Dots and boxes, even chains for 1st player, suggest move - algorithm

I got to know that on a board of 3x3 box, player 1 should try to make even number of long chains. (long chain is a chain of length 3 or more). source
To summarize: (credit)
I need an even number of chains
I am player one, as an even number of moves has been made, and there are an even number of dots.
(This is known as the chain rule, and anyone who is unfamiliar with it should learn it as it is a key to winning dots and boxes. The number of squares already in chains means the winner of the chains battle in this game wins the majority of the squares by sacrificing two at the end of each of the chains they are given.)
I have been trying to play the game on this site but have been unable to win so far.
Attaching the board configuration when I got an even number of chains and its my turn to move.
What should be my move?
Can you give a winning strategy against the bot on this site?
What am I missing here? It seems to me that even though I got even number of long chains, no matter what move I make I will end up losing.

I didn't follow the YouTube link (readable text preferred) and don't know about the long chains. E.g., shouldn't we treat cycles differently from paths?
Still, in the given position, you can move anywhere on the right, giving the three right squares to your opponent and then taking the remaining six squares after his move.


Can two groups of N people find each other around a circle? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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This is an algorithmic problem and I'm not sure it has a solution. I think it's a specific case of a more generic computer science problem that has no solution but I'd rather not disclose which one to avoid planting biases. It came up from a real life situation in which mobile phones were out of credit and thus, we didn't have long range communications.
Two groups of people, each with 2 people (but it might be true for N people) arranged to meet at the center of a park but at the time of meeting, the park is closed. Now, they'll have to meet somewhere else around the park. Is there an algorithm each and every single individual could follow to converge all in one point?
For example, if each group splits in two and goes around and when they find another person keep on going with that person, they would all converge on the other side of the park. But if the other group does the same, then, they wouldn't be able to take the found members of the other group with them. This is not a possible solution.
I'm not sure if I explained well enough. I can try to draw a diagram.
Deterministic Solution for N > 1, K > 1
For N groups of K people each.
Since the problem is based on people whose mobile phones are out of credit, let's assume that each person in each group has their own phone. If that's not acceptable, then substitute the phone with a credit card, social security, driver's license, or any other item with numerical identification that is guaranteed to be unique.
In each group, each person must remember the highest number among that group, and the person with the highest number (labeled leader) must travel clockwise around the perimeter while the rest of the group stays put.
After the leader of each group meets the next group, they compare their number with the group's previous leader number.
If the leader's number is higher than the group's previous leader's number, then the leader and the group all continue along the perimeter of the park. If the group's previous leader's number is higher, then they all stay put.
Eventually the leader with the highest number will continue around the entire perimeter exactly 1 rotation, collecting the entire group.
Deterministic solution for N > 1, K = 1 (with one reasonable assumption of knowledge ahead-of-time)
In this case, each group only contains one person. Let's assume that the number used is a phone number, because it is then reasonable to also assume that at least one pair of people will know each other's numbers and so one of them will stay put.
For N = 2, this becomes trivially reduced to one person staying put and the other person going around clockwise.
For other cases, the fact that at least two people will initially know each other's numbers will effectively increase the maximum K to at least 2 (because the person or people who stay put will continue to stay put if the person they know has a higher number than the leader who shows up to meet them), but we still have to introduce one more step to the algorithm to make sure it will terminate.
The extra step is that if a leader has continued around the perimeter for exactly one rotation without adding anyone to the group, then the leader must leave their group behind and start over for one more rotation around the perimeter. This means that a leader with no group will continue indefinitely until they find someone else, which is good.
With this extra step, it is easy to see why we have to assume that at least one pair of people need to know each other's phone numbers ahead of time, because then we can guarantee that the person who stays put will eventually accumulate the entire group.
Feel free to leave comments or suggestions to improve the algorithm I've laid out or challenge me if you think I missed an edge case. If not, then I hope you liked my answer.
For fun, I decided to write a visual demo of my solutions to the problem using d3. Feel free to play around with the parameters and restart the simulation with any initial state. Here's the link:
black - leader
white - follower
when clicked
blue - selected person
green - known by selected person
red - unknown by selected person
Note that collaboration occurs at the start of every step, so if two groups just combined in the current step, most people won't know the people from the opposite group until after the next step is invoked.
They should move towards the northernmost point of the park.
I'd send both groups in a random direction. If they went a half circle without meeting the other group, rerandomize the directions. This will make them meet in a few rounds most of the time, however there is an infinitely small chance that they still never meet.
It is not possible with a deterministic algorithm if
• we have to meet at some point on the perimeter,
• we are unable to distinguish points on the perimeter (or the algorithm is not allowed to use such a distinction),
• we are unable to distinguish individuals in the groups (or the algorithm is not allowed to use such a distinction),
• the perimeter is circular (see below for a more general case),
• we all follow the same algorithm, and
• the initial points may be anywhere on the perimeter.
