From Mac to PC - Different Anaconda environments - windows

I am a long time Mac/Linux user who has recently purchased a Windows laptop. I have two completely separate Anaconda installations on my Mac using PyEnv which allows me to isolate them effectively. Sure it wastes a bit of space on my Mac's hard disk, but I do not mind.
I am returning to a Windows machine after a long time, so I am not quite up to speed yet. Is there a way to effectively isolate two different versions of Anaconda on Windows? One for python 3 and other for python 2? I am frequently using different libraries and packages, e.g., pandas, etc. on both python 3 and 2 and also installing other packages either using 'conda install' or 'pip'. What is the optimal strategy for managing two Anaconda environments for Python 3 and 2 on the Windows machine? Once again, the disk capacity is not a problem since I have a one terabyte drive on my Windows machine.

You can have one central installation of Anaconda and use the native environment feature. Let's say you install the 3.6 version of Anaconda onto your machine, you can create an environment with the full 2.7 version of Anaconda like this:
conda create --name py27 python=2.7 anaconda
And you can conda install whatever packages you desire into your environment.


Problems installing and opening Anaconda3 on macOS Sierra

I am using a MacBook Pro (early-2011) with macOS Sierra v10.12.6. I can not install and run Anaconda3. I have downloaded the pkg file from the Anaconda webpage. First day, it took overnight to finish installing. After which it said installation failed. I tried to delete all files and reinstall all over again serval times, but this hasn't worked. I made sure the /opt folder was empty before I reinstall again, but even like that didn't work.
Any ideas how to make it work?
Had a similiar problem with a geriatric iMac mid 2010 running OSX 10.13.16. The GUI installer for Anaconda 3 takes an age, then reports there was a problem.
I downloaded the install script and ran, "bash" in a terminal.
Answered questions, and after some time, have Anaconda installed in my personal space. Now to figure out how to use the latest LTS Julia.
No Anaconda support. Current Anaconda (and likely Miniconda) distribution declares a minimum system requirement of macOS v10.13+. One could try scraping back through the archive to find an older distribution that will install, but I wouldn't recommend that.
Conda Forge supports macOS 10.9+. Conda Forge still builds all osx-64 packages with a macOS 10.9 target. Hence, you should be fine using instead a Miniforge variant for the base Conda installation. I strongly recommend Mambaforge, and using mamba instead of conda.

I have anaconda on windows 10, but I want to init it on wsl2, not install it again. How Can I?

I have a problem with my anaconda. I already installed anaconda on my windows 10, after a while, I installed WSL 2.0, now I want to add the conda to PATH. Do you know guys how can I fix it?
Not possible. Conda packages are frequently platform-specific which can mean dynamically linking against system shared libraries. Packages built for Windows will not find the appropriate libraries to run correctly within a linux-64 platform.
Rather than Anaconda, consider using a minimal base environment, like that provided by Miniconda or Miniforge. That way, you have Conda but don't install all the default Anaconda distribution packages.

Can Anaconda3 and Python-IDLE coexist on the same computer?

I just installed Anaconda3 (64-bit) Individual Edition on my Windows 7 machine. I was instructed to do this by setup instructions for an upcoming workshop I'm attending; they said, "Installing all of Python's research packages individually can be a bit difficult, so we recommend Anaconda, an all-in-one installer."
Is it possible to install another Python IDE, such as IDLE, on the same computer as Anaconda?
Definitely yes.
My pc is also running at 64 bits and windows 7.
I have Anaconda (Spyder as editor) and IDLE (interactive shell) at the same time.
Having Anaconda is useful in sense that lots of packages of modules were included when we install it.
I don't know if I got your question right, but I have Anaconda on my computer + PyCharm, I didn't face trouble
Yes, this is possible, but i think Anaconda is going to override the packages installed from python installer.

Are environments deleted when uninstalling anaconda?

I have Anaconda 1.10 version on my Windows 10 laptop.
I have been working with Anaconda quite some time and I am have up to 10 environments for different python versions, library versions and projects.
I am not sure if environments are deleted when uninstalling or whether references to environment lost for the new installation of Anaconda
Options I have considered:
Export environments from actual Anaconda version and import environments on the new Anaconda version
Re-do all environments on the new installation. (This could be tricky)
How could I uninstall Anaconda and re-install it to do a video on how to install the latest version of Anaconda (without loosing all the environments. )
I just uninstalled Anaconda3 myself and was surprised that the environments were deleted. I would ask for confirmation to save or delete old environments in case you are trying to update something else.
I think you have to resort to exporting the environments as building new ones from scratch are indeed tricky. I know it is a pain, but maybe the Anaconda people will notice this and try to make it less painful.

Installing sIpopt on anaconda environment

I am currently working on a project using an environment within anaconda (my OS is Windows). My current environment already has IPOPT installed via the anaconda cloud. Now, I am trying to install sIPOPT (a toolbox for IPOPT, not to be mistaken with IPOPT itself), available on:
I am trying to install sIPOPT within the same anaconda environment that I am currently using for my project. Normally, I would proceed with using conda to install packages into my environments. However, I failed to find a channel to install sIPOPT via conda, or pip.
The instructions on installation of sIPOPT only gave instructions to build the package using the linux environment, which I am not familiar with. I am now assuming that if I installed a unix-like environment like Cygwin, I would be able to install sIPOPT to my anaconda environment.
My question is: have any of you done anything similar to this? Is it possible to install sIPOPT via Cygwin to an existing conda environment with Ipopt already installed?
Many thanks! :)
