Is there a way to compile Pascal program and put the generated files in a specific folder? - pascal

So I am trying to compile Pascal programs and everything is find; however, I would like to put the generated files after each compilation is a separated folder. I am looking of something like this: fpc "Destination Folder" "program.pas".

From Alphabetical listing of command line options
-FE<x> Set exe/unit output path to <x>
-FU<x> Set unit output path to <x>, overrides -FE
So something like fpc program.pas -FEc:\output should work. I don't have fpc installed so I cannot verify. If you try it and get errors that you can't work through post them.

This one works for me:
fpc hello.pas -o"Web/hello.cgi"
I was using ubuntu, notice there is no space between the argument -o and the beginning of the path "Web/..."


Unable to load/require file from Lua running from Atom in Windows

I'm trying to use Atom to run a Lua script. However, when I try to load files via the require() command, it always says it's unable to locate them. The files are all in the same folder. For example, to load utils.lua I have tried
require 'utils'
require 'utils.lua'
require 'D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils.lua'
require 'D:\\Users\\Mike\\Dropbox\\Lua Modeling\\utils.lua'
require 'D:/Users/Mike/Dropbox/Lua Modeling/utils.lua'
I get errors like
Lua: D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\main.lua:12: module 'D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils.lua' not found:
no field package.preload['D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils.lua']
no file '.\D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils\lua.lua'
no file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils\lua.lua'
no file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils\lua\init.lua'
no file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils\lua.lua'
The messages says on the first line that 'D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\utils.lua' was not found, even though that is the full path of the file. What am I doing wrong?
The short answer
You should be able to load utils.lua by using the following code:
And by starting your program from the directory that utils.lua is in:
cd "D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling"
lua main.lua
The long answer
To understand what is going wrong here, it is helpful to know a little bit about how require works. The first thing that require does is to search for the module in the module path. From Programming in Lua chapter 8.1:
The path used by require is a little different from typical paths. Most programs use paths as a list of directories wherein to search for a given file. However, ANSI C (the abstract platform where Lua runs) does not have the concept of directories. Therefore, the path used by require is a list of patterns, each of them specifying an alternative way to transform a virtual file name (the argument to require) into a real file name. More specifically, each component in the path is a file name containing optional interrogation marks. For each component, require replaces each ? by the virtual file name and checks whether there is a file with that name; if not, it goes to the next component. The components in a path are separated by semicolons (a character seldom used for file names in most operating systems). For instance, if the path is
then the call require"lili" will try to open the following files:
Judging from your error message, your Lua path seems to be the following:
.\?.lua;D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\?.lua;D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\?\init.lua;D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\?.lua
To make that easier to read, here are each the patterns separated by line breaks:
D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\?.lua
D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\?\init.lua
D:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\?.lua
From this list you can see that when calling require
Lua fills in the .lua extension for you
Lua fills in the rest of the file path for you
In other words, you should just specify the module name, like this:
Now, Lua also needs to know where the utils.lua file is. The easiest way is to run your program from the D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling folder. This means that when you run require("utils"), Lua will expand the first pattern .\?.lua into .\utils.lua, and when it checks that path it will find the utils.lua file in the current directory.
In other words, running your program like this should work:
cd "D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling"
lua main.lua
An alternative
If you can't (or don't want to) change your working directory to run the program, you can use the LUA_PATH environment variable to add new patterns to the path that require uses to search for modules.
set LUA_PATH=D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\?.lua;%LUA_PATH%;
lua "D:\Users\Mike\Dropbox\Lua Modeling\main.lua"
There is a slight trick to this. If the LUA_PATH environment variable already exists, then this will add your project's folder to the start of it. If LUA_PATH doesn't exist, this will add ;; to the end, which Lua fills in with the default path.