Proof: With a deterministic algorithm we can deduce the final positions from the initial positions, but the groups could start evenly spaced around the perimeter, in which case the problem has rotational symmetry and so the solution will be unchanged by a 1/n rotation, which however has no fixed point on the perimeter.
Status of assumptions
Dropping various assumptions leads, as others have observed to various solutions:
Non-deterministic: As others have observed, various non-deterministic algorithms do provide a solution whose probability of termination tends to certainty as time tends to infinity; I suspect almost any random walk would do. (Many answers)
Points indistinguishable: Agree on a fixed point at which to meet if needed: flyx’s answer.
Individuals indistinguishable: If there is a perfect hash algorithm, choose those with the lowest hash to collect others: Patrick Roberts’s solution.
Same algorithm: Choose one in advance to collect the others (adapting Patrick Roberts’s solution).
Other assumptions can be weakened:
Non-circular perimeter: The condition that the perimeter be circular is rather artificial, but if the perimeter is topologically equivalent to a circle, this equivalence can be used to convert any solution to a solution to the circle problem.
Unrestricted initial points: Even if the initial points cannot be evenly spaced, as long as some points are distinct, a topological equivalence (as for a non-circular perimeter) reduces a solution to a solution to the circular case, showing that no solution can exist.
I think this question really belongs on Computer Science Stack Exchange.
This question heavily depends on what kind of operations do we have and what do you consider your environment looks like. I asked your this questions with no reply, so here is my interpretation:
The park is a 2d space, 2 groups are located randomly, each group has the same right/left (both are facing the park). Both have the same operations are programmed to do absolutely the same things (nothing like I go right, and you go left, because this makes the problem obvious). So the operations are: Go right/left/stop for x units of time. They can also figure out that they passed through their original position (the one in which they started). And they can be programmed in a loop.
If you have an ability to use randomness - everything is simple. You can come up with many solutions. For example: with probability 0.5 each of them decide to that they will either do 3 steps right and wait. Or one step right and wait. If you will do this operation in a loop and they will select different options, then clearly they will meet (one is faster than the other, so he will reach a slower person). If they both select the same operation, than they will make a circle and both reach their starting positions. In this case roll the dice one more time. After N circles the probability that they will meet will be 1 - 0.5^n (which approaches 1 very fast)
Surprisingly, there is a way to do it! But first we have to define our terms and assumptions.
We have N=2 "teams" of K=2 "agents" apiece. Each "agent" is running the same program. They can't tell north from south, but they can tell clockwise from counterclockwise. Agents in the same place can talk to each other; agents in different places can't.
Your suggested partial answer was: "If each group splits in two and goes around and when they find another person keep on going with that person, they would all converge on the other side of the park..." This implies that our agents have some (magic, axiomatic) face-to-face decision protocol, such that if Alice and Bob are on the same team and wake up at the same point on the circle, they can (magically, axiomatically) decide amongst themselves that Alice will head clockwise and Bob will head counterclockwise (as opposed to Alice and Bob always heading in exactly the same direction because by definition they react exactly the same way to the situation they're identically in).
One way to implement this magic decision protocol is to give each agent a personal random number generator. Whenever 2 or more agents are gathered at a certain point, they all roll a million-sided die, and whichever one rolls highest is acknowledged as the leader. So in your partial solution, Alice and Bob could each roll: whoever rolls higher (the "leader") goes clockwise and sends the other agent (the "follower") counterclockwise.
Okay, having solved the "how do our agents make decisions" issue, let's solve the actual puzzle!
Suppose our teams are (Alice and Bob) and (Carl and Dave). Alice and Carl are the initially elected leaders.
Step 1: Each team rolls a million-sided die to generate a random number. The semantics of this number are "The team with the higher number is the Master Team," but of course neither team knows right now who's got the higher number. But Alice and Bob both know that their number is let's say 424202, and Carl and Dave both know that their number is 373287.
Step 2: Each team sends its leader around the circle clockwise, while the follower stays stationary. Each leader stops moving when he gets to where the other team's follower is waiting. So now at one point on the circle we have Alice and Dave, and at the other point we have Carl and Bob.
Step 3: Alice and Dave compare numbers and realize that Alice's team is the Master Team. Likewise, Bob and Carl compare numbers and realize that Bob's team is the Master Team.
Step 4: Alice being the leader of the Master Team, she takes Dave with her clockwise around the circle. Bob and Carl (being a follower and a leader of a non-master team respectively) just stay put. When Alice and Dave reach Bob and Carl, the problem is solved!
Notice that Step 1 requires that both teams roll a million-sided die in isolation; if during Step 3 everyone realizes that there was a tie, they'll just have to backtrack and try again. Therefore this solution is still probabilistic... but you can make its expected time arbitrarily small by just replacing everyone's million-sided dice with trillion-sided, quintillion-sided, bazillion-sided... dice.
