I am working on building up my problem-solving approach and came across this problem.
We have N bulbs, randomly turned OFF, and ON. The objective is to turn them ON in minimum toggle iterations.
We have to choose a set of 3 consecutive buttons at a time to toggle them.
Example(1-Bulb ON, 2-Bulb OFF):
00010110 can be turned all ON as
00010110 -> 11110110
11110110 --> 1111000
1111000 --> 1111111
OR mention if It is not possible to turn them all ON.
I can't seem to get started with it.
Can someone please help me share an intuition on how to go about this?
Just need some inputs to get started, Not a complete solution.
Is this a specific category of problem? What is that category called?
I am open to reading material et all.
Can we have some optimization if we genralize the question for K consecutive buttons?
Let's number the bulbs from left to right, as #1 through #n.
Some initial observations:
It only matters which triples you toggle, not what order you toggle them in.
There's never any point in toggling a given triple more than once: toggling it twice is equivalent to not having toggled it even once. Due to the previous point, this is true no matter what other togglings happen in between.
There's only one triple that includes bulb #1: namely, the triple consisting of bulbs #1-3. Therefore, if bulb #1 is initially OFF, then you know you have to toggle that triple.
For any given bulb #i in the range [2, n-2], there's only one triple that contains that bulb without containing the bulb to its left.
Go through each bulb #i in order from #1 to #n.
If the bulb is currently OFF:
If i is less than or equal to n-2:
Toggle bulbs #i to #i+2.
Return "sorry, can't be solved!".
I got to know that on a board of 3x3 box, player 1 should try to make even number of long chains. (long chain is a chain of length 3 or more). source
To summarize: (credit)
I need an even number of chains
I am player one, as an even number of moves has been made, and there are an even number of dots.
(This is known as the chain rule, and anyone who is unfamiliar with it should learn it as it is a key to winning dots and boxes. The number of squares already in chains means the winner of the chains battle in this game wins the majority of the squares by sacrificing two at the end of each of the chains they are given.)
I have been trying to play the game on this site but have been unable to win so far.
Attaching the board configuration when I got an even number of chains and its my turn to move.
What should be my move?
Can you give a winning strategy against the bot on this site?
What am I missing here? It seems to me that even though I got even number of long chains, no matter what move I make I will end up losing.
I didn't follow the YouTube link (readable text preferred) and don't know about the long chains. E.g., shouldn't we treat cycles differently from paths?
Still, in the given position, you can move anywhere on the right, giving the three right squares to your opponent and then taking the remaining six squares after his move.
It's a homework. I have to design and lights out game using backtracking description is below.
The game consists of a 5-by-5 grid of lights; when the game starts, a set of these lights (random, or one of a set of stored puzzle patterns) are switched on. Pressing one of the lights will toggle it, and the four lights adjacent to it, on and off. (Diagonal neighbours are not affected.) The game provides a puzzle: given some initial configuration where some lights are on and some are off, the goal is to switch all the lights off, preferably in
as few button presses as possible.
My approach is go from 1 to 25 and check if all the lights are off or not. If not then I will check for 1 to 24 and so on until I reach 1 or found solution. No if there is no solution then I will start from 2 to 24 and follow the above process till I reach 2 or found solution.
But through this I am not getting the result ? for example light at (0,0) (1,1) (2,2) (3,3) (4,4) are ON?
If any one need code I can post it.
Can any one tell me correct approach using backtracking to solve this game ?
There is a standard algorithm for solving this problem that is based on Gaussian elimination over GF(2). The idea is to set up a matrix representing the button presses a column vector representing the lights and then to use standard matrix simplification techniques to determine which buttons to press. It runs in polynomial time and does not require any backtracking.
I have an implementation of this algorithm that includes a mathematical description of how it works available on my personal site. I hope you find it useful!
Edit: If you are forced to use backtracking, you can use the following facts to do so:
Any solution will never push the same button twice, since doing so would cancel out a previous move.
