VS2010 RC - Is intellisense broken? How do I turn it on? - visual-studio-2010

I installed the RC of VS2010 side-by-side with VS2008 SP1. VS2010 Intellisense appears to be broken, or at least not functioning as expected. I can only get intellisense if I hit CTRL + spacebar. Then after selecting the memebr from the intellisense list, hit the period again, and then CTRL + space again.
If intellisense broken or just turned off? How do I fix it?
Update #1 - I do have Resharper 4.5 installed on VS2008.
UPDATE #2 - I installed the hot fix. No go. Then, I looked at the options under Tools > Options > Text Editor. As it turns out, under Statement Completion, the option to Auto list members was unchecked. Once I checked that option, intellisense was functioning as expected.

Under Tools > Options > Text Editor > LANGUAGE > under Statement Completion group, select the option to "Auto list members".

They're patching issues with intellisense.
-- Edit --
As pointed out by the comments below, this is not the same issue. I was just pointing out that MS is fixing issues with intellisense. It might not be worth beating yourself up looking for a misconfiguration on your system.

Did you have ReSharper installed with Visual Studio 2008? ReSharper (in VS2008) turns off Intellisense explicitly in order to replace it with their own.
If this is the case, you can turn it back on with the options under Tools->Options->Text Editor->[language] (and sometimes also under the Intellisense node under each language).
For example, for C#, the first checkbox under Tools->Options->Text Editor->C#->Intellisense is "Show completion list after a character is typed". Make sure that is checked.


How to prevent enter key from making new line during resharper intellisense completion

I have a lot of experience as an Intellij developer where the enter key will always insert the first auto-complete suggestion. In visual studio with resharper however, the enter key will create a new line instead of inserting the first intellisense suggestion. Can anyone suggest a way to allow the enter key to replicate the Intellij behavior? I know pressing the tab key behaves as expected by my muscle memory keeps pressing enter without me thinking about it.
Can anyone suggest a way to allow the enter key to replicate the
Intellij behavior? I know pressing the tab key behaves as expected by
my muscle memory keeps pressing enter without me thinking about it.
In your side, you have installed Resharper, so you have two ways to use Intellisense: Visual Studio Intellisense which is the default way for Visual Studio, Resharper Intellisense.
1) If you use Visual Studio Intellisense(make sure you choose Visual Studio by the top menu ReSharper-->Options-->Environment-->Intellisense-->General) and face this issue, please try this:
choose Never add new line on enter by Tools-->Options-->Text Editor-->C#(please choose the corresponding development language)-->Intellisense-->Enter Key Behavior.
2) If you use Resharper Intellisense(make sure you choose Resharper by the top menu ReSharper-->Options-->Environment-->Intellisense-->General), you will not face this issue.
Note: if you face this issue in Resharper Intellisense, l think it is the issue about some changes in Resharper Option.You can try to reset Resharper settings by Resharper-->Manage Options-->Reset all settings.
Hope it could help you.
Just a quick update for the previously posted answer as I noticed the location has changed slightly as of now. I found this option (using Visual Studio Intellisense) under:
Tools menu > Text Editor > C/C++ (or whatever language you are using) > Advanced > IntelliSense section > set Member List Commit Aggressive to True.