Trying to open a file in C++, but the file cannot be found

I have an algorithm in C++ (main.cpp) and I use CLion to compile and run it. Algorithm would read strings from text file, but there is a mistake:
Could not open data.txt (file exists and placed in one folder with main.cpp)
How can I fix it and make this file "visible" to CLion?
If you are using fopen or something similar and just passing "data.txt", it is assumed that that file is in the current working directory of the running program (the one you just compiled).
So, either
Give a full path instead, like fopen("/full/path/to/data.txt"), where you use the actual full path
(not preferable), Move data.txt to the directory where CLion runs its compiled programs from.
(for #2, here's a hacky way to get that directory)
char buf[1024]; // hack, but fine for this
printf("%s\n", getcwd(buf, 1024));
Run/Edit configurations...
Select your application (on the lefthandside of the window)
Specify Working directory
Now you can fopen relatively from working directory.
I found another way to solve this problem.
#Lou Franco's solution may affect the project structure. For example, if I deploy code on a server, I should move the resource file to specific directory.
What I do is modify the CmakeLists.txt, on Windows, using
set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "D:\\science\\code\\English-Prediction")
CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY is a CMake variable, it assigns the work directory of CLion work directory.
Continuing with the CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY CMakeLists variables, I do the following. In the root directory of my project, I create a directory, e.g., out. Then, in my CMakeLists.txt I set the CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY to that directory:
Note, that must come before you have
add_executable(YourProject ${SOURCE_FILES})
I might also add that instead of using fopen() I would keep it more object-oriented by using std::ifstream:
std::ifstream inFile("data.txt");
// check if it opened without issue...
if (!inFile) {
processError(); // a user-defined function to deal with the issue
} else {
// All is good, carry on...
// and when you're done don't forget

Get result of compilation as single file with ASDF

Is it possible to tell ASDF that it should produce only one fas(l) file for entire system? This file should be concatenation (in right order) of all compiled files of the system, including all files of systems on which target system depends.
Yes, with compile-bundle-op (ASDF 3.1):
edit: Actually, monolithic-compile-bundle-op seemes to be asked for (as shown in other answers).
If you have to predict the extension, use uiop:compile-file-type.
And/or you can just call (asdf:output-files 'asdf:monolithic-compile-bundle-op :my-system) to figure out what is actually used.
Option monolithic-compile-bundle-op will create single compiled file which includes all dependencies, while compile-bundle-op creates a file for every system.
Example of use:
(asdf:operate 'asdf:monolithic-compile-bundle-op :my-system)
This command will create file my-system--all-systems.fas(l) in output directory of target project, as well as "bundle" files for every system, named like my-system--system.fas(l).

xcode 4.5.1. Header Search path not working, <directory/file.h> file not found

I have added a include directory in my home directory. I can run "ls -l ~/include" from the build directory.
I have added that directory in both "Header Seach Path" and in "User Header Search Path". In both places I have tried with both non-recursive and recursive.
But xcode 4.5.1 can not in any situation find the first stated header file.
It is stated in source code calls.m as:
#include <directory/file.h>
I get a "Lexical or Preprocessor issue 'directory/file.h' file not found."
But when running xcodebuild from cli it has no problems what so ever to build the source.
I have tried many of the suggestions found on internet
Putting a include in /usr/ om my drive
Adding a index to the project, adding files with no copy and no "Add to target" marked.
Restart xcode.
Specifying all specific paths.
But still no go.
What is the problem. BugĀ“s in xcode?
I just had a similar issue, and it was because there were spaces in the path which I defined for the Header Search Path. For example, I was defining the following as a search path:
which was being expanded out to the following:
/Users/skoota/Documents/Xcode Projects/My App/Frameworks/Headers
as you can see, there are spaces within the path (which are not immediately evident, as you are using the $(SRCROOT) variable) and the compiler doesn't particularly appreciate the spaces. I solved this problem by changing the search path to this:
(note the quote marks around $(SRCROOT) which escapes the spaces). This now expanded out to:
"/Users/skoota/Documents/Xcode Projects/My App"/Frameworks/Headers
which works perfectly, although looks a bit odd with the embedded " marks. This took me a while to figure out, so hopefully it helps!
This usually happens if there are spaces in your directory's path. To overcome this problem, use double quotes around the path.
Suppose you want to use your project directory, then you should use: $PROJECT_DIR. Enable recursive if you want to search within the folders as well. Alternatively, you can use $(SRCROOT)

Programming a Filter/Backend to 'Print to PDF' with CUPS from any Mac OS X application

