Authenticating an API request with a Token - ajax

Suppose I make an API request to the following URL:
This is an API I built and have full control over.
I would like to limit access to this API to only the apps I authorize.
I see many services will provide you with an API key which you can append to your URL to give you access.
Suppose I have:
Then on the backend I have something like:
class REST {
public $ACCESS_TOKEN = 'a6reallly7long2string9of0numbers2and4letters',
public function Auth($token){
if($token===$this->ACCESS_TOKEN) return true;
return false;
If the values match, I allow access.
But all someone would have to do is look at the request the app is making on the client side and they have the token.
Even if I encrypt the token or use one-way hashing, they'll still have the value that decrypts to the correct result.
How does one approach good authentication via URL token for an API?

I would like to limit access to this API to only the apps I authorize.
What are you looking for is "access authorization". Indeed, an access token seems to be a good way, but there are some aspects missing
** Authorization header **
By default the token should be sent as an HTTP header ( not in the url
Commonly used Authorization headers types are Basic (for basic authentication) and Bearer (for OAuth authentication and authorization)
The token should not be a hardcoded constant. It should be created/generated based on the application (and optionally user) authentication. And still better if the token is temporary
Now you can ask - how can an application keep its credentials secret? Each application can have their own server services (end user should.not access application credentials) or pure web application should be comtrolled by the CORS headers
Just search for OAuth 2.0 protocol and JWT token (jwt should be self-contained and signed).
IMHO the URL token may be an option when there is no other alternative, as URL is often cached, resent, logged,...
** API Manager **
If you have resources (server) to do so, you can deploy an API manager (there are open source, commercial or cloud options, just search for some). API manager will handle the application enrollment, authorization and enforcement.


Debugging The interface between Resource Server and Authorization Server (oauth 2.0. validation access token)

There are two spring-boot apps.
there is dev okta account that is used as auth server
(those 2 apps are standard Spring Boot client -> resource-server, almost out of the box with okta setup for them, should not be problem there)
client - securely sends messages to--> secure-sever (passing the access token in the header as prove that it's authorized to call it and get data back)
(it works as expected)
But I am trying to figure out what's going on between all them, traffic wise
I'm trying to spot that moment when resource-server checks the token it got from the client that got it from the auth server.
Here is a sequence diagram of standard oauth 2.0 flow and that part that I want to debug (arrow)
auth server
And there is a communications between client, resource-sever:
There seems I can not confirm that Resource Server (from the right) does any token validation with the auth-server (okta)..?
Question: is why? From my understanding it is supposed to validate it (somehow).
I was expecting to see a call from resource-server to auth-server (otka) with the token-validation-request (ETF RFC 7662 in October 2015) like this:
How to validate an OAuth 2.0 access token for a resource server?
I was expecting, lets say, tat for every client call, resource server would check if that token the client passes is valid. Yet I do not see any calls from resource service to okta that would use the token in its requests to okta.
This comes down to the difference between JWTs and opaque tokens.
It looks like your application is using JWTs, based on the calls I'm seeing to /keys.
When using JWT authentication the resource server will query the jwks_url (in this case /keys) on startup to retrieve a set of public keys that it can use to validate the JWT-encoded bearer tokens.
Then, when the resource server receives a bearer token in a request from the client it will validate its signature against a public key obtained from the jwks_url endpoint.
This means the resource server doesn't have to query the authorization server on every request.
You can read more about this process in the OAuth 2.0 Resource Server JWT section of the Spring Security reference documentation.
The question that you linked to refers to opaque tokens.
In this setup, the resource server must call the authorization server introspection endpoint to validate the token every time.
You can read more about this process in the OAuth 2.0 Resource Server Opaque Token section of the Spring Security reference documentation.

Proper way to authenticate WebApi backend

I am building a WebApi for external consumers. I want to lock it down using Azure AD B2C token authentication. .NET Framework 4.7.2 using Owin middleware.
The workflow (as I understand it) goes like this:
Successful path:
GET request on secure endpoint, contains a header with a valid auth token
API returns expected result
Invalid/missing token path:
GET request on secure endpoint, contains an invalid/missing token in the header(s)
API returns 401
This all looks correct from a security point of view, but my poor consumers won't know how to get a new token. Should I be returning something with the 401 to assist in them getting a new token? (i.e. the URL for the Azure AD B2C endpoint) - does this break conventional rules on returning objects with a 401? Am I expecting too much for my consumers to know how to interact with my chosen 3rd-party auth provider?
My question is more about design but would appreciate any technical examples.