Any solution either pushes the first button or does not.
Given this approach, you could solve this using backtracking using a simple recursive algorithm that keeps track of the current state of the board and which buttons you've already made decisions about:
If you've decided about each button, then return whether the board is solved or not.
Try pushing the next button and seeing if the board is recursively solvable from there.
If so, return success.
Otherwise, try not pushing the next button and seeing if the board is recursively solvable from there.
If so, return success. If not, return failure.
This will explore a search space of size 225, which is about 32 million. That's big, but not insurmountably big.
Hope this helps!
Backtracking means:
Incrementally build a solution, throwing away impossible solutions.
Here is one approach using the fact that there is locality of inputs and outputs (pressing a button affects square around it).
problem = GIVEN
solutions = [[0],[1]] // array of binary matrix answers (two entries, a zero and a one)
for (problemSize = 1; problemSize <= 5; problemSize++) {
newSolutions = [];
foreach (solutions as oldSolution) {
candidateSolutions = arrayOfNByNMatriciesWithMatrixAtTopLeft(min(5,problemSize+1), oldSolution);
// size of candidateSolutions is 2^((problemSize+1)^2 - problemSize^2)
// except last round candidateSolutions == solutions
foreach (candidateSolutions as candidateSolution) {
candidateProblem = boardFromPressingButtonsInSolution(candidateSolution);
if (compareMatrix(problem, candidateProblem, 0, 0, problemSize, problemSize)==0)
newSolutions[] = candidateSolution;
solutions = newSolutions;
return solutions;
As already suggested, you should first form a set of simultaneous equations.
First thing to note is that a particular light button shall be pressed at most once because it does not make sense to toggle the set of lights twice.
Let Aij = Light ij Toggled { Aij = 0 or 1 }
There shall be 25 such variables.
Now for each of the lights, you can form an equation looking like
summation (Amn) = 0. { Amn = 5 light buttons that toggle the light mn }
So you will have 25 variables and 25 unknowns. You can solve these equations simultaneously.
If you need to solve it using backtracking or recursion you can solve the equations that way. Just assume an initial value of variables, see if they satisfy all the equations. If not, then back track.
The Naive Solution
First, you're going to need a way to represent the state of the board and a stack to store all of the states. At each step, make a copy of the board, changed to the new state. Compare that state to all states of the board you've encountered so far. If you haven't seen it, push that state on top of the stack and move on to the next move. If you have seen it, try the next move. Each level will have to try all possible 64 moves before popping the state from the stack (backtracking). You will want to use recursion to manage the state of the next move to check.
There are at most 264 possible board configurations, meaning you could potentially go on a very long chain of unique states and still run out of memory. (For reference, 1 GB is 230 bytes and you need a minimum of 8 bytes to store the board configuration) This algorithm is not likely to terminate in the lifetime of the known universe.
You need to do something clever to reduce your search space...
Greedy-First Search
You can do better by searching the states that are closest to the solved configuration first. At each step, sort the possible moves in order from most lights off to least lights off. Iterate in that order. This should work reasonably well but is not guaranteed to get the optimal solution.
Not All Lights-Out Puzzles Are Solvable
No matter what algorithm you use, there may not be a solution, meaning you might search forever (or several trillion years, at least) without finding a solution.
You will want to check the board for solvability (which is a much faster algorithm as it turns out) before wasting any time trying to find a solution.
I'm currently developing a card game using Actionscript 3, and I was wondering how to be sure that there at least one win possibility.
The game has similar gameplay to this one :
Player has to play a card that matchs the previous or the next value of the presented cards.
I tried different methods, but still not satisfied.
What I wanted to know, is how to be sure that in the hidden cards, there is at least one winning game, and so the player will have the possibility to win.
Given all the cards are pre-placed, you can do the following:
Get a clear board. Pair up your set of cards, to get a set of pairs
Get one pair out of remaining set of pairs. If set is empty, provide filled board as the algorithm result.
