Google Tag manager is not recordingTransactions for enhanced Ecommerce - magento

I already searched a lot and saw this link.
I setup my google analytics with configuring magento native Google API by using account type the Google tag manager. I am able to see page views, All sessions and sessions with product views. however, the rest are 0. please take a look at the following image:
I debugged the google tag manager with debug tool and I can see that purchase tracking with purchase event is being fired, however, I do not see it in google analytics.
I already setup what the this link provided,
Also I see that data layer has the purchase information id,revenue,tax,etc.
I am wondering what needs to be done so that sessions with transactions will get recorded?
here is the configuration that I have for the tag:
I'm not sure what's wrong?

If those are the exact tags that you are using, then there looks to be a typo in your Purchase trigger. You've got Event equals puchase (typo for "purchase"). You don't need to define this value again, and it would be sufficient to just have Event name of purchase (ie. you don't need the This trigger fires on).


Prevent conflicts when creating events in a resource calendar using Google Calendar V3

I'm trying to solve a problem of preventing double bookings using the Google Calendar Api (v3). I'm using Google resources in a GSuite environment. The bookings are made from a centralized platform on behalf of multiple users and are applied to multiple rooms (resources). The responsible application authenticates using a Service Account. The resource calendars are all configured to only accept invitations that do not conflict.
So far I found out that there are at least two ways to book a resource:
Create an event in the resource calendar
Create an event in a personal calendar en add the resource as attendee
I found out that in the first senario, events can be added to the resource calendar, even if they cause a conflict. There is no failure in the api response, the event is just added.
I tested the second scenario with my personal calendar and found out that the room needs to respond to the event invitation. Apparently that process may take several minutes before the room responds.
I'm building an api that should respond as fast as possible, but I want it to only create an event if it doesn't conflict. Of course I can use the free/busy information to reduce the chance of conclicts, but I would like to eliminate that chance entirely.
Does anyone know if Google provides functionality for this problem out of the box?
Thanks in advance.
Google does not do any validation on the api. You send what you want inserted and they insert it. Its up to you to ensure that it does not conflict with anything already there.
May i suggest that you check before you insert it and then do a double check in a few minutes to ensure there is no conflicts if there is then delete it again.

Microsoft Flow integration

I read an article about Microsoft Flow. I was wondering if it is possible to trigger events using this in an external website.
For instance, supposing a post is made on Yammer for some approval flow based application. If an authorized user comments saying "Approved", this must trigger an action in my external website.
Is this feasible using Flow?
You can also make your own custom connectors if your website has a RESTful API.
There is an event for Yammer in Microsoft flow. I have something set up similar for my company and Twitter. When our company is mentioned it sends a message off to our social director.
I have several such flows for things like Yelp, Twitter, Facebook.
You need your Yammer account.
The events that you can trigger from and then include a trigger word or phrase are:
Get All messages
Get Messages in a group
Get Messages from my Following Feed
Post Message
Once you have that trigger its simple enough to look for the key word within a condition step.
Chances are good there is already a template for this in Microsoft Flow. Just look at the ones for Yelp, Facebook, etc. and modify for your needs
Just as AJAX mentioned, you can apply your own Custom Connector for a case like this. A Connector is the "plugin" used with a Flow, such as Yammer.
It's a bit late since November 28th (practically a 30-day late response here), but PowerApps allows you to create your own Custom Connector applying Microsoft's API. You'd be able to plug into your website (GET, POST, etc) directly with this when you create a trigger (the condition met true) that would launch an action. If you created your own API, Microsoft would have to validate if it's met standards pertaining to security.
By applying PowerApps, you'd be able to create your own actions and triggers. From this, you can integrate your own web based process' based on documentation that was observed: From here, you'd be able to customize it was needed.
JSON is required for some circumstances, however Postman would be a great IDE to consider as it also applies a pre-approved API by Micrsoft.

Add user review to Google map from my application(Android)

I am trying to create a location-based services Android application. I had successfully getting the user reviews from Google Places API by following the guidance from this link.
I also found many posts regarding how to get user reviews from Google Places. But Now I want to create a function which user can insert reviews from my application. Is there anyway to do that?
No. There is no API for writing review. Also the Google+ mobile URL doesn't have the write review option from last year. Its a bug , but Google is not fixing this.
There is only one way to write review is through desktop URL. I have a similar location base app in play store where I have done some workaround to show desktop site to write review.

Google Ecommerce Tracking for Magento

I am having some difficulty in getting google's eCommerce tracking working consistently for Magento. I have set the UA code in the google api section of the admin and eCommerce tracking is switched on. When I go to the success page the code is there. Some orders are being sent but not all. I have installed google chromes analytics tester and the beacon is being sent. Take yesterdays orders for example, 1 from sagepay is in analytics however another sagepay order is not which rules out payment gateway. I have re-set the permissions on the success page and tidied up a couple of warnings in the console but nothing is working i'm pretty stumped.
I have also installed Jiraffe real-time analytics and am having the same problem with that tracking orders, it didn't track a single order yesterday but is tracking cart data fine.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
First of all not every user who uses payment gateway is comming back to your success page as some of them are just leaving the transaction at thank you page on third party services - then you won't see such transaction in GA. Second of all not every user let you to track him (adblock is preventing its users to be tracked).As for now please just reply if you are sure that users got back to Magento's success page.To get a much better overview of yours customer behaviour I would recommend you to install this extension Fooman Google Analytics Plus and set up proper funnels (you'll find brief instruction at extensions page)
I would suggest that you check the formating of data passed to GA :
prices should be formated as "1200000.00" : no separator for thousands, dot as decimal separator, no currency
text values should be escaped properly quotes contained in them: 'That\s it'
The Fooman extension is a good start since the basic GA implementation in Magento is a shame of non sense, while not perfect.
Google tracking in Magento :
Open the Magento Admin area and navigate to System->Configuration->Sales->Google API.
Expand the Google Analytics section.
Pick the Yes option from the Enable drop-down menu. Enter the Google Analytics account number in the Account number field. Click on the Save Config button.

Updating Database after Google Checkout Payment

I am trying to implement Google Checkout in my website.
I have the PHP code sample named "checkout-php-1.3.2" from
I have followed the instructions and am able to send contents to Google Cart successfully.
The problem is i do not know how to update my website's database after the payment has been made.
I looked a little in the demo code and there is a page responsehandlerdemo.php and there i can see a lot of notification cases namely
If anybody can provide any help regarding which callback to use and how to parse the xml.
It will be very helpful.
Sourav Mukherjee
With the exception of merchant-calculation-callback (ref), all the other notifications mean something to your order processing (everything that has to do after successful checkout).
new-order-notification - is what it says it is, data representing a new order
order-state-change - orders move into different states (status), so this notification notifies you of them
You should go over the Developer docs particularly the Notification API for details.
I'm not a PHP developer (.Net) but I've seen the sample code and it already includes XML parsing for the notifications you receive. Once you get to know the API, you'll know when/where in the flow you need to add your business code (i.e. database storage, etc.).
