IIS 7 request duration monitoring - performance

i am curious if there is a way of monitoring the request duration time on an iis server. Personally I have came up with a solution but it's really resource intensive and that is why i'm asking the question, just to gather more opinions.
My plan is to extract the duration time of each request and send it to graphite so as to have a real time overview of the performance of the webserver. The idea i've came up with is to use poweshell with its webadministration module. And if you run get-item IIS:\AppPools\DefaultAppPool | Get-WebRequest for example you get all the requests on that app pool with a lot of info including the time info.
The thing is that i should have a script which runs every 100 ms to get all requests and that is kinda wasteful. Is there a way to tell iis to put the request duration time(in miliseconds) in the logs? Because then it would be much easier to get the information I need.

I don't know if there is such a feature on IIS, but I've done the same (sending iis page times to graphite) by using a reverse proxy between internet and the iis server, like nginx.
The proxy module from nginx allow you to log on each request the time the backend took to produce the page.
Also, having a proxy like nginx in fron of an IIS could be very helpful if you have to deal with visits with slow connections, nginx will store the reply from backend, drop backend connection and wait until visitor gets all the content. Highly recommended.
In case you go this route, you should use logster (also from etsy guys) or logstash to parse nginx logs each period of time you want (likely every minute).

Seems that there is a feature that logs requests based on a regex, and it's called Advanced Logging Module. You can specify from a number of fields what you want to get loged and it's W3C compliant. In my case i had time take as a filed which can be specified and that was what i was looking for. After that i written a script in powershell which parses the logs and gets the information i need, constructs a metric and sends it to statsd which in term sends it to powershell.
The method i chose for the log parsing was the following: in the script i used get-content comandlet from powershell to gather all the logs in one file(yes iis breaks the logs in multiple files, and i'm guessing the number of logs is dependent on the number of your working processes but i'm not sure). This was the first iteration in a second iteration i gather all the logs in another file and make a diff between the first file and the latter and only the difference gets processed.
I chose this method because it's i thought it wold be better to have the minimum regex processing. The next step is erasing the first file of accumulated logs and moving the second one in pace of the first that was erased and running the script again, so to have always a method of comparison. Also the log rollover is at one hour, after which the logs are erased.


Transfer file takes too much time

I have an empty API in laravel code with nginx & apache server. Now the problem is that the API takes a lot of time if I try with different files and the API responds quickly if I try with blank data.
Case 1 : I called the API with a blank request, that time response time will be only 228ms.
Case 2 : I called the API with a 5MB file request, then file transfer taking too much time. that's why response time will be too long that is 15.58s.
So how can we reduce transfer start time in apache or nginx server, Is there any server configuration or any other things that i missed up ?
When I searched on google it said keep all your versions up-to-date and use php-fpm, but when I configure php-fpm and http2 protocol on my server I noticed that it takes more time than above. All server versions are up-to-date with the current version.
This has more to do with the fact one request has nothing to process so the response will be prompt, whereas, the other request requires actual processing and so a response will take as long as the server requires to process the content of your request.
Depending on the size of the file and your server configuration, you might hit a limit which will result in a timeout response.
A solution to the issue you're encountering is to chunk your file upload. There are a few packages available so that you don't have to write that functionality yourself, an example of such a package is the Pionl Laravel Chunk Upload.
An alternative solution would be to offload the file processing to a Queue.
When I searched on google about chunking it's not best solution for
small file like 5-10 MB. It's a best solution for big files like
50-100 MB. So is there any server side chunking configuration or any
other things or can i use this library to chunking a small files ?
According to the library document this is a web library. What should I
use if my API is calling from Android and iOS apps?
True, chunking might not be the best solution for smaller files but it is worthwhile knowing about. My recommendation would be to use some client-side logic to determine if sending the file in chunks is required. On the server use a Queue to process the file upload in the background allowing the request to continue processing without waiting on the upload and a response to be sent back to the client (iOS/Android app) in a timely manner.

How to download 300k log lines from my application?

I am running a job on my Heroku app that generates about 300k lines of log within 5 minutes. I need to extract all of them into a file. How can I do this?
The Heroku UI only shows logs in real time, since the moment it was opened, and only keeps 10k lines.
I attached a LogDNA Add-on as a drain, but their export also only allows 10k lines export. To even have the option of export, I need to apply a search filter (I typed 2020 because all the lines start with a date, but still...). I can scroll through all the logs to see them, but as I scroll up the bottom gets truncated, so I can't even copy-paste them myself.
I then attached Sumo Logic as a drain, which is better, because the export limit is 100k. However I still need to filter the logs in 30s to 60s intervals and download separately. Also it exports to CSV file and in reverse order (newest first, not what I want) so I have to still work on the file after its downloaded.
Is there no option to get actual raw log files in full?
Is there no option to get actual raw log files in full?
There are no actual raw log files.
Heroku's architecture requires that logging be distributed. By default, its Logplex service aggregates log output from all services into a single stream and makes it available via heroku logs. However,
Logplex is designed for collating and routing log messages, not for storage. It retains the most recent 1,500 lines of your consolidated logs, which expire after 1 week.
For longer persistence you need something else. In addition to commercial logging services like those you mentioned, you have several options:
Log to a database instead of files. Something like Apache Cassandra might be a good fit.
Send your logs to a logging server via Syslog (my preference):
Syslog drains allow you to forward your Heroku logs to an external Syslog server for long-term archiving.
Send your logs to a custom logging process via HTTPS.
Log drains also support messaging via HTTPS. This makes it easy to write your own log-processing logic and run it on a web service (such as another Heroku app).
Speaking solely from the Sumo Logic point of view, since that’s the only one I’m familiar with here, you could do this with its Search Job API: https://help.sumologic.com/APIs/Search-Job-API/About-the-Search-Job-API
The Search Job API lets you kick off a search, poll it for status, and then when complete, page through the results (up to 1M records, I believe) and do whatever you want with them, such as dumping them into a CSV file.
But this is only available to trial and Enterprise accounts.
I just looked at Heroku’s docs and it does not look like they have a native way to retrieve more than 1500 and you do have to forward those logs via syslog to a separate server / service.
I think your best solution is going to depend, however, on your use-case, such as why specifically you need these logs in a CSV.

