Is there anyone here using this package vue-bulma-datepicker? I tested the datepicker in firefox when I select a year the datepicker closes.
Did you guys encounter this? any workaround for this?
I ended up with creating my own vue component instead.
npm install vue-flatpickr-component --save
Here is how to use it.
<flat-pickr v-model="date"></flat-pickr>
import flatPickr from 'vue-flatpickr-component';
import 'flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.css';
export default {
data () {
return {
date: null,
components: {
I have this Layout.module.scss file in next js
.app {
display: flex;
and in index.js file
when I am including the scss like this it is not working
import "./Layout.module.scss";
export default function Layout({ children }) {
return (
<div className='app'>
but when I include scss like this it is working
import styles from "./Layout.module.scss";
export default function Layout({ children }) {
return (
<div className={}>
I want to use the scss like the first one only, please let me know how I can do that, thank you.
First install sass dependency using npm:
npm install sass --save-dev
Then rename your file Layout.module.scss to Layout.scss
And use it like this :
import "./Layout.scss";
export default function Layout({ children }) {
return (
<div className='app'>
I want to show the edit link only for privileged users. I have user information that I am using for example for routing, and I can use it in components. However, I have not found any way to show/hide the edit link on each page based on the user roles. It must be done client side. Please help.
I found a way to do this:
Follow the instructions to extend the default theme.
Make your own EditLink component like this:
// EditLink.vue
<script setup>
import { onMounted } from "vue";
import { usePageFrontmatter } from "#vuepress/client";
onMounted(() => {
const fm = usePageFrontmatter();
fm.value.editLink = true; // Replace true with your logic
In the Layout component (see instructions linked above) do this:
// Layout.vue
<template #page-bottom> <EditLink /></template>
<script setup>
import Layout from "#vuepress/theme-default/lib/client/layouts/Layout.vue";
import EditLink from "../components/EditLink";
I am a totally noob at laravel and npm and vuejs things.
I made a new Laravel Project and instead of playing around with jquery I want to learn how to use vuejs.
I ran against a wall today :( trying 2 days to get this Multiselect ( running on my project.
I think I am missing some basics ...
What I've done:
ran on terminal npm install vue-multiselect
created in resources/js/comonents/Multiselect.vue
pasted this code in /Multiselect.vue:
import Multiselect from 'vue-multiselect'
export default {
components: { Multiselect },
data () {
return {
selected: null,
options: ['list', 'of', 'options']
<style src="vue-multiselect/dist/vue-multiselect.min.css"></style>
added to my app.js in resources folder:
- import Multiselect from "vue-multiselect";
- Vue.component('v-multiselect', require('./components/Multiselect.vue'));
- const app = new Vue({
- el: "#app",
- data: {
- users: '',
- firmas: '',
and in my blade file I used:
So far ... so good
npm run dev and refreshed the page.
index.js:133 [Vue warn]: Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined.
found in
---> <VMultiselect>
so I have two questions is this the correct way to implement external vuejs components inte Laravel ?
and what If it is the right way am I doing wrong - at which points???
Thank you all out there to help me to learn ...
I'm glad you got your code working! To answer your question, it looks like you're using a mix of the external component you're importing and your own custom component which uses that component which may be what is confusing you a little bit.
When you do the following:
import Multiselect from "vue-multiselect";
inside your app.js file, you are importing an external component globally. When you place that import inside of a component, you are importing the external component for use within that component only. In your current code you've posted, you are importing it both globally and within your component.
If you are registering a component globally (within the element id assigned to the vue instance), you can register it like this within your app.js file:
import Multiselect from "vue-multiselect";
Vue.component('multiselect', Multiselect);
Then in your components, you will not have to import it again, but simply use it like this:
<multiselect v-model="selected" :options="options" placeholder="Select one" label="name" track-by="name"></multiselect>
export default {
data() {
return {
selected: null,
options: ['one','two','three'],
You would also be able to use this component in your blade since it is defined within your app.js file.
However with the setup you're using now, your fix of:
Vue.component('v-multiselect', require('./components/Multiselect.vue').default);
is not actually registering the external component. You are registering YOUR component.
So to answer your question, yes, you've taken an external component where you can make your custom component and easily add reusable content around it which is perfectly valid use, but you could either remove the extra import of Multiselect in your app.js file, or import the Multiselect external component globally, like I mentioned above.
Found the solution for my problem:
in my app js there was the error!
Vue.component('v-multiselect', require('./components/Multiselect.vue').default);
I registered the component wrong :(
So second question is answered :)
But do you guys do it the same way? or I am completly wrong implementing external commponets into laravel?
I don't want to use vueex or vuerouter for now ... I need to learn laravel itself ... afterwards I know how Laravel works I will use vuerouter ... for my projects ...
So sorry for the long text - but needed to explain a little bit more about the situation - thnaks for reading guys!
Thank you very much Sawyer,
I got it, I thought :(
I want to use this multiselect component muptliple times in my page.
So I removed the extra import in my app.js - saw it in phpstorm that it was unused but didn't know why :) - now I know.
What I have so far:
hit me if I am wrong :)
in app.js: (registering my own component)
Vue.component('v-multiselect', require('./components/Multiselect.vue').default);
added Multiselect.vue to my components folder in laravel with this src:
<multiselect v-model="value" :options="options"></multiselect>
import Multiselect from 'vue-multiselect'
// register globally
Vue.component('multiselect', Multiselect)
export default {
// OR register locally
components: { Multiselect },
data () {
return {
value: null,
options: ['option1','option2','option3']
<style src="vue-multiselect/dist/vue-multiselect.min.css"></style>
and in my blade file:
<v-multiselect :options="['one','two','three']" ></v-multiselect>
I get no errors at all from vuejs butit isn't working as it should:
How do I overwrite the options array from my blade file ? As I saw on the documentation "options" is a prop of the component so why am I getting as select the predefined option array ['option1','option2','option3'] and not the array from the blade file:['one','two','three'] am I missing a shortcut or something else?? Thanks a lot for your patience ...
