Installing sIpopt on anaconda environment - pip

I am currently working on a project using an environment within anaconda (my OS is Windows). My current environment already has IPOPT installed via the anaconda cloud. Now, I am trying to install sIPOPT (a toolbox for IPOPT, not to be mistaken with IPOPT itself), available on:
I am trying to install sIPOPT within the same anaconda environment that I am currently using for my project. Normally, I would proceed with using conda to install packages into my environments. However, I failed to find a channel to install sIPOPT via conda, or pip.
The instructions on installation of sIPOPT only gave instructions to build the package using the linux environment, which I am not familiar with. I am now assuming that if I installed a unix-like environment like Cygwin, I would be able to install sIPOPT to my anaconda environment.
My question is: have any of you done anything similar to this? Is it possible to install sIPOPT via Cygwin to an existing conda environment with Ipopt already installed?
Many thanks! :)


I have anaconda on windows 10, but I want to init it on wsl2, not install it again. How Can I?

I have a problem with my anaconda. I already installed anaconda on my windows 10, after a while, I installed WSL 2.0, now I want to add the conda to PATH. Do you know guys how can I fix it?
Not possible. Conda packages are frequently platform-specific which can mean dynamically linking against system shared libraries. Packages built for Windows will not find the appropriate libraries to run correctly within a linux-64 platform.
Rather than Anaconda, consider using a minimal base environment, like that provided by Miniconda or Miniforge. That way, you have Conda but don't install all the default Anaconda distribution packages.

Install Julia from Anaconda or as part of JuliaPro

I want to install Julia 1.0.
I have Anaconda installed.
Information found:
In, I see at the top of the page conda-forge / packages / julia 1.0.0. Therefore they have the latest version, released on August 8th. Below, one reads: Home: Below the title "Installers", one reads linux-64 and osx-64. (No Windows version is mentioned). To install this package with conda run: conda install -c conda-forge julia. I am a Windows user, so I cannot install Julia 1.0 from Anaconda yet.
JuliaPro can be intalled for free from
For when they become available, what are the relative advantages of the following procedures?: (1) Install JuliaPro independently of Anaconda or (2) Install Julia 1.0 from Anaconda.
At the moment, your best bet is to download the official binary from As far as I'm aware, the Anaconda version is more or less the same (i.e. it doesn't bundle any packages or IDE). Julia itself doesn't make use of Anaconda (it has its own package manager), so there is no real benefit to installing via Anaconda.
The new JuliaPro should be available in a few weeks, and will include a bundled IDE and pre-installed packages. Until then, you can manually install the Juno IDE yourself to work with the above build.

You might be loading two sets of Qt binaries into the same process

I am trying to run python code in virtual environment of conda. The thing is I have installed opencv using brew and using python from anaconda environment. There is library called qt which is in both (brew and conda). Now when I try to run my code it says you are loading two sets of qt binaries in the same process. I understood the error but I don't know how to disable qt binary either from conda or from brew.
After deleting the one from conda it works fine but some dependencies also gets deleted. Don't want that. Can somebody suggest me some way.
If OpenCV's gui functionality is not required, then this is an option to avoid qt conflict.
pip uninstall opencv-python
pip install opencv-python-headless

From Mac to PC - Different Anaconda environments

I am a long time Mac/Linux user who has recently purchased a Windows laptop. I have two completely separate Anaconda installations on my Mac using PyEnv which allows me to isolate them effectively. Sure it wastes a bit of space on my Mac's hard disk, but I do not mind.
I am returning to a Windows machine after a long time, so I am not quite up to speed yet. Is there a way to effectively isolate two different versions of Anaconda on Windows? One for python 3 and other for python 2? I am frequently using different libraries and packages, e.g., pandas, etc. on both python 3 and 2 and also installing other packages either using 'conda install' or 'pip'. What is the optimal strategy for managing two Anaconda environments for Python 3 and 2 on the Windows machine? Once again, the disk capacity is not a problem since I have a one terabyte drive on my Windows machine.
You can have one central installation of Anaconda and use the native environment feature. Let's say you install the 3.6 version of Anaconda onto your machine, you can create an environment with the full 2.7 version of Anaconda like this:
conda create --name py27 python=2.7 anaconda
And you can conda install whatever packages you desire into your environment.

How to install System Python 2.7 on a Mac

I need to know How to install System Python 2.7 on my Mac. This is because, I unknowingly uninstalled it (I thought I was removing the Python I downloaded from
I followed this Stack Overflow answer, and after the damage had been done, I read the comments telling me NOT TO do that.
The current reason I am wanting to install System Python 2.7 is because it is needed to install PyGame. Below is a screenshot of what I am facing when trying to install PyGame:
I recommend installing packages on OS X using Homebrew as it keeps everything you install in one place. Allowing you to upgrade or uninstall easily and not needing to remember how or where you installed it.
Once it is installed you simply type brew install python in your terminal. This will install Python 2.7.10 and it will be available at /usr/local/bin/python.
The only supported way to restore the system Python framework on macOS is to reinstall the operating system. It is treated as a component of the core operating system, so there is no way to selectively reinstall it.
