How to install Visual Studio 2015 in external hard drive - xamarin

I need to install VS15 inside an external hard drive due to c drive memory ran out. I have read this, is actually same problem but the answer provided (create mklink) I not really understand how to work in the correct steps. Does anyone can provide me the steps to install? I tried to install but
1) I able to ran after I install but I need the cross platform Xamarin, so when I wanna modify the updates, it say required memory spaces in both drivers (C: & D:), which is not enough spaces.
2) Is that possible to install the whole VS15 inside the external hard drive?

Your second question is a duplicate question for: How to install Visual Studio 2015 on a different drive.
As for your first question I think you mean to ask whether dependancies for Xamarin (Android SDK, Emulators) can be installed on a external drive - I suppose this is possible. You'd have to install all dependancies (Android NDK/SDK etc.) to your external drive and then configure Visual Studio to use those folders (Tools > Options > Xamarin > Android settings).
Keep in mind this is not ideal, due to the large number of I/O operations that are performed during building things like Android apps, not even taking an emulator into consideration.


Issue installing Microsoft Viual Studio Community edition v2017

I've been trying to install VSCommunity Edition for the last few hours with no luck. If you check the screenshot attached. You'll see that I can change the directories for installation for the first 2 requirements, but im unable to change the directory for the 3rd option (the SDK install along with others) which just happen to be the very large percentage of files. It's wanting to install over 45gb of files on my C Drive which is just a 50gb SSD.
enter image description here
I want to switch to D, and the only thing i can see fro any of the Microsoft help docs and posts is "You can change this upon fresh installation".
Which this is. I've uninstalled anything else remotely like it just to be sure.
Do any of you have any ideas or any experience with this issue, or anything i can try? I simply don't have enough space to install on C, and because of this, i can't start learning c# which is required for work.
Thanks so much in advance guys, it's really getting me worried now.
Although I can only guess why Visual Studio is locking down the SDK path, here's a few workarounds and recommendations:
In your screenshot, the installer warns you about possible performance effects of installing Visual Studio on your D drive. I assume this is because your D drive is not an SSD. Microsoft's Visual Studio system requirements document recommends that you install to an SSD, and based on community experience, this is one recommendation you really want to stick to, otherwise IDE responsiveness may be well below your expectations, especially if you decide to install extensions in future.
Instead, you might want to reconsider the set of components that you're installing. If you're only getting started with C#, you'll probably be just fine with developing class libraries, console and web applications targeting .NET Framework or .NET Core. If this is the case, you might want to go to the Workloads tab in the installer and opt out of some of the heaviest workloads (such as Mobile development with .NET). Consider only installing .NET desktop development, ASP.NET and web development, Azure development and .NET Core cross-platform development. If you only select these, your installation is going to be much slimmer.
If minimizing Visual Studio installation as shown above isn't enough, consider an alternative way of setting up your .NET development environment. For example, you can download and install .NET Core SDK and .NET Core Runtime, and use one of the two most prominent alternative code editors: Visual Studio Code or JetBrains Rider that are both quite compact.

opengl with windows 8

I just installed windows 8 and microsoft visual studio 2012. The problem comes when I try to run a program, it tells me:
the program can't start because glu32.dll is missing from your computer. try reinstalling the program to fix this problem
But I have already placed the glu32.dll in the locations that it should.
The graphics drivers shipping with Windows 8 lack proper OpenGL support. You must download the drivers from your GPU vendors website directly and install those.
Also when manually adding missing DLLs you should not add them to system directories, but into right into the directory of the application's .exe files.

Storing Windows SDKs in source control?

