Xamarin.Forms Android app crashes when debugging on Galazy S8 (Exynos) - xamarin

I am trying to debug a Xamarin.Forms app which crashes with error
BoostFramework() : Exception_1 = java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.qualcomm.qti.Performance" on path: DexPathList[[],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]]
on my Galaxy S8, however the app does not crash when running on an emulator or when ran on a One Plus 3t.
The crash occurs when clicking the menu button on a Master.Detail Page.
Any insights in to this would be appreciated as I cannot seem to find any information on this.


UWP App is crashing on startup but only after installing the app

I am having a problem with a UWP app that is crashing on startup. It crashes only once after the app is installed, either via Debug button on VS2019/2022 or via the Release bundle install package.
If I launch it a second time after the installation, the app won't crash anymore.
We don't know why that is going on and we would like to fix this crash so that the app doesn't crash after installing it.
The crash exception is the following:
Unhandled exception at 0x7726BF4B (MrmCoreR.dll) in AppName_UWP.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x02000087.
I have uploaded an app memory dump as well as a screenshot showing everything that I have tried to fix this error until now - you can download it here
In a nutshell, we have tried:
Debugging in "Native Only"
Debugging in "Mixed"
Removing references to other libraries that could have caused the exception
Commenting references to Win UI
Change how XAML resources are added in App.xaml
Does anyone have an idea of what this could be and how to fix it?

Cannot debug UWP app on Simulator: foreground can not be acquired

With Visual Studio for Windows, if I debug my Xamarin.Forms UWP app in "Local Machine" it works fine, but if I choose "Simulator", I get the following error when launching the debug session:
Unable to activate Windows Store app '10509MyNameAndSurname.myappname_6k78edmmrpdam!App'. The activation request failed with error 'Activate Application failed as foreground can not be acquired in Windows Simulator'. See help for advice on troubleshooting the issue.
If I click Help, it sends me to this page, which doesn't really mention my problem above. Any way to fix this? The main reason I want to know if it runs this way is because I'm getting a lot of "Cannot launch App" errors from the Windows App Certification Kit.
I restarted the OS and tried with a Blank App (C#, UWP): and got a different error:
Then I retried debugging my app, and got yet a new error:
Error DEP0700: Registration of the app failed. [0x80073CF6] An
internal error occurred with error 0x80073D05. See
http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=235160 for help diagnosing app
deployment issues.

Xamarin Forms Android app fails on launch: Can't detect when [class] is activated/deactivated..implement IActivationForViewFetcher

As the title says this is the error from the device log when launching a Xamarin forms android app in release mode on Android Q. This occurs on a release device only.
System.ArgumentException: Don't know how to detect when [launcher class] is activated/deactivated, you may need to implement IActivationForViewFetcher
Any ideas why?
My linker settings are shown in the image:

Xamarin Forms App crashes after splash screen on iOS device

My Xamarin Forms App works fine in Android devices, but when trying do deploy on a real iOS device it crashes after the splash screen, I said real because I can run without any problem on the simulator.
I try to debug the App on a real iOS device, and I found that the crash happen when the App try to load the XAML file on:
private void InitializeComponent() {
global::Xamarin.Forms.Xaml.Extensions.LoadFromXaml(this, typeof(LoginPage));
Please take a look at the debug steps:
I found the problem. The [XamlCompilation(XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)] was missing on the code behind C# file, and because of that some methods used by click events of controls on the XAML were not available. But still can't find explanation for this not happening on the simulator!
In case it is a help to anyone, I had the same symptom for a different reason. I am using single page simple navigation in the app in question setting MainPage to the current page in the app. After few days of troubleshooting, happened to notice the checkbox in Application section of info.plist, "Supports Multiple Windows" was checked. Unchecking this restored my app to working condition. There were no diagnostic messages that seemed related, just a crash after splash in release mode, and a black screen in debug mode.

XAMARIN IOS APP Closes automatically on launching with no crash report

The ios app was working fine and I was working and debugging on the simulator, suddenly the app starts and closes, no crash report. The app closes after loading the assembly as per what I can see from the application output log with no crash report. Even the debugger detaches and stopped debugging and comes to it default play state.
Lastly I also see the this error " The call is ambiguous between the calling methods App.InitializeComponent() and App.InitializeComponent(). Basically for all Xaml Pages.
I tried reinstalling all the packages and updating for all Packages(shared/ios/android) but still issue persist.
Screenshot of the package installed.
