New Tabs are opening randomly in browser - windows

I use Chrome as my browser and for the past week or so, tabs have been randomly opening when I start Chrome, sometimes as I'm browsing. It started with a tab opening one day as I was watching a video, I clicked on it thinking it was a popup (like the ones that come up when you click somewhere on a website, the ones that AdBlock miss) and it was just some random forum I've never seen before. I closed it, then forgot about it. Ever since then, the same thing has been happening - random tabs will open, sometimes just 1 or 2 but sometimes there's at least 10, opening all at once.
what should i do to get rid of this problem?
when i run chrome this popup appear

Maybe you clicked to a link which automatically ran some malwares and installed or hooked some bad scripts into your system. I used to get same issue and I have to re-install my windows (re-install Chrome only didn't work)


Why does Firefox blur the webpage when the Esc key is pressed three times?

On my Dell Latitude 3120 2-in-1 laptop Firefox blurs the webpage (and sometimes destroys the site layout doing so) for a few seconds when I press Esc three times in a row and
closes the current tab and replaces it with a tab in my default search engine when I press Esc four times in a row.
Has anyone an idea on why this happens?
By the way: it happens both on Windows and on Linux, both with the standard installation of Firefox. On Firefox-built-in sites it doesn't work.
Ok, I found the problem myself - it was a privacy function of the "" extension I had installed. It blurs the page so you can minimize the window and nothing important can be seen in the preview and one Esc click more it and closes the current tab and opens's search engine.
How I found out? I uninstalled the extension because it didn't really help me and I was decluttering my browser and suddenly the behaviour stopped.
And it didn't work on Firefox-built-in sites because extensions don't work on such sites.

When Using Firefox, Zoom Launches Invalid Meeting ID

The title pretty much describes it. At seemingly random times while I am browsing in Firefox my Zoom desktop application will start and show the message
Invalid meeting ID
Please check and try again.
Simultaneously, a new tab will automatically open to my organization's authentication web page. Something seems to be trying to start a non-existent Zoom meeting, but I have no idea what or why. I am not signed into Zoom, Zoom was not running in the background, I have the setting "Start Zoom when I start Windows" unchecked, and I have no scheduled upcoming meetings at the moment.
I have googled every combination of terms I can think of, but the only potentially relevant item I found was a question from 2017 on Mozilla's support site:
11/28/17, 6:15 AM
Every time I open Firefox it opens a nonexistent Zoom Meeting where it tells me the host has not joined the meeting -- takes too much time. Help!
There is no reason I can find that a Zoom Meeting window opens every time I open Firefox -- I even signed up for Zoom so I could make sure it didn't show I had any meetings scheduled recurring or otherwise. But having done that and rebooted -- a Zoom Meeting window opens asking me to join a nonexistent recurring meeting where it indicates it is waiting for the host to initiate the meeting. Takes forever (it seems). How can I end this problem?
[...several unhelpful replies hidden...]
jscher2000 - Support Volunteer | Top 10 Contributor
11/30/17, 9:23 PM
In Firefox 56 and earlier, with the old "new tab page," sometimes a tile from history would trigger an odd behavior such a message that Firefox wanted to launch a different application. The approach to that was to remove any tiles that might trigger the unwanted behavior. I don't know if that is an issue with the new "Activity Stream" page, or whether you have that page as your home page.
Example old thread: Why does another application launch when I open a new tab? Plug-in is in Firefox and I can't get ride of it.
This question seems to match my own, but the reply blames an old version of Firefox (I am using Firefox 102.0.1) and the new-tab page (which I don't think I had open when this problem occurred). However, based on the thread's suggestion, I deleted every page from my browser history containing the term "zoom" and I'll wait to see if doing so resolved the bug.
(P.S. I apologize to the mods for the zoom-sdk tag. I can't find an existing tag relating to general Zoom questions. Please feel free to edit if you have better tag ideas.)
So far, removing any Zoom-related tiles on the new tab page and deleting any page from browser history mentioning "zoom" seems to have worked. The only question that remains is why this is still a bug in Firefox after so many updates.

Safari JavaScript Console Not Executing JS Or Showing Output On Certain Pages

I've encountered a Safari-specific JS issue in a page I'm locally developing, so I need to use the Safari Web Inspector.
In Safari Version 13.1.1, when I open the inspector and select Develop > Show JavaScript Console and start entering JavaScript, I don't get any output and the JavaScript is not executed (e.g. an alert does not fire).
On any other page, the safari JS console works just fine for me. Here's an example of normal behavior, on
Note: the Safari JS console on other locally developed pages are working just fine.
What could possibly be causing this?
As other users mentioned, opening the page in a new tab fixes this, but you can also just close the Javascript console (clicking the 'x' in the console window) and re-open it.
Less than ideal, but if you reopen the file on a new tab, the new console works.
I get this error. often, this is because I occasionally repeat something way too many times, so that it just stops executing the console, I believe to prioritize other code. my fix is to re-open the page, and even though re-loading sounds like it works, it doesn't always.

Screen Reader Friendly Console Error Logs

Does anyone know of a browser that has a screen reader friendly debugging console? I have a friend whose a blind programmer and it drives her nuts that she can't easily "see" the console log errors.
This drives me nuts also. Unfortunately, the best solution for now is IE 10. This is awful what they did to IE 11 but I hope to convince them to make this more accessible.
And yes, I'm working with JAWS, so it might be different for NVDA, Window Eyes or Supernova.
I personally use Firebug for Firefox. After installing it, in the Web Developer menu of the tools menu, go into Firebug, Options, then turn on the accessibility enhancements. Some bits aren't perfect, but the console window at least is. It has a list of log rows that can be navigated with the up/down arrows and then a bit for typing in your own js commands. To get to the Firebug window when you open it with F12, use F6. Also works for getting out of it too.
Hope this works for your friend as well as its worked for me.

Full screen apps keep switching places

I'm getting a really annoying side effect happening in osx that I can't seem to find a way to fix: for some reason the full screen applications keep switching positions. For example, if I have Safari, Mail and Xcode open in full screen, in exactly that order, every once in a while they will swap positions (eg. Xcode will sometimes move to the left, so the that swiping left will bring me to Safari instead of mail). The order of these applications is important for productivity purposes, and it gets really confusing when you have 6 of them open and all of a sudden Mail goes from spot 6 to spot 2.
Any ideas how to get this switching of places to stop?
Go to System Preferences > Mission Control and make sure that "Automatically rearrange spaces based on recent use" is not ticked.
