How to de-optimize the Linux kernel to avoid value optimized out - gcc

I am debugging Linux kernel.
I compile the kernel with -O1 optimization level. (Note that the Linux kernel cannot be compiled with -O0).
When using gdb to debug it, I found some values are optimized out. As shown in the following figure. The len, flags, and add_len arguments are all optimized out.
How can I de-optimize the Linux kernel to avoid making these variables being optimized out?

Building with -Og is supposed to eliminate these problems.
I don't know whether Linux kernel can be compiled that way.
Note that often you can discover the "optimized out" value by going up or down the stack, e.g. if the caller looks like this:
udp_recvmsg(sk, foo->msg, foo->msglen, ...);
then looking at *foo in the caller will tell you the len despite it being optimized out in the udp_recvmsg itself.


what are the two numbers for an instruction location in objdump of a kernel module? [duplicate]

Consider the following Linux kernel dump stack trace; e.g., you can trigger a panic from the kernel source code by calling panic("debugging a Linux kernel panic");:
[<001360ac>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8) from [<00147b7c>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x50/0x60)
[<00147b7c>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x50/0x60) from [<00147c40>] (warn_slowpath_null+0x1c/0x24)
[<00147c40>] (warn_slowpath_null+0x1c/0x24) from [<0014de44>] (local_bh_enable_ip+0xa0/0xac)
[<0014de44>] (local_bh_enable_ip+0xa0/0xac) from [<0019594c>] (bdi_register+0xec/0x150)
In unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8 what does +0x0/0xf8 stand for?
How can I see the C code of unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8?
How to interpret the panic's content?
It's just an ordinary backtrace, those functions are called in reverse order (first one called was called by the previous one and so on):
The bdi_register+0xec/0x150 is the symbol + the offset/length there's more information about that in Understanding a Kernel Oops and how you can debug a kernel oops. Also there's this excellent tutorial on Debugging the Kernel
Note: as suggested below by Eugene, you may want to try addr2line first, it still needs an image with debugging symbols though, for example
addr2line -e vmlinux_with_debug_info 0019594c(+offset)
Here are two alternatives for addr2line. Assuming you have the proper target's toolchain, you can do one of the following:
Use objdump:
locate your vmlinux or the .ko file under the kernel root directory, then disassemble the object file :
objdump -dS vmlinux > /tmp/kernel.s
Open the generated assembly file, /tmp/kernel.s. with a text editor such as vim. Go to
unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8, i.e. search for the address of unwind_backtrace + the offset. Finally, you have located the problematic part in your source code.
Use gdb:
IMO, an even more elegant option is to use the one and only gdb. Assuming you have the suitable toolchain on your host machine:
Run gdb <path-to-vmlinux>.
Execute in gdb's prompt: list *(unwind_backtrace+0x10).
For additional information, you may checkout the following resources:
Kernel Debugging Tricks.
Debugging The Linux Kernel Using Gdb
In unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8 what the +0x0/0xf8 stands for?
The first number (+0x0) is the offset from the beginning of the function (unwind_backtrace in this case). The second number (0xf8) is the total length of the function. Given these two pieces of information, if you already have a hunch about where the fault occurred this might be enough to confirm your suspicion (you can tell (roughly) how far along in the function you were).
To get the exact source line of the corresponding instruction (generally better than hunches), use addr2line or the other methods in other answers.

When we get runtime error in swift project, Why does Xcode send us to Thread output in assembly language? What's the point ?

