Interface Builder - where is the documentation - xcode

I have many times looked for XCode documentation for things like (1.) icons in the editor intellisense. My latest documentation problem is in Interface Builder:
When you have a .xib file. Then you have "Placeholders" for "File's Owner" and the UIView itself - (2.) Where should I set "custom class" & (3.) what is "Inherited From Target"
Can you help me help finding informations for XCode UI/IB documentations?

I can help on the "Inherited from Target" option of Custom Class.
My project has a variety of targets (free, paid, home free, home paid) and I have a class that is only used in the home variants.
When I just added my class and let it default to Module I kept getting an error at run time that the class was not defined in the storyboard.
By checking the "Inherited from Target" option the module gets compiled in for the targets I use it in (Target Memberships for swift file and everything works.
I am assuming this was an optimization so the module would not be included when not needed - but that is just a guess.
Needless to say this wasted an entire day to figure out - hope it helps some others.


why there is no option in the reference and resource row when i add language in localizations on xcode

1.has selected project.
2.It does not exist any storyboard or xib file include launchScreen file.
3.The project has proceed for a long time.
how can i implement multiple language.
Documentation screenshot:
I read the official document about that and i found this.

Still unknown class in Interface Builder file, have checked other answers

I know this question has been asked a few times before, and I have checked all the solutions offered.
- My storyboard viewcontroller is linked to a custom class. This seems to work since you can click the little arrow, and it opens up the correct class file.
- The custom class is included in the project.
- The storyboard source file shows the correct name for the class.
I still get the error "Unknown class KnorkMans in Interface Builder file"
This screenshot shows all the steps I have taken:
You also have to manually select module VerwijderMij.

How to get your custom content drawn in Interface Builder?

I watched the "What's New in Interface Builder" session video and tried to replicate the code that was showed but unfortunately when I assign a view to my custom class which has #IBDesignable I get 2 errors:
Main.storyboard: error: Live Views: Failed to update auto layout status: The bundle “swiftTest” couldn’t be loaded because its executable isn’t loadable.
Main.storyboard: error: Live Views: Failed to render instance of _TtC9swiftTest14ControllerView: The bundle “swiftTest” couldn’t be loaded because its executable isn’t loadable.
Later on in the video I saw that to have Live Views you have to make these steps:
1. Create framework
2. Create class
3. Mark as designable
How do I make the 1st step?
As I understand it at the moment (prior to Xcode 6 Beta 3), #IBDesignable will only work from a view declared in a separate framework target.
However, I also struggled to add it because I had no "plus" button as described in various links (because the Hide Project & Target Lists arrow option was toggled off).
So, select your current project target, then just use the xcode menu options:
Editor > Add target...
Then select
Framework & Library > Cocoa Touch Framework etc.
By the way, to test #IBDesignable, this tutorial worked perfectly as a starting point:
One small but important thing to note in that tutorial (if you follow it onscreen instead of following on to its full github code listing) is that your view class must be prepended/decorated with #IBDesignable, e.g.
class CustomView : UIView {...}
should be
#IBDesignable class CustomView : UIView {...}
You should make new framework as a target for current project and add your live views in this framework. On General tab on main target you will see your framework in Embedded Binaries section.
I had a project with live views working and at one point I also had these error messages. This went away for me when closing XCode and restarting, fwiw.
It is working very well (and easily) for me with Swift in Xcode 6 Beta 5.
I've confirmed that with Xcode 6 Beta 5 I did not need to add any frameworks (for example, Cocoa Touch framework option under frameworks in the dialog that appears when adding a new project target). Nor did I need to add IBDesignable.h to the project. Both seem to be outdated requirements as per the the write-up linked in the initial answer to the question.
All I needed to do was:
Prefix class definition of my custom Swift class source file
with keyword #IBDesignable
Prefix vars I wanted to show up in IB Attributes Inspector with #IBInspectable (IB recognizes several common variable types).
Then, after assigning my custom component's (UIControl subclass) name to IB's "Class" name file (under Identity Inspector tab, in right pane) replacing "UIView" -- e.g. the class name of the UIView placeholder object I originally dragged onto the IB VC's view -- upon selecting my custom component from the Content View component list in IB, I saw all my custom class' inspectable items show up in the IB Attributes Inspector!! Very cool.
Note: At first XCode would only allow me to prefix one variable with #IBInspectable. It showed errors on subsequent ones. Then, suddenly it seemed to work, and no more problems after that. Not sure if it was a typo or just took Xcode awhile to re-index my project and pre-compile or parse the code.
I code about #IBDesignable & #IBInspectable,
firstly, I got two errors like you,
then, I change the code I wrote,
you can checkout the code from my github
Good Luck.

Storyboards are missing in "copy bundle resources"

I'm using base internationalization to internationalize my app. Once I used it, my storyboards became red in "copy bundle resources" (they were normal before I used base internationalization):
I have tried Xcode Copy Bundle Resources can't find files, Base internationalization and multiple storyboard not working right and Base Internationalization and “Could not find a storyboard named […]”. unfortunately, none of them worked for me.
how can I make it normal?
this problem still exists in xcode5
Make sure you have all the "Localizable strings" checkboxes ticked in the file inspector when the MainStoryboard file is selected.
I had a problem that looks similar. I transitioned my project's main storyboard to use base internationalization. When selecting the MainStoryboard file, in the file inspector, I saw a new entry called Base, which was using the English localization. So, thinking that "Base" already accounted for the english part I unchecked the English "Localizable Strings" entry in the file inspector. Apparently that was the origin of my problems. After that, the MainStoryboard file would show up in red in the "Copy bundle resources" list. Checking again the English localizable strings entry fixed the problem.
Unchecking "Localizable Strings" may need also first copy your storyboard elsewhere, then do the uncheck and then import your storyboards again in your xcode project.

Why can't I see a Managed Object Class file template in Xcode?

I created a .xcdatamodel Managed Object Model file in Xcode. I selected that file in Groups & Files. Then I go to File > New... > and nowhere in the iPhone Templates / Cocoa Touch Class templates I see the "Managed Object Class" file template.
Does anyone know what can be wrong?
I usually need to also select the entities for which I want to generate the class files.
In Xcode 4, select the entity in the xcdatamodeld, then choose Editor Menu > Create NSManagedObject Subclass
If you are wanting to subclass NSManagedObject then I would highly recommend talking a look at mogenerator (github). It will autogenerate the subclasses for you AND keep them in sync as you update your model. It also has the concept of machine classes vs. human classes so that you can add convenience methods, etc. without your code being stepped on each time you update your model.
I've seen this problem before as well. Solution for me was to click on a non-data model file (in Groups & Files) and then click back on the versioned data model file (and entity within it) and then try File -> New File. Alternatively, restarting xcode, selecting the data model file (and entity within it) and then trying File -> New File also worked for me.
Click On the top left where it says "Simulator 3.1.2 | debug". Change it to "IPHONE Device 3.1.2 (BASE SDK)... voila. (SAMS iphone in 24hrs?? lots of typos and incomplete procedures!)
Managed Object Class file template can be seen under "Core Data" section of new file creation option of XCode 4.
The following screenshot depicts it.
