Multilingual App Toolkit translation service broken - visual-studio

I'm using the Visual Studio extension MAT 4.0 on VS2015 to localize some WPF and WinForms applications. As of May 1 (yesterday) the "Generate Machine Translations" feature stopped working. According to the exception message this is because the MS Translator service has been moved from DataMarket to Azure.
I've tried subscribing to the translation service on Azure (as instructed by the exception message), but I don't think MAT is using the logged in VS user's account. Still doesn't work.
TranslateApiException: Invalid authentication token. Microsoft DataMarket is retired. Please subscribe to Microsoft Translator, in the Cognitive Services section at Please visit to find detailed instructions. : ID=1230.V2_Soap.GetTranslations.4EAC0341
Apparently this move has been planned for some time, so I'm baffled as to why there isn't an update to the Toolkit.
Anybody have any insight on this?

The fix for MAT for VS 2017 is current in testing. The fix is being back ported to MAT for VS 2013 & VS 2015.
Please note that one key change is the need to have a Azure subscription as reported in the announcement. Setting up the free 2m char as it should cover the major of usage cases.
I will post here when the fix is ready as well as the instructions for connecting the provider to the Azure service.
UPDATE: The fix has been posted that uses the user provided Azure subscription. fixed versions is MAT 4.0.1610 (VS 2015/VS2013) and MAT 4.0.8610.0 (VS 2017).
After installing the update, you will need to supply the provider the access key or you will receive a message with a link to he instructions. The details are here:


How to clear the credentials used by TeamsFx SSO?

i've got multiple microsoft accounts linked to multiple tenants. I've registered my first teams app (using the Office Toolkit functionality "Configure for SSO...") on the wrong tenant.
Is there some way to remove the stored credentials? I even tried making a new solution, but visual studio seems to have stored those credentials somewhere, just can't find where.
I am the engineer of VS extension of Teams Toolkit. We have identified this requirement from GitHub issue, and will treat it as a new feature in the following release. So far, you can follow the workaround in that GitHub issue thread and thanks for your patience.
Only solution I could find.
Open Visual studio and go to Extensions -> Manage Extensions
Uninstall Teams toolkit
Install toolkit again
It should allow you to sign in again when you configure SSO

What is the correct way to access Microsoft Dynamics 365 data on the cloud? SDK vs Web Api

I'm .NET Web Developer and new to Microsoft's CRM, so bear with me. I'm trying to find the correct way to connect to Microsoft Dynamics 365 and retrieve some PDF files. I need to know which is the correct way to do so. I have some questions of some topics found Googling around that don't make sense to me.
Accessing through the SDK
I have found this Microsoft documentation which explains the SDK. However there is a NOTE that says that this has changed with the 2016 update, and Googling more around, it seems to be that the SDK it's not used anymore. I am wrong?
Accessing data using Web API
There's yet another Microsoft documentation that tries to explain the way to connect through a Web Api, however from the start, it says: "This section contains reference documentation of the types, functions, and actions that constitute the Web API for Microsoft Dataverse and Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises)".
That "On-Premises" comment bothers me. I don't want to learn something that doesn't work for me. Why the web api seems to work only on premise? Why not Dynamics in the cloud?
And for what you can see, I'm utterly confused as to how in the world I can access data to retrieve a file programmatically through C# code from Microsoft Dynamics 365 cloud based.
Please, if you can point me in the right direction, I will really appreciate it.
Thank you!
If your language is C# you can use the SDK provided by Microsoft, it works with the Online (cloud) version.
If you are using .NET Framework you can use this NuGet package:
If you are using .NET Core/.NET 5.0+ you can use this NuGet package (but in public preview):
Some details about these packages here:
Adding to Guido's excellent information here are a few more considerations:
Plugins and custom workflows are custom .NET assemblies where you would use the SDK. They currently only support the full .NET Framework.
To call into the system from a JavaScript library on a form (a.k.a. Client-side scripting), you'd use the WebAPI.
For console apps, web apps, and other external code, you can choose between the SDK and WebAPI. (And as Guido points out, the .NET Core version of the SDK is in preview).
When using the SDK there are two possible coding approaches: Early Bound and Late Bound.
With early bound, you generate proxy classes for DataVerse tables. The classes have properties for each column/attribute, which enables intellisense.
With late bound, you use the string names of tables and attributes.
This article has more info.
Tools for generating early bound classes include Microsoft's CrmSvcUtil.exe, Daryl LaBar's Early Bound Generator in the XrmToolbox,
and the commercial Visual Studio add-on for DataVerse XrmToolkit.
If you're going the WebAPI route, David Yack's API Helper might interest you.

Xamarin The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable

I going to login xamarin account in VS 2017
what is this an error?
At this time it is generally no longer necessary to use the old Xamarin account login, so it is recommended to move away from that old login mechanism as soon as you can.
If you are attempting to log in to use the Xamarin Component Store, note that it is recommended to migrate to corresponding NuGet packages at this time:
If you are logging in to use Xamarin features, note that starting with the Xamarin versions released in March 2016, you no longer need to log in to a Xamarin account to use Xamarin features. Visual Studio will automatically provide Xamarin features based on your Visual Studio subscription level.
If you have a special case where those 2 pieces of information don't resolve the issue, you can reach out via a support incident for further assistance.

Can't sign in to Azure to publish with Visual Studio 2013

I'm trying to test Azure by publishing a basic web app. After signing in to Azure from Visual Studio, I'm met with the following message:
Sorry but we didn't find any Windows Azure subscriptions associated with your account.
You can sign in with a different account or sign up for a Windows Azure subscription.
I use Windows 8 with an attached ecu account, and have signed up to a trial Azure account under the same credentials (which I can log in to normally fine).
Results[1] from a similar problem suggest the accounts are mixed up, and to contact an admin with the ticketing system to rectify[2]. However selecting "Having issues with sign in or signing up for an account?" links me to a page, which quickly redirects me to another broken page and I am unable to proceed.
What is the best course in action in either:
publishing the app to Azure
contacting Microsoft about fixing my trial Azure account
Thank you
Found the answer on
I found this article first, so I hope this helps others that find this before the MS article.
I know this is an old thread, but I was recently having a problem with visual studio 2015 where I could not sign in to Azure. I came across this SO entry. It was not helpful, but I eventually did find the answer.
The answer was to repair Visual Studio. It takes awhile to run but once it finished I was back in business with Azure in Visual Studio.

Web Access in Visual Studio 2010

I try to upgrade a plug-in that was on webaccess 2008. Whe were using WebAccessSession to get the user name of the current user logged (WebAccessSession.Current.Connection.UserName ). I Imagine now that it is in tfsConnection but I'm not sure.
Is there any documentation that tells what really changes between Team Foundation Server 2008 and Team Foundation Server 2010?
No documentaion that details things at the level that you are looking for I'm afraid. As far as I know, plugging in to Web Access is not supported via any specified API so any integration you have done yourself would be classed as unsupported so you'd be on your own when it comes to figuring those sorts of changes out. Sorry.
As far as your question about Web Access, this blog post from Hajan Eskci details what's happening with Web Access:
Team System Web Access in TFS 2010 Beta1
Until now, Team System Web Access was published as an out of band power tool. In this release and beyond, Web Access is now an integrated part of TFS, and it is installed by default when you install TFS.
