Throughput calculation using response time and no of request - jmeter

I received an requirement were I need to display the response time, number of threads running, latency and throughput in one report. I used below code in Beanshell post processor to display throughput, response time and number of threads:
long repons=prev.getTime();
//print("res" +responseTime);"Response time" + repons);
long thread=prev.getAllThreads();
vars.put("threads", Integer.toString(prev.getAllThreads()));"Thread number is"+thread);
float throughput=thread/repons;"Through put"+throughput);
I guess it is wrong. Can anyone help on this?

You have syntax error in your script, you have repons in the first line and recons in the second, they should be the same
It is better to use JSR223 Elements and Groovy language for scripting.
And finally, your approach is wrong, according to JMeter glossary:
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
So you need to divide total number of requests by total time taken to
execute these requests, your "code" most likely will be returning zero throughput
You can consider the following workarounds:
Use Backend Listener and a 3rd-party visualisation tool, see Real-time results article for details.
Run your JMeter test via Taurus framework which has Interactive Reporting feature


what does it mean by total throughput in Jmeter aggregated graph

When i carryout load testing in jmeter i have list of samples. Each sample returns its own throughput. However in the aggregated graph or summary result it has a total row at the bottom and adds all the throughput. What does this signify?
Can i just use the total throughput as the total throughput of the entire test run. Why does summary report adds up all the sample throughput rather than showing the average throughput?
In the following picture i ran load test with 2 user and 2 ramp up time.
As shown above the total actually sums up the throughput rather than aggregating it.
However, when i carry out test with 1 user and 1 ramp up time then it aggregates the throughput and displays the average throughput of the samplers.
In the below figure i carried out test with 1 thread and 1 ramp up time.
IS this a bug?
No, It's not a bug!!!
The Throughput is the number of requests per unit of time (seconds, minutes, hours) that are sent to your server during the test.
The Throughput is the real load processed by your server (Application under test) during a run but it does not tell you anything about the performance of your server during this same run.
As per JMeter Glossary:
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
So, In your case For 2 User : The application handled 10.7 requests/second.
And For the Single user : The Application handled 22.9 requests/second.
Its not sums up here, If you see in your screenshot the sum is coming around 14.4/sec, Sot its not sum of all throughput. Its calculated value based on the load you had given and your application would support mentioned throughput.
In your case if a user accesses the application it supports 22.9 requests per sec. But when two users access the application then it supports 10.7 requests per sec.
Please look at here for more info about Jmeter throughput
Jmeter aggregate report total throughput - how is calculated
In case of performance testing, average is something we all avoid.
Going back to actual question. Consider you have 5 requests in one workflow. You are running this test for 50 iterations. So making 250 requests during the load test.
Now you want to analyze individual request performance as well as overall system performance. In this case, when you want to drill down and look at individual request in order to find bottlenecks, you look at the throughput and response time of request.
If you want to find the overall load your system can handle, look at the total throughput.

JMeter: More HTTP Requests Result in Increased Performance?

I'm trying to understand a significant performance increase in my Jmeter test.
In a multi-tenancy database environment, I have a single RESTful service test containing a Thread Group with a single HTTP Request sampler posting an XML payload. The XML payload is then evaluated via stored procedures, and a response is received stating if the claim was qualified. I run this test from a .bat file (non-gui mode) in an Apache 7 environment with a single JVM running.
Test Thread Group Properties
# of Threads: ${__P(test.threads,200)}
Ramp-Up Period: ${__P(test.rampup,1)}
Loop Count: Forever
Delay Thread: Enabled
Scheduler: Enabled
Duration: ${__P(test.duration,1800)}
HTTP Request
Method: POST
When I duplicate the HTTP Request sampler within the TG and change the tenant ID within the URL, for some reason the performance seems to increase by > 55%. (i.e., the # of claims/second is increased by 55%) It appears the test did not fail, so I cannot attribute the performance increase to an increased error rate.
I would have expected an increase if I had enabled another JVM to let the Load Balancer perform optimization, but this is not the case. (still using only 1 JVM)
HTTP Request 1
HTTP Request 2
The theory going around here is that Jmeter generates a workload at a higher rate for multiple requests than for a single request. I'm skeptical, but haven't found anything "solid" to support my skepticism.
Is this theory true? If so, why would two HTTP Requests increase the performance?
In short: it's OK.
Longer version:
Here is how JMeter works:
JMeter starts all the threads during ramp-up period
Each thread starts executing samplers upside down (or according to the Logic Controllers)
When request doesn't have more samplers to execute and no more loops to iterate it's being shut down.
So how does number of virtual users correlate with the "performance". When you increase virtual users number of requests number for a load test it affects Throughput
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
So if you increase load on well-behaved system throughput should increase by the same factor or linearly.
When you increase load but throughput does not increase, such situation is known as "saturation point" when you get the maximum performance from the system. Further load increasing will lead to throughput going down.
Apache JMeter Glossary
An extended Glossary version
And how do you messure your performance? According to your "theory" your messurements includes jmeter overhead and this would be wrong. More over, is the response the same for both cases? What I mean, is the backend doing the same work work both cases?
Maybe first request returns different output then the other one. Maybe it is more expensive to generate output in one of the request. That is why you will notice "incresed" performance as normally you would do N x Heavy task in X seconds, and in second case G x heavy tasks + H X light tasks in the same time where G < N/2 - more requests in the same time? Sure! Incresed perfomance? Nope.
So to completly investigate what is happening, you need to review your measurement method. I would start with comparing the the actual time for both requests.