Which information gets sent in each API request using OIDC

I'm writing an API back-end that I want to use OpenID Connect (OIDC) to secure. I've been reading the documentation but I'm still a bit confused what process applies to each and every API request. The Open ID Connect code flow appears to be:
Which I'm fine with, as a one-time process. My back-end API sees an authorization code in the HTTP headers, and sends a request to the authorization server to get the id token. Assuming this validates OK, the data requested is returned in the API response.
But assuming the same user will then be making lots of requests to this API, what happens in subsequent requests? Is there some sort of session created in this mechanism? Do I continue to receive the same authorization code? Do I have to keep sending these back channel requests to the authorization server?
Or should I even output the JWT id token as a cookie? In this way I get the self contained id token coming back in future requests, with no need of a server side session, or further round trips.
I've been reading the documentation but I'm still a bit confused what
process applies to each and every API request
It is not the API that should follow OpenID connect protocol. It's the client that should do it.
My back-end API sees an authorization code in the HTTP headers, and
sends a request to the authorization server to get the id token.
Assuming this validates OK, the data requested is returned in the API
Authorization code must be used by client application and not by the API endpoint. Also, authorization code must never be exposed to other entities.
You should use id token sent with OpenID Connect to authenticate the end user from your client application. To access API, you should use access tokens.
What to do in API endpoint ?
I think this is where you struggle. Your client application should send a valid access token to get access to API endpoint. From API endpoint, you can use OAuth 2.0 introspection endpoint to validate the tokens.
RFC7662 - OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection
This specification defines a protocol that allows authorized
protected resources to query the authorization server to determine
the set of metadata for a given token that was presented to them by
an OAuth 2.0 client.
Note that, OpenID Connect is built on top of OAuth 2.0. This means you can use anything defined in OAuth 2.0, including introspection endpoint. Use this endpoint to verify the access token validity.
What if you want end user details ?
OpenID Connect defines a user info endpoint
User info endpoint
The UserInfo Endpoint is an OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource that returns Claims about the authenticated End-User. To obtain the requested Claims about the End-User, the Client makes a request to the UserInfo Endpoint using an Access Token obtained through OpenID Connect Authentication. These Claims are normally represented by a JSON object that contains a collection of name and value pairs for the Claims.
Here also, you use access tokens to get user information from this endpoint. The response will let you know the end user to which this token was issued.
Depending on your specific API requirement, you can do a token introspection or obtain user information from user info endpoint. Once that is done you may go ahead and authenticate a session. You might use both endpoints if you need all available information.
Alternatively(instead of sessions) your API can maintain an access token cache. This will remove the need to validate tokens in each an every API call. But be aware that tokens have expiration time. You must consider about token expiration if you are choosing this solution.
p.s - Client vs Resource server
In OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 terms, a client could be a simple web page, desktop application or could be even server hosted application.
An application making protected resource requests on behalf of the
resource owner and with its authorization. The term "client" does
not imply any particular implementation characteristics (e.g.,
whether the application executes on a server, a desktop, or other
Obtaining tokens and using them is the duty of the client application.
On the other hand, resource server contains protected resources,
resource server
The server hosting the protected resources, capable of accepting
and responding to protected resource requests using access tokens.
Resource server exchange it's resources to access tokens. If we match the same scenario to basic authentication, access tokens replaces username/password sent with authentication headers.
Typically you'd secure a (pure) API with OAuth 2.0, not OpenID Connect. The Client accessing your API should obtain an OAuth 2.0 access token and in order to do that it may choose to use OpenID Connect to obtain that token. That is all independent of the API, which will only see the access token. The API (or Resource Server in OAuth 2.0 terminology) is not depicted in your diagram.

Where does Web API store generated tokens in order to validate subsequent requests?

