How can I programatically show/hide editLink client side in Vuepress 2? - vuepress

I want to show the edit link only for privileged users. I have user information that I am using for example for routing, and I can use it in components. However, I have not found any way to show/hide the edit link on each page based on the user roles. It must be done client side. Please help.

I found a way to do this:
Follow the instructions to extend the default theme.
Make your own EditLink component like this:
// EditLink.vue
<script setup>
import { onMounted } from "vue";
import { usePageFrontmatter } from "#vuepress/client";
onMounted(() => {
const fm = usePageFrontmatter();
fm.value.editLink = true; // Replace true with your logic
In the Layout component (see instructions linked above) do this:
// Layout.vue
<template #page-bottom> <EditLink /></template>
<script setup>
import Layout from "#vuepress/theme-default/lib/client/layouts/Layout.vue";
import EditLink from "../components/EditLink";


Why is usePage().url returning ComputedRefImpl?

I have the following vue page:
<a :class="isCurrent($page.url)"
<script setup>
import {usePage} from '#inertiajs/inertia-vue3'
const isCurrent = (url) => {
The url of the page is /comment and if I inspect the page I find exactly that:
However, on the console log, the url is not displayed correctly:
While I can access the page correctly inside the template section using $page.url I cant access it within <script setup> usePage() creates a document where everything is ComputedRefImpl:
How can I access the page object using usePage() without having to pass $page from the template section?
You need to add .value, similiar as with ref
<script setup>
import {usePage} from '#inertiajs/inertia-vue3'
const isCurrent = (url) => {
You need to access the page props ref before accessing url.

Using layout property in <script setup> tag

Is there any way to use layout property of inertiajs for vue 3 in <script setup> tag?
In other words, I am asking for an equivalent of the following code,
import from "../Shared/Layout";
export default {
layout: Layout;
when the tag is the vue 3 <script setup>
Thank you
<script setup> doesn't support setting a component's layout. And Inertia doesn't provide an API to do that from <script setup>.
You could still declare a <script> block for that option alongside <script setup>:
import from "../Shared/Layout";
export default {
layout: Layout;
<script setup>
using layout in vue is specific to nuxt. Nuxt provides composition api support with its 3rd version (demo version as of the date of this article). If you want to use layout with script setup, you should switch to nuxt3. If you're not using Nuxt, you can check out the vue-router child routes to create a simple layout logic with vue.
If you or your tooling doesn't like there being two script tags, you can try this plugin for webpack that adds a macro that lets you use the Options API in your <script setup>
In the case of Inertia.js layouts, it would look like this:
<script setup>
import AppLayout from '#/Layouts/AppLayout';
layout: AppLayout,

Passing and binding img src from props in Vue.js

I am trying to display an image with the img tag by using a path from props for the src attribute.
I've tried changing the path with #, using the whole path with src, adding ../assets/ in the component and only passing the file name (orange.png) as props.
I always get the default broken image displayed.
When inspecting in the browser, the path seems fine.
When I display the image directly, I can see that the path is resolved to some different path <img data-v-1212d7a4="" src="/img/orange.7b71a54c.png">.
Additionally I tried this post Can't dynamically pass relative src path for imgs in Vue.js + webpack ,
where using <img :src="require(picture_src)" /> is given as an answer.
This leads to an error: Error in render: "Error: Cannot find module '../assets/orange.png'"
This answer in the end worked for me in the end as described in my answer post.)
The same error occurs with the similar webpack method using let images = require.context('../assets/', false, /\.png$/) in my script part, as the answer on this post Can't dynamically pass relative src path for imgs in Vue.js + webpack .
I am new to Vue.js, so I don't exactly know what is happening or how to search for this or it might not have anything to do with what I'm originally trying.
I am able to display my image when I pass the path directly, like this
<img src="../assets/orange.png"/>
Now I'd actually like to pass it to my component in the props and then, inside the component, display it reading the path from props.
<img :src=picture_src />
<div class="pic_sub">{{pic_desc}}</div>
export default {
name: 'PictureCard',
props: {
picture_src: String,
pic_desc: String
Using the component:
<PictureCard pic_desc='some description text' picture_src='../assets/orange.png' />
import PictureCard from './components/PictureCard.vue'
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
If it is possible, I'd love to display my from a path that is passed through the component's props.
Otherwise I'd love to know some other solutions, work-arounds or knowledge on best practices in this case.
This worked for me
<img :src="require(`#/assets/img/${filename}`)">
where filename is passed in as a String prop e.g. "myImage.png".
Make sure you use the path specific to your project.
Note: # is a webpack alias for /src that is set by default in Vue projects
After some research, I understand that my problem has to do with webpack and resolving filepaths. I used a modified version from this answer:
Vue.js dynamic images not working
and this answer:
Can't dynamically pass relative src path for imgs in Vue.js + webpack
Since the link in the second answer was dead, here's an active link to require.context documentation:
My mistake when trying the second link's answer was that I returned only orange.png as the path, while I needed to add ./ at the beginning.
My working picture component now looks like this.
<img :src="resolve_img_url(picture_src)" />
<div class="pic_sub">{{pic_desc}}</div>
export default {
name: 'PictureCard',
props: {
picture_src: String,
pic_desc: String
methods: {
resolve_img_url: function (path) {
let images = require.context('../assets/', false, /\.png$|\.jpg$/)
return images("./"+path)
I edited the regular expression to match .png and .jpg file endings. Therefore passing the prop looks like this now
<PictureCard picture_src='orange.png' pic_desc='some picture description'/>
This works for me:
This is how i use my Componenent.
My Image Component:
<img v-bind:src=imageSource />
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue'
import { Component, Prop } from 'nuxt-property-decorator'
components: {
export default class extends Vue {
#Prop({ default: '' }) imageSource!: String
Newer solution:
The 'require()'-method does not work when using Vite.
I got this error: ReferenceError: require is not defined.
This is how I solved it without 'require()' and with composition API:
From parent component:
<ChildComponent icon-filename="icon.svg" />
<img :src="getImageUrl()">
<script setup lang="ts">
import {defineProps} from "vue";
const props = defineProps({
iconFilename: String
function getImageUrl() {
// This path must be correct for your file
return new URL(`../assets/icons/${props.iconFilename}`, import.meta.url)
this is my favorite super simple way to do it. It can easily be reused in any file in any folder in my project. Just pass the actual path as a string from the perspective of the parent:
//some file
//some other file in a different folder in my project
//child component file
<template functional>
<img :src="props.myImagePath">
Thats all not working for me :D
The template File is wrong!
you need to add ":" before you set your prop.
thats how i should use the PictureCard
<PictureCard :picture_src="require('orange.png')"
pic_desc='some picture description'/>
and thats how my PictureCard should look like:
<img v-bind:src="picture_src" />
export default class PictureCard extends Vue {
#Prop({ default: require("#/assets/orange.svg") }) img!: string
so in case no prop is setted, so i added a default prop too.
and yes i only used the image.