If you can tell me where to read about it - except the docs of vuejs - I think this will help me a lot!
I am trying to display an image with the img tag by using a path from props for the src attribute.
I've tried changing the path with #, using the whole path with src, adding ../assets/ in the component and only passing the file name (orange.png) as props.
I always get the default broken image displayed.
When inspecting in the browser, the path seems fine.
When I display the image directly, I can see that the path is resolved to some different path <img data-v-1212d7a4="" src="/img/orange.7b71a54c.png">.
Additionally I tried this post Can't dynamically pass relative src path for imgs in Vue.js + webpack ,
where using <img :src="require(picture_src)" /> is given as an answer.
This leads to an error: Error in render: "Error: Cannot find module '../assets/orange.png'"
This answer in the end worked for me in the end as described in my answer post.)
The same error occurs with the similar webpack method using let images = require.context('../assets/', false, /\.png$/) in my script part, as the answer on this post Can't dynamically pass relative src path for imgs in Vue.js + webpack .
I am new to Vue.js, so I don't exactly know what is happening or how to search for this or it might not have anything to do with what I'm originally trying.
I am able to display my image when I pass the path directly, like this
<img src="../assets/orange.png"/>
Now I'd actually like to pass it to my component in the props and then, inside the component, display it reading the path from props.
<img :src=picture_src />
<div class="pic_sub">{{pic_desc}}</div>
export default {
name: 'PictureCard',
props: {
picture_src: String,
pic_desc: String
Using the component:
<PictureCard pic_desc='some description text' picture_src='../assets/orange.png' />
import PictureCard from './components/PictureCard.vue'
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
If it is possible, I'd love to display my from a path that is passed through the component's props.
Otherwise I'd love to know some other solutions, work-arounds or knowledge on best practices in this case.
This worked for me
<img :src="require(`#/assets/img/${filename}`)">
where filename is passed in as a String prop e.g. "myImage.png".
Make sure you use the path specific to your project.
Note: # is a webpack alias for /src that is set by default in Vue projects
After some research, I understand that my problem has to do with webpack and resolving filepaths. I used a modified version from this answer:
Vue.js dynamic images not working
and this answer:
Can't dynamically pass relative src path for imgs in Vue.js + webpack
Since the link in the second answer was dead, here's an active link to require.context documentation:
My mistake when trying the second link's answer was that I returned only orange.png as the path, while I needed to add ./ at the beginning.
My working picture component now looks like this.
<img :src="resolve_img_url(picture_src)" />
<div class="pic_sub">{{pic_desc}}</div>
export default {
name: 'PictureCard',
props: {
picture_src: String,
pic_desc: String
methods: {
resolve_img_url: function (path) {
let images = require.context('../assets/', false, /\.png$|\.jpg$/)
return images("./"+path)
I edited the regular expression to match .png and .jpg file endings. Therefore passing the prop looks like this now
<PictureCard picture_src='orange.png' pic_desc='some picture description'/>
This works for me:
This is how i use my Componenent.
My Image Component:
<img v-bind:src=imageSource />
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue'
import { Component, Prop } from 'nuxt-property-decorator'
components: {
export default class extends Vue {
#Prop({ default: '' }) imageSource!: String
Newer solution:
The 'require()'-method does not work when using Vite.
I got this error: ReferenceError: require is not defined.
This is how I solved it without 'require()' and with composition API:
From parent component:
<ChildComponent icon-filename="icon.svg" />
<img :src="getImageUrl()">
<script setup lang="ts">
import {defineProps} from "vue";
const props = defineProps({
iconFilename: String
function getImageUrl() {
// This path must be correct for your file
return new URL(`../assets/icons/${props.iconFilename}`, import.meta.url)
this is my favorite super simple way to do it. It can easily be reused in any file in any folder in my project. Just pass the actual path as a string from the perspective of the parent:
//some file
//some other file in a different folder in my project
//child component file
<template functional>
<img :src="props.myImagePath">
Thats all not working for me :D
The template File is wrong!
you need to add ":" before you set your prop.
thats how i should use the PictureCard
<PictureCard :picture_src="require('orange.png')"
pic_desc='some picture description'/>
and thats how my PictureCard should look like:
<img v-bind:src="picture_src" />
export default class PictureCard extends Vue {
#Prop({ default: require("#/assets/orange.svg") }) img!: string
so in case no prop is setted, so i added a default prop too.
and yes i only used the image.
I am new to vue and I am trying to get a simple component to display in a div. I am using laravel 5.4 with laravel mix and vue version 2.6.6 to display a vue component.
this is the div in my view file:
<div id="sidenav"> </div>
This is my app.js
import Vue from 'vue';
Vue.component('SideNav', require('./components/SideNav.vue').default);
var SideNav = new Vue({
el: '#sidenav'
This is SideNav.vue
export default {
name: 'SideNav'
There aren't any errors with npm install, npm build, npm run dev, or npm run watch. On the page I do not see
I'm sorry for such a newb question, but this has been driving me crazy for a few hours.
Try something like this;
<div id="sidenav">
You "mount" your Vue instance to the root element with id #sidenav here:
var SideNav = new Vue({
el: '#sidenav'
meaning, when you created your Vue component here: Vue.component('SideNav', require('./components/SideNav.vue'));, you have access to the <SideNav> tag within that root element.
Also, I'm not sure if you need the .default at the end of your Vue.component(...) creation.