xcode developer certificates and reset and reinstall - xcode

i installed xcode(6.3.1 beta) for unity ios app in Yosemite and was working fine when in upgrade to sierra and upgrade to xcode(8.1) xcode was not working and after checking in forms i found that it is OS issue i inatlled xlion .The problem i have another mac with Yosemite and installed the xcode(6.3.1) and was messed up with key chain and other certificated for provision and distribution.Now i totally messed with xcode and distribution in developer account certificates and i was totally working with it for past two days and clueless what to do,How can i clear all developer certificates and key chain certificates from xcode like development and distribution i want to reset all things in xcode and developer account and start from starch and setup again everything .Please what are the things we needed to delete in the developer account and xcode and key chains and setup again to start as a new.

Got to https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/certificate/
then revoke you certificate..
then go to xcode. add a certificate to your project using your account xcode then will create certificate for you.... cheers...


Corrupted certificate: Missing Private Key

I am a first time iMac user. Yesterday I installed Flutter.
I used my iCloud ID to create app signing, as I am only interested in experimenting with my iPhone.
By fooling around by trying to fix another issue ("Codesign wants to access key 'access' in your keychain"), I deleted my Xcode certificate. The net result is that I can neither recover nor re-create the certificate.
How can I fix this issue? Many of the StackOverflow related posts don't appear to apply to me as I don't have a developer account and I am not interested in distribution
I am using Mojave 10.14.6, Xcode 11.3.1
I see you commented, but have you actually opened the keychain app? most of the settings for Mac is, once the application is selected, in the upper left of the screen there are preferences and options in the keychain app to delete the keychain, which would allow a fresh start. Keychain can break easily in my experience
Everything seems to be working ...
I decided to check for firmware updates, and the Mac updated from Mojave to Catalina. For reasons I don't understand, but won't complain about, that fixed the certificate issue. The certificate was automatically regenerated/fixed (?) and Xcode stopped complaining
Using Xcode, I then tried to install the app on my iPhone. I had the following error dyld: Library not loaded which apparently was due to the fact that I was using a non-developer ID. The post recommended upgrading the iPhone to iOS 13.4.
Once I did that, however, Xcode (on the laptop) was out of sync with the iPhone. I upgraded Xcode to the latest version
Xcode successfully managed to install the app on my iPhone
Flutter successfully managed to install the app on my iPhone.
#Daniel and #Gordon, thank you for your assistance

Account not able to sign in Xcode?

I am new for developing the IOS application. so I have used xcode version 7.3.1 so I am not able to build the IOS 10 version. so xcode 7.3.1 not supported. so I trying to update but it can't able to update because mac has lower version. so I decided to install xip format. then I installed it, I have tried to build the app in xcode 8.0. then I have deleted the apple id which was already added in xcode 7.3.1. so both version affected it not showing account in xcode. after that I trying to add the account in xcode both version. it getting below given error, please any one help to slove the problem..
Make sure you can login to apple developer: Apple Developer Login
If that is not working, it means it's an issue with either your login credentials, or (more unlikely) there is an issue with Apple's servers and you simply must try later.
Try creating a new apple id as a test to see if it's an issue with the apple id, or an issue with your Xcode or computer's setup.
In my case error occurred because of VPN connection.

XCode - Always have to reset signing identities and re-download provisioning profiles

I'm building mobile apps using Xamarin-Visual Studio. I have a MacBook Air that is my iOS build host.
Every day or two I have to reset my XCode signing identities, re-download my provisioning profiles, and then reboot the MacBook. If I don't, I am unable to install the IPA on an iOS device (it creates an IPA file but just won't install to device).
Any ideas why?
XCode version is 7.3.1. My setup was working fine for months. It started doing this for no apparent reason about a week ago. I'll also add that I have another build environment with an iMac that started doing the same thing at about the same time.
Absolutely nothing has changed with my Mac and Windows environments (although I'm not sure Windows/Xamarin have anything to do with this. Seems like more of a glitch on the Mac side).
Thanks in advance!
Making comment above an answer since there has been no activity on this since:
If you are sharing a signing identity with other team members, if another team member needs to use the singing identity, they will need to reset it and redownload the profile. And when they do, you will have to do the same when you need to use it again. Resetting the signing identity basically creates a new certificate (with the same name) and thus invalidates the profile that used the "old" certificate.

.provisionprofile wont load into keychain or XCODE4

I'm a mac OSX developer and have an App which I am trying to get ready for the App Store. The provisioning file which I created on the Apple developer site and then downloaded via Safari is not recognized as a valid extension by anything. I cant load this document into either XCODE4 or the keychain. All of the other certificates have worked as expended. I have uninstalled XCode and then reinstalled it. Still a no-go. I can't find any help anywhere on the web. I have written apple developer support and have been waiting nearly two weeks.
This can't be this difficult to fix... Help please.
I got my own answer from apple dev... You have to be using Lion and Xcode4 for lion...
This really blows since I have some tools that require Rosetta in order to run. Now that Apple has removed Rosetta in lion this will complicate some product development and maintenance.
I will try this upgrade and see if it fixes the provision file problem...

Why can't I code sign this Mac app?

I started some days ago a small Mac app for Mac OS X Lion. I've never uploaded a Mac app before, so this is the very first time.
This is what I've already done:
Created App ID
Created Certificate
Installed Certificate
Created a Production Provisioning Profile
Changed the App ID to my generated one
Created a new Configuration based on "Release"
Changed its Code Signing to 3rd Party Mac Developer Application
Selected the "Production"-Configuration which I created for the Archive-Scheme
Archived the Application
Now I wanted to "Share" the Application. Xcode (4.1 btw) said to me, there were no valid signing identities. Does I need to add an Entitlement.plist like in iOS? Have I forgotten something?
I just figured out, that I have to sign my app twice. I've still selected "3rd Party Mac Developer Application" but I can't select the Installer cert while submitting my app.
Have you installed the WWDR intermediate certificate? I just had the exact same problems and my issue was that the intermediate certificate was not installed on my machine. Granted, nowhere does Apple explicitly say you need it installed, more like suggestions. But, you do need it. You can find it here, or by going to Developer Certificate Utility under the Mac Developer Center.
I got it to work. I deleted my App and created it new.
I didn't create a new Configuration, and I only changed the Code Signing Indentity of the Target to 3rd Party Mac Developer Application. After this, I archived the app and then I was able to select the installer cert.
