Microsoft Flow integration - power-automate

I read an article about Microsoft Flow. I was wondering if it is possible to trigger events using this in an external website.
For instance, supposing a post is made on Yammer for some approval flow based application. If an authorized user comments saying "Approved", this must trigger an action in my external website.
Is this feasible using Flow?

You can also make your own custom connectors if your website has a RESTful API.

There is an event for Yammer in Microsoft flow. I have something set up similar for my company and Twitter. When our company is mentioned it sends a message off to our social director.
I have several such flows for things like Yelp, Twitter, Facebook.
You need your Yammer account.
The events that you can trigger from and then include a trigger word or phrase are:
Get All messages
Get Messages in a group
Get Messages from my Following Feed
Post Message
Once you have that trigger its simple enough to look for the key word within a condition step.
Chances are good there is already a template for this in Microsoft Flow. Just look at the ones for Yelp, Facebook, etc. and modify for your needs

Just as AJAX mentioned, you can apply your own Custom Connector for a case like this. A Connector is the "plugin" used with a Flow, such as Yammer.
It's a bit late since November 28th (practically a 30-day late response here), but PowerApps allows you to create your own Custom Connector applying Microsoft's API. You'd be able to plug into your website (GET, POST, etc) directly with this when you create a trigger (the condition met true) that would launch an action. If you created your own API, Microsoft would have to validate if it's met standards pertaining to security.
By applying PowerApps, you'd be able to create your own actions and triggers. From this, you can integrate your own web based process' based on documentation that was observed: From here, you'd be able to customize it was needed.
JSON is required for some circumstances, however Postman would be a great IDE to consider as it also applies a pre-approved API by Micrsoft.


Mailchimp Dynamic Content: add customized link in subscribe email

We want to start a service with Mailchimp where every subscriber will get a customized link in the email she receives. The Subscription Form will be on a wordpress website (not my decision).
There is a pool of thousand of links with a unique parameter, which we have stored on our webserver, like these examples
Every code parameter should only be used once and should be kept as secret as possible. So I don't think it is a good idea to send the code from the form to mailchimp in a hidden field.
I don't know, if this is possible. Is Mailchimp even the right tool to do this?
I'm not sure, where to start the journey.
I don't think webhooks will help me here, as those are only one-way communication without a backwards channel, as far as I understand.
I checked the Mailchimp API documentation, but I might be too foolish to understand, which of the multiple options I need to use.
I found this answer here:, but I don't know, if this will suit my needs. As I understand it, this will chhange the mail template in Mailchimp UI with an API request and store it. The successive emails will all use this changed template until I change the template again. This seems not to be the correct way.
So, here are the two workflows that might be possible, but I don't know if they are.
Have a form created in Wordpress (not the embedded Mailchimp form), and create a custom form handler with admin-post.php like described here. Then use the API to send the email through the Mailchimp service with my dynamic link in it. But how. Every tuorial I found sends campaigns via the API, not individual mails to single recepients
Somehow manage Mailchimp to get the dynamic content via some sort of webhooks or the likes.
Is any of these workflows suitable to do this?
If yes, who should I set these up?
Is there anything else I might have missed?
Or do I need to use Mailchimp Transactional Email service (former called Mandrill)?

How To Integrate Microsoft Flows

I am creating Flows in,
I Don't know that How I can use or call these flow from my website. or how I can integrate it from my website.
What I want : I want to create these flow in my website and want users to select or create flows and then want to trigger these flow on some conditions.
So do I have to design this all in my website or I can integrate already created user flow in my website from
Is there any api to integrate it?
I want to integrate Dynamic 365 and sales force flows
I saw a thread Microsoft Flow integration But no answer here.
Please suggest what should I do to trigger flows from external websites.
One option would be to select "HTTP Request" as the trigger, and pass in a JSON object to start a Flow. This would enable you to call it from an external website with whatever parameters you want.

Slack: how does one go about providing the 'box/dropbox/google' like integration?

Slack offers Box/DropBox/Google integrations, specifically the ability to add (pick via a dialog) a file to Slack from one of these offerings.
I have tried my best look up the different sort of integration possibilities but cannot find any documentation that I can leverage to build my own (to another product).
How does one go about providing a similar integration for his product?
The reason you do not find anything on how to create integrate products similar to Google Drive and Dropbox in the official API documentation is that those are custom solutions created in collaboration between Slack and vendors like Google. If you want something similar for your product I would advise you to contact the Slack business team for details.
However, there is one feature in the API that allows you to create some of the functionality:
Slack app unfurling: Automatically add custom attachments whenever a user posts a message which contains a URL to your product. Those can include preview images and text of your product.

Slack API : Ability to view all recently added users to Slack Channel

I am working on a POC to proof out the ability to get a list of all the new users who have been added to a specific Slack Channel. From my initial review of the Slack API I am not seeing anything that showcases this ability, I was curious to see if anyone had worked on something similar or could point me to resources that would be a viable solution.
I believe there is no ready-made API method available, that will give you that specific information. However, Slack is very flexible and you can use the existing building blocks to easily add additional features as needed.
E.g. To get the requested information you can develop a small Slack app that listens to the member_joined_channel and member_left_channel events to keep track of when members joined a channel.
If you need a historical record of membership in a channel, you could use the Slack API's groups.history method, page through results, and build a membership log by looking for events of type member_joined_channel and member_left_channel through time.

Updating Database after Google Checkout Payment

I am trying to implement Google Checkout in my website.
I have the PHP code sample named "checkout-php-1.3.2" from
I have followed the instructions and am able to send contents to Google Cart successfully.
The problem is i do not know how to update my website's database after the payment has been made.
I looked a little in the demo code and there is a page responsehandlerdemo.php and there i can see a lot of notification cases namely
If anybody can provide any help regarding which callback to use and how to parse the xml.
It will be very helpful.
Sourav Mukherjee
With the exception of merchant-calculation-callback (ref), all the other notifications mean something to your order processing (everything that has to do after successful checkout).
new-order-notification - is what it says it is, data representing a new order
order-state-change - orders move into different states (status), so this notification notifies you of them
You should go over the Developer docs particularly the Notification API for details.
I'm not a PHP developer (.Net) but I've seen the sample code and it already includes XML parsing for the notifications you receive. Once you get to know the API, you'll know when/where in the flow you need to add your business code (i.e. database storage, etc.).