Resharper 8 - Quickfix shortcut Alt+Enter gone

In Visual Studio 2012/2013, I want to reassign the Alt+Enter ↵ key combination to the "Quickfix" (triggering the menu from the light bulb) because it is not working anymore. I can't. I have tried the following (I am aware that some of the suggestions refer to VS 2010 and older R# versions):
Tried to change manually in Tools - Options - Keyboard: the former ReSharper_QuickFix entry is gone, see ReSharper_QuickFix gone
Tried Resharper_AltEnter as suggested in What is the name of the ReSharper's Quick Fix command - nothing, no shortcut
Switched back and forth settings in ReSharper -> Options -> Keyboard & Menus as described in Resharper Alt Enter not working - nothing
Switched back and forth settings in ReSharper -> Options -> IntelliSense -> General as also described in Resharper Alt Enter not working to no avail
Tried other suggestions from the same page
Sledgehammer approach: run devenv.exe /ResetSettings - nope
Search SO and the web up and down - found nothing
I have not yet had the nerve to re-install R# or even VS.
How can I get a standard set of R# keyboard shortcuts into Visual Studio? I'd gladly wipe out everything that is there just to get back my Alt+Enter Quickfix..
Please try this:
remove all mapping for Alt+Enter ↵ shortcut here Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard (to find out mapped actions, press Alt+Enter ↵ in "Press shortcut keys" field and look at the list in "Shortcut currently used by" dropdown);
After removing:
Type ReSharper_AltEnter in "Show command containing" field;
Select "Text Editor" in "Use new shortcut in" dropdown;
Press Alt+Enter in "Press shortcut keys" field | Assign;
Select "XAML UI Designer" in "Use new shortcut in" dropdown;
Press Alt+Enter in "Press shortcut keys" field | Assign;
They changed the name of this shortcut to Resharper_AltEnter.
I had the same problem. I'd upgraded to VS Professional 2013 (update 3) about a week ago. I then installed Resharper and was re-tooling a few projects with Resharper for a few days. All was going well, then things went haywire. I tried all the suggestions in this post and elsewhere. This included un-installing and re-installing resharper. Un-installing and re-installing VS. Nothing seemed to be fixing it
Until at some point I tried what turned out to be the fix: uninstalling a couple of the R# extensions: Resharper.ExternalAnnotations, Nuget Support for Resharper and Resharper Razor Plugin.
Not sure which was causing the issue. But things seem to be working normally now.
I also went further and installed the latest ReSharper 8.2.3 - https://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/download/
Things are still ok [crossing fingers].
I have NOT installed any R# extensions. I will try to figure out which was the offending extension after I have had a few days of rest for this issue. So, in retrospect, it seems this problem started after I installed some offending R# extension.
Merge Visual Studio Light Bulb actions into ReSharper bulb - set checkbox in R# settings

Why does Auto List Members keep getting turned off?

In Visual Studio 2010, sometimes within the same session (not having rebooted the app) intellisense gets turned off. The checkboxes in Tools > Options > Text Editory > C# > Statement Completion, "Auto List Members" and "Parameter Information" become unchecked.
I have Resharper installed as well. But Resharper does not control that setting, as far as I know.
This can happen a couple times a day to me, all without restarting Visual Studio.
There is, apparently, a documented bug for Resharper: http://blogs.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2011/02/resharper-513-is-released/
ReSharper 5.1.3 provides exactly one bug fix that prevents disabling Parameter
Information and auto-completion when you’re using native Visual Studio
IntelliSense (as opposed to ReSharper IntelliSense).
Please note that if you’re been using ReSharper IntelliSense as a workaround in
5.1.2, as soon as you switch back to Visual Studio IntelliSense, you’ll have to
initially set Auto-list members and Parameter information check boxes manually,
but that is only required once.
I've noticed this in ReSharper 7.1.1 as well, at least regarding javascript intellisense having the same problem. My workaround was to tell Reshaper to use 'Visual Studio' as its Intellisense option Resharper > Options > Intellisense > General. (you can still bring up Resharper's intellisense with Ctrl + Alt + Space)
Once I did that it kept my Visual Studio options checked for good.

