While ⇋ For convertibility and feasibility - for-loop

We know that while and for are the most frequently used loop syntax for many programming and scripting languages. Here I would like to ask some questions regarding convertibility and feasibility of using while vs for loop.
Is for to while and vice versa transformation or conversion always possible? I mean suppose one used while loop for some functionality and I want to replace while with for or say vice-versa, then Is while ⇋ for transformation/conversion always possible (also interested in knowing the feasibility)? It would be helpful of I can refer If any research regarding this carried out.
I'm also interested in getting the general guidance for using while vs for. Also want to know if while has some advantages over for and vice versa.
Note: I've this question for log time, I thought -- being a great programming site, this question can be useful here. If the question is not suitable here. I'm unsure if this question is acceptable here, so requesting to consider it liberal; you can ask me to remove if such question hurts the quality of site :)

I will answer using Java as a reference, though this answer should also be completely valid for C, C#, C++ and many others. If we consider the following for loop:
for (int i=0; i < 10; ++i) {
// do something, maybe involving i
We can see that the loop has 3 components:
int i=0; initialization of loop counter
i < 10 criteria for loop to execute
++i increment to loop counter
The following while loop is functionally equivalent to the above for loop:
int i=0;
while (i < 10) {
// do something, maybe involving i
We can see that the main difference between this while loop and the for loop are that the declaration and initialization of the loop counter is outside the loop in the former case. Also, we increment the loop counter inside the actual while loop. The check for the loop continuing is still done inside the loop structure, as with for loops.
So a for loop can be thought of an enhanced while loop of sorts. It frees us from having to create a loop counter outside the loop, and also we can increment/change the loop counter within the loop structure, rather than mixing such logic with the code of the loop body.


Lua for can't do the same as C for?

There is no way to do the same with the C for?
I mean put two or more variables as init, and increment
for (i, j, k; i!=100; i++, j*3, k++)
the lua for seems can't do this but maybe I'm wrong and there is a way to do that
for i=0, i~=1000, -1
I guess it's strange lua can't do that since lua has a lot of things to work better and simplify the code
Lua's for syntax is more restrictive than C's. If you want to do something complicated like that in your loops, you have to spell it out with a while loop or use a for loop with other increments done in the loop body.
You could also try to express this complicated sequence with an iterator. But for readability, it's best to avoid complex looping statements of this sort whenever possible.

Does the size of the code have any impact on the compile or runtime?

For example, in many programming languages there are two ways to execute a loop. I'm referring to, of course, for loops and while loops. Would these two examples have any differences in compile time or runtime? Does it depend on the programming language?
for(int i = 0; i < 1; i+=0){
//Infinite loop
//Infinite loop
FORTRAN 90 uses two different syntax for a loop
The first one has more characters, but I'm unsure if more characters means more compile/run time (as insignificant as that time would be).
"More characters" really, really isn't the problem.
Compilers and interpreters have t deal with e.g. symbol tables. And the for loop has an extra symbol. That will matter far more. Also, there are two operators, and you need to consider the types of arguments there, all of which add up.
Decent compilers will turn either loop into a no-op though.

suggestions on constructing nested statements properly

I am having trouble constructing my own nested selection statements (ifs) and repetition statements (for loops, whiles and do-whiles). I can understand what most simple repetition and selection statements are doing and although it takes me a bit longer to process what the nested statements are doing I can still get the general gist of the code (keeping count of the control variables and such). However, the real problem comes down to the construction of these statements, I just can't for the life of me construct my own statements that properly aligns with the pseudo-code.
I'm quite new to programming in general so I don't know if this is an experience thing or I just genuinely lack a very logical mind. It is VERY demoralising when it takes me a about an hour to complete 1 question in a book when I feel like it should just take a fraction of the time.
Can you people give me some pointers on how I can develop proper nested selection and repetition statements?
First of all, you need to understand this:
An if statement defines behavior for when **a decision is made**.
A loop (for, while, do-while) signifies **repetitive (iterative) work being done** (such as counting things).
Once you understand these, the next step, when confronted with a problem, is to try to break that problem up in small, manageable components:
i.e. decisions, that provide you with the possible code paths down the way,
and various work you need to do, much of which will end up being repetitive,
hence the need for one or more loops.
For instance, say we have this simple problem:
Given a positive number N, if N is even, count (display numbers) from
0(zero) to N in steps of 2, if N is odd, count from 0 to N in steps of
First, let's break up this problem.
Step 1: Get the value of N. For this we don't need any decision, simply get it using the preferred method (from file, read console, etc.)
Step 2: Make a decision: is N odd or even?
Step 3: According to the decision made in Step 2, do work (count) - we will iterate from 0 to N, in steps of 1 or 2, depending on N's parity, and display the number at each step.
Now, we code:
//read N
int N;
//make decision, get the 'step' value
int step=0;
if (N % 2 == 0) step = 2;
else step = 1;
//do the work
for (int i=0; i<=N; i=i+step)
cout >> i >> endl;
These principles, in my opinion, apply to all programming problems, although of course, usually it is not so simple to discern between concepts.
Actually, the complicated phase is usually the problem break-up. That is where you actually think.
Coding is just translating your thinking so the computer can understand you.