The question is at the end - let me start by posing the context:
One of the problem we are facing at work when using Visual Studio is to make sure that everybody on the team is using the same version of the SDKs.
A typical problem would be to have somebody use a different Direct X SDK version resulting in a different behavior of the code, or somebody upgrading to a more recent Platform/Windows SDK in order to use some new API and having the code fail on other's programmers machines if they still use the previous version.
A way we used to solve the issue for other middleware has been to put the whole set of libraries, include files, tool chains, etc... in our source control system, and have our projects to use these so nobody has to install anything.
We also managed to do that with earlier version of the Direct X SDK, but we always ran into issues with the Windows/Platform SDK due to the close links between the SDK and the toolchain.
Since we now have to support both VS2010 and VS2012, and have to support from Windows XP to Windows 8 targets, we have to support v100, v110 and v110_xp toolsets.
This means that we need all the associated compilers and the corresponding SDKs, both on our developer machines and build systems: This is getting ridiculously costly to maintain, specially considering that random windows updates and .net framework releases routinely tend to break msbuild.
So the question is:
Is it possible to have Visual Studio to use non installed toolsets and SDK and instead having it use whatever is available in some folder out of the normal VS installation locations?
Bonus question: If it is doable, is it possible to do that without having to change any locally installed configuration file on the machine - ie: Have all that in the solution/project or property sheets - so if we change the structure on the source control system we don't have to update every single machine?
Thanks :)
This sounds too complicated, given how complex some of these tool installations are. I would solve this problem by investing in some PowerShell scripts that look at the installed tools and tool paths and "police" the installations. It would be relatively easy to check for installed versions of everything, including patches and updates. You can run those nightly, or as part of a build. Also, you can compare aspects of different installations, such as the tool versions installed on a developer box with your build server.
This would give you 90% of the value for 10% of the pain.
The problems you describe are not solved with your approach. What you actually need is a build server and a definition of done including using binaries built with the build server. You also need a test suite as part of the build definition with some invariants related to the build environment used.

How to show a demo of a WP app on another PC?

I have a small WP app and I need to show a (interactive) demo of it and show its features, to another person who doesn't have any WP-related software installed on his PC.
Is there a super lite version of the WP emulator that the other person can download?
Also, how can I create an installation file of the WP app so that it would be easy for him to install & run ?
Surely he won't need to install the whole SDK, including Visual Studio, right?
To run the emulator you'll need to install the full SDK ( but note that this doesn't require an existing version of Visual Studio.
There is no stand alone installer for just the emulator.
Apps are compiled into XAP files (similar to APK) and the Application Deployment application (installed as part of the SDK) will allow this to be loaded into the emulator. This tool can also be used to load the app into attached, developer unlocked, devices.
In terms of demonstrating an app to someone not familiar with Windows Phone, I've found that getting them to experience it on an emulator is often a sub-par experience and doesn't create the best experience. It's far better to get people to experience applications on actual devices. Alternatively, if it's very early in the application's development it's often better just to capture a video of the application running (from the emulator if fine and normally easier).
He would need to install VS Express with all the requirements that needs (Win8, CPU support for Client Hyper-V).
Emulator works pretty well over Remote Desktop and other remote viewing tech such as Skype, so that's another option.
Ok, i think i've found the needed steps:
send the XAP file from "Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\AppName\Bin\Release\" where "AppName" is the name of the app.
download and install the sdk . not sure if Visual studio is needed.
run "XapDeploy.exe" tool which will allow to run the emulator and install the XAP file into it.
The file is somewhere similar to :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\XAP Deployment
run the app from within the emulator.

Installing and running visual studio executable on an Apple computer

I am debating creating a simple project through Visual Studio on a Windows computer for a couple of my friends. However I know that a couple of them own an Apple computer instead of Windows. I was wondering (before I get to far) if it is possible (without installing other software like Parallels, etc) to install my executable so they can use it along with the supporting database structure (open to anything free or comes with Visual Studio) on their Apple computers?
You won't be able to do that without extra software. However you don't need to run Parallels with a full install of Windows.
You can try CrossOver. It lets you run Windows applications within OS X. I've use it a fair bit to play old PC games from my childhood. Works well.