F12 no longer works in Visual Studio

This is driving me crazy. Ever since I installed ReSharper 4, F12 no longer seems to work. If you look at the all the ReSharper short cuts in the Goto sub menu Declaration doesn't have any assigned!
The only way I can go to declaration is by using Alt and ` and then selecting Declaration.
I have tried un-installing and re-installing ReSharper with no luck, I have also, in ReSharper option asked it to use the default Visual Studio Key Bindings but that doesn't to work either.
Interestingly, when I do use Alt and ` I actually get two entries for the Declaration option.
Has anyone come across this problem?
I am using Visual Studio 2005 SP1.
I ran into the same issue and resolved it by first resetting my Visual Studio keyboard mappings:
Tools > Options > Keyboard > Reset
Then going into the ReSharper options and applying the scheme:
Resharper > Options > Visual Studio Integration > Apply Scheme
For VS2017 onwards:
Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard > Reset
For Resharper 2017.2:
Resharper > Options > Environment > Keyboard & Menus > Keyboard Shortcuts > Apply Scheme
I have had a few occasions where Resharper and Visual Studio keybindings got mixed up and I had problems sorting them out.
If it is only one or two bindings you care about then you can change them by going to the
Tools->Customize->Keyboard menu option.
For ReSharper 8 and Visual Studio 2012:
Tools > Options > Keyboard > Reset
Then going into the ReSharper options and applying the scheme:
Resharper > Options > Environment > Keyboard & Menus > (Select Visual Studio under Keyboard Shortcuts) > Apply Scheme > Save
I had this problem and it was resolved by following the steps described in the picture:
Open Visual Studio Tabs on the path: Tools>>Options>>Keyboard
Open Visual Studio Tabs on the path: Resharper>>Options>>Keyboard & Menus and Do the following:
And Then Reopen the path above and do the following:
Finally, close the Visual Studio and open it.
I had this issue in VS2015 using Resharper 9.1.3, I tried Ryan's answer but it still didn't work.
After doing the steps Ryan outlined, I clicked F12 where Resharper asks What do you want to do?, I select Use Visual Studio commands. Still doesn't work.
Tools > Options > Keyboard > Select ReSharper.ReSharper_GotoNextHighlight from command list box
Change Shortcuts for selected command to F12 (Text Editor), click Remove and OK.
After this it works!
Try simple way to enable it, press Fn + Esc key of the keyboard.
It is possible that you have enabled Fn mode (Blue Keys) on your keyboard which overrides default behavior of functional keys including F12.
I had the same problem with VS2013 and Resharper 9. I have a code like this:
I then right-click on any of gridList and click Find Usages (or just use Shift+F12) but it says "Usages not found" even though it is just one line away! Sometimes VS restart would help, sometimes it wouldn't. It looks like clearing the cache of Reshaper helps though: Resharper -> Options -> Environment -> General -> Clear Caches. This needs VS to be restarted, but then it started working as expected.
My problem was that I couldn't use the command "Alt + F12" when trying to "peek definition" in Visual Studio. I found out through another forum-thread that it was Nvidia's GeForce Experience that overrides some of the "Alt" shortcuts and uses them for their functionalities with screen recordings etc.
What solved it for me, was going into the GeForce Experience settings and switch off the use of in-game overlay:
Alternatively, if you want to use the overlay, you can just change the short cut commands.
For ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3.3 and Visual Studio 2017:
Tools > Options > Tools > External Sources > Default Visual Studio Navigation > Save
I ran into this problem after an organizational change that caused my windows profile to change. I tried the solutions listed above, but nothing seemed to work.
Here is how I fixed it (brute force worked!)
NOTE: Steps listed are for VS 2012 and ReSharper 7.1.3
Uninstalled Re-Sharper
Exit visual studio, ensure the process devenv.exe is no longer there in the running processes (was there in my case and I had to do a "End Process Tree" from Task Manager)
Fired up VS 2012, and from the menu Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard selected Visual C# 2005 (or any other setting you love) and pressed Reset
Shutdown VS again (and ensure devenv.exe has been killed in Task manager)
Re-installed re-sharper
Best of luck!
These steps solved it for me:
Uninstall keyboard in Device Manager
Re-insert your keyboard usb
"Web Essentials"
Add or update visual studio "Web Essentials" You can find it at:
Menu>>Tools>>Extensions and Updates
I hope this will save your time. It worked for me.
ReSharper added a crap 'good' new thing that they now call a feature: Smart Go To Declaration. As dumb as it may sound, it comes enabled by default: crap 'good'.
The feature is described on the link provided from here but honestly at least it should've keep it disabled, not reinvent the wheel. It also tells you how to disable that crap 'good' feature.
Sometimes it has noting to do with Visual Studio at all. Be sure your keyboard has its function key setting of the keyboard itself to send the F12 function to Visual Studio. It is an easy thing to miss.
I had just installed Pulover’s Macro Creator and F12 was set as the global hotkey to pause a macro. It was intercepting the keypress before it had a chance to get to VS.
Solution is to change that hotkey to something else. I chose Ctrl-F12. The input box is on the top right of the Pulover window.
Update 2020. I had the same problem and also tried a lot of ways, but that was still didn't working... [VS 2015, ReSharper 2019.3.1]
But, like Andrius said:
Resharper -> Options -> Environment -> General -> Clear Caches. This needs VS to be restarted, but then it started working as expected.
Summary is: (try steps above) + Resharper..-> Clear Caches + VS restart. Hope this will be useful

