Spark/YARN - not all nodes are used in spark-submit - hadoop

I have a Spark/YARN cluster with 3 slaves setup on AWS.
I spark-submit a job like this: ~/spark-2.1.1-bin-hadoop2.7/bin/spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster And the final result is a file containing all the hostnames from all the slaves in a cluster. I was expecting I get a mix of hostnames in the output file, however, I only see one hostname in the output file. That means YARN never utilize the other slaves in the cluster.
Am I missing something in the configuration?
I have also included my settings below.
import socket
import time
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
def get_ip_wrap(num):
return socket.gethostname()
conf = SparkConf().setAppName('appName')
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
data = [x for x in range(1, 100)]
distData = sc.parallelize(data)
result =
result.saveAsTextFile('hby%s'% str(time.time()))

After I updated the following setting or, all slaves are utilized.


Delta Lake in EMR

I'm trying to use a delta lake through a python program that is called by a step on an EMR cluster, but the step always fails with an unknown error. I suppose the error could be related to the delta.tables import as the code is very simple.
Python program:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
# Spark Session creation
spark = (SparkSession.builder.appName("DeltaExercise")
.config("spark.jars.packages", "")
.config("spark.sql.extensions", "")
.config("spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog", "")
# Importing delta
from delta.tables import *
# Reading
enem = ("csv")
.option("inferSchema", True)
.option("header", True)
.option("delimiter", ";")
Step in EMR cluster:
spark-submit --deploy-mode cluster --packages --conf --conf --master yarn MYBUCKET/emr-code/pyspark/
EMR config screens:
If anyone has any tips on how to fix this, I'd appreciate it.
I found the error. It was a mistake in the EMR cluster configuration. Delta files were created successfully.

Setting YARN queue in PySpark

When creating a Spark context in PySpark, I typically use the following code:
conf = (SparkConf().setMaster("yarn-client").setAppName(appname)
.set("spark.executor.memory", "10g")
.set("spark.executor.instances", "7")
.set("spark.driver.memory", "5g")
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
However, this puts it in the default queue, which is almost always over capacity. We have several less busy queues available, so my question is - how do I set my Spark context to use another queue?
Edit: To clarify - I'm looking to set the queue for interactive jobs (e.g., exploratory analysis in a Jupyter notebook), so I can't set the queue with spark-submit.
You can use below argument in you spark-submit command.
--queue queue_name
You can set this property in your code. spark.yarn.queue
Hope this will help.
Try to use spark.yarn.queue rather than queue.
conf = pyspark.SparkConf().set("spark.yarn.queue", "your_queue_name")

Running from a local IDE against a remote Spark cluster

We have a kerberized cluster with Spark running on Yarn. At the moment, we write our Spark code in Scala locally, then build a fat JAR which we copy over to the cluster and then run spark-submit. I would instead like to write Spark code on my local PC and have it run against the cluster directly. Is there a straightforward way to do this? The Spark docs don't seem to have any such pattern.
FYI, my local machine is running Windows and the cluster is running CDH.
While cricket007's answer works for spark-submit, here is what I did to run against a remote cluster using IntelliJ:
First, make sure the JARs on the client and server sides are identical. Since we are using CDH 7.1, I made sure all my JARs came from the specific distribution.
Set HADOOP_CONF_DIR and YARN_CONF_DIR as described in cricket007's answer. Set "spark.yarn.principal" and "spark.yarn.keytab" as appropriate in the Spark conf.
If connecting to HDFS, make sure the following exclusion rule is set in build.sbt:
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.hadoop" % "hadoop-client" % "2.6.0-cdh5.7.1" excludeAll ExclusionRule(organization = "javax.servlet")
Make sure the spark-launcher and spark-yarn JARs are listed on build.sbt.
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-launcher" % "1.6.0-cdh5.7.1"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-yarn" % "1.6.0-cdh5.7.1"
Find the CDH JARs on the server and copy them to a known location on HDFS. Add the following lines to your code:
final val CDH_JAR_PATH = "/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/jars"
final val hadoopJars: Seq[String] = Seq[String](
, "hadoop-ant-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-ant-2.6.0-mr1-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-archive-logs-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-archives-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-auth-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-aws-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-azure-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-capacity-scheduler-2.6.0-mr1-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-common-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-core-2.6.0-mr1-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-datajoin-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-distcp-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-examples-2.6.0-mr1-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-examples.jar"
, "hadoop-extras-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-fairscheduler-2.6.0-mr1-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-gridmix-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-gridmix-2.6.0-mr1-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-hdfs-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-hdfs-nfs-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-kms-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-mapreduce-client-app-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-mapreduce-client-common-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-mapreduce-client-core-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-mapreduce-client-hs-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-mapreduce-client-hs-plugins-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-mapreduce-client-nativetask-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-mapreduce-client-shuffle-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-nfs-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-openstack-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-rumen-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-sls-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-streaming-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-streaming-2.6.0-mr1-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-tools-2.6.0-mr1-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-yarn-api-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-yarn-applications-distributedshell-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-yarn-applications-unmanaged-am-launcher-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-yarn-client-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-yarn-common-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-yarn-registry-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-yarn-server-applicationhistoryservice-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-yarn-server-common-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-yarn-server-nodemanager-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-yarn-server-resourcemanager-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hadoop-yarn-server-web-proxy-2.6.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hbase-hadoop2-compat-1.2.0-cdh5.7.1.jar"
, "hbase-hadoop-compat-1.2.0-cdh5.7.1.jar")
final val sparkJars: Seq[String] = Seq[String](
def getClassPath(jarNames: Seq[String], pathPrefix: String): String = {
jarNames.foldLeft("")((cp, name) => s"$cp:$pathPrefix/$name").drop(1)
Add these lines when creating a SparkConf:
.set("spark.driver.extraClassPath", getClassPath(sparkJars ++ hadoopJars, CDH_JAR_PATH))
.set("spark.executor.extraClassPath", getClassPath(sparkJars ++ hadoopJars, CDH_JAR_PATH))
.set("spark.yarn.jars", "hdfs://$YOUR_MACHINE/PATH_TO_JARS/*")
Your program should work now.
Assuming you have the correct packages on your classpath (easiest setup by SBT, Maven, etc.), you should be able to spark-submit from anywhere. The --master flag is the main piece that really determines how the job is distributed. One thing to take into consideration is if your local machine is not blocked off from the YARN cluster via a firewall or other network prevention, for example. (Because you'd don't want people randomly running applications on your cluster)
From your local machine, you'll need the Hadoop configuration files from your cluster and setup $SPARK_HOME/conf directory to accommodate for some Hadoop related settings.
From Spark on YARN page.
Ensure that HADOOP_CONF_DIR or YARN_CONF_DIR points to the directory which contains the (client side) configuration files for the Hadoop cluster. These configs are used to write to HDFS and connect to the YARN ResourceManager. The configuration contained in this directory will be distributed to the YARN cluster so that all containers used by the application use the same configuration
These values are set from $SPARK_HOME/conf/
Since you are Kerberized, see Long Running Spark Applciations
For long-running applications, such as Spark Streaming jobs, to write to HDFS, you must configure Kerberos authentication for Spark for Spark, and pass the Spark principal and keytab to the spark-submit script using the --principal and --keytab parameters

