English and French unsubscribe pages in Pardot - pardot

Can i have English and French unsubscribe pages? I've created English and French languages pages, as well as forms, but it seems you can only have one template for the unsubscribe page.

Pardot unfortunately allows you just one single unsubscribe page. If you use Pardot Pro or higher, you could archive multilanguage by adjusting the pages language with dynamic content based on subscribers data.


asp.net core identity pages (Razor class library) - Need them in spanish

I need to implement a website which will only be in use by Spanish speaking users.
I created a new asp.net core web application using individual user accounts (stored in app).
So far so good. The only problem is that the Identity Pages (Register, login, etc..) all display in English.
I would like to have these pages display in Spanish with the least amount of effort on my side.
I would like to avoid scaffolding if possible.
I would like to avoid having to localize all strings if possible.
I am hoping this Razor Class Library is available in different cultures.
So far I have unfortunately not been able to find a localized version of the Identity Pages in Spanish.
Does anyone know if they are at all available?

Microsoft translator widget not translating contents loaded dynamically(e.g. using ajax call)

We are trying to understand different language translation options for our mvc application.
We checked how Microsoft translator widget working. As per their document, we have added embedded script to our pages. It loaded translate button. it is translating content to selected language. But then after if any content loaded dynamically (e.g. making ajax call and loaded some partials in the page), it is not automatically convert to language. We need to again reset and re-select the language to convert again.
Note: In case of google translate widget, they are converting automatically all dynamic content after loading them.
We want same functionality using Microsoft translator widget. Is there any way to achieve this functionality?
Yes there is, Microsoft no longer supports the Translator widget and the available solution is to integrate the Translator Text API in your website or application. To do this you will need to subscribe to the Microsoft Translator Text API. Visit the Getting Started page at http://www.aka.ms/TranslatorGettingStarted and you will find the steps.

How to install google analytics javascript on an overlay where content resides?

Typically, if it were a regular page-by-page website, I would install the analytics javascript before the body tag.
But, with a site where content is on overlays, how can analytics be installed to track views? (i.e. a one page portfolio site)
Thanks for any insight!
See Tracking Google Analytics Page Views with Angular.js. Even though I'm not sure if you are using something like Angular or just straight javascript, you could use a similar technique described there with hash urls that are set when a user clicks on a different part of the page, that way you could track how a user interacts with your single page site by making different urls for their interactions.
For more information see Pushing Functions onto the Queue.
In javascript that calls the overlay, you can add:
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/url/of/page']);

Mobile version duplicates the languages

I have a Magento site with one domain, one store and a store view for each language. I need to add a mobile version of the site and have that in all the languages.
If I add another store for the mobile version then store views for each language, I land up duplicating all the languages in the admin area.
The only solution I can see is to have 2 instances of Magento. One with all the store structures (acting front end – install A) and one with all the product (acting backend – install B)
Install A would have two stores and all languages per store and install B would have one store and store views for each language so we only manage each language once.
We would then need to connect these two Magento instances using the API (xml with SOAP). This way we manage each language once and the front end can have as many variations of that language as we like.
Does this look like a workable solution or is there a simpler way to achieve this functionality?
You don't need 2 magento versions.
Magento supports different themes on the same store view for different devices.
All you need to to is to configure a different theme.
For this go to: System->Configuration->Design, select each store view from the top left selector, or Default config if you want to use the same theme for all languages.
In the Theme section you can click on the Add Exception button under the field you need changed (most probably all that support exceptions) and fill in the following.
Matched Expression - iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|Palm|Googlebot-Mobile|Mobile|mobile|mobi|Windows Mobile|Safari Mobile|Android|Opera Mini
Value - The name of your mobile theme.

make google show two different websites depending on searcher's language

Hi i made a google web master tool account and sent 2 site maps: one for the italian language and one for the english one of my site.
Now, my site has a script in the index that redirects the users to mywebsite.it/it if he's italian otherwise it will go to mywebsite.it/en.
The problem is that now google's crawler(that obviously is not italian) only sees the english version of site and not both of them.
Is there a way to make it crawl and show the two different websites depending on the language?
Do you use JavaScript to redirect the people? It would be better to use a server-side redirect, for example with .htaccess
However, when you link both language versions from your index page and Google accepted your sitemaps, your site should be okay to be indexed. Maybe it takes some more time until the crawler visits your Italian site, too.
Update: You could/should add a language switcher for users to your site, and also link the translations in the head area of your site with the link element and rel="alternate and hreflang="it resp. "en". See Google: rel="alternate" hreflang="x"
