what are the two numbers for an instruction location in objdump of a kernel module? [duplicate] - debugging

Consider the following Linux kernel dump stack trace; e.g., you can trigger a panic from the kernel source code by calling panic("debugging a Linux kernel panic");:
[<001360ac>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8) from [<00147b7c>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x50/0x60)
[<00147b7c>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x50/0x60) from [<00147c40>] (warn_slowpath_null+0x1c/0x24)
[<00147c40>] (warn_slowpath_null+0x1c/0x24) from [<0014de44>] (local_bh_enable_ip+0xa0/0xac)
[<0014de44>] (local_bh_enable_ip+0xa0/0xac) from [<0019594c>] (bdi_register+0xec/0x150)
In unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8 what does +0x0/0xf8 stand for?
How can I see the C code of unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8?
How to interpret the panic's content?

It's just an ordinary backtrace, those functions are called in reverse order (first one called was called by the previous one and so on):
The bdi_register+0xec/0x150 is the symbol + the offset/length there's more information about that in Understanding a Kernel Oops and how you can debug a kernel oops. Also there's this excellent tutorial on Debugging the Kernel
Note: as suggested below by Eugene, you may want to try addr2line first, it still needs an image with debugging symbols though, for example
addr2line -e vmlinux_with_debug_info 0019594c(+offset)

Here are two alternatives for addr2line. Assuming you have the proper target's toolchain, you can do one of the following:
Use objdump:
locate your vmlinux or the .ko file under the kernel root directory, then disassemble the object file :
objdump -dS vmlinux > /tmp/kernel.s
Open the generated assembly file, /tmp/kernel.s. with a text editor such as vim. Go to
unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8, i.e. search for the address of unwind_backtrace + the offset. Finally, you have located the problematic part in your source code.
Use gdb:
IMO, an even more elegant option is to use the one and only gdb. Assuming you have the suitable toolchain on your host machine:
Run gdb <path-to-vmlinux>.
Execute in gdb's prompt: list *(unwind_backtrace+0x10).
For additional information, you may checkout the following resources:
Kernel Debugging Tricks.
Debugging The Linux Kernel Using Gdb

In unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8 what the +0x0/0xf8 stands for?
The first number (+0x0) is the offset from the beginning of the function (unwind_backtrace in this case). The second number (0xf8) is the total length of the function. Given these two pieces of information, if you already have a hunch about where the fault occurred this might be enough to confirm your suspicion (you can tell (roughly) how far along in the function you were).
To get the exact source line of the corresponding instruction (generally better than hunches), use addr2line or the other methods in other answers.


Wrong line number in stack-trace in debugging Linux kernel using kgdb

I am trying to debug a driver for an Ethernet-MAC in the Linux kernel using kgdb over serial.
I halt the execution by making a call to "kgdb_breakpoint()" at the desired location in the code and recompile the kernel.
But after the code halts, as you may notice in the screenshot the backtrace shows correct function-graph and source filenames but, for some reason corresponding line numbers are not correct.
Please note: I have compiled this kernel with "CONFIG_FRAME_POINTER" set and "nokaslr" in the boot-args.
Is there a way I can see a stack trace with correct line number here ?
(I have used QtCreator during this screenshot, although behavior is similar with gdb over command-line or TUI)
Edit: No matter, whichever function I put the `kgdb_breakpoint()`
in, (inside the driver source) , line number in the stacktrace always say the same line number for the halted function.

Segmentation Fault Using LLDB

When I was debugging my .c file using lldb on terminal for Mac, I some how cannot find the location of the segmentation fault. I have debugged the code numerous of times and it is still producing the same error. Can someone help me on why I can find the location of segmentation fault. enter image description here
Use the bt command in lldb to see the call stack. You've called a libc function like scanf() and are most likely passing an invalid argument to it. When you see the call stack, you will see a stack frame with your own code on it, say it is frame #3. You can select that frame with f 3, and you can look at variables with the v command to understand what arguments were passed to the libc function that led to a crash.
Without knowing what your code is doing, I would suggest using a tool like valgrind instead of just a normal debugger. It's designed to look for memory issues for lower-level languages like C/C++/FORTRAN. For example, it will tell you if you're trying to use an index that is too large for an array.
From the quick start guide, try valgrind --leak-check=yes myprog arg1 arg2

How do you go about knowing what is happening in a JIT'ed code?