The general strategy here is to impose a pecking order on all N×K agents, and then bounce them around the circle until everyone is aware of the pecking order; then the top pecker can just sweep around the circle and pick everyone up.
Imposing a pecking order can be done by using the agents' personal random number generators.
The protocol for K>2 agents per team is identical to the K=2 case: you just glom all the followers together in Step 1. Alice (the leader) goes clockwise while Bobneric (the followers) stay still; and so on.
The protocol for K=1 agents per team is... well, it's impossible, because no matter what you do, you can't deterministically ensure that anyone will ever encounter another agent. You need a way for the agents to ensure, without communicating at all, that they won't all just circle clockwise around the park forever.
One thing that would help with (but not technically solve) the K=1 case would be to consider the relative speeds of the agents. You might be familiar with Floyd's "Tortoise and Hare" algorithm for finding a loop in a linked list. Well, if the agents are allowed to move at non-identical speeds, then you could certainly do a "continuous, multi-hare" version of that algorithm:
Step 1: Each agent rolls a million-sided die to generate a random number S, and starts running clockwise around the park at speed S.
Step 2: Whenever one agent catches up to another, both agents glom together and start running clockwise at a new random speed.
Step 3: Eventually, assuming that nobody picked exactly the same random speeds, everyone will have met up.
This protocol requires that Alice and Carl not roll identical numbers on their million-sided dice even when they are across the park from each other. IMHO, this is a very different assumption from the other protocol's assuming that Alice and Bob could roll different numbers on their million-sided dice when they were in the same place. With K=1, we're never guaranteed that two agents will ever be in the same place.
Anyway, I hope this helps. The solution for N>2 teams is left as an exercise for the reader, but my intuition is that it'll be easy to reduce the N>2 case to the N=2 case.
Each group sends out a scout with the remaining group members remaining stationary. Each group remembers the name of their scout. The scouts circle around clockwise, and whenever he meets a group, they compare names of their scouts:
If scout's name is earlier alphabetically: group follows him.
If scout's name is later: he joins the group and gives up his initial group identity.
By the time the lowest named scout makes it back the his starting location, everyone who hasn't stopped at his initial location should be following him.
There are some solutions here that to me are unsatisfactory since they require the two teams to agree a strategy in advance and all follow the same deterministic or probabilistic rules. If you had the opportunity to agree in advance what rules you're all going to follow, then as flyx points out you could just have agreed a backup meeting point. Restrictions that prevent the advance choice of a particular place or a particular leader are standard in the context of some problems with computer networks but distinctly un-natural for four friends planning to meet up. Therefore I will frame a strategy from the POV of only one team, assuming that there has been no prior discussion of the scenario between the two teams.
Note that it is not possible to be robust in the face of any strategy from the other team. The other team can always force a stalemate simply by adopting some pattern of movement that ensures those two will never meet again.
One of you sets out walking around the park. The other stands still, let us say at position X. This ensures that: (a) you will meet each other periodically at X, let us say every T seconds; and (b) for each member of the other team, no matter how they move around the perimeter of the park they must encounter at least one of your team at least every T seconds.
Now you have communication among all members of both groups, and (given sufficient time and passing-on of messages from one person to another) the problem resolves to the same problem as if your mobile phones were working. Choosing a leader by random number is one way to solve it as others have suggested. Note that there are still two issues: the first is a two-generals problem with communication, and I suppose you might feel that a mobile phone conversation allows for the generation of common knowledge whereas these relayed notes do not. The second is the possibility that the other team refuses to co-operate and you cannot agree a meeting point no matter what.
Notwithstanding the above problems, the question supposes that if they had communication that the groups would be able to agree a meeting-point. You have communication: agree a meeting point!
As for how to agree a meeting point, I think it requires some appeal to reason or good intention on the part of the other team. If they are due to meet again, then they will be very reluctant to take any action that results in them breaking their commitment to their partner. Therefore suggest to them both that after their next meeting, when all commitments can be forgiven, they proceed together to X by the shortest route. Listen to their counter-proposal and try to find some common solution.
To help reach a solution, you could pre-agree with your team-mate some variations you'd be willing to make to your plan, provided that they remain within some restrictions that ensure you will meet your team-mate again. For example, if the stationary team-mate agrees that they could be persuaded to set out clockwise, and the moving team-mate sets out anti-clockwise and agrees that they can be persuaded to do something different but not to cross point X in a clockwise direction, then you're guaranteed to meet again and so you can accept certain suggestions from the other team.
Just as an example, if a team following this strategy meets a team (unwisely) following your strategy, then one of my team will agree to go along with the one of your team they meet, and the other will refuse (since it would require them to make the forbidden movement above). This means that when your team meet together, they'll have one of my team with them for a group of three. The loose member of my team is on a collision course with that group of three provided your team doesn't do anything perverse.