Azure Performance - Ping Test - Inconsistent values between Availability and Performance

In Azure you can create simple ping test of your app. It's call ping but it is Get request of a url.
By default, the url is your root url.
The thing is the responses times of thes results are in the range of 2 to 10ms. However, I can never reach these response times nor with Fiddler or Postman. My range is more 100 to 400ms. And I'm closer to the datacenter than the computers running the ping tests in Azure.
It is a bit as if the ping tests where not downloading the content page.
Does anyone know?
I have setup my ping test in the Availability section. The responses times I mention above appear in the Performance section. Back in the Availability section, average response time is 1,6 sec. These two sections show inconsistent values.
The Performance section lists how long it took from your server receiving the request to sending something back to the client, it doesn't count network latency at all.
I believe they only check the response status without downloading the content if you don't require a content match.
Below is an example of the configuration for my blog.
If you wish, you can make sure the test downloads the content by ticking the Content match checkbox, and specifying that the content must contain the text that is somewhere near the end of your index page (like in a footer).

IIS Orphaned Requests

We have IIS 7 running a Classic ASP app and I've been noticing the following issue lately. Over the course of the day, if I look at Server Node --> Worker Processes some requests seem to fill up there. The elapsed time is something crazy like 12 hours at the end of the day. This requests all sit in the ExecuteRequestHandler stage.
There is no way anything is executing for that long, and I cannot seem to reproduce the issue. I have tried dumping w3wp.exe, using FRT, and all that good stuff, but I have some general questions:
Is there a setting that controls WHEN IIS stops a request? To be specific, in development, if I purposely design a page to be slow (i.e. update a SQL table thats locked) and then CLOSE out of browser, and monitor the requests in IIS, I see that the request still sits there for about 20 seconds before being removed. Is that 20 seconds a random interval, or can that be SET somewhere? To be clear, it's not that the page takes 20 seconds to execute, it will execute forever (in this test case) but it seems IIS gives up on it after 20 or so seconds after I log out.
Is there some way to see "orphaned" requests, I.E. requests in the app pool that nobody is waiting for anymore
What else can I do to try and debug this? A dump of w3wp says there are client connections with an HTTP request state of HTR_READING_CLIENT_REQUEST.
I keep getting suggestions of modifying IIS config settings such as AspRequestQueueMax, every time I try looking those up in the ApplicationHost.config I don't see those items set, so either I'm looking at the wrong place, or a default value would not be explicitly set in the config. This begs 2 questions: a) How do you READ these config values, i.e. get current value, b) how do you SET these.
A Classic ASP request will keep running until the script timeout is reached, regardless of whether the client is connected or not. I believe the default is 90 seconds, but an .ASP file can override this by setting the Server.ScriptTimeout property directly (which is pretty common). If your request queue is filling up then this is likely the reason and changing the defaults will not help.
If you can edit the ASP code, you can add logic like this in potentially long running sections:
If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then Call Response.End()
You can also global search your code for Server.ScriptTimeout to understand from where the abuse is coming.
If you do want to change the default script timeout, here is where it is stored:
To change via the IIS7 GUI go to: (web site) > (features view) > ("IIS" category) > "ASP" > expand "Limits Properties" node > "Script Time-out"

AJAX Polling Question - Blocking Or Frequent?

I have a web application that relies on very "live" data - so it needs an update every 1 second if something has changed.
I was wondering what the pros and cons of the following solutions are.
Solution 1 - Poll A Lot
So every 1 second, I send a request to the server and get back some data. Once I have the data, I wait for 1 second before doing it all again. I would detect client-side if the state had changed and take action appropriately.
Solution 2 - Block A Lot
So I start a request to the server that will time-out after 30 seconds. The server keeps an eye on the data on the server by checking it once per second. If the server notices the data has changed it sends the data back to the client, which takes action appropriately.
Essentially, the data is reasonably small in size, but changes at random intervals based on live events. The thing is, the web UI will be running something in the region of 2,000 instances, so do I have 2,000 requests per second coming from the UI or do I have 2,000 long-running requests that take up to 30 seconds?
Help and advice would be much appreciated, especially if you have worked with AJAX requests under similar volumes.
One common solution for such cases is to use static json files. Server-side scripts update them when the data is changed and they are served by fast and light webserver (like nginx). Since files are static and small - webserver will do that right in cache, in very fast manner.
Consider a better architecture. Implementing this kind of messaging system is trivial to do right in something like nodeJS. Message dispatch will be instantaneous, and you won't need to poll for your data on either side.
You don't need to rewrite your whole system: The data producer could simply POST the updates to the nodeJS server instead of writing them to a file, and as a bonus, you don't even need to waste time on disk IO.
If you started without knowing any nodeJS, you could still be done in a couple hours, because you can just hack up the chat example.
I can't comment yet, but I would agree with geocar. Running live or almost live web services with just polling will be solution stuck between a rock and a hard place.
You could also look into web sockets to allow push as this sounds a better solution for this than just updating every second to 30 seconds.
Good luck!