JMeter: Aggregate report analysis

I want to test the capacity of the web app that can handle without to get the average requests per second from the aggregate report.
Is throughput is equal to average requests per second ?
I don't really need Apache definition.please make it simple.
Number of threads : 25
ramp-up :1
I have 3 slaves.
Your question contains the answer: Throughput:10.4
According to JMeter Glossary:
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
So my assumption is that you generate the load of 10 requests per second (it may be per minute however, I need to know how long did your 250 samples execute to tell for sure)
If you're interested in "requests per second over time" you can utilize Server Hits Per Second listener which is available via JMeter Plugins project.
Alternative option of visualizing your load test results is using cloud where you can upload your test result and see graphs, distributions, export load test report as PDF, etc.

Jmeter output result interpretation help required

I would like to understand the Jmeter output for in depth.
I am confused with the 'throughput rate' concept.Does it mean that the server can only handle 48.1 requests/min at the given load or does it mean something else .What is the difference between the total throughput rate and the throughput rate shown by individual requests.In my case there 8 requests sent and the individual request shows throughput rate as 6.1/min.Please explain.
I need to suggest any changes to server side/explain the jmeter report,Please suggest how i can explain what needs to be done.
The total summary report is as below:
Total Users:100
Ramp up time:1000s
Total Samples : 800
Std.Dev: 4524.91
Error: 0.38%
Thanks in advance.
As per JMeter Glossary
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
So you providing the "load" of 0.8 requests per second which is quite low.
JMeter provides a test element which controls this "Throughput" value so you can choose whether you will be simulating "N" concurrent users or sending "N" requests per second. Take a look at How to use JMeter's Throughput Constant Timer guide for more details on goal-oriented load test scenario implementation with JMeter.

Apache JMeter - listener results interpretation

I use JMeter to test my webapp application, I have aggregate graph with some score values, but I actually don't know what they mean...
Aggregate graph shows for example:
I don't know about what refer that values.
For what refer 90% line?
I also don't know what's the unit of throughput per second (bytes?).
Anybody knows?
JMeter documentation shows only general information about reports and listeners.
This link contains a helpful explanation for Jmeter Usuage, Results, Tips, Considerations and Deployment.
Good Luck!
Throughput - means number of requests per one second. So if two users open your website at the same time throughput will be 2/s - 2 requests in one second.
How it can be useful: check your website analytics and you see number of hosts and hits per one day. Throughput stands for hits per day. If analytics shows 200 000 hits per day this means: 200 000 / 86400 (seconds in one day) = 2,31 hits/s.
Average - the average of response time. I think you know what is response time - it's time between sending request and getting response from server. To get the average response time you should sum all samplers response time and devide to number of samplers. Sampler means user, request, hit, the meaning is the same.
Min - the minimal response time in all samplers. Differently we may say the fastest response.
Max - opposite of Min, the slowest response.
The throughput is generally measured in requests/second in things Jmeter.
As far as knowing what requests are within the 90% line, not really a way to do it with this listener. This is representing aggregate information, so it only reports on information about all the tests, not specific results.
For some different methods and ideas on getting useful information out of the responses, take a look at this jmeter wiki on log analysis.
If you don't already have it, jmeter plugins has a lot of useful controllers and listeners that can make understanding the results easier as well.