I think forming any group of three is a win, so each member should do anything they can to attend a meeting of the other team, subject to the constraints they agreed to guarantee they'll meet up with their own team member again. A group of 3, once formed, should follow whatever agreement is in place to meet the loose member (and if the team of two contained within that 3 refuses to do this then they're saboteurs, there is no good reason for them to refuse). Within these restrictions, any kind of symmetry-breaking will allow the team following these principles to persuade/follow the other team into a 3-way and then a 4-way meeting.
In general some symmetry-breaking is required, if only because both teams might be following my strategy and therefore both have a stationary member at different points.
Assume the park is a circle. (for the sake of clarity)
Group A
Person A.1
Person A.2
Group B
Person B.1
Person B.2
We (group A) are currently at the bottom of the circle (90 degrees). We agree to go towards 0 degrees in opposite directions. I'm person A.1 and I go clockwise. I send Person A.2. counterclockwise.
In any possible scenario (B splits, B doesn't split, B has the same scheme, B has some elaborate scheme), each group might have conflicting information. So unless Group A has a gun to force Group B into submission, the new groups might make conflicting choices upon meeting.
Say for instance, A.1. meets B.1, and A.2. meets B.2. What do we (A.1 and B.1) do if B has the same scheme? Since the new groups can't know what the other group decides (whether to go with A's scheme, or B's scheme), each group might make different decision.
And we'll end up where we started... (i.e. two people at 0 degrees, and two people at 90 degrees). Let's call this checkpoint "First Iteration".
We might account for this and say that we'll come up with a scheme for the "Second Iteration". But then the same thing happens again. And for the third iteration, fourth iteration, ad infinitum.
Each iteration has a 50% chance of not working out.
Which means that after x iterations, your chances of not meeting up at a common point are at most 1-(0.5^x)
N.B. I thought about a bunch of scenarios, such as Group A agreeing to come back to their initial point, and communicating with each other what Group B plans to do. But no cigar, turns out even with very clever schemes the conflicting information issue always arises.
An interesting problem indeed. I'd like to suggest my version of the solution:
0 Every group picks a leader.
1: Leader and followers go opposite directions
2: They meet other group leaders or followers
3: They keep going the same direction as before, 90 degrees magnitude
4: By this time, all groups have made a half-circle around the perimeter, and invariably have met leaders again, theirs, or others'.
5: All Leaders change the next step direction to that of the followers around,and order them to follow.
6: Units from all groups meet at one point.
Refer to the attached file for an in-depth explanation. You will need MS Office Powerpoint 2007 or newer to view it. In case you don't have one, use pptx. viewer (Powerpoint viewer) as a free alternative.
Animated Solution (.pptx)
EDIT: I made a typo in the first slide. It reads "Yellow and red are selected", while it must be "Blue and red" instead.
Each group will split in two parts, and each part will go around the circle in the opposite direction (clockwise and counterclockwise).
Before they start, they choose some kind of random number (in a range large enough so that there is no possibility for two groups to have the same number... or a Guid in computer science : globally unique identifier). So one unique number per group.
If people of the same group meet first (the two parts meet), they are alone, so probably the other groups (if any) gave up.
If two groups meet : they follow the rule that say the biggest number leads the way. So when they meet they continue in the direction that had people with the biggest number.
At the end, the direction of the biggest number will lead them all to one point.
If they have no computer to choose this number, each group could use the full names of the people of the group merged together.
Edit : sorry I just see that this is very close to Patrick Roberts' solution
Another edit : what if each group has its own deterministic strategy ?
In the solution above, all works well if all the groups have the same strategy. But in a real life problem this is not the case (as they cant communicate).
If one group has a deterministic strategy and the others have none, they can agree to follow the deterministic approach and all is ok.
But if two groups have deterministic approaches (simply for instance, the same as above, but one group uses the biggest number and the other group follows the lowest number).
Is there a solution to that ?

How to run MCTS on a highly non-deterministic system?

I'm trying to implement a MCTS algorithm for the AI of a small game. The game is a rpg-simulation. The AI should decides what moves to play in battle. It's a turn base battle (FF6-7 style). There is no movement involved.
I won't go into details but we can safely assume that we know with certainty what move will chose the player in any given situation when it is its turn to play.
Games end-up when one party has no unit alive (4v4). It can take any number of turn (may also never end). There is a lot of RNG element in the damage computation & skill processing (attacks can hit/miss, crit or not, there is a lots of procs going on that can "proc" or not, buffs can have % value to happens ect...).
Units have around 6 skills each to give an idea of the branching factor.
I've build-up a preliminary version of the MCTS that gives poor results for now. I'm having trouble with a few things :
One of my main issue is how to handle the non-deterministic states of my moves. I've read a few papers about this but I'm still in the dark.