As you know when there is somethings wrong when we are running a Swift project in Xcode we will direct to tread debug navigator's thread section and we will be face with some assembly code like this :
I am wondering is there any reference, tutorial or tools for understanding these codes , there should be reasone that we direct to these code
let me clear; I know how to fix the errors but this suffering me when I do not understand some thing like this. I want to know what are these codes and how we can use them or at least understand them.
Thanks :)
Original question: what language is that? That's AT&T syntax assembly language for x86-64. for manuals from Intel and other resources, and for how AT&T syntax differs from Intel syntax used in most manuals. (I think the x86 tag wiki has a few AT&T syntax tutorials.) Most AT&T-syntax disassemblers have an intel-syntax mode, too, so you can use that if you want asm that matches Intel's manuals.
What's the point?
The point is so you can debug your program if you know asm. Or you can show the asm to someone who does understand it, or include it in a bug report.
Did you compile without debug symbols? Or did it crash in library code without symbols? It's normal for debuggers to show you asm if it can't show you source, or if you ask for asm.
If you have debug symbols for your own code, you can at least backtrace into parent functions for which you do have source. (Unless the stack is corrupted.)
Did your program fault on that instruction highlighted in pink? That's a bit odd, since it's loading from static data (a RIP-relative load means the address is a link-time constant).
Did you maybe munmap or mprotect that page of your program's data or text segment so a load would fault? Normally you only get faults when an addressing mode involves a pointer.
(The call *0x1234(%rip) right before it is calling through a function pointer, though. The function-pointer is stored in memory, but code-fetch after the call executes would fault if it was pointing to an unmapped or non-executable page). But your first image shows you got a SIGABRT, not SIGSEGV, so that's more like the program on purpose aborted after failing an assertion.
I believe majority of swift coders don't know asm
There's nothing more useful a debugger can do without debug symbols and source files.
Also keep in mind that the majority of debugger authors do know asm, so for them it is an obviously-useful feature / behaviour. They know that many people won't be able to benefit from it, but that some will.
Asm is what's really running on the machine. Without asm, you couldn't find wrong-code compiler bugs, etc. etc. As far as software bugs, there is no lower level than asm, so it's not some arbitrary choice of some lower-level layer to stop at.
(Unless there's also a bug in your disassembler or debugger, in which case you need to check the hex machine code.)

Profiling OpenMP: update_cfs_rq_blocked_load takes majority of runtime

I am profiling some OpenMP code using Intel's amplxe. It's giving me some confusing results and I am not sure if something weird is going on with the profiler.
I use __itt_pause(); and __itt_resume(); to isolate the OpenMP section of the code, but my bottom-up view looks like this:
_raw_spin_lock vmlinux 23.474s
update_cfs_rq_blocked_load vmlinux 15.215s
__schedule vmlinux 10.695s
put_prev_task_fair vmlinux 7.918s
update_cfs_shares vmlinux 7.447s
Could this be the effect of overparallelised OpenMP region or is it something weird that my profiler is reporting? I was expecting to see more OpenMP related information in the profiler result, but they are all at the bottom and the runtime is dominated by kernel based routines.
Could someone explain if those are likely things one would see in OpenMP profiles and what exactly do the cfs functions do? (My understanding is that... there's a lot of locking going on in the scheduler!?!)

how can i override malloc(), calloc(), free() etc under OS X?

