ENV{PANEL_TYPE})
That's it. It seems simple to me and it worked :)


"Linker input file not found" warning

I am here with a newbie question. I have just installed codeblocks. When I tried to run a simple hello word, I had the warning of "Linker input file not found." How can I solve this problem? Thank you. enter image description here
Have you modified the project?
Lets try to fix it:
Project->Properties->Build targets->Build target files -> Is main.cpp checked?
Have you tried a new project? Without modification?
Does the path to your project has special characters, like non English or spaces?
Have you tried a rebuild: Build->Rebuild?

Clarification of code to change target of a Shortcut(.lnk) file

I am a Java programmer, and I do not know anything about VBScript. I needed a way to modify the target path of a certain shortcut, and I according to my research, only VBScript can help me. I tried it, but there were many errors.
I tried to resolve them by a butt ton of googling, but I think there is some other problem.
Here is the code:
Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set shortcut = sh.CreateShortcut("C:\Users\pedne\Desktop\Zoom.lnk")
shortcut.TargetPath = "C:\Users\pedne\AppData\Roaming\Zoom\bin\Zoom.exe ""--url=zoommtg\:// 1234 1234&pwd=12345"""
I do not know whether I need any prerequisites or external libraries for writing VBScript code, and I wrote it on notepad.I would also like to know whether there is any 100% Java or any other workaround to this. (Totally up to you)
Please excuse me if I do not understand anything about your answers as I copied the code from Change a shortcut's target from command prompt
The last error I got was at Line 3 char 1, Invalid procedure or call
Do not append the arguments to the target path. Use the Arguments property instead:
shortcut.TargetPath = "C:\Users\pedne\AppData\Roaming\Zoom\bin\Zoom.exe"
shortcut.Arguments = "--url=zoommtg\:// 1234 1234&pwd=12345"

Trying to open a file in C++, but the file cannot be found

I have an algorithm in C++ (main.cpp) and I use CLion to compile and run it. Algorithm would read strings from text file, but there is a mistake:
Could not open data.txt (file exists and placed in one folder with main.cpp)
How can I fix it and make this file "visible" to CLion?
If you are using fopen or something similar and just passing "data.txt", it is assumed that that file is in the current working directory of the running program (the one you just compiled).
So, either
Give a full path instead, like fopen("/full/path/to/data.txt"), where you use the actual full path
(not preferable), Move data.txt to the directory where CLion runs its compiled programs from.
(for #2, here's a hacky way to get that directory)
char buf[1024]; // hack, but fine for this
printf("%s\n", getcwd(buf, 1024));
Run/Edit configurations...
Select your application (on the lefthandside of the window)
Specify Working directory
Now you can fopen relatively from working directory.
I found another way to solve this problem.
#Lou Franco's solution may affect the project structure. For example, if I deploy code on a server, I should move the resource file to specific directory.
What I do is modify the CmakeLists.txt, on Windows, using
set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "D:\\science\\code\\English-Prediction")
CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY is a CMake variable, it assigns the work directory of CLion work directory.
Continuing with the CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY CMakeLists variables, I do the following. In the root directory of my project, I create a directory, e.g., out. Then, in my CMakeLists.txt I set the CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY to that directory:
Note, that must come before you have
add_executable(YourProject ${SOURCE_FILES})
I might also add that instead of using fopen() I would keep it more object-oriented by using std::ifstream:
std::ifstream inFile("data.txt");
// check if it opened without issue...
if (!inFile) {
processError(); // a user-defined function to deal with the issue
} else {
// All is good, carry on...
// and when you're done don't forget

Is there a way to compile Pascal program and put the generated files in a specific folder?

So I am trying to compile Pascal programs and everything is find; however, I would like to put the generated files after each compilation is a separated folder. I am looking of something like this: fpc "Destination Folder" "program.pas".
From Alphabetical listing of command line options
-FE<x> Set exe/unit output path to <x>
-FU<x> Set unit output path to <x>, overrides -FE
So something like fpc program.pas -FEc:\output should work. I don't have fpc installed so I cannot verify. If you try it and get errors that you can't work through post them.
This one works for me:
fpc hello.pas -o"Web/hello.cgi"
I was using ubuntu, notice there is no space between the argument -o and the beginning of the path "Web/..."

IsFile, IsDirectory Test Windows

I'm trying to convert a program from Linux to use on Windows, and it calls test -f, or test -d on Linux. I need it to do the same thing on Windows. Is there a built-in command, or another program I can use to do the same thing?
I'm programming using FreeBASIC (horrible, but it's what I got).
EDIT: An external program is the best option here. I've looked at the API, and it's not good.
Never heard of FreeBasic before but looking at the help there's a DIR command that supports using fbDirectory as one of the attribute patterns to filter for.
And looking slightly further down on that page I just saw that they have a sample for checking if the objects found are files or directories. Just look here, look at the second example on that page.
Not sure what exactly those test commands do, but if you want to test if a specific object is a directory you should be able to call Dir("exactname", fbDirectory, something) I'd thought. And then you could test for a file by putting a Not in somewhere (assuming that FreeBasic supports that).
Edit: To make your own tool, here's a sample that shows a tiny C++ app that could easily be changed to look for directories or not. Look for the FindFirstFile in the sample and shortly after that it checks if it's readonly, which could be changed for FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY.
you can use test.exe just like under linux
Not sure about FreeBASIC, have you looked into vbscript? You could use the FileSystemObject
Dim fso, msg
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (fso.FolderExists(fldr)) Then
'Do Something here
'Do Something
End If
If (fso.FileExists(filespec)) Then
'Do Something here
'Do Something
End If
You can also use Kiwi for FreeBasic in order to check if a path leads to a file or directory. You can find Kiwi on Github (
#include once "kiwi\"
#include once "kiwi\"
' Declare a new file
Dim myFile as File = File("C:\Users\nsiat\Desktop\Test.txt")
' Check if file exists, is a File or is a Directory
print "File exists: " & myFile.exists()
print "Is file: " & myFile.isFile()
print "Is Directory: " & myFile.isDirectory()
