.provisionprofile wont load into keychain or XCODE4 - macos

I'm a mac OSX developer and have an App which I am trying to get ready for the App Store. The provisioning file which I created on the Apple developer site and then downloaded via Safari is not recognized as a valid extension by anything. I cant load this document into either XCODE4 or the keychain. All of the other certificates have worked as expended. I have uninstalled XCode and then reinstalled it. Still a no-go. I can't find any help anywhere on the web. I have written apple developer support and have been waiting nearly two weeks.
This can't be this difficult to fix... Help please.

I got my own answer from apple dev... You have to be using Lion and Xcode4 for lion...
This really blows since I have some tools that require Rosetta in order to run. Now that Apple has removed Rosetta in lion this will complicate some product development and maintenance.
I will try this upgrade and see if it fixes the provision file problem...


Corrupted certificate: Missing Private Key

I am a first time iMac user. Yesterday I installed Flutter.
I used my iCloud ID to create app signing, as I am only interested in experimenting with my iPhone.
By fooling around by trying to fix another issue ("Codesign wants to access key 'access' in your keychain"), I deleted my Xcode certificate. The net result is that I can neither recover nor re-create the certificate.
How can I fix this issue? Many of the StackOverflow related posts don't appear to apply to me as I don't have a developer account and I am not interested in distribution
I am using Mojave 10.14.6, Xcode 11.3.1
I see you commented, but have you actually opened the keychain app? most of the settings for Mac is, once the application is selected, in the upper left of the screen there are preferences and options in the keychain app to delete the keychain, which would allow a fresh start. Keychain can break easily in my experience
Everything seems to be working ...
I decided to check for firmware updates, and the Mac updated from Mojave to Catalina. For reasons I don't understand, but won't complain about, that fixed the certificate issue. The certificate was automatically regenerated/fixed (?) and Xcode stopped complaining
Using Xcode, I then tried to install the app on my iPhone. I had the following error dyld: Library not loaded which apparently was due to the fact that I was using a non-developer ID. The post recommended upgrading the iPhone to iOS 13.4.
Once I did that, however, Xcode (on the laptop) was out of sync with the iPhone. I upgraded Xcode to the latest version
Xcode successfully managed to install the app on my iPhone
Flutter successfully managed to install the app on my iPhone.
#Daniel and #Gordon, thank you for your assistance

Export XCode App for One Person

Alright so I've built my first desktop app in xcode. The app is intended for use by one person only. I want to export it in the quickest, easiest way possible so they can use it on their laptop.
I've got Mac OS 10.10.3 and XCode 6.4. The target laptop has Mac OS 10.10.5. I am reluctant to update my system and the one on the laptop but will do if I have no other choice.
Getting it to work on my own computer would be a great start. Currently if I do Product > Archive. And then Export "As Mac Application" (unsigned). It creates the app but when I try and open it, it say "App couldn't open because of a problem". Is there a way I can debug this? Or an obvious thing I may have missed?
Ideally I want the app to work on my computer and to be able to transfer it to the target laptop and have it work on there too. I'll pay for the developer licence if I have no other choice but for a single-target application I feel like it's a waste of money.
You don't say it explicitly in your question but do you not have an apple developer certificate? If not, then you will not likely be able to sign the app appropriately to export it for use. If I'm not mistaken, when I export my apps (even for local testing on other machines in my house) the app gets signed with my developer certificate, enabling OSX to see that the app has been signed by a registered developer.
I believe you will be able to run the app in Xcode (without a developer certificate), but in order to export it you need a signature (development certificate) which is provided as part of the Apple Developer subscription.
An easy thing you could try to do, assuming your app builds:
Run your app
Right click the app icon in the dock
Click Options -> Show in Finder
Boom there's your app bundle. Send that over to your recipient
It seems fairly obvious in hindsight but I ended up installing XCode on the target computer (using the Apple Developer site to get the same version as I was running on the dev computer. I was then able to just copy the project across and run it. This wasn't ideal but it did the job.

