which client_id get consent on marketplace install? - google-apps-marketplace

How can i choose which client ID gets consent during marketplace install flow?
When i click on 'test installation flow' in the api-manager, is see that a client ID is used in the consent flow:
This client ID however, is not the correct one:
I want to the marketplace install flow to use the first client ID: 'Web client 2', and not the 'apps Script' client ID
How can i configure the correct Client ID used for the installflow?

i finally fixed this by following these steps:
disconnect my appscript library
remove the client-id i don't want in the installflow.
wait a few minutes, and went to marketplace SDK
do the testflow. as the clientid no longer exist it will pick a new one.
(luckily it picked the right one the first try)
reconnect the appscript again.
I think my users will have to reauthenticate once, but i'm not sure.


How can we add a bot when we are not the owner of the server?

I'm writing a bot for someone in python using Discord.py. Kindly share some knowledge regarding this issue.
To add a bot to a server you need to firstly have the "Manage Server" or "Administrator" permission in that server.
Then head to the Discord Developer Portal > Your Application > OAuth2 and click on the scopes you need ("Bot" is the one needed for bot commands although you will need "applications.commands" if you plan to use the new slash commands. It will generate a link that you (or someone else, if you have made it a public bot in the bot tab of the portal) can click on to add the bot to their server.
A bot must be created. To do this, log into the Discord Developer Portal and see your applications there.
To make the whole thing a bot navigate in your application as followed:
Application - New Application - Bot - Add Bot
To add the necessary permissions I recommend the following page:
Here you will get a number spit out when you are done.
To add the bot you need the Manage Server or Administrator permission. The bot does not have to be public, because you as the owner can always add it, but not others if it is set to "Private".
The invitation link is/can be structured as followed:
Just add the ApplicationID (You can find it in the Developer Portal of the application under "General Information") and the permissions of Discord Permissions Calculator to the end.
(Replace the words with your Application ID and the permission "code".)
You can't do this unless you selfbot, however this is against Discord's ToS and the account that you're using can get banned because Discord often checks for people who selfbot.

Two-factor Authentication With fastlane

Im releasing my app to firebase distribution throw Fastlane while using CI machine.
Im facing an issue with the 2FA.
Im using Match to retrieve my certificates.
This is what I have under "Appfile"
app_identifier "com.example.example" # the bundle
apple_id "appleAcount#gmail.com" # Your Apple
team_id "abcd..." # Developer Portal Team ID
ENV["FASTLANE_USER"] = "appleAcount#gmail.com"
This is the error I'm receiving:
Two-factor Authentication (6 digits code) is enabled for account
'appleAcount#gmail.com' More information about Two-factor
Authentication: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204915
If you're running this in a non-interactive session (e.g. server or
CI) check out
(Input sms to escape this prompt and select a trusted phone number
to send the code as a text message)
(You can also set the environment variable
SPACESHIP_2FA_SMS_DEFAULT_PHONE_NUMBER to automate this) (Read more
Please enter the 6 digit code:
I have read this "https://docs.fastlane.tools/best-practices/continuous-integration/" but with no luck. can anyone help me solve this issue?
The fastlane team did a great job ❤ in recent releases (from 2.157.0 to 2.163.0 so far) to support the use of an API key for App Store Connect API in many actions (pilot, deliver, match, etc. - the status for each tool is available here).
Using an API key removes the need to provide an Apple account to authenticate and authorize the fastlane actions to do their operations on App Store Connect, which also means that you will no longer be fighting with 2 factor issues on your CI machine or have to manually regenerate a session via fastlane spaceauth when it becomes invalid.
From App Store Connect API Key page:
Generating an API key allows you to configure, authenticate, and use one or more Apple services for that key. Keys don’t expire, but can’t be modified to access more services once created. You can have a maximum of 50 active keys at a time
There are other benefits of using an API key and it is the recommended solution as explained in the fastlane documentation:
fastlane has historically used Apple IDs with username and password to
authenticate using a cookie-based web session. fastlane will continue
using this same cookie-based web session to authenticate with an
unofficial version of the App Store Connect API.
However, it is recommended to use the API Key authentication when you
are able to. The benefits include:
No 2FA needed
Better performance
Documented API
Increased reliability
I will not detail the steps to set up and use an API key here as it is already well explained in the documentation but here are the main steps:
Create a new API key from App Store Connect (you must have the "Account Holder" role to create one) and assign it the App Manager role (cf. Role permissions documentation),
Store the key and its info on your CI,
In your Fastfile, call the app_store_connect_api_key action with the values stored in 2.
Pass the value returned by 3. as an api_key parameter when you call an action, or let the action retrieve its value by itself from the lane context (if it supports it).
2FA problem due to invalid session:
Should vanish :)
You need to set up a environment variable 'FASTLANE_SESSION'='---\n....\n' token.
To get this token you need to authenticate manually using this command:
fastlane spaceauth -u YOUR_APP_STORE_EMAIL
example fastlane spaceauth -u joe#test.com.
You will need to revalidate every 2-3 weeks (some say 30 days) your session. The process is kinda of a pain right now.
Create a new App Store Connect API Key in the Users page
For more info, go to the App Store Connect API Docs
Give your API Key an appropriate role for the task at hand. You can read more about roles in Permissions in App Store Connect
Download the newly created API Key file (.p8)
This file cannot be downloaded again after the page has been refreshed
Add key in your project
lane :release do
api_key = app_store_connect_api_key(
key_id: "D383SF739",
issuer_id: "6053b7fe-68a8-4acb-89be-165aa6465141",
key_filepath: "./AuthKey_D383SF739.p8",
duration: 1200, # optional (maximum 1200)
in_house: false # optional but may be required if using match/sigh
pilot(api_key: api_key)
more details

