Xpath - Exclude elements within TD - xpath

I'm trying to use Chrome's scraper extension using XPath. I've been able to scrape everything I need from a table, but I'm stuck in one spot. Here's the source
<p class="pClass">
<a href="theurl" target="_blank">
<i class="iClass">someText</i>
Anchor text
I'm trying to grab just the URL, but when using my Xpath code as td[9]/p/a it grabs the icon part that says "someText". Is there a way to just grab the URL?

In order to extract url just add #href to your xpath expression, this should work: //td[9]/p/a/#href.
For stripping white space you can use xpath function normalize-space().


"Imported content is empty." error when scraping with ImportXML in GSheets

I need to scrape images' source URLs from a directory's linked web pages to columns into a Google Sheet.
I think using IMPORTXML function would be the easiest solution, but I get the #N/A "Imported content is empty." error every time.
I have tried to use this extension as well to define XPath, but still the same error.
The page's source code, where image source URL is:
<div class="centerer" id="rbt-gallery-img-1">
<i class="spinner">
<img data-lazy="//i.example.com/01.jpg" border="0"/>
So I want to get "i.example.com/01.jpg" value to B2, followed by further images' URLs to adjacent cells.
The function I used is:
I tried using spinner instead of centerer, with the same result.
You can get the string i.example.com/01.jpg with the following XPath-1.0 expression:
If you don't need to remove the leading //, you can only use
So, in the first case, the Google-Sheets expression could be
and in the second it could be

Get href attribute of a tag with id using XPath

How do I get the Xpath that returns:
With the following DOM:
<a id="myId" href="//www.example.com">
Click here</a>
That should work, just implement it into whatever language you're using xpath with.

Xpath of a text containing Bold text

I am trying to click on the link whose site is www.qualtrapharma.com‎ by searching in google
"qualtra" but there is problem in writing xpath as <cite> tag contains <B> tag inside it. How to do any any one suggest?
<div class="f kv" style="white-space:nowrap">
<cite class="vurls">
You may overcome this by using the '.' in the XPath, which stands for the 'text in the current node'.
The XPath would look like the following:

anchor opening element on separate page not working?

I am trying to get my anchors of thumbnails to open to a different page but at the specific element. I don't think it is working as there is a jquery plugin on the page that the elements exist on and I can't find a way to target them. When you click on a image it opens on the first in the sequence but not on the image requested. How can this be solved?
Please see my page here http://i-n-t-e-l-l-i-g-e-n-t-s-i-a.com/melissafranklin.com/index.html
The href attribute of the <a> tag should match the src attribute of the <img> tag
Use this:
<a href="images/paintings/7copy.jpg">
<img src="images/paintings/7copy.jpg" alt="">
Instead of this:
<a href="paintings.html">
<img src="images/paintings/7copy.jpg" alt="">

Trying to create XPath from this HTML snippet

I have played for a while writing XPath but am unable to come up with exactly what I want.
I'm trying to write XPath for link(click1 and click2 in code snippet below) based on known text(myidentity in code snippet below). Can someone take a look into and suggest possible solution?
HTML code snippet:
<div class="abc">
<a onclick="mycontroller.goto('xx','yy'); return false;" href="#">
<img src="images/controls/inheritance.gif"/>
<a onclick="mycontroller.goto('xx','yy'); return false;" href="#">click1</a>
<a onclick="mycontroller.goto('xx','yy'); return false;" href="#">click2</a>
You don't need to use XPath here, you could use a CSS locator. These are often faster and more compatible across different browsers.
css=div:contains(myidentity) > span a:nth-child(1) //click1
css=div:contains(myidentity) > span a:nth-child(2) //click2
Note that the > is only required to workaround a bug in the CSS locator library used by Selenium.
Hard to say without seeing the rest of the HTML but the following should work:
//div[text()[contains(., "myidentity")]]/span/a
See Macro's answer - this form should be used.
//div[text()[contains(., "myidentity")]]/span/a[2]
The following only works with one section of text in the containing div.
You'll need to select based on the text containing your identity text.
Xpath for click1
Xpath for click2