Some suggest determinizing the game information and run a MCTS tree on that, repeat the process N times to cover a broad range of possible game states and use that information to take your final decision. In the end, it does multiply by a huge factor our computing time since we have to compute N times a MCTS tree instead of one. I cannot rely on that since over the course of a fight I've got thousands of RNG element : 2^1000 MCTS tree to compute where i already struggle with one is not an option :)
I had the idea of adding X children for the same move but it does not seems to be leading to a good answer either. It smooth the RNG curve a bit but can shift it in the opposite direction if the value of X is too big/small compared to the percentage of a particular RNG. And since I got multiple RNG par move (hit change, crit chance, percentage to proc something etc...) I cannot find a decent value of X that satisfies every cases. More of a badband-aid than anythign else.
Likewise adding 1 node per RNG tuple {hit or miss ,crit or not,proc1 or not,proc2 or not,etc...} for each move should cover every possible situations but has some heavy drawbacks : with 5 RNG mecanisms only that means 2^5 node to consider for each move, it is way too much to compute. If we manage to create them all, we could assign them a probability ( linked to the probability of each RNG element in the node's tuple) and use that probability during our selection phase. This should work overall but be really hard on the cpu :/
I also cannot "merge" them in one single node since I've got no way of averaging the player/monsters stat's value accuractely based on two different game state and averaging the move's result during the move processing itself is doable but requieres a lot of simplifcation that are a pain to code and will hurt our accuracy really fast anyway.
Do you have any ideas how to approach this problem ?
Some other aspects of the algorithm are eluding me:
I cannot do a full playout untill a end state because A) It would take a lot of my computing time and B) Some battle may never ends (by design). I've got 2 solutions (that i can mix)
- Do a random playout for X turns
- Use an evaluation function to try and score the situation.
Even if I consider only health point to evaluate I'm failing to find a good evaluation function to return a reliable value for a given situation (between 1-4 units for the player and the same for the monsters ; I know their hp current/max value). What bothers me is that the fights can vary greatly in length / disparity of powers. That means that sometimes a 0.01% change in Hp matters (for a long game vs a boss for example) and sometimes it is just insignificant (when the player farm a low lvl zone compared to him).
The disparity of power and Hp variance between fights means that my Biais parameter in the UCB selection process is hard to fix. i'm currently using something very low, like 0.03. Anything > 0.1 and the exploration factor is so high that my tree is constructed depth by depth :/
For now I'm also using a biaised way to choose move during my simulation phase : it select the move that the player would choose in the situation and random ones for the AI, leading to a simulation biaised in favor of the player. I've tried using a pure random one for both, but it seems to give worse results. Do you think having a biaised simulation phase works against the purpose of the alogorithm? I'm inclined to think it would just give a pessimistic view to the AI and would not impact the end result too much. Maybe I'm wrong thought.
Any help is welcome :)
I think this question is way too broad for StackOverflow, but I'll give you some thoughts:
Using stochastic or probability in tree searches is usually called expectimax searches. You can find a good summary and pseudo-code for Expectimax Approximation with Monte-Carlo Tree Search in chapter 4, but I would recommend using a normal minimax tree search with the expectimax extension. There are a few modifications like Star1, Star2 and Star2.5 for a better runtime (similiar to alpha-beta pruning).
It boils down to not only having decision nodes, but also chance nodes. The probability of each possible outcome should be known and the expected value of each node is multiplied with its probability to know its real expected value.
2^5 nodes per move is high, but not impossibly high, especially for low number of moves and a shallow search. Even a 1-3 depth search shoulld give you some results. In my tetris AI, there are ~30 different possible moves to consider and I calculate the result of three following pieces (for each possible) to select my move. This is done in 2 seconds. I'm sure you have much more time for calculation since you're waiting for user input.
If you know what move the player is obvious, shouldn't it also obvious for your AI?
You don't need to consider a single value (hp), you can have several factors that are weighted different to calculate the expected value. If I come back to my tetris AI, there are 7 factors (bumpiness, highest piece, number of holes, ...) that are calculated, weighted and added together. To get the weights, you could use different methods, I used a genetic algorithm to find the combination of weights that resulted in most lines cleared.

Is there a way to avoid unnecessary recursion?

I posted this question over at CodeReview, but I came to realize that it's not so much a Haskell question as it is an algorithm question.
The Haskell code can be found on my github repo but I think the code isn't as important as the general concept.
Basically the program figures out the optimal first set of moves in a game of Kalaha (the Swedish variation). Only the first "turn" is considered, so we assume that you get to start and that anything from the point of the opponent getting to move is not computed.
Kalaha board
The board starts off with empty stores and a equal amount of marbles in each pot.
You start your turn by choosing a non-empty pot on your side, pick all of the marbles up from that pot and then move around the board by dropping one marble when passing a pot. If your last marble lands in the store, you get another turn. If you land in a non-empty, non-store pot, you pick up all of the contents of that pot and continue. Finally, if you land in an empty pot, the turn is passed to the opponent.
