My application has few modules register customer,account and wallet etc.. Currently we are using JMETER to collect the response time for the server.
Now we are introducing adding customer by batch process (dropping files in to server) so that customer will be added and customer gets the URL link to download the app. I wanted to measure how long server takes to create all the customers in the file..
Can any one suggest how to measure for this approach? I guess the difference between first record created time and last record created time in db is the process time that I am calculating.. any other good approach is there??
If you are using FTP to process each customer records, you can leverage FTP Samplers in JMeter. Check this link on how to create FTP plan in JMeter.
Another best resource is from Blazemeter.
To get the response time for each customer, you can follow the same process as you mentioned in the question.
I'm attempting to consume the Paypal API transaction endpoint.
I want to grab ALL transactions for a given account. This number could potentially be in the 10's of millions of transactions. For each of these transactions, I need to store it in the database for processing by a queued job. I've been trying to figure out the best way to pull this many records with Laravel. Paypal has a max request items limit of 20 per page.
I initially started off with the idea of creating a job when a user gives me their API credentials that gets the first 20 items and processes them, then dispatches a job from the first job that contains the starting index to use. This would loop forever until it errored out. This doesn't seem to be working well though as it causes a gateway timeout on saving those API credentials and the request to the API eventually times out (before getting all transactions). I should also mention that the total number of transactions is unknown, so chaining doesn't seem to be the answer as there is no way to know how many jobs to dispatch...
Thoughts? Is getting API data best suited for a job?
Yes job is way to go . I’m not familiar with paypal api but it’s seems requests are rate limited paypal rate limiting.. you might want to delay your api requests a bit.. also you can make a class to monitor your api requests consumption by tracking the latest requests you made and in the job you can determine when to fire the next request and record it in the database...
My humble advise
please don’t pull all the data your database will get bloated quickly and you’ll need to scale each time you have a new account it’s not easy task.
You could dispatch the same job at the end of the first job which queries your current database to find the starting index of the transactions for that job.
So even if your job errors out, you could dispatch it again, then it will resume from where it was ended previously
May be you will need link your app with another data engine like AWS, anyway I think the best idea is creating an APi, pull only the most important data, indexed, and keep the all big data in another endpoint, where you can reach them if you need
I have a web application that provides price feeds when user subscribes to it. Typically users stay connected to the application for more than 10 minutes, that essentially puts load on the server. So I'm using Jmeter to mimic the same scenario. After I post the price feed id then I receive the first price feed but then Junit disconnects that thread to mark it successful/complete. However I want to stay connected to get the price feeds continuously. Is there a timer or something similar I could use in Jmeter to accomplish that?
I take it you are using a JUnit Request to accomplish this? Why not just write some kind of conditional loop that keeps listening until 10 minutes are up?
See comments here Jmeter Junit Issue for JUnit Request tutorial
i am curious if there is a way of monitoring the request duration time on an iis server. Personally I have came up with a solution but it's really resource intensive and that is why i'm asking the question, just to gather more opinions.
My plan is to extract the duration time of each request and send it to graphite so as to have a real time overview of the performance of the webserver. The idea i've came up with is to use poweshell with its webadministration module. And if you run get-item IIS:\AppPools\DefaultAppPool | Get-WebRequest for example you get all the requests on that app pool with a lot of info including the time info.
The thing is that i should have a script which runs every 100 ms to get all requests and that is kinda wasteful. Is there a way to tell iis to put the request duration time(in miliseconds) in the logs? Because then it would be much easier to get the information I need.
I don't know if there is such a feature on IIS, but I've done the same (sending iis page times to graphite) by using a reverse proxy between internet and the iis server, like nginx.
The proxy module from nginx allow you to log on each request the time the backend took to produce the page.
Also, having a proxy like nginx in fron of an IIS could be very helpful if you have to deal with visits with slow connections, nginx will store the reply from backend, drop backend connection and wait until visitor gets all the content. Highly recommended.
In case you go this route, you should use logster (also from etsy guys) or logstash to parse nginx logs each period of time you want (likely every minute).
Seems that there is a feature that logs requests based on a regex, and it's called Advanced Logging Module. You can specify from a number of fields what you want to get loged and it's W3C compliant. In my case i had time take as a filed which can be specified and that was what i was looking for. After that i written a script in powershell which parses the logs and gets the information i need, constructs a metric and sends it to statsd which in term sends it to powershell.
The method i chose for the log parsing was the following: in the script i used get-content comandlet from powershell to gather all the logs in one file(yes iis breaks the logs in multiple files, and i'm guessing the number of logs is dependent on the number of your working processes but i'm not sure). This was the first iteration in a second iteration i gather all the logs in another file and make a diff between the first file and the latter and only the difference gets processed.
I chose this method because it's i thought it wold be better to have the minimum regex processing. The next step is erasing the first file of accumulated logs and moving the second one in pace of the first that was erased and running the script again, so to have always a method of comparison. Also the log rollover is at one hour, after which the logs are erased.
I want to do performance testing on JMeter with uploading 20000 Images files with Approx 40-50 concurrent login users.
And after that 1000000 Images files with Approx 450-500 concurrent login users.
Size of each image is around 900KB.
Can any one suggest me is it possible through JMeter or any other open source tool?
If JMeter is fine then:
1. How we can pick these images from FTP location and store in DB after login by user and number of users I have mentioned above?
2. How Users will login one-by-one in to application?
3. What is the best way to test this kind of scenario i.e. on distributed machines or single machine?
If any one have best way, kindly share it with me.
Thanks in advance!
This can be done with Jmeter.
For 450-500 concurrent logins, you'll either want to run JMeter on a server, or on a cluster of machines to keep the input/output from choking itself.
It can be done by Jmeter either by creating severel threads and takes data (i.e. imagename, userid...) from external csv file.
I am creating a service which receives some data from mobile phones and saves it to the database.
The phone is sending the data every 250 ms. As I noticed that the delay for data storing is increasing I tried to run WireShark and write a log as well.
I noticed that the web requests from mobile phone are being made without the delay (checked with WireShark), but the in the service log I noticed the request is received every second and a half or almost two seconds.
Does anyone know where could be the problem or the way to test and determine the cause of such delay?
I am creating a service with WCF (webHttpBinding) and the database is MS SQL.
By the way the log stores the time of http request and also the time of writing data to the database. As mentioned above the request is received every 1.5 - 2 seconds and after that it takes 50 ms to store data to the database.
My first guess after reading the question was that maybe you are submitting data so fast, the database server is hitting a write-contention lock (e.g. AutoNumber fields?)
If your database platform is SQL Server, take a look at
Anyway please post more information about the overall architecture of the system... what softwares/platforms are used at what parts etc...
Maybe there is some limitation in the connection imposed by the service provider?
What happens if you (for testing) don't write to the database and just log the page hits in the server log with timestamp?
Check that you do not have any tracing running on the web services, this can really kill perf.