When Using Firefox, Zoom Launches Invalid Meeting ID - firefox

The title pretty much describes it. At seemingly random times while I am browsing in Firefox my Zoom desktop application will start and show the message
Invalid meeting ID
Please check and try again.
Simultaneously, a new tab will automatically open to my organization's authentication web page. Something seems to be trying to start a non-existent Zoom meeting, but I have no idea what or why. I am not signed into Zoom, Zoom was not running in the background, I have the setting "Start Zoom when I start Windows" unchecked, and I have no scheduled upcoming meetings at the moment.
I have googled every combination of terms I can think of, but the only potentially relevant item I found was a question from 2017 on Mozilla's support site:
11/28/17, 6:15 AM
Every time I open Firefox it opens a nonexistent Zoom Meeting where it tells me the host has not joined the meeting -- takes too much time. Help!
There is no reason I can find that a Zoom Meeting window opens every time I open Firefox -- I even signed up for Zoom so I could make sure it didn't show I had any meetings scheduled recurring or otherwise. But having done that and rebooted -- a Zoom Meeting window opens asking me to join a nonexistent recurring meeting where it indicates it is waiting for the host to initiate the meeting. Takes forever (it seems). How can I end this problem?
[...several unhelpful replies hidden...]
jscher2000 - Support Volunteer | Top 10 Contributor
11/30/17, 9:23 PM
In Firefox 56 and earlier, with the old "new tab page," sometimes a tile from history would trigger an odd behavior such a message that Firefox wanted to launch a different application. The approach to that was to remove any tiles that might trigger the unwanted behavior. I don't know if that is an issue with the new "Activity Stream" page, or whether you have that page as your home page.
Example old thread: Why does another application launch when I open a new tab? Plug-in is in Firefox and I can't get ride of it.
This question seems to match my own, but the reply blames an old version of Firefox (I am using Firefox 102.0.1) and the new-tab page (which I don't think I had open when this problem occurred). However, based on the thread's suggestion, I deleted every page from my browser history containing the term "zoom" and I'll wait to see if doing so resolved the bug.
(P.S. I apologize to the mods for the zoom-sdk tag. I can't find an existing tag relating to general Zoom questions. Please feel free to edit if you have better tag ideas.)

So far, removing any Zoom-related tiles on the new tab page and deleting any page from browser history mentioning "zoom" seems to have worked. The only question that remains is why this is still a bug in Firefox after so many updates.


GAS Debugger immediately closes itself upon error; some questions about debugging

I have a script that I'm trying to debug, but the debugger immediately closes itself when it hits an error and dismisses the error message. I could manually open the log and wait for it to load every time I hit a stop, but that wastes a lot of time when it could just pop up on my screen. I figure it has to be an easy fix and I probably did something stupid, but one gets pretty tired of Google's shit when you've read blog headlines such as "THE 6 DEADLY SINS OF GOOGLE APPS SCRIPT ADD-ON DEVELOPMENT" for the 50th time in as many search queries. Anyways, rant over.
When I hit debug, the debugger will run, a white tray pops up at the bottom of my screen and stays empty. When it hits an error, it will flash the error message across the top of the window and immediately close/dismiss that error as well the tray that popped up. The tray looks like the one in the image below, except completely empty.
Has anyone else had this issue and know why it might be happening? Also, can anyone tell me if there is a Matlab-style workspace explorer that displays each user-defined variable and what kind of data it holds? I would find that extremely helpful in debugging. That, and a live in-window console/log.
This is a known issue. Star(on the top left) the issue to let Google know that you're affected and for the issue to be prioritised. Some of the features you requested is already in development
New IDE features Monaco for cutting edge code editing, streaming logs, reliable debugging and Material design. Seamless integration into the G Suite Developer Hub lets users design, develop, deploy and manage their projects all in one place.
In the meantime, You can use clasp in your local IDE.
Related question:
V8 engine no longer breaks on errors

New Tabs are opening randomly in browser

I use Chrome as my browser and for the past week or so, tabs have been randomly opening when I start Chrome, sometimes as I'm browsing. It started with a tab opening one day as I was watching a video, I clicked on it thinking it was a popup (like the ones that come up when you click somewhere on a website, the ones that AdBlock miss) and it was just some random forum I've never seen before. I closed it, then forgot about it. Ever since then, the same thing has been happening - random tabs will open, sometimes just 1 or 2 but sometimes there's at least 10, opening all at once.
what should i do to get rid of this problem?
when i run chrome this popup appear
Maybe you clicked to a link which automatically ran some malwares and installed or hooked some bad scripts into your system. I used to get same issue and I have to re-install my windows (re-install Chrome only didn't work)

Firefox does not gather ICE candidates unless the window is in focus?