Efficiency of nested Loop

See the following snippet:
Long first_begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
// first nested loops
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 1000000; j++) {
// do some stuff
System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - first_begin);
// second nested loops
Long seconde_begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
// do some stuff
System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - seconde_begin);
I am wondering why the first nested loops is running slower than the second one?
Important Note!: I am sorry that I made the variable j beginning with 1 accidentally when this question is first asked, I have made the correction.
Update:there is not any specific logic within the loops, I am just doing some test, actually this is a question asked during an interview and the interviewer hint me to change the order of loops to achieve better performance. BTW, I am using JDK1.5. after some test I am more confused now, because the result of program is not consistent---sometime the first loop running faster than the second one, but most of the time it's running slower than second one.
This answer is for the updated question:
If you're accessing two dimensional array such as int[][], the one with the larger value in the inner loop should be slower. Not by much but still. To somewhat understand the problem, read about Shlemiel the street painter in one of Joel's blog posts.
The reason you're getting inconsistent results is that you're not performing any JVM warmup. JVM constantly analyzes the bytecode that is run and optimizes it, usually only after 30 to 50 iterations it runs at optimal speed. Yes, this means you need to run the code first a couple of dozen times and then benchmark it from an average of another couple dozen runs because of Garbage Collector which will slow couple of runs.
General note, using Long object instead of long primitive is just dumb, JVM most likely optimizes it by replacing it with the primitive one if it can and if it can't, there's bound to be some (albeit extremely minor) constant slowdown from using it.
EDIT: Original answer is below. Now that you've fixed the example so that all loop variables start at 0, we're back to simply not having enough information. It seems likely that it's a cache coherency / locality of reference issue - but we're just guessing. If you could provide a short but complete program which demonstrates the problem, that would help... as would telling us which language/platform we're talking about to start with!
The first loop has 10 * 999999 = 9999990 iterations. The second loop has 1000000 * 9 = 9000000 iterations. I would therefore expect (all other things being equal) the first loop to take longer.
However, you haven't indicated what work you're doing or what platform this is on. There are many things which could affect things:
The second loop may hit a cache better
If you're using a JIT-compiled platform, the JIT may have chosen to optimise the second loop more heavily.
The operations you're performing may themselves have caching or something like that
If you're performing a small amount of work but it first needs to load and initialize a bunch of types, that could cause the first loop to be slower
The question shifted. These are not the droids you seek...
Because you are doing ~1000000 times more work in the first example. ;-)
If you look at the generated byte code, the two loops are almost identical. EXCEPT that when it does the while-condition for the 10 loop, Java gets the 10 as an immediate value from within the instruction, but when it does the while-condition for the 1000000 loop, Java loads the 1000000 from a variable. I don't have any info on how long it takes to execute each instruction, but it seems likely that an immediate load will be faster than a load from a variable.
Note, then, that in the first loop, the compare against 1000000 must be done 10 million times while in the second loop it is only done 1 million times. Of course the compare against 10 is done much more often in the second loop, but if the variable load is much slower than the immediate load, that would explain the results you are seeing.

best-practice on for loop's condition

what is considered best-practice in this case?
for (i=0; i<array.length(); ++i)
for (i=array.length()-1; i>=0; --i)
assuming i don't want to iterate from a certain direction, but rather over the bare length of the array. also, i don't plan to alter the array's size in the loop body.
so, will the array.length() become constant during compilation? if not, then the second approach should be the one to go for..
I would do the first method, as that is much more readable, and I can look and see you are iterating over the loop. The second one took me a second :(.
array.length will remain constant so long as you arent modifying the array.
In most cases I would expect array.length() to be implemented in such a way that it is O(1), so it would not really impact on the loop's performance. If you are in doubt, or want to make sure it is a constant, just do so explicitly:
// JavaScript
var l = a.length;
for (var i=0; i<l; i++) {
// do something
I consider the reversed notation a "clever hack" that falls into the premature optimization category. It's harder to read, more error-prone and does not really provide a benefit over the alternative I suggest.
But since implementations of compilers/interpreters are vastly different and you do not say what language you refer to, it is hard to make an absolute statement about this. I would say unless this is in an absolutely time-critical section of code or otherwise measurably contributing to code running time, and your benchmark tests show that doing it differently provides a real benefit, I would stick to the code that's easier to understand and maintain.
Version 2 is broken and would iterate from one past end of array to 1. (Now corrected)
Stick with version 1. It's well recognised and doesn't leave the reader doing a double-take.
Version 1 is far more widely used and simpler to understand. Version 2 may occasionally be very slightly faster if the compiler doesn't optimize array.length() into a constant, but...insert your own premature optimization comment here
EDIT: as to whether array.length() will be optimized out, it will depend on the language. If the language uses arrays as "normal" objects or arrays can be dynamically sized, it will be just a method call and the compiler can't assume will return a consistent return value. But for languages in which arrays are a special case or object (or the compiler's just really smart...) the speed difference will probably be eliminated.
for (i=0; i<array.length(); ++i) is better for me, but for (i=array.length()-1; i>=0; --i) is fastest, because common processors fastest checking condition comparing to 0 to condition comparing to two varbiales.
array.lenght() is constant if you dont adding/erasing elements from this array under iterations.
Version 1 is quickest. for (i=0; i
For a for loop in my own code, though it's probably overkill, I got into the habit early on of writing my loops such that the length gets calculated exactly once, but the loop proceeds in the natural way:
int len = array.length();
for (int i=0; i<len; ++i) {
These days, though, I prefer using "for-each" facilities where they're available and convenient; they make loops easier to read and foolproof. In C++ that would be something like:
std::for_each(array.begin(), array.end(), &doSomething);