How to pass custom nativescript-Vue component to custom child Component

I would like to add a dynamic child component to a parent component using Nativescript-Vue. For example:
<MyChildComponent :foo="foo"></MyChildComponent>
import MyParentComponent from './components/MyParentComponent';
import MyChildComponent from './components/MyChildComponent';
export default {
components: {
data: function(){
return {
foo: ''
I think I need to define a slot in the parent component where the child component should be inserted, but I don't know how this should be done.
Any ideas?
In MyParentComponent's template you need to add a <slot /> tag, that's where Vue will insert the content.
Read more about slots, and what they can do in the Vue docs:

react not receiving prop from html

I have a react component in a file named ts.js:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
export default class Ts extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
var expected = {
ProperCase: 'AndProperCase'
render() {
return NULL;
if (document.getElementById('ts')) {
ReactDOM.render(<Ts />, document.getElementById('ts'));
I also have a html page from where this is called:
<title>My TS</title>
<Ts lowercase="onlylowercase" id="ts" snakeCase="justSnakeCase" ProperCase="AndProperCase">
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>
My issue is I can't get the values lowercase="onlylowercase" id="ts" snakeCase="justSnakeCase" ProperCase="AndProperCase" recognised as props in the constructor. I need to pass in some stuff from the html to populate the initial state of the component.
When I open the HTML with Chrome console open I get:
expected: {lowercase: "Onlylowercase", snakeCase: "justSnakeCase", ProperCase: "AndProperCase"}
props: {}
__proto__: Object
or it is this.props?: {}
__proto__: Object
props.lowercase undefined
this.props.lowercase undefined
I am expecting props to be a javascript object with properties of lowercase, snakeCase and ProperCase, like the var expected.
I don't think I need to use componentWillReceiveProps - as I am trying to follow the pattern describe in the documentation here:
and pass in props as html attributes as described here:
I have excluded from this post the detail of the node modules and javascript includes - as the Ts component's constructor is being called which demonstrates the Ts class is "there" and my npm config is OK - it is including react and other required modules. The {{ asset() }} function is a Laravel function. The html is part of a blade template in a Laravel app.
Can anyone see what I am doing wrongly?
Your syntax is wrong. React doesn't creat a new html tag like "". You only can use tag in react component. So the right syntax is in html replace
<Ts lowercase="onlylowercase" id="ts" snakeCase="justSnakeCase" ProperCase="AndProperCase">
To <div id="ts"></div>
and go add to before
var lowercase="whatever";
var snakeCase="snakeCase";
And change to
if (document.getElementById('ts')) {
ReactDOM.render(<Ts lowercase={lowercase} snakeCase={snakeCase} />, document.getElementById('ts'));
ReactDOM will find a dom with id is "ts" and replace it by your ts component.
