WebStorm - prevent search window from closing - macos

I am using WebStorm. Every time I open the search window (of WebStorm) it is closed when I switch between the window/ tabs of the computer.
How can I prevent that and keep the window open when I get back to WebStorm?

Assuming that by "search window" you mean the "Find in Path" functionality which got a new design in 2017.1...
When switching between the apps -- it's a bug in 2017.1 -- it's fixed and should be available in 2017.1.1
If the question is about "it closes when clicking outside of new search popup (e.g. in the code)" then please follow IDEA-168640 ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
P.S. You may revert to the old style dialog if you so desire:
-Dide.find.as.popup=false in Help | Edit Custom VM Options will restore the original dialog.

clicking on the "Pin" icon in the upper right helped me.
Reference: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115000138864/comments/5995088437906


Where is the Sync with active document button in Visual Studio?

Where is the Sync with active document button in Visual Studio?
I know that I can press Alt + Shift + L and I will get the Sync with active document.
I also know that I can enable in the Options the feature to work every time I focus on another file.
But I can not find a button in the VS interface to do that. Is it even present? I would expect such a button be somewhere in the top of the interface of the VS. Somewhere near the comment/uncomment buttons (that is just my feeling that it is there, I have no proofs or reasons to think so).
I know this might sound silly, but I spent about a day trying to figure out where the button went in the latest VS2019 (Version 16.10.2) update.
After one complete day of using the keyboard shortcut instead, I realised that the Icon has changed to a different Icon.
Note: The Track Active Item in Solution Explorer checkbox should be unchecked to see this Icon, as posted by #Sandro Stadler.
Pretty simple.
If you check this option, the document and solution explorer will be automatically synchronized and the icon will be hidden.
Deselect to show the icon in the solution manager.
In VS 2019 it is in the Solution Explorer window:

RStudio: can I pop out the source pane?

I have a dual monitor and I wish I can pop out the "source pane"(where I edit my code), so that I can edit the code in one monitor and track everything else in another.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
Thank you very much for your help.
This feature was just added to RStudio this week. You can try it in our daily builds (0.99.636 or newer):
To pop out your file to a new window, either:
Drag the tab outside the RStudio window to where you want your new code window to appear, or
Click the "Show in new window" button on the editor toolbar (it's next to forward/back)
If you try it, let us know what you think on the support forum.
I'm using the latest Studio and encountered similar needs. I found that ctrl+shift+number will suit my needs most of the time since it zooms to the pane that I desire and can also back to the full four window layout.
An additional trick is customize the hotkey to alt+number [1,2,3,4,5] so the pane zooms more handy with one click by your left hand on the keyboard.
Hope it helps.

Cloud 9 (c9.io) terminal will not allow me to enter text

I am very new to this, and my c9 terminal seems to be frozen. The cursor is blinking, but when I try to enter text, nothing shows up. I have tried exiting my workspace and reloading and it still will not work.
Opening a new terminal tab with the View menu or pressing ALT-T is the best bet to get a working terminal back (as mentioned in the comment above)... you may also find that having selected the broken terminal though, you can't click things in your menus anymore. I've found that pressing the Preview button and then closing it, seems to get the UI to be responsive again.
Supports official response is that you should perform workspace reset using ?reset=1 after your workspace url (which doesn't last or work very well in my experience).
This can happen after pressing ctrl-s, pressing ctrl-q should restore it. See https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/12108/41174 for explanation.
I tried ALT-T and ?reset=1. Nothing helped in my case.
I managed to bring my frozen terminal back to life by closing its tab. I ignored the warning that all processes would stop. Then I clicked on the rightmost tab with a plus sign. In the menu I selected "New Terminal".
You can click at the top right where CPU usage is shown. Then click on "Restart" when the menu appears.

Visual Studio Clicking Find Results Opens Code in Wrong Window

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and when I do a "Find in Files" the results are returned to the "Find Results 1" window which is docked below my code editor window.
Before, I would double click on one of the results in the Find Results window and the file I clicked on would open in the code editor panel.
The problem is now when I click on one of the results, it opens in the same panel as the Find Results window which happens to be much smaller than the code editor window which is annoying.
Does anyone know how to make it so that when I double click on the search results they open up in the code editor window again?
Click Window → Reset Window Layout
Works for VS2013 Update 4 and all newer versions, including VS2019.
I thought I had this problem but it was easily fixed by docking the Find Results window using the very bottom of the window position selectors.
The files open in the same position as the Find Results when the window is docked in the positions immediately next to the centre position.
This is also being discussed here:
VS2010 docks code windows in the wrong place
Go the same... irritating... I realized that this unwanted behavior happened only while the app was running in debug. After I stopped debugging, a new panel was created with this file open in it. If I opened new files, they would open in this new panel. If I close all files in this new panel, opening new files from the "Find In Files" open in the standard code editor window (as long as the app is not running).
I had this problem also. I experienced the problem in VS2013. I did not want to do "Window -> Reset Window Layout" because it seemed like that was going to do other stuff that I did not want it to do.
Here was my solution:
I noticed the problem in VS2013 in which I had project "A" open.
I opened another copy of VS2013 and opened project "B".
I closed the copy of VS2013 that was exhibiting the annoying behavior: project A.
I closed the copy of VS2013 that had project B open.
This saved the settings from the "good" copy.
Opened project A in VS2013 and all was well.
Obviously, the caveat is that this requires you notice the problem before you close VS2013. But if you do notice it in time, this is a pretty easy solution.
For those who do not want to dock their "Find Results", "Error List", "Output",... windows to the right, and for those the above answer which is Window->Reset Window Layout doesn't work: may be you are trying to dock wrong place! You should dock these windows to very bottom. Refer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2735726/6176317
For me, this was happening with a Visual Studio window containing an SQL file with the Window Split option active. If the cursor was in the top pane of the window, both Ctrl + F (Find) and Ctrl + H (Find & Replace) would cause the find control to appear in the other (main) Visual Studio window. Moving the SQL window into the main window just caused Find and Find & Replace to display the "Find in Files" dialog instead until another tab was selected.
The workaround was to place the cursor in the bottom pane which caused both Find and Find & Replace to work correctly in that pane of that window. Unfortunately as long as the Window Split is there, the bug is still there in the top pane.

Visual Studio Task Panel

Does anyone know how to prevent task panes from expanding unless you click on them? Sometimes I hover over one, and it takes a bit to load breaking my concentration.
EDIT: Now that I've had a few days to reflect on my question, I realize the answer is to close it. Let me provide an example. When you are in Word, and you want to look up a synonym to a word, you open the a thesaurus to find an alternate word. You press ALT+F7 and it bring it up. The thesaurus opens in a Task Pane, and when you are done, you click the X to close it. You don't unpin it and have it sit on the side and get annoyed when you hover over it and it pops into view, covering your content and getting in the way. With that being said, the same mental model applies to visual studio. Don't have windows or panes open which you don't need. Open them when you want to preform a task, "close" the task pane, don't hide it.
P.S. This doesn't mean I feel it isn't bad design to pop open windows when you hover over them (I'm sure someone will debate me on this). I still would like an option to choose when to open collapsed windows.
I keep it closed. I open it only when needed. I do the same for tools and servers.
Try to memorize their shortcuts, and keep'em closed.
Use the little "Pin" icon (right between the triangle and "X" icon of the pane) to fix it, then resize or close it.