I am working with Firefox on a research project. Firefox makes uses of lots of JIT'ed code during run time.
I instrumented Firefox using a custom PIN tool to find out locations(address) of some things I as looking for. The issue is that those location are in JIT'ed code. I want to know what is actually happening over there in the code.
To do this I dumped the corresponding memory region and used objdump to disassemble the dump.
I used objdump -D -b binary -mi386 file.dump to see the instructions that would have been executed. To my surprise the only section listed is .data section (a very big one).
Either i am incorrectly disassembling it or something else is wrong with my understanding. I expect to see more sections like .text where actual executable instructions should be present and .data section should not be executable.
Am I correct in my understanding here?
Also If some one can please advise me on how to properly know what is happening in Jit'ed code.
Linux 3.13.0-24-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP x86_64
or something else is wrong with my understanding
Yes: something else is wrong with your understanding.
Sections (such as .text and .data) only make sense at static link time (the static linker groups .text from multiple .o files together into a single .text in the final executable). They are not useful, and in fact could be completely stripped, at execution time. On ELF systems, all that you need at runtime are segments (PT_LOAD segments in particular), which you can see with readelf -l binary.
Sections in ELF file are "parts of the file". When you dump memory, sections don't make any sense to even talk about.
The .data that you see in objdump output is not really there either, it's just an artifact that objdump manufactures.

Flash size of a bare metal ARM program

How to know the flash size of a bare metal arm code. If I have the elf is it possible to know how much flash will be required to store the program? For example if I have the elf file that is supposed to go into a ARM based MCU, how can I determine how much of the MCU's flash will be consumed by the code?
The ELF headers should contain the information you need. You can use either the objdump (with -h) or readelf tool to read these. Those tools should be included with your toolchain.
Basically, you're looking to add up the size all the loadable sections, such as .text and .data. Look for the LOAD flag in the output from objdump, for example.
You can ignore non-loadable sections such as .comment, .debug and .bssĀ· Some of those are there for the benefit of the debugger, for example, and some are just placeholders for memory that will be used by the program at run time, but contains no pre-existing data.
When I say "add up the size", that's not strictly true; the linker will have already allocated each section to a specific address in flash (I'm assuming your program will run directly from ROM), so you need to find the end-address of the last section to determine how much is left.

gdb: how to print the current line or find the current line number?

list commands prints a set of lines, but I need one single line, where I am and where an error has probably occurred.
The 'frame' command will give you what you are looking for. (This can be abbreviated just 'f'). Here is an example:
(gdb) frame
\#0 zmq::xsub_t::xrecv (this=0x617180, msg_=0x7ffff00008e0) at xsub.cpp:139
139 int rc = fq.recv (msg_);
Without an argument, 'frame' just tells you where you are at (with an argument it changes the frame). More information on the frame command can be found here.
Command where or frame can be used. where command will give more info with the function name
I do get the same information while debugging. Though not while I am checking the stacktrace. Most probably you would have used the optimization flag I think. Check this link - something related.
Try compiling with -g3 remove any optimization flag.
Then it might work.
Keep in mind that gdb is a powerful command -capable of low level instructions- so is tied to assembly concepts.
What you are looking for is called de instruction pointer, i.e:
The instruction pointer register points to the memory address which the processor will next attempt to execute. The instruction pointer is called ip in 16-bit mode, eip in 32-bit mode,and rip in 64-bit mode.
more detail here
all registers available on gdb execution can be shown with:
(gdb) info registers
with it you can find which mode your program is running (looking which of these registers exist)
then (here using most common register rip nowadays, replace with eip or very rarely ip if needed):
(gdb)info line *$rip
will show you line number and file source
(gdb) list *$rip
will show you that line with a few before and after
but probably
(gdb) frame
should be enough in many cases.
All the answers above are correct, What I prefer is to use tui mode (ctrl+X A or 'tui enable') which shows your location and the function in a separate window which is very helpful for the users.
Hope that helps too.