sparkSession/sparkContext can not get hadoop configuration

I am running spark 2, hive, hadoop at local machine, and I want to use spark sql to read data from hive table.
It works all fine when I have hadoop running at default hdfs://localhost:9000, but if I change to a different port in core-site.xml:
Running a simple sql spark.sql("select * from archive.tcsv3 limit 100").show(); in spark-shell will give me the error:
ERROR metastore.RetryingHMSHandler: AlreadyExistsException(message:Database default already exists)
From local/ to localhost:9000 failed on connection exception: Connection refused;
I get the AlreadyExistsException before, which doesn't seem to influence the result.
I can make it work by creating a new sparkContext:
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
var sc = new SparkContext()
val session = SparkSession.builder().master("local").appName("test").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
session.sql("show tables").show()
My question is, why the initial sparkSession/sparkContext did not get the correct configuration? How can I fix it? Thanks!
If you are using SparkSession and you want to set configuration on the the spark context then use session.sparkContext
val session = SparkSession
import session.implicits._
session.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3.impl", "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem")
You don't need to import SparkContext or created it before the SparkSession

Spark Job error GC overhead limit exceeded [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
(22 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am running a spark job and I am setting the following configurations in the I have the following changes in the name node. I have 1 data node. And I am working on data of 2GB.
spark.master spark://master:7077
spark.executor.memory 5g
spark.eventLog.enabled true
spark.eventLog.dir hdfs://namenode:8021/directory
spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
spark.driver.memory 5g
spark.executor.extraJavaOptions -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Dkey=value -Dnumbers="one two three"
But I am getting an error saying GC limit exceeded.
Here is the code I am working on.
import os
import sys
import unicodedata
from operator import add
from pyspark import SparkConf
from pyspark import SparkContext
except ImportError as e:
print ("Error importing Spark Modules", e)
# delimeter function
def findDelimiter(text):
sD = text[1]
eD = text[2]
return (eD, sD)
def tokenize(text):
sD = findDelimiter(text)[1]
eD = findDelimiter(text)[0]
arrText = text.split(sD)
text = ""
seg = arrText[0].split(eD)
senderID = seg[6].strip()
yield (senderID, 1)
conf = SparkConf()
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
textfile = sc.textFile("hdfs://my_IP:9000/data/*/*.txt")
rdd = textfile.flatMap(tokenize)
rdd = rdd.reduceByKey(lambda a,b: a+b)
I even tried groupByKey instead of also. But I am getting the same error. But when I tried removing the reduceByKey or groupByKey I am getting outputs. Can some one help me with this error.
Should I also increase the size of GC in hadoop. And as I said earlier I have set driver.memory to 5gb, I did it in the name node. Should I do that in data node as well?
Try to add below setting for your
spark.driver.extraJavaOptions -XX:+UseG1GC
spark.executor.extraJavaOptions -XX:+UseG1GC
Tuning jvm garbage collection might be tricky, but "G1GC" seems works pretty good. Worth trying!!
The code you have should have worked with your configuration . As suggested earlier try using G1GC .
Also try reducing storage memory fraction . By default its 60% . Try reducing it to 40% or less.
You can set it by adding 0.4
I was able to solve the problem. I was running my hadoop in the root user of the master node. But I configured the hadoop in a different user in the datanodes. Now I configured them in the root user of the data node and increased the executor and driver memory it worked fine.