So far I've solved this by picking all possible paths and then sorting them according to the amount of marbles in the store by the end. A path would mean to start from one of your pots, do all the necessary pick-up-and-move-around and see if you either land in a store or in an empty pot. If you land in the store you get to continue, and now there are as many new branches as there are non-empty pots on your side.
The problem lies in the fact that if you start with five marbles in the pots, it's already quite a few paths. Jump up to six and ghci runs out of memory.
The reason I can't figure out how to make this less expensive is because I think that each path is necessary during computation. While I'll only need at most three paths (the best ones) out of the thousands (or millions) generated, the rest need to be run through to see if they're actually better than the previous ones.
If one is longer (generally better) then that's good but costly. If it's shorter than any previous path, then program still had to compute that path to find that out.
Is there any way around this, or is computing all the paths necessary by definition?
Just try them all out in order, recording your sequences of moves as sequences of numbers 1 through 6 (representing the pot that you pick the marbles from), each time replaying the whole sequence from the start. Keep and update just the three winners, plus the very last sequence of moves so you'd know what to try next. If there's no next legal moves, go back one notch.
It's going to be prohibitively slow perhaps, but will use very little memory. You don't store resulting positions, only numbers of pots picked from, and replay the sequence anew each time from the starting position, altering the very last move (instead of 2, next try 3, 4 etc.; if no more legal moves, backtrack one level). Or maybe store positions just for the very last sequence of moves tried, for easier backtracking.
It's a typical space for speed trade-of then.
You could try parallellizing using this parallel version of map:
parMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> Eval [b]
parMap f xs = map f xs `using` parList rseq
Then you will spark off a new thread for each choise in your branch.
if you use as parMap pathFunction kalahaPots as your recursion, it will spark a lot of threads, but it might be faster, you could chunk it but i'm not that good of a parallell haskeller.

Shuffle and deal a deck of card with constraints

Here is the facts first.
In the game of bridge there are 4
players named North, South, East and
All 52 cards are dealt with 13 cards
to each player.
There is a Honour counting systems.
Ace=4 points, King=3 points, Queen=2
points and Jack=1 point.
I'm creating a "Card dealer" with constraints where for example you might say that the hand dealt to north has to have exactly 5 spades and between 13 to 16 Honour counting points, the rest of the hands are random.
How do I accomplish this without affecting the "randomness" in the best way and also having effective code?
I'm coding in C# and .Net but some idea in Pseudo code would be nice!
Since somebody already mentioned my Deal 3.1, I'd like to point out some of the optimizations I made in that code.
First of all, to get the most flexibly constraints, I wanted to add a complete programming language to my dealer, so you could generate whole libraries of constraints with different types of evaluators and rules. I used Tcl for that language, because I was already learning it for work, and, in 1994 when Deal 0.0 was released, Tcl was the easiest language to embed inside a C application.
Second, I needed the constraint language to run fairly fast. The constraints are running deep inside the loop. Quite a lot of code in my dealer is little optimizations with lookup tables and the like.
One of the most surprising and simple optimizations was to not deal cards to a seat until a constraint is checked on that seat. For example, if you want north to match constraint A and south to match constraint B, and your constraint code is:
match constraint A to north
match constraint B to south
Then only when you get to the first line do you fill out the north hand. If it fails, you reject the complete deal. If it passes, next fill out the south hand and check its constraint. If it fails, throw out the entire deal. Otherwise, finish the deal and accept it.
I found this optimization when doing some profiling and noticing that most of the time was spent in the random number generator.
There is one fancy optimization, which can work in some instances, call "smart stacking."
deal::input smartstack south balanced hcp 20 21
This generates a "factory" for the south hand which takes some time to build but which can then very quickly fill out the one hand to match this criteria. Smart stacking can only be applied to one hand per deal at a time, because of conditional probability problems. [*]
Smart stacking takes a "shape class" - in this case, "balanced," a "holding evaluator", in this case, "hcp", and a range of values for the holding evaluator. A "holding evaluator" is any evaluator which is applied to each suit and then totaled, so hcp, controls, losers, and hcp_plus_shape, etc. are all holding evalators.
For smartstacking to be effective, the holding evaluator needs to take a fairly limited set of values. How does smart stacking work? That might be a bit more than I have time to post here, but it's basically a huge set of tables.
One last comment: If you really only want this program for bidding practice, and not for simulations, a lot of these optimizations are probably unnecessary. That's because the very nature of practicing makes it unworthy of the time to practice bids that are extremely rare. So if you have a condition which only comes up once in a billion deals, you really might not want to worry about it. :)
[Edit: Add smart stacking details.]
Okay, there are exactly 8192=2^13 possible holdings in a suit. Group them by length and honor count:
Holdings(length,points) = { set of holdings with this length and honor count }
Holdings(3,7) = {AK2, AK3,...,AKT,AQJ}
and let
h(length,points) = |Holdings(length,points)|
Now list all shapes that match your shape condition (spades=5):
Note that the collection of all possible hand shapes has size 560, so this list is not huge.