Okay so here is what I want to do. I want to add a print option that prints whatever the user's document is to a PDF and adds some headers before sending it off to a device.
I guess my questions are: how do I add a virtual "printer" driver for the user that will launch the application I've been developing that will make the PDF (or make the PDF and launch my application with references to the newly generated PDF)? How do I interface with CUPS to generate the PDF? I'm not sure I'm being clear, so let me know if more information would be helpful.
I've worked through this printing with CUPS tutorial and seem to get everything set up okay, but the file never seems to appear in the appropriate temporary location. And if anyone is looking for a user-end PDF-printer, this cups-pdf-for-mac-os-x is one that works through the installer, however I have the same issue of no file appearing in the indicated directory when I download the source and follow the instructions in the readme. If anyone can get either of these to work on a mac through the terminal, please let me know step-by-step how you did it.
The way to go is this:
Set up a print queue with any driver you like. But I recommend to use a PostScript driver/PPD. (A PostScript PPD is one which does not contain any *cupsFilter: ... line.):
Initially, use the (educational) CUPS backend named 2dir. That one can be copied from this website: KDE Printing Developer Tools Wiki. Make sure when copying that you get the line endings right (Unix-like).
Commandline to set up the initial queue:
lpadmin \
-p pdfqueue \
-v 2dir:/tmp/pdfqueue \
-E \
-P /path/to/postscript-printer.ppd
The 2dir backend now will write all output to directory /tmp/pdfqueue/ and it will use a uniq name for each job. Each result should for now be a PostScript file. (with none of the modifications you want yet).
Locate the PPD used by this queue in /etc/cups/ppd/ (its name should be pdfqueue.ppd).
Add the following line (best, near the top of the PPD):
*cupsFilter: "application/pdf 0 -" (Make sure the *cupsFilter starts at the very beginning of the line.) This line tells cupsd to auto-setup a filtering chain that produces PDF and then call the last filter named '-' before it sends the file via a backend to a printer. That '-' filter is a special one: it does nothing, it is a passthrough filter.
Re-start the CUPS scheduler:sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.cups.cupsd.plist
sudo launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.cups.cupsd.plist
From now on your pdfqueue will cause each job printed to it to end up as PDF in /tmp/pdfqueue/*.pdf.
Study the 2dir backend script. It's simple Bash, and reasonably well commented.
Modify the 2dir in a way that adds your desired modifications to your PDF before saving on the result in /tmp/pdfqueue/*.pdf...
Update: Looks like I forgot 2 quotes in my originally prescribed *cupsFilter: ... line above. Sorry!
I really wish I could accept two answers because I don't think I could have done this without all of #Kurt Pfeifle 's help for Mac specifics and just understanding printer drivers and locations of files. But here's what I did:
Download the source code from codepoet cups-pdf-for-mac-os-x. (For non-macs, you can look at The readme is greatly detailed and if you read all of the instructions carefully, it will work, however I had a little trouble getting all the pieces, so I will outline exactly what I did in the hopes of saving someone else some trouble. For this, the directory with the source code is called "cups-pdfdownloaddir".
Compile cups-pdf.c contained in the src folder as the readme specifies:
gcc -09 -s -lcups -o cups-pdf cups-pdf.c
There may be a warning: ld: warning: option -s is obsolete and being ignored, but this posed no issue for me. Copy the binary into /usr/libexec/cups/backend. You will likely have to the sudo command, which will prompt you for your password. For example:
sudo cp /cups-pdfdownloaddir/src/cups-pdf /usr/libexec/cups/backend
Also, don't forget to change the permissions on this file--it needs root permissions (700) which can be changed with the following after moving cupd-pdf into the backend directory:
sudo chmod 700 /usr/libexec/cups/backend/cups-pdf
Edit the file contained in /cups-pdfdownloaddir/extra/cups-pdf.conf. Under the "PDF Conversion Settings" header, find a line under the GhostScript that reads #GhostScript /usr/bin/gs. I did not uncomment it in case I needed it, but simply added beneath it the line Ghostscript /usr/bin/pstopdf. (There should be no pre-cursor # for any of these modifications)
Find the line under GSCall that reads #GSCall %s -q -dCompatibilityLevel=%s -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="%s" -dAutoRotatePage\
s=/PageByPage -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -c .setpdfwrite \
-f %s Again without uncommenting this, under this I added the line GSCall %s %s -o %s %s
Find the line under PDFVer that reads #PDFVer 1.4 and change it to PDFVer, no spaces or following characters.
Now save and exit editing before copying this file to /etc/cups with the following command
sudo cp cups-pdfdownloaddir/extra/cups-pdf.conf /etc/cups
Be careful of editing in a text editor because newlines in UNIX and Mac environments are different and can potentially ruin scripts. You can always use a perl command to remove them, but I'm paranoid and prefer not to deal with it in the first place.
You should now be able to open a program (e.g. Word, Excel, ...) and select File >> Print and find an available printer called CUPS-PDF. Print to this printer, and you should find your pdfs in /var/spool/cups-pdf/yourusername/ by default.
*Also, I figured this might be helpful because it helped me: if something gets screwed up in following these directions and you need to start over/get rid of it, in order to remove the driver you need to (1) remove the cups-pdf backend from /usr/libexec/cups/backend (2) remove the cups-pdf.conf from /etc/cups/ (3) Go into System Preferences >> Print & Fax and delete the CUPS-PDF printer.
This is how I successfully set up a pdf backend/filter for myself, however there are more details, and other information on customization contained in the readme file. Hope this helps someone else!