Distribute App Outside the Mac App Store

I'm a newbie in OSX Development. I built an application in which will be distributed outside the Mac App Store. I have all the other certificates and keys working except for the Developer ID (App and Installer) for production.
I know that this may sound stupid, but for what it's worth, I just wanna make sure.
Will my app still be considered Developer ID - signed if I exported it as a Mac Installer Package instead of selecting Export Developer ID-signed Application, when I install it to its destination devices? Will it be successfully installed or be rejected with GateKeeper-enabled devices?
I have been scratching my head for this since for some weird reason, I cannot add a new Distribution Developer-ID from the Dev Center. I was able to add a Developer ID earlier this week however, I ran into some issues with my private keys. As per suggested by Apple and many other developers, I revoked all the Developer IDs and private keys to start fresh. The problem now is that I can't add any new Developer ID (Distribution). I cannot add in both Dev Center and by requesting through Xcode 5.0.1. I'm stuck.
I have submitted a Bug Report to Apple, but who knows when they'll be able to resolve it.
So now, temporarily, since I don't have any choice (I guess), I'll use the Mac Installer Package, but the question is, will it work?
Any help would be very, very much appreciated.
I've done this recently and have created a third Xcode project configuration to Debug and Release called Archive, which is a copy of Release except the app is signed using the Mac App Distribution / Third Party Mac App Developer and, confusingly there is a third name used for this same certificate.
I then changed the Archive scheme to use the Archive configuration to build.
Before doing this I had errors on some Macs when signing with my Developer ID, in some cases they claimed the app was corrupted, and in other cases I got gatekeeper blocking the app, forcing me to override it in System Preferences > Security & Privacy.
I personally use xcodebuild (from Jenkins) to build the app for distribution to testers, which I package in a .dmg so they only need to drag it to /Applications or ~/Applications and I do all that using a script within the Jenkins configuration. Your experience may differ to mine if you are using the Xcode app instead.

Can't update command line tools because Xcode tells me I don't have access to them

I'm using Xcode 4.3.2 and it tried to install an update to the command line tools.
I clicked the update button and Xcode told me that [my apple id] does not have access to Command Line Tools. (Contact Apple Developer Support to resolve account access issues.)
The problem happened with 4.3.1 too, I just did the update to 4.3.2 because I thought that it will resolve the issue.
My account is a paid Mac + iOS Developer account. I am pretty sure I should have access to these tools. But Xcode tells me I don't.
I logged in to the developer portal and checked for new Terms of Service too. Everything looks alright.
How can I install the update? Does anybody have a solution for this?
Yes its all over the Twitter... Just go to Apple Downloads and manually install it. They are investigating the issue as far as I know
Dominik Porada details the solution at Xcode 4.5 and iOS 5.1 Simulator, ie. download the old XCode 4.4.1 from Apple and pull out the simulation. Personally, I just copied the simulator from one of my other Macs that I hadn't upgraded XCode on yet.
Not sure if it's still relevant but xcode-select --install might do it.
I had the same problem last night after the update to Mountain Lion and Xcode 4.4.
This morning I tried to build something in xcode and it told me that developer mode wasn't enabled on the mac. Once I enabled it, I tried to download the command tools again and that happened to work fine now.

Mac App mysteriously disappears directly after downloading and installing from the Mac AppStore

Last night we have released a free app in the Mac AppStore. The app didn't yet show up when searching for (parts of) the title, however, we could find it by searching for one of our existing Mac Apps and clicking through to our 'Developer Page'.
When 'buying' the app (it's actually free), the icon pops up in LaunchPad and the progress bar for downloading & installing shows. Under Snow Leopard, the icon pops into the Dock and the progress bar for downloading & installing shows.
However, in both cases, as soon as the progress bar is filled, the app directly disappears from the LaunchPad / Dock and can no longer be started.
I've checked my Applications folder, but the app is nowhere to be found. I also checked this on other systems (under user accounts that never develop in XCode), those showed the exact same problem. I've also tried downloading a few other free apps from the Mac AppStore on my own system, these downloaded and installed successfully and don't disappear.
There seems to be a problem with our app that causes this issue, but I have no idea what it could possibly be. I didn't find anyone else suffering from this problem.
First and foremost, I would love to know what causes this so we can fix it.
Secondly, I am wondering how this app ever came through Apple's review process having this issue.
Any ideas?? Thanks in advance!
An Apple Dev on the Apple Developer Forums answered this question:
Do you have a copy of that app elsewhere on the system? App Store will install it over an existing copy, whereever that copy happens to be.
A different user on my system had previously built a debug build of the app from XCode. Apparently, any downloaded versions of Mac Apps are written over those apps -- even if the old version is within the home folder of a different user on your system, any version you purchase/download from the Mac AppStore will overwrite thát version; effectively locking out the downloading user from the app that he may have just paid for.
Imho, that's a crappy way of handling 'updates'. But it's good to know our app is working fine.
Thanks for the help StilesCrisis!
Update: Apple has asked me to file a bug report for this issue, will do.
I'm developing an app on Electron, and for me problem was that I had build files in my project folder, even after I deleted the app which I installed with .dmg in Application folder. So, it seems Mac Store looks throw whole disk space and trying to find app with same app ID, and if it exists, don't rewrite it.
After deleting my .app and .pkg build from the project folder app successfully installed from Mac Store. If it will not work for you, please try to clean app related folder in these directions: ~/Library/Caches and /Library/Application Support. I did it before, and can't guarantee that removing only project build files can help you. Maybe these actions are somehow connected. And removing app build files do not work for you.