Assuming the latest XCode and GCC, what is the proper way to override the memory allocation functions (I guess operator new/delete as well). The debugging memory allocators are too slow for a game, I just need some basic stats I can do myself with minimal impact.
I know its easy in Linux due to the hooks, and this was trivial under codewarrior ten years ago when I wrote HeapManager.
Sadly smartheap no longer has a mac version.
I would use library preloading for this task, because it does not require modification of the running program. If you're familiar with the usual Unix way to do this, it's almost a matter of replacing LD_PRELOAD with DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES.
First step is to create a library with code such as this, then build it using regular shared library linking options (gcc -dynamiclib):
void *malloc(size_t size)
void * (*real_malloc)(size_t);
real_malloc = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "malloc");
fprintf(stderr, "allocating %lu bytes\n", (unsigned long)size);
/* Do your stuff here */
return real_malloc(size);
Note that if you also divert calloc() and its implementation calls malloc(), you may need additional code to check how you're being called. C++ programs should be pretty safe because the new operator calls malloc() anyway, but be aware that no standard enforces that. I have never encountered an implementation that didn't use malloc(), though.
Finally, set up the running environment for your program and launch it (might require adjustments depending on how your shell handles environment variables):
export DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=./yourlibrary.dylib
yourprogram --yourargs
See the dyld manual page for more information about the dynamic linker environment variables.
This method is pretty generic. There are limitations, however:
You won't be able to divert direct system calls
If the application itself tricks you by using dlsym() to load malloc's address, the call won't be diverted. Unless, however, you trick it back by also diverting dlsym!
The malloc_default_zone technique mentioned at appears to still work, see e.g. for an example use that seems to be similar to what you intend.
After much searching (here included) and issues with 10.7 I decided to write a blog post about this topic: How to set malloc hooks in OSX Lion
You'll find a few good links at the end of the post with more information on this topic.
The basic solution:
malloc_zone_t *dz=malloc_default_zone();
vm_protect(mach_task_self(), (uintptr_t)malloc_zones, protect_size, 0, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE);//remove the write protection
dz->free=&my_free; //this line is throwing a bad ptr exception without calling vm_protect first
vm_protect(mach_task_self(), (uintptr_t)malloc_zones, protect_size, 0, VM_PROT_READ);//put the write protection back
This is an old question, but I came across it while trying to do this myself. I got curious about this topic for a personal project I was working on, mainly to make sure that what I thought was automatically deallocated was being properly deallocated. I ended up writing a C++ implementation to allow me to track the amount of allocated heap and report it out if I so chose.
As the name notes, this is OSX-specific. However, I was able to do this on Linux environments using the malloc_usable_size
#include "malloc_override_osx.hpp"
int main(){
int* ip = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
double* dp = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double));
$ clang++ -isysroot /Applications/ \
-pipe -stdlib=libc++ -std=gnu++11 -g -o test test.cpp
$ ./test
0x7fa28a403230 -> malloc(16) -> 16
0x7fa28a403240 -> malloc(16) -> 32
0x7fa28a403230 -> free(16) -> 16
0x7fa28a403240 -> free(16) -> 0
Hope this helps someone else out in the future!
If the basic stats you need can be collected in a simple wrapper, a quick (and kinda dirty) trick is just using some #define macro replacement.
void* _mymalloc(size_t size)
void* ptr = malloc(size);
/* do your stat work? */
return ptr;
#define malloc(sz_) _mymalloc(sz_)
Note: if the macro is defined before the _mymalloc definition it will end up replacing the malloc call inside that function leaving you with infinite recursion... so ensure this isn't the case. You might want to explicitly #undef it before that function definition and simply (re)define it afterward depending on where you end up including it to hopefully avoid this situation.
I think if you define a malloc() and free() in your own .c file included in the project the linker will resolve that version.
Now then, how do you intend to implement malloc?
Check out Emery Berger's -- the author of the Hoard memory allocator's -- approach for replacing the allocator on OSX at (and a few other files you can trace yourself by following the includes).
This is complementary to Alex's answer, but I thought this example was more to-the-point of replacing the system provided allocator.

How to get GCC to use more than two SIMD registers when using intrinsics?

I am writing some code and trying to speed it up using SIMD intrinsics SSE2/3. My code is of such nature that I need to load some data into an XMM register and act on it many times. When I'm looking at the assembler code generated, it seems that GCC keeps flushing the data back to the memory, in order to reload something else in XMM0 and XMM1. I am compiling for x86-64 so I have 15 registers. Why is GCC using only two and what can I do to ask it to use more? Is there any way that I can "pin" some value in a register? I added the "register" keyword to my variable definition, but the generated assembly code is identical.
Yes, you can. Explicit Reg Vars talks about the syntax you need to pin a variable to a specific register.
If you're getting to the point where you're specifying individual registers for each intrinsic, you might as well just write the assembly directory, especially given gcc's nasty habit of pessimizing intrinsics unnecessarily in many cases.
It sounds like you compiled with optimization disabled, so no variables are kept in registers between C statements, not even int.
Compile with gcc -O3 -march=native to let the compiler make non-terrible asm, optimized for your machine. The default is -O0 with a "generic" target ISA and tuning.
See also Why does clang produce inefficient asm with -O0 (for this simple floating point sum)? for more about why "debug" builds in general are like that, and the fact that register int foo; or register __m128 bar; can stay in a register even in a debug build. But it's much better to actually have the compiler optimize, as well as using registers, if you want your code to run fast overall!
