What happened to the regex features? - azure-language-understanding

There used to be a feature in Luis called "Regex Features". You can still find it in google. Microsoft seems to have erased all evidence of it ever existing.
Is it still supported in Luis?
The Json for my Luis app still contains the regex features I made does Luis still use it?

To quote from Microsoft LUIS Official Documentation
Pattern (regular expression) feature
This feature is deprecated. New pattern features cannot be added to
LUIS. Any existing pattern features are supported until May 2018.
Contribute to standard LUIS regular expression matching with a Pull
Request to the Recognizers-Text Github
It seems to me that Microsoft has pulled away the Regular Expression features in LUIS. The only way to handle Regular Expressions in code is to clone and use their newly launched Microsoft.Recognizers.Text project on GitHub by using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/Recognizers-Tex.git
cd Recognizers-Text
You can find its SDK reference here.


How to install samples/libraries?

For some reason, the github page here https://github.com/microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples has no instructions on how to actually add the sample/functionality to your own bot.
I'm trying to add this library to my composer bot project: https://github.com/microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/main/experimental/handoff-library but it itself doesn't have any instructions either, just how to download it via git (which I've done).
The only guide I could find is here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/composer/how-to-add-custom-action?tabs=csharp but it doesn't quite match up with the library above.
Am I missing something obvious?
The samples repo is not a library. It's literally a list of smaller bots that can be run locally, in every GA'd language SDK of the Bot Framework. It's not meant to be 'installed'. The purpose of the various samples are to show how the SDK can be leveraged for certain scenarios, so you can take the code and implement it for yourself, or mimic the code in your own bot. If there's a certain sample who's functionality you want in your bot, such as "How to add attachment handling", you should ask that.

Firefox source code analysis; lines of code per component

I am currently trying to analyse Bugzilla in order to find the ratio of number of bugs : lines of code for each Firefox component. However, I have never worked with Bugzilla before and have no knowledge of Firefox's codebase.
How would I go about finding lines of code per Firefox component (as they appear on Bugzilla under Comp header)? I have made an attempt at looking through mozilla central, but have no idea which source files relate to which components.
EDIT: Dexter pointed out that there is a directive BUG_COMPONENT in the mozilla-central tree, but this directive seems extremely incomplete and is not helpful. Any other advice, or pointers as to where I could get such advice would be much appreciated.
Great question! We recently added the BUG_COMPONENT directive (see the meta bug) to the Firefox code: it's in the moz.build file contained in each directory in the source. This directive allows linking each file in the repository to the related Bugzilla component.
For example, the following directive found here, tells that all the files in test/browser containing the Telemetry word belong to the Toolkit::Telemetry component on Bugzilla.
with Files("test/browser/*Telemetry*"):
BUG_COMPONENT = ("Toolkit", "Telemetry")
You can use either DXR or searchfox to quickly search the Firefox repository.
Updated the answer to account for the questions in the comments.
As noted in the comments, some components are tracked on Bugzilla (e.g. Activity Stream) but do not have a direct mapping to source files within the mozilla-central repository (the one Firefox is built from). That's because some newer components do not ride "the trains" (~6 weeks development cycle), but are rather updated more frequently and deployed as addons.
The code for these components usually lives under the Mozilla github account, along with other project. Since there are quite a number of projects, one way to identify the ones you might be interested in is to restrict them to JavaScript ones. If you follow this last link, you'll see the repository for both the test-pilot and Activity Stream (plus other addons).
I'm afraid the only way to match GitHub projects to Bugzilla components is to look at the name of the repository on GitHub and find the matching component in Bugzilla: you can type the name here to get some component suggestions. If you want to get fancy, you might also leverage the Bugzilla REST API:
Get a list of the JS GitHub project.
Extract the name of the project.
Use the REST API to get the component suggestion.
I would personally just consider the mozilla-central repository as a starting point, as it is mostly annotated: scrape the BUG_COMPONENT from the source files, map them to the paths then use the REST API to get the list of bugs.
Sidenote: the Download Panel seems to be correctly annotated in the main repo.

Is there an online URL that can be used for ace script

Does the ace editor have an online URL to the ace scripts for specific use cases such as the following:
A project always wants to use the latest version
A project wants to use a specific previous version
A project wants to test for bugs, features or regressions between versions (expects versioning online ace_1.0.0.js, ace_1.1.0.js, etc)
A component was created to wrap the ace editor. The component author does not want to maintain a separate local branch of ace so he wants to point to an online source so his examples work out of the box.
For versioning example, I think Google maps provide a parameter but a file name also works.
There are multiple cdns hosting ace:
https://unpkg.com/ace-builds#1.2.6/src/ https://unpkg.com/ace-builds/src/
gh pages https://ajaxorg.github.io/ace-builds/src/ace.js and https://rawgit.com/ work as well.

What is a Parse Collection?

I'm learning Parse (the Javascript flavor) using their Todo App tutorial. I'm trying to write my first query. In the tutorial, I found this code:
var TodoList = Parse.Collection.extend({ ... });
I can't find any info about Parse.Collection in their JS Guide nor their API docs.
Can someone shed some light on what a Parse.Collection is and when I should use it?
You're not seeing anything in the docs because Parse.Collection was removed from the JavaScript SDK in v.1.6.0.
Downloads Page and JavaScript Changelog
SDK no longer contains Backbone-specific behavior. Moving forward, the core SDK will not be tied to any single framework, but we will work with the community to produce up-to-date bindings like Parse+React. The major changes are the removal of Parse.Collection, and allowing Parse.Objects to act as event channels.
In previous versions of the SDK, Parse.Collection was used almost identically to Backbone.Collection, as the Parse SDK was based on Backbone. Things are particularly confusing right now because tutorials on parse.com use pre-1.6.0 versions of the SDK.

Is there documentation for Team Build 2010 Activites?

As most of you know TFS Team Build 2010 is Windows Workflow based. It comes with a handful of custom Activities out of the box. Is there any documentation available for these activities?
For example Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.GetBuildAgent is one of the activities that has basically only one property called Result which I'm assuming takes a variable name that receives the agent name. But how does it determine which agent to select? which variables/arguments does it use to receive input/output? I'm sure if I ask around I can figure out how this specific Activity works, but what about the other 50 activities? I have been unsuccessful in finding documentation on these Microsoft provided activities to date.
There is currently no documentation on these activities. I have seen some previews on a book on Team Build that will arrive soon (keep an eye on this blog) and the VS ALM rangers who will bring their guidance on codeplex during the beginning of CY11.
See Team Foundation Build Activities on MSDN for documentation on all the included build activities.
The GetBuildAgent activity can only be used within an AgentScope activity. It returns the IBuildAgent object of the build agent that it is running on.
William's book on Inside the Microsoft Build Engine: Using MSBuild and Team Foundation Build will also cover these build activities in more detail.
Beyond the built-in activities, I immediately found a need to implement custom activities. Some Custom Activity examples are:
Checking in/out a file in the build process
Updating Version properties (to support ClickOnce deployment)
Updating deployment folder html file to support Version updates
I found an article by Jakob Ehn very helpful in navigating through this process.
Ewald Hofman has a very thorough guide to help you get more out of customizing Team Build. It acts as a great reference.