Visual Studio Editor does not underline errors anymore

My Visual Studio (2008) Editor has stopped to underline Errors (this nifty wavy red lines). I can't really tell when, but it can be related to the installation of .Net Framework 3.5 SP 1 or the MVC Beta (which I guess is unlikely). Furthermore have I installed and uninstalled both CodeRush and Resharper for evaluation purposes (decided not to keep either one of them).
Does anyone know the problem and how to restore this functionality again?
Have you checked Tools→Options...→Text Editor→C#→Advanced→Underline errors in the editor?
I usually like to reset my settings after messing around with plugins, as they tend to mess with settings: Tools→Import and Export Settings...→Reset all settings.
About possible causes.
For VS 2012 and 2013 if you have more than one instance of Visual Studio on different machines binded to one "live" account and have installed ReSharper on one of them, it disables the native IntelliSense and error underlines (to replace by it's own rules) that will be synchronised through your account to another machine without ReSharper.
Found it in Visual Studio 2019 as: Tools > Options > Text Editor > General > Show error squiggles
This is generally called Disable Squiggly or Wavy lines in Visual Studio.
How you will do in Visual studio 2013?
TOOLS -> Options... -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Disable Squiggles: True/False (Under IntelliSense) -> Press OK
I know its an old question, and with various solutions, but I have fixed it in different way. I'm working with Unity3D on my C# code using VS2017, when suddenly VS decides to stop underlining error while im typing. However, if I close the file tab and reopen, it suddenly undelines the error.
For example:
class A {
public int x;
should obvsiouly give an error for that lonely 's' symbol. But, VS doesn't underline it until I close and reopen this file tab.
Copied the entire Unity Project folder (which is like a regular VS Solution folder basically) and worked with the new folder, which issue was gone there.
For visual studio 2017 act according to HeeJae's comments in:
Hi. you are probably hitting a known issue. can you try this?
1.Update to latest release If that doesn’t solve it
2.Go to Tools\Options\Projects and Solutions\General and uncheck “Allow parallel project initialization”.
3.Close VS.
4.Delete the “.vs” directory beside their solution file.
5.Reopen VS.
thank you
You can re-enable the "Allow parallel project initialization" option after the issue was solved.
I tried to upgrade VS, reset VS settings, clear VS cache and everything people do conventionally but none of them solved this issue! At the end the mentioned solution worked for me magically.
Good luck
Unloading and loading same project again from the solution does the trick. Just right click on the project and click "Unload Project". Once unloaded, again right click the same project and click "Reload Project". Error highlighting will return.
I had the same issue with 2017. There was a 'disable intelisense' option, make sure that is set to false.
For everyone wondering in 2021..
search for "C_Cpp.errorSquiggles" in the settings.
Make sure to have it active for the user, as well as the workspace.
No need to restart Visual Studio.
For me (VS 2019) , after trying the other answers also, setting the scope of analysis from "Current document" to Open document" brought back the missing error markers
Just go to settings and search for errors and Image in Error Squiggles. You can see the Error squiggles (Modified: Workspace - Right now you can't see it because I modified it). Just click on modified and you will see the disabled option. If by mistake you disabled it, just enable it and you can see the red line errors again in your code.
In latest edition, check for .vscode folder in same project folder. There will be a setting.json file in that. Delete the key value pair of "C_Cpp.errorSquiggles": "Disabled". Restart the vs code.
