Identityserver3: Token validation requests not visible in Fiddler - validation

In fiddler composer, I execute a call to a local api that is secured by a local identityserver3.
I added the token, and I configured the middleware to validate the token on the server. Tt works fine, in Idenityserver3 log file I see a succesful token validation logmessage for the configured scope.
I assume that, with htis config, each time the api is called, the Idsrv3 middleware calls the token validation endpoint under the hood.
My issue is that fiddler does not show this middleware request, just the call to the api itself. Is this due to fiddler settings or is there another reason this request is invisible to fiddler?
Is there a way to display it?

It could be that .NET is not routing the localhost traffic to fiddler proxy. For workaround check this.
Also, check if you have configured validation mode properly. According to documentation validation endpoint is useful if you have no access to crypto libraries locally.
Valid validation modes are
ValidationMode.Both - Use local validation for JWTs and the validation endpoint for reference tokens
ValidationMode.Local - Use local validation oly (only suitable for JWT tokens)
ValidationMode.ValidationEndpoint - Use the validation endpoint only (works for both JWT and reference tokens)
You can set the validation mode in IdentityServerAuthenticationOptions
app.UseIdentityServerBearerTokenAuthentication(new IdentityServerBearerTokenAuthenticationOptions
Authority = "https://localhost:44333/core",
//RequiredScopes = new[] { "write" },
// client credentials for the introspection endpoint
ClientId = "write",
ClientSecret = "secret",
ValidationMode = ValidationMode.Local


How to silently renew Id Token using AddMicrosoftIdentityWebAppAuthentication to Call Downstream API

I am trying to implement the BFF-Gateway pattern (no tokens in the browser) to be used with a React SPA. The BFF is using AddMicrosoftIdentityWebAppAuthentication to handle login and issue a cookie to the SPA. And it is using YARP to proxy api requests to a downstream api. I'm using Azure B2C. Everything works perfectly until the BFF id_token expires in 1 hour. At that point, fetching the downstream api access token via GetAccessTokenForUserAsync (which is called in a piece of middleware) fails:
var scope = _configuration["CallApi:ScopeForAccessToken"];
var accessToken = await _tokenAcquisition.GetAccessTokenForUserAsync(new[] { scope });
ctx.Request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
IDW10502: An MsalUiRequiredException was thrown due to a challenge for the user. See
ResponseBody: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADB2C90085: The service has encountered an internal error. Please reauthenticate and try again.\r\nCorrelation ID: 622d6bd6-d06e-4142-86f2-b30a7a17b3b5\r\nTimestamp: 2022-11-25 09:31:23Z\r\n"}
This is effectively the same as Call Downstream API Without The Helper Class example and this sample, except that I'm acquiring the access token in middleware, not a controller, so the downstream YARP requests contain the access token. BTW I get the same error if I do this inside a controller per this example. And I see no soluton to this in the sample.
There is a similar question here which references the sample referenced above, but for the B2C sample I see no solution to this problem.
I also found this sample and this explanation. But this uses Microsoft.Owin to configure auth, not AddMicrosoftIdentityWebAppAuthentication. This looks promising, but is a departure from most examples I see that use Microsoft.Identity.Web.
Can you please point to the correct soluton? I need call to be able to call _tokenAcquisition.GetAccessTokenForUserAsync after the id token expires without asking the user to reauthenticate and/or the SPA to having to reload.
At the moment I am handling this issue in the SPA by catching the exception from MSAL and redirecting back to the login endpoint in the BFF which initiates the challenge. This gets me a new id_token and cookie, but this is just a temp workaround as it's very disruptive to user to be redirected away from the SPA.

Vertx SockJs Eventbus Authentication

I'm trying to make a sock.js connection from the frontend to the vertx backend.
my initial try looked like this:
let token = '<the token>';
let data = {'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + token};
let eb = new EventBus("http://localhost:8080/eventbus");
eb.onopen = function () {
eb.registerHandler('notifications', data, (err, msg) => {
// handle the response
this doesn't work since I need to send the auth data on EventBus creation, even though the official sock.js documentation states that this is not supported. Obviously now sending new EventBus("http://localhost:9090/eventbus", data) doesn't work either.
my backend handler for this:
final BridgeOptions bridgeOptions = new BridgeOptions()
.addOutboundPermitted(new PermittedOptions().setAddress("notifications"))
final SockJSHandler sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx).bridge(bridgeOptions, event -> {
router.route("/eventbus/*").handler(ctx -> {
String token = ctx.request().getHeader("Authorization"); // null
whatever I tried the header field Authroization is always null.
What is the standard way to authenticate the sock.js connection and register to an eventbus request in vertx?
SockJS uses WebSockets by default. You can't add custom headers (Authorization, etc) using JavaScript WebSocket API. Read this thread for more explanation.
I see 2 ways, how you can add authorization:
Just add token parameter to URL:
let eb = new EventBus("http://localhost:8080/eventbus?token=" + token);
and here's how you can get it on a server:
String token = ctx.request().getParam("token");
Send authorization message after connecting to the server. It can be some JSON object, which contains token field.
I think, 1st option is enough, however, 2nd one can be harder to implement in terms of Event Bus and SockJS.
Since sending Authorization header is not possible, attaching a token query parameter (as described by #berserkk) is the way to go.
However, in some circumstances, it may be undesirable to send your main login token in plain text as a query parameter because it is more opaque than using a header and will end up being logged whoknowswhere. If this raises security concerns for you, an alternative is to use a secondary JWT token just for the web socket stuff.
Create a REST endpoint for generating this JWT, which can of course only be accessed by users authenticated with your primary login token (transmitted via header). The web socket JWT can be configured differently than your login token, e.g. with a shorter timeout, so it's safer to send around as query param of your upgrade request.
Create a separate JwtAuthHandler for the same route you register the SockJS eventbusHandler on. Make sure your auth handler is registered first, so you can check the web socket token against your database (the JWT should be somehow linked to your user in the backend).
I think best way to secure a web-socket is using CORS check
Cross Origin Resource Sharing is a safe mechanism for allowing resources to be requested
router.route().handler(CorsHandler.create(your host origin path).allowCredentials(true));
We can add more layer of security also using sockjs :
Allow events for the designated addresses in/out of the event bus bridge
BridgeOptions opts = new BridgeOptions()
.addInboundPermitted(new PermittedOptions().setAddressRegex(Constants.INBOUND_REGEXP));