Place both cards into your board to the next available positions, so that both places are available to pickup in the gameplay phase. If no places are available, this means you've placed previous pair(s) wrongly, so you have to retrack - pop state from stack, attempt another placement at that state.
Push state to stack.
Go to 2.
The trick is, you start with a board being won, and add a layer (a pair) so that removing this pair will lead to a winnable condition, by state sequence construction. Apparently, you can add random pairs to random available locations in your pyramid, and occasionally the random will be so that, for example, the last 2 places will not be both available to pick up during actual gameplay, and this is a situation to retract previous placement, maybe not just one. You can remedy this situation by giving depth value to grid spaces, and if max depth of free spaces equals the number of unplaced pairs, the deepest places are occupied instead of random.
If your game involves playing one card at a time, then an additional check should be performed at picking the next card - if the remaining set of cards becomes unconnected, e.g. you've picked all the 4's and there are both 3's and 5's left in unpicked set. This means you have to retract to select another card at previous stage. An algorithm can be like this:
Prepare empty grid, prepare set of cards to place.
Recursion entry point. If passed -1 (first time), select a full set of available cards. If not the first time, select a set of valid cards based on previously selected one (e.g. there was a 4, select all 3's, select all 5's, select all 4's if allowed). Shuffle the set.
If the set is empty, and all available cards set is also empty, return from recursion with true, otherwise return false.
Select next card from the set. If none remain, fall back out of recursion with failure.
Check if removal of current card discontinues the remaining set of unplaced cards. If yes, go to 3.
Select an empty available place in the grid, place selected card there.
Enter recursion (save state, go to 2) with current card's value, updated grid and reduced set of unplaced cards.
If recursion result is false, retract action in 5, and go to 3. If true, leave recursion with true.
Okay, I'm gonna be as detailed as possible here.
Imagine the user goes through a set of 'options' he can choose. Every time he chooses, he get, say, 4 different options. There are many more options that can appear in those 4 'slots'. Each of those has a certain definite and known probability of appearing. Not all options are equally probable to appear, and some options require others to have already been selected previously - in a complex interdependence tree. (this I have already defined)
When the user chooses one of the 4, he is presented another choice of 4 options. The pool of options is defined again and can depend on what the user has chosen previously.
Among all possible 'options' that can ever appear, there are a certain select few which are special, call them KEY options.
When the program starts, the user is presented the first 4 options. For every one of those 4, the program needs to compute the total probability that the user will 'achieve' all the KEY options in a period of (variable) N choices.
e.g. if there are 4 options altogether the probability of achieving any one of them is exactly 1 since all of them appear right at the beginning.
If anyone can advise me as to what logic i should start with, I'd be very grateful.
I was thinking of counting all possible choice sequences, and counting the ones resulting in KEY options being chosen within N 'steps', but the problem is the probability is not uniform for all of them to appear, and also the pool of options changes as the user chooses and accumulates his options.
I'm having difficulty implementing the well defined probabilities and dependencies of the options into an algorithm that can give sensible total probability. So the user knows each time which of the 4 puts him in the best position to eventually acquire the KEY options.
Any ideas?
here's an example:
say there are 7 options in the pool. option1, ..., option7
option7 requires option6; option6 requires option4 and option5;
option1 thru 5 dont require anything and can appear immediately, with respective probabilities option1.p, ..., option5.p;
the KEY option is, say, option7;
user gets 4 randomly (but weighted) chosen options among 1-5, and the program needs to say something like:
"if you choose (first), you have ##% chance of getting option7 in at most N tries." analogous for the other 3 options.
naturally, for some low N it is impossible to get option7, and for some large N it is certain. N can be chosen but is fixed.
EDIT: So, the point here is NOT the user chooses randomly. Point is - the program suggests which option to choose, as to maximize the probability that eventually, after N steps, the user will be offered all key options.