Bot Authentication

I am trying to authenticate user from my bot using azure active directory.
I have done all the steps accordingly as per official documentation.
Unfortunately,while I run the bot emulator it doesn't prompt user login and anything only shows 401 directline.conversationUpdate. See the screen shot below:
I am trying this example from Git Hub
Note: I have also integrated ngrok exe and configured like below:
Based on your capture, pls have a check that if you have configed your app id and secret correctly as 401 error means you have not authorized successfully. At this period, the most related thing here is app id and secret.
You can find app id here in your bot :
And click "Manage" to create a secret.
Once the auth card pompted up, pls make sure that your account to login belongs to the tenant that you configed in OAuth Connection Settings on Azure portal.

How to register a client name with Google?

I have two applications which access my users' calendars via a service account. Until today everything was working fine and out of a sudden one of the app cannot get a grant token. I read that this may be due to the same service account being used simultaneously (which was the case for a year but never mind) so I decided to
create a second service account
and authorize it to access the calendars
I created the service account in the Google Developers Console -> API Manager -> Credentials.
The console now looks like this:
Service account client 1 is the original service account which was working for both apps and now works for one of them only. The ga... account is the newly created one.
In order to get the ClientID I went (on the same page) to "Manage service accounts" and I get this:
The newly created account does not offer the possibility to check its ClientID. Why?
The ClientID is also available in the JSON file downloaded upon creation. I extracted it from there and tried to authorize the access in my GApps Security console:
As you can see it was refused.
What part did I miss when creating this second account?
Found it:
and after checking the checkbox below both accounts look the same, the ClientID is available and it can be authorized in the GApps console.

How to find a Windows Store App's SID?

I am trying to integrate facebook into a Windows Store App.
I have created a new FB App and started working through the steps described in this blog post. http://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2013/11/14/facebook-login-for-windows-store-apps/
Here is where I ran into a problem. Step 2 describes how to obtain a Windows SID for an App that has yet to be published. However my app is already published. Does anyone know how to obtain a SID for an app that is already published in the Windows Store?
Instructions in this post should help you find how to locate SID for published app: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh465407.aspx
It's listed under step 3 for obtaining the credentials for your app. Here are the steps:
Go to the Windows Store apps page of the Windows Dev Center and sign in with your Microsoft account.
Once you have signed in, click the Dashboard link.
On the Dashboard, select Submit an app.
On the Submit an app page, select App name.
Select the Services link.
On the Services page, select the Live Services link found under the Microsoft Azure Mobile Services section.
On the Push notifications and Live Connect services info page, select Identifying your app.
The Identifying your app page gives you an identity element to include in your app's manifest. Open your manifest in a text editor and add that element as the page instructs.
9.Click the Authenticating your service link at the bottom of that same Identifying your app page.
The Authenticating your service page provides your security identifier (SID) and client secret.
I see it's an old post, but I guess it's better to show a simpler solution, which is the one told by microsoft in this thread: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/publish/view-app-identity-details
You can just go to your application from the developer dashboard, then on the left you should expand the "App Management" option and choose "App Identity". There you can find many informations, including the App SID.