I have a Web API and AngularJS client. The API is using default authorization provider given by visual studio to generate the token on token request with grant_type 'password'.
The AngularJS client is able to get the bearer token from Web API by calling the token endpoint with credentials and later passes this token to perform authorized requests in the API.
When AngularJS sends the token on any authorized API call, how is Web API able to validate the token? Where does the token get stored?
I checked in Identity tables in SQL server, I could not find any fields to store this token information. I checked in the configuration file, it is not stored there either. Could you please help me in understanding this concept?
By default the token is not stored by the server. Only your client has it and is sending it through the authorization header to the server.
If you used the default template provided by Visual Studio, in the Startup ConfigureAuth method the following IAppBuilder extension is called: app.UseOAuthBearerTokens(OAuthOptions).
This extension coming from the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin package makes it easy for you to generate and consume tokens, but it is confusing as it is an all in one.
Behind the scene it's using two Owin middlewares:
OAuthAuthorizationServerMiddleware: authorize and deliver tokens
OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware: occurs at the PipelineStage.Authenticate, read the authorization header, check if the token is valid and authenticate the user.
To answer you questions WebAPI is able to validate the token thanks to the OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware, it will ensure that the token sent through the authorization header is valid and not expired. And the token is stored only by your client, if the client loose it, it will have to request a new one.
I advise you to get deeper in the OAuth protocol, and instead of using the extension UseOAuthBearerTokens, take a look at UseOAuthAuthorizationServer and UseOAuthBearerAuthentication, it will help you to better understand how it works.
The generated token will most likely be a JWT (Get Started with JSON Web Tokens), which means it's a self-contained token that is signed with a secret/key that only the server or other trusted parties know.
JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed.
(emphasis is mine)
This means that when receiving the token the server can ensure that:
the token was originally issued by a trusted party by checking that the signature is valid.
the token is associated with a user that has permissions to perform the following request because the token itself contains information that uniquely identifier that user.
This type of approach has the side-benefit that the server does not need to keep track or store the generated tokens in order to validate them at a later time. Since no one else has the secret/key you can't modify the token without making the signature component invalid, which would then mean a faked token would end up being rejected by the server.
This is a simplified description of what happens, there are much more details around how to issue and validate tokens correctly. You should read the OAuth2 and OpenID Connect specification to learn more on the subject of token-based authentication.
Also note that I assumed a JWT token because it's the format that currently has the most widespread adoption to accomplish scenarios like these ones and it's also the token format to use in conjunction with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect. However, it's still possible to achieve the same with other token formats.

ASP.NET Web API - Authenticated Encrypted JWT Token - Do I need OAuth?

I'm considering using authenticated encrypted JWT tokens to authenticate / authorized access to an ASP.NET Web API application.
Based on what I've read so far, it seems to me like it is an option to generate JWT tokens from a token service and pass them to Web API via the http authorization header.
I have found some good code examples on implementing the JWT creation and consumption (Pro ASP.NET Web API Security by Badrinarayanan Lakshmiraghavan).
I'm trying to understand if I need a full OAuth implementation to support this, or if I can simply pass the tokens along in the auth header.
Assuming the tokens are properly encrypted and signed, is there any inherent security flaw in keeping things simple without having to use OAuth?
Trying to keep things as simple as possible for my needs without compromising security.
It is not that you must always OAuth when you use tokens. But given the fact that your application is a JavaScript app, you would be better off implementing a 3-legged authentication. Thinktecture identity server does support implicit grant. But if the client application getting access to the user credential is not a problem for you, your JavaScript app can get the user ID and password from the user and make a token request from a token issuer ensuring the user ID and password are not stored any where in JavaScript app (including DOM). This request for token can be a simple HTTP POST as well and it does not need to be anything related to OAuth. If your end user will not enter the credentials in the client application, OAuth implicit grant is the way. BTW, you don't need to encrypt JWT. TIS issues signed JWT and that will ensure token integrity. But if you are worried about the confidentiality, you can use HTTPS to both obtain the token as well as present the token.
It looks like you don't really need auth delegation as the one provided by OAuth. Isn't HMAC authentication enough for your scenario ?. With HMAC, you will not have to deal with JWT at all. This is an implementation I made for HMAC authentication for .NET