Authenticating an API request with a Token

Suppose I make an API request to the following URL:
This is an API I built and have full control over.
I would like to limit access to this API to only the apps I authorize.
I see many services will provide you with an API key which you can append to your URL to give you access.
Suppose I have:
Then on the backend I have something like:
class REST {
public $ACCESS_TOKEN = 'a6reallly7long2string9of0numbers2and4letters',
public function Auth($token){
if($token===$this->ACCESS_TOKEN) return true;
return false;
If the values match, I allow access.
But all someone would have to do is look at the request the app is making on the client side and they have the token.
Even if I encrypt the token or use one-way hashing, they'll still have the value that decrypts to the correct result.
How does one approach good authentication via URL token for an API?
I would like to limit access to this API to only the apps I authorize.
What are you looking for is "access authorization". Indeed, an access token seems to be a good way, but there are some aspects missing
** Authorization header **
By default the token should be sent as an HTTP header ( not in the url
Commonly used Authorization headers types are Basic (for basic authentication) and Bearer (for OAuth authentication and authorization)
The token should not be a hardcoded constant. It should be created/generated based on the application (and optionally user) authentication. And still better if the token is temporary
Now you can ask - how can an application keep its credentials secret? Each application can have their own server services (end user should.not access application credentials) or pure web application should be comtrolled by the CORS headers
Just search for OAuth 2.0 protocol and JWT token (jwt should be self-contained and signed).
IMHO the URL token may be an option when there is no other alternative, as URL is often cached, resent, logged,...
** API Manager **
If you have resources (server) to do so, you can deploy an API manager (there are open source, commercial or cloud options, just search for some). API manager will handle the application enrollment, authorization and enforcement.

Validating token in client application

I have an application which accepts JWTtoken and go through the claims and respond to the request. Once I receive the JWTtoken, I want to validate whether it is issued by the Identity server which I trust.
Any idea how an application can perform JWTtoken validation?
an application simply make call:
/connect/identitytokenvalidation?token=&client_id= and get the token validation done?
Do I need to create TokenClient instance to call RequestAssertionAsync? or I can simply make http get request by passing token value in the query string?
I can get the token value with the following way:
Any sample would be of a great help.
If your endpoint is running in a Katana pipeline then you can use either the Microsoft JWT bearer authentication middleware, or you can use the IdentityServer3.AccessTokenValidation middleware. Either of these will be the proper validation.
If you don't want to use those and do it manually, then you can use the Microsoft JwtSecurityTokenHandler class to perform the validation.
Here's the relevant lines of code from our sample web api
app.UseIdentityServerBearerTokenAuthentication(new IdentityServerBearerTokenAuthenticationOptions
Authority = "https://localhost:44333/core",
RequiredScopes = new[] { "write" },

How to exchange Google one-time authorization code for a refresh token without callback (intranet)?

I'm working on a intranet-based application and I want to use Google services. Currently I have successfully implemented Google Authentication with "Sign-In for Websites" using JavaScript client-side authentication. My users can now sign in or sign up with their Google accounts.
Now I want to use Google API to create and share Google Sheets with my users. These documents will be created with a specific Google account and then shared with my users.
This is why I want to use this server-slide flow to get a one-time authorization code and exchange it for a refresh token:
This refresh token will be stored in my database allowing me to user Google services on behalf of this offline user.
Using JavaScript library, I was able to get the one-time authorization code that I send to my server with a AJAX request.
auth2.grantOfflineAccess({'redirect_uri': 'postmessage'}).then(grantOfflineAccessCallback);
var grantOfflineAccessCallback = function(authResult) {
var auth_code = authResult.code;
// Exchange the one-time authorization code for tokens
On server-side I use Google API PHP Client (v2.0.0-RC6) to acquire an access and refresh token.
$this->client = new Google_Client();
$response = $this->client->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($oneTimeCode);
I wasn't able to exchange the authorization code.
Client error: `POST` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "Missing parameter: redirect_uri"
On this page we can read:
On the server, exchange the auth code for access and refresh tokens.
Use the access token to call Google APIs on behalf of the user.
On the JAVA example code:
REDIRECT_URI: // Specify the same redirect URI that you use with your web
// app. If you don't have a web version of your app, you can
// specify an empty string.
Because the application I working on is an intranet application, I tried to specify an empty string for this redirect_uri parameter before calling fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode() method:
... result in Redirect URI must be absolute.
Can we use this hybrid server-slide flow without callback URL?
Is there any solution to my problem?
redirect_uri is where the user will be redirected to after he signed in. This URL must be registered in the Google Project (developers console). So redirect_uri is NOT the callback...!
Problem is now solved with:
