In Jmeter 3.2 latest version "Replace All" feature not working - jmeter

I have installed latest Jmeter 3.2 version. When I tried to use "Replace All" feature it's not working.It's searching properly but replace all not working. See the below screenshots.
I expected "PensionReport" replace with "PR"
Please advise!

ReplaceAll does not do replacement on all elements as per release notes:
A replace feature has been added to Search feature to allow replacement in some elements.
So feature does replacement on following parts:
Replacement in values
Http Request:
Replacement in Arguments
Replacement in Path
Replacement in Host
This feature will evolve in the future but it has been limited to most useful replacements that are required for correlation.
Note there was a bug in counting that has been fixed in nightly build:
Read this blog for more details on 3.2:


What happened to the regex features?

There used to be a feature in Luis called "Regex Features". You can still find it in google. Microsoft seems to have erased all evidence of it ever existing.
Is it still supported in Luis?
The Json for my Luis app still contains the regex features I made does Luis still use it?
To quote from Microsoft LUIS Official Documentation
Pattern (regular expression) feature
This feature is deprecated. New pattern features cannot be added to
LUIS. Any existing pattern features are supported until May 2018.
Contribute to standard LUIS regular expression matching with a Pull
Request to the Recognizers-Text Github
It seems to me that Microsoft has pulled away the Regular Expression features in LUIS. The only way to handle Regular Expressions in code is to clone and use their newly launched Microsoft.Recognizers.Text project on GitHub by using the following command:
git clone
cd Recognizers-Text
You can find its SDK reference here.

SonarQube 6.0 Link to code for issues not working

We have an issue since our upgrade to SonarQube 6.0 that on the issues page the link icon or the right arrow icon no longer link to the code.
In this case clicking either link takes you to another (smaller) list of issues.
This is not the case for all issues, the only difference I can spot is that on the problem issues the filename and line number are not shown. checking in the database and in the issues table the 'line' column is also null.
We are using SonarQube 6.0 with C# plugin 5.3.2 - Analysis is triggered by TFS2015 Update 3
Many thanks in advance for any ideas/advice.
Following Teryk's response I manage fine tune my investigation. It turns out that it is cased by the MSBUILD output which does not include a filename or line for certain CA warning is Microsoft.Design and Microsoft.Naming, e.g. CA1024, CA1040, CA1704, CA1716, thus:
3>MSBUILD : warning CA1040: Microsoft.Design : Define a custom attribute to replace 'ITierRepository'.
When this happens the issue is recorded against the solution but obviously cannot be assign to a specific file and the line not identified.
Having found that I was quick able to find the article which discusses the same issue:
It is caused by the fact that FxCop is not able find source for the issue as described here:
It apparently relates to changes to FxCop reporting that were introduced in v5.2 of the C# plugin which was also deployed at the same time as upgrading to SQ 6.0

SonarQube - How to activate source syntax-highlighting after 5.0 migration WITHOUT make another analysis of components?

I know that the 5.0 release note say "After the migration, source syntax-highlighting won't be available on a project until it has been successfully analyzed"
BUT, i can't imagine that there is no way to activate just by running another analysis. In fact, when you have thousands of components (it's our case), you can't plan 4500 analysis just to "restore" a basic but helpful functionality ! And it's more true when you know that the majority of theses components wasn't changed since a time ago... :(
So, please, say me that we can write a little batch or program that will do the job without need to pull all the sources ! I don't know how because i don't' understand this limitation of this upgrade (why sources aren't accessible)
You should trust the release notes. Information required for syntax highlighting is computed during analysis. Note that it also requires the language plugins to support this feature. I suggest to upgrade them to latest versions.

Make zen coding support less file in sublime text2

How can I make zen coding support less file in sublime text2?
Install latest version of ST 2 (right now, -build 2165), and using package control (version 1.4.1), install the zen coding plugin (rather package). Then the expansion engine works fine.
I am windows user, and it was not working until last version (-build 2139), though MAC users were approving its execution.
Package control
Awesome Software and both plugins too.
Sorry, the answer is not relative, but still let it be here as it is the best alternative till date.
To see what is your expansion key, go to :
$PACKAGES_PATH/ZenCoding/zen-settings.sublime-settings for keys and their default values.
Please give an example how you want to employ LESS using ZC,
like for html, we use:
.container>(.content>.article>.p>lorem)+(aside>h1{Side Bar}+ul>li*4>a{home,about,contact,blog})
My personal opinion will be using ST 2's snippet-expansion.
Never mind, To learn more about how to adapt for LESS, Try this source instead:
Zen Coding Discussion group.
Learn Zen-Coding from its developer ;-P .

Where to find Bash release notes or changes

I need to find release notes for Bash from 3 to 4.
I could not find them neither by nor by default google.
I also looked unsuccessfully at
Where are the release notes for Bash?
From Bash website you can download "Bourne again shell (BASH)".
Inside the download you can find the release notes.
EDIT: Or browse the source online, see NEWS for the summaries, and CHANGES for details.
For patch releases, these could be useful:
There are two files distributed with the source: NEWS and CHANGES. CHANGES documents everything, while NEWS summarises new features.
You can find a summary for BASH 4 here, or check out section B1 of the FAQ for the latest NEWS.
Here you go:
On my machine (Ubuntu 9.04) it's located at /usr/share/doc/bash/CHANGES.gz