For each shape, list the ways you can get the total honor points you are looking for by listing the honor points per suit. For example,
Shape Points per suit
5-4-4-0 10-3-0-0
5-4-4-0 10-2-1-0
5-4-4-0 10-1-2-0
5-4-4-0 10-0-3-0
5-4-4-0 9-4-0-0
Using our sets Holdings(length,points), we can compute the number of ways to get each of these rows.
For example, for the row 5-4-4-0 10-3-0-0, you'd have:
So, pick one of these rows at random, with relative probability based on the count, and then, for each suit, choose a holding at random from the correct Holdings() set.
Obviously, the wider the range of hand shapes and points, the more rows you will need to pre-compute. A little more code, you can still do this with some cards pre-determined - if you know where the ace of spades or west's whole hand or whatever.
[*] In theory, you can solve these conditional probability issues for smart stacking with multiple hands, but the solution to the problem would make it effective only for extremely rare types of deals. That's because the number of rows in the factory's table is roughly the product of the number of rows for stacking one hand times the number of rows for stacking the other hand. Also, the h() table has to be keyed on the number of ways of dividing the n cards amongst hand 1, hand 2, and other hands, which changes the number of values from roughly 2^13 to 3^13 possible values, which is about two orders of magnitude bigger.
Since the numbers are quite small here, you could just take the heuristic approach: Randomly deal your cards, evaluate the constraints and just deal again if they are not met.
Depending on how fast your computer is, it might be enough to do this:
do a random deal
Until the board meets all the constraints
As with all performance questions, the thing to do is try it and see!
edit I tried it and saw:
done 1000000 hands in 12914 ms, 4424 ok
This is without giving any thought to optimisation - and it produces 342 hands per second meeting your criteria of "North has 5 spades and 13-16 honour points". I don't know the details of your application but it seems to me that this might be enough.
I would go for this flow, which I think does not affect the randomness (other than by pruning solutions that do not meet constraints):
List in your program all possible combinations of "valued" cards whose total Honour points count is between 13 and 16. Then pick randomly one of these combinations, removing the cards from a fresh deck.
Count how many spades you already have among the valued cards, and pick randomly among the remaining spades of the deck until you meet the count.
Now pick from the deck as much non-spades, non-valued cards as you need to complete the hand.
Finally pick the other hands among the remaining cards.
You can write a program that generates the combinations of my first point, or simply hardcode them while accounting for color symmetries to reduce the number of lines of code :)
Since you want to practise bidding, I guess you will likely be having various forms of constraints (and not just 1S opening, as I guess for this current problem) coming up in the future. Trying to come up with the optimal hand generation tailored to the constraints could be a huge time sink and not really worth the effort.
I would suggest you use rejection sampling: Generate a random deal (without any constraints) and test if it satisfies your constraints.
In order to make this feasible, I suggest you concentrate on making the random deal generation (without any constraints) as fast as you can.
To do this, map each hand to a 12byte integer (the total number of bridge hands fits in 12 bytes). Generating a random 12 byte integer can be done in just 3, 4 byte random number calls, of course since the number of hands is not exactly fitting in 12 bytes, you might have a bit of processing to do here, but I expect it won't be too much.
Richard Pavlicek has an excellent page (with algorithms) to map a deal to a number and back.
See here:
I would also suggest you look at the existing bridge hand dealing software (like Deal 3.1, which is freely available) too. Deal 3.1 also supports doing double dummy analysis. Perhaps you could make it work for you without having to roll one of your own.
Hope that helps.

Mahjong - Arrange tiles to ensure at least one path to victory, regardless of layout

Regardless of the layout being used for the tiles, is there any good way to divvy out the tiles so that you can guarantee the user that, at the beginning of the game, there exists at least one path to completing the puzzle and winning the game?
Obviously, depending on the user's moves, they can cut themselves off from winning. I just want to be able to always tell the user that the puzzle is winnable if they play well.
If you randomly place tiles at the beginning of the game, it's possible that the user could make a few moves and not be able to do any more. The knowledge that a puzzle is at least solvable should make it more fun to play.
Place all the tiles in reverse (ie layout out the board starting in the middle, working out)
To tease the player further, you could do it visibly but at very high speed.
Play the game in reverse.
Randomly lay out pieces pair by pair, in places where you could slide them into the heap. You'll need a way to know where you're allowed to place pieces in order to end up with a heap that matches some preset pattern, but you'd need that anyway.
I know this is an old question, but I came across this when solving the problem myself. None of the answers here are quite perfect, and several of them have complicated caveats or will break on pathological layouts. Here is my solution:
Solve the board (forward, not backward) with unmarked tiles. Remove two free tiles at a time. Push each pair you remove onto a "matched pair" stack. Often, this is all you need to do.