I'm testing my WebRTC app in Firefox, and it appears that Firefox is not gathering ICE candidates unless and until the Firefox window is in focus?! When using two separate browser windows on the same machine, one of them is obviously always not the frontmost window. The log tells me that Firefox stalls at the point where it's supposed to start gathering ICE candidates, until I explicitly click on the window to bring it into focus, at which point is starts candidate gathering and shortly after establishes the connection. I can switch windows any time after the process has started, it will finish successfully; but the window apparently must be in focus at the start of the process.
No such behaviour on Chrome, it always gathers candidates in any state.
Is this a known behaviour? Is there a rationale for this, or is it a bug?
Firefox 44.0.2 on OS X El Cap
Hidden tabs or windows in Firefox cannot turn on the camera. Personally I feel a bit safer knowing that.
Even if you've chosen "Always Share", the camera wont activate until you focus the window.
From the comments it sounds like this is what's happening in your case.
In contrast, this fiddle works fine from two tabs, because only the page where the user presses a button (the sender-side), accesses the camera.
This code section intentionally left blank.
Never mind, it wasn't the ICE candidates, it was getUserMedia which blocks unless Firefox is the active window. The asynchronous nature of my code made this less apparent than it should have been. This behaviour is apparently by design and is described here: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1195654.

Is there a way in the Firefox plugin creation process where one can change code and check it by simply refreshing the page?

Is there a way in the Firefox plugin creation process (just like in Google Chrome) where one can change code and check it by simply refreshing the page? Currently, I find I need to restart Firefox to check my code.
In the Developer Assistant add-on there is a "Refresh all chrome" thingy, you can drag to your add-on bar. It's also the only way to see start-up errors (maybe you'll need Console2 too, for seeing start-up errors). It's a bit buggy tho, it makes some other add-ons crash, breaks the menu-less layout and after the first restart when used heavily it reopens a bunch of tabs and windows.
I personally use Restartless Restart. It's just a matter of Ctrl+Alt+R to restart the browser within 3-4 seconds (keeps cash, thus very fast).
You should read an apply all the hints found at https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Setting_up_extension_development_environment -- in particular, you must flip all the preferences in your development profile, otherwise you'll get crazy. Also, the -purgecaches switch is really important, because without it, some files may persist in cache across restarts.

Windows API: Is it possible to know if an icon in system tray is hidden by the user?

I need to know if the user has hidden an icon added by my program to the system tray area.
Is it technically feasible?
My program - yowindow displays the current temperature in the system-tray icon.
I want to spare the server load by not auto-updating the weather for the users who don't see the tray-icon.
And what would you do with this information, even if you had it?
(caveat - I guess you could do a screen-grab, work out where the taskbar is, figure out where the system tray is, "parse" out each icon, then bitmap compare each against your own icon. But really...)
It might be worth your while looking at this related question
Based on first Edit to question
I can see your point. But look at it from the windows API designer's POV. They provided a facility for icons to be created in an "always visible" manner. And every man+dog went ahead and put an icon in there, on the presumption that the user would always want to know about their product (please note, I'm not claiming that you're in this group here).
They've noticed this runaway behavior, and whilst they can't now take away the ability to create these icons, they want to give the user control.
Now we come to the problem. Imagine, for a second, that you're a less than enlightened developer. And if you detect that your icon has been hidden, you pop up a message prompting the user to un-hide your icon. Maybe you do this once per login. Maybe you do it every half an hour. It's just a general level of user annoyance, similar to having 40 icons appear in the tray, when the user doesn't care about most of them
The question is - if you were designing an API to allow developers to discover whether their icon is, in fact, hidden. How do you allow your benign usage, whilst preventing the behavior in the previous paragraph? Spend a few minutes trying to pretend to be a windows API designer, and try to write the necessary function(s) (for the sake of argument, assume the annoying developers aren't willing to implement the IAmEvil interface, or whatever, or would be willing to implement the IOnlyDoGood interface...)
Hopefully, your icon is useful, and users will either a) show your icon, or b) remove your application (if it's not doing what they want/need)
There is no API function for that as far as I know, and there's no good solution to the problem. You could directly after the installation show a message from the tray telling the user that the icon may be hidden. Not that it will help, but it's all you can do. I've seen programs that bug the user by periodically showing that message but this is really NOT a good thing to do.