For the above example; say we choose N = 4. so the program needs to tell us which of the first 4 options that appeared (any 4 among option1-5), which one, when chosen, yields the best chance of obtaining option7. since for option7 you need option6, and for that you need option4 and option5, it is clear that you MUST select either option4 or option5 on the first set of choices. one of them is certain to appear, of course.
Let's say we get this for the first choice {option3, option5, option2, option4}. The program then says:
if you chose option3, you'll never get option7 in 4 steps. p = 0;
if you chose option5, you might get option7, p=....;
... option2, p = 0;
... option4, p = ...;
Whatever we choose, for the next 4 options, the p's are re calculated. Clearly, if we chose option3 or option2, every further choice has exactly 0 probability of getting us to option7. But for option4 and option5, p > 0;
Is it clearer now? I don't know how to getting these probabilities p.
This sounds like a moderately fiddly Markov chain type problem. Create a node for every state; a state has no history, and is just dependent on the possible paths out of it (each weighted with some probability). You put a probability on each node, the chance that the user is in that state, so, for the first step, there will be a 1 his starting node, 0 everywhere else. Then, according to which nodes are adjacent and the chances of getting to them, you iterate to the next step by updating the probabilities on each vertex. So, you can calculate easily which states the user could land on in, say, 15 steps, and the associated probabilities. If you are interested in asymptotic behaviour (what would happen if he could play forever), you make a big pile of linear simultaneous equations and just solve them directly or using some tricks if your tree or graph has a neat form. You often end up with cyclical solutions, where the user could get stuck in a loop, and so on.
If you think the user selects the options at random, and he is always presented the same distribution of options at a node, you model this as a random walk on a graph. There was a recent nice post on calculating terminating probabilities of a particular random walks on the mathematica blog.
Regardless of the layout being used for the tiles, is there any good way to divvy out the tiles so that you can guarantee the user that, at the beginning of the game, there exists at least one path to completing the puzzle and winning the game?
Obviously, depending on the user's moves, they can cut themselves off from winning. I just want to be able to always tell the user that the puzzle is winnable if they play well.
If you randomly place tiles at the beginning of the game, it's possible that the user could make a few moves and not be able to do any more. The knowledge that a puzzle is at least solvable should make it more fun to play.
Place all the tiles in reverse (ie layout out the board starting in the middle, working out)
To tease the player further, you could do it visibly but at very high speed.
Play the game in reverse.
Randomly lay out pieces pair by pair, in places where you could slide them into the heap. You'll need a way to know where you're allowed to place pieces in order to end up with a heap that matches some preset pattern, but you'd need that anyway.
I know this is an old question, but I came across this when solving the problem myself. None of the answers here are quite perfect, and several of them have complicated caveats or will break on pathological layouts. Here is my solution:
Solve the board (forward, not backward) with unmarked tiles. Remove two free tiles at a time. Push each pair you remove onto a "matched pair" stack. Often, this is all you need to do.
If you run into a dead end (numFreeTiles == 1), just reset your generator :) I have found I usually don't hit dead ends, and have so far have a max retry count of 3 for the 10-or-so layouts I have tried. Once I hit 8 retries, I give up and just randomly assign the rest of the tiles. This allows me to use the same generator for both setting up the board, and the shuffle feature, even if the player screwed up and made a 100% unsolvable state.
Another solution when you hit a dead end is to back out (pop off the stack, replacing tiles on the board) until you can take a different path. Take a different path by making sure you match pairs that will remove the original blocking tile.
Unfortunately, depending on the board, this may loop forever. If you end up removing a pair that resembles a "no outlet" road, where all subsequent "roads" are a dead end, and there are multiple dead ends, your algorithm will never complete. I don't know if it is possible to design a board where this would be the case, but if so, there is still a solution.
To solve that bigger problem, treat each possible board state as a node in a DAG, with each selected pair being an edge on that graph. Do a random traversal, until you find a leaf node at depth 72. Keep track of your traversal history so that you never repeat a descent.