If you run into a dead end (numFreeTiles == 1), just reset your generator :) I have found I usually don't hit dead ends, and have so far have a max retry count of 3 for the 10-or-so layouts I have tried. Once I hit 8 retries, I give up and just randomly assign the rest of the tiles. This allows me to use the same generator for both setting up the board, and the shuffle feature, even if the player screwed up and made a 100% unsolvable state.
Another solution when you hit a dead end is to back out (pop off the stack, replacing tiles on the board) until you can take a different path. Take a different path by making sure you match pairs that will remove the original blocking tile.
Unfortunately, depending on the board, this may loop forever. If you end up removing a pair that resembles a "no outlet" road, where all subsequent "roads" are a dead end, and there are multiple dead ends, your algorithm will never complete. I don't know if it is possible to design a board where this would be the case, but if so, there is still a solution.
To solve that bigger problem, treat each possible board state as a node in a DAG, with each selected pair being an edge on that graph. Do a random traversal, until you find a leaf node at depth 72. Keep track of your traversal history so that you never repeat a descent.
Since dead ends are more rare than first-try solutions in the layouts I have used, what immediately comes to mind is a hybrid solution. First try to solve it with minimal memory (store selected pairs on your stack). Once you've hit the first dead end, degrade to doing full marking/edge generation when visiting each node (lazy evaluation where possible).
I've done very little study of graph theory, though, so maybe there's a better solution to the DAG random traversal/search problem :)
Edit: You actually could use any of my solutions w/ generating the board in reverse, ala the Oct 13th 2008 post. You still have the same caveats, because you can still end up with dead ends. Generating a board in reverse has more complicated rules, though. E.g, you are guaranteed to fail your setup if you don't start at least SOME of your rows w/ the first piece in the middle, such as in a layout w/ 1 long row. Picking a completely random (legal) first move in a forward-solving generator is more likely to lead to a solvable board.
The only thing I've been able to come up with is to place the tiles down in matching pairs as kind of a reverse Mahjong Solitaire game. So, at any point during the tile placement, the board should look like it's in the middle of a real game (ie no tiles floating 3 layers up above other tiles).
If the tiles are place in matching pairs in a reverse game, it should always result in at least one forward path to solve the game.
I'd love to hear other ideas.
I believe the best answer has already been pushed up: creating a set by solving it "in reverse" - i.e. starting with a blank board, then adding a pair somewhere, add another pair in a solvable position, and so on...
If you a prefer "Big Bang" approach (generating the whole set randomly at the beginning), are a very macho developer or just feel masochistic today, you could represent all the pairs you can take out from the given set and how they depend on each other via a directed graph.
From there, you'd only have to get the transitive closure of that set and determine if there's at least one path from at least one of the initial legal pairs that leads to the desired end (no tile pairs left).
Implementing this solution is left as an exercise to the reader :D
Here are rules i used in my implementation.
When buildingheap, for each fret in a pair separately, find a cells (places), which are:
has all cells at lower levels already filled
place for second fret does not block first, considering if first fret already put onboard
both places are "at edges" of already built heap:
EITHER has at least one neighbour at left or right side
OR it is first fret in a row (all cells at right and left are recursively free)
These rules does not guarantee a build will always successful - it sometimes leave last 2 free cells self-blocking, and build should be retried (or at least last few frets)
In practice, "turtle" built in no more then 6 retries.
Most of existed games seems to restrict putting first ("first on row") frets somewhere in a middle. This come up with more convenient configurations, when there are no frets at edges of very long rows, staying up until last player moves. However, "middle" is different for different configurations.
Good luck :)
If you've found algo that build solvable heap in one turn - please let me know.
You have 144 tiles in the game, each of the 144 tiles has a block list..
(top tile on stack has an empty block list)
All valid moves require that their "current__vertical_Block_list" be empty.. this can be a 144x144 matrix so 20k of memory plus a LEFT and RIGHT block list, also 20 k each.
Generate a valid move table from (remaning_tiles) AND ((empty CURRENT VERTICAL BLOCK LIST) and ((empty CURRENT LEFT BLOCK LIST) OR (empty CURRENT RIGHT BLOCK LIST)))
Pick 2 random tiles from the valid move table, record them
Update the (current tables Vert, left and right), record the Tiles removed to a stack
Now we have a list of moves that constitute a valid game. Assign matching tile types to each of the 72 moves.
for challenging games, track when each tile becomes available. find sets that have are (early early early late) and (late late late early) since it's blank, you find 1 EE 1 LL and 2 LE blocks.. of the 2 LE block, find an EARLY that blocks ANY other EARLY that (except rightblocking a left side piece)
Once youve got a valid game play around with the ordering.
Solitaire? Just a guess, but I would assume that your computer would need to beat the game(or close to it) to determine this.
Another option might be to have several preset layouts(that allow winning, mixed in with your current level.
To some degree you could try making sure that one of the 4 tiles is no more than X layers below another X.
Most games I see have the shuffle command for when someone gets stuck.
I would try a mix of things and see what works best.