Since dead ends are more rare than first-try solutions in the layouts I have used, what immediately comes to mind is a hybrid solution. First try to solve it with minimal memory (store selected pairs on your stack). Once you've hit the first dead end, degrade to doing full marking/edge generation when visiting each node (lazy evaluation where possible).
I've done very little study of graph theory, though, so maybe there's a better solution to the DAG random traversal/search problem :)
Edit: You actually could use any of my solutions w/ generating the board in reverse, ala the Oct 13th 2008 post. You still have the same caveats, because you can still end up with dead ends. Generating a board in reverse has more complicated rules, though. E.g, you are guaranteed to fail your setup if you don't start at least SOME of your rows w/ the first piece in the middle, such as in a layout w/ 1 long row. Picking a completely random (legal) first move in a forward-solving generator is more likely to lead to a solvable board.
The only thing I've been able to come up with is to place the tiles down in matching pairs as kind of a reverse Mahjong Solitaire game. So, at any point during the tile placement, the board should look like it's in the middle of a real game (ie no tiles floating 3 layers up above other tiles).
If the tiles are place in matching pairs in a reverse game, it should always result in at least one forward path to solve the game.
I'd love to hear other ideas.
I believe the best answer has already been pushed up: creating a set by solving it "in reverse" - i.e. starting with a blank board, then adding a pair somewhere, add another pair in a solvable position, and so on...
If you a prefer "Big Bang" approach (generating the whole set randomly at the beginning), are a very macho developer or just feel masochistic today, you could represent all the pairs you can take out from the given set and how they depend on each other via a directed graph.
From there, you'd only have to get the transitive closure of that set and determine if there's at least one path from at least one of the initial legal pairs that leads to the desired end (no tile pairs left).
Implementing this solution is left as an exercise to the reader :D
Here are rules i used in my implementation.
When buildingheap, for each fret in a pair separately, find a cells (places), which are:
has all cells at lower levels already filled
place for second fret does not block first, considering if first fret already put onboard
both places are "at edges" of already built heap:
EITHER has at least one neighbour at left or right side
OR it is first fret in a row (all cells at right and left are recursively free)
These rules does not guarantee a build will always successful - it sometimes leave last 2 free cells self-blocking, and build should be retried (or at least last few frets)
In practice, "turtle" built in no more then 6 retries.
Most of existed games seems to restrict putting first ("first on row") frets somewhere in a middle. This come up with more convenient configurations, when there are no frets at edges of very long rows, staying up until last player moves. However, "middle" is different for different configurations.
Good luck :)
If you've found algo that build solvable heap in one turn - please let me know.
You have 144 tiles in the game, each of the 144 tiles has a block list..
(top tile on stack has an empty block list)
All valid moves require that their "current__vertical_Block_list" be empty.. this can be a 144x144 matrix so 20k of memory plus a LEFT and RIGHT block list, also 20 k each.
Generate a valid move table from (remaning_tiles) AND ((empty CURRENT VERTICAL BLOCK LIST) and ((empty CURRENT LEFT BLOCK LIST) OR (empty CURRENT RIGHT BLOCK LIST)))
Pick 2 random tiles from the valid move table, record them
Update the (current tables Vert, left and right), record the Tiles removed to a stack
Now we have a list of moves that constitute a valid game. Assign matching tile types to each of the 72 moves.
for challenging games, track when each tile becomes available. find sets that have are (early early early late) and (late late late early) since it's blank, you find 1 EE 1 LL and 2 LE blocks.. of the 2 LE block, find an EARLY that blocks ANY other EARLY that (except rightblocking a left side piece)
Once youve got a valid game play around with the ordering.
Solitaire? Just a guess, but I would assume that your computer would need to beat the game(or close to it) to determine this.
Another option might be to have several preset layouts(that allow winning, mixed in with your current level.
To some degree you could try making sure that one of the 4 tiles is no more than X layers below another X.
Most games I see have the shuffle command for when someone gets stuck.
I would try a mix of things and see what works best.