Customize Netbeans' gdb session - debugging

I would like to customize my remote debug session when debugging with netbeans 8 (from a windows machine).
In the gdb log, I have this line:
&"C:\Users\xxx/.gdbinit: No such file or directory.\n"
I have created such a file, but it's still ignored in my gdb session. It is probably a bug in Netbeans + Windows.
Is it possible to configure the Netbeans' gdb to use a custom configuration ?

There is an option about the debug session in the projet properties.
Here it is possible to give a file location for the gdbinit to be loaded.
For a remote debug session the path must match a valid .gdbinit on the remote machine.


How to debug in Liferay 7?

I'm using Liferay Developer Studio 3.8 and Liferay Portal Tomcat 7.3.1.
I would like to know how can I debug Liferay code, given that the usual Eclipse option as "Watch" or "Inspect" are disabled even starting the server in "Debug mode"?
Also, I cannot use the "Variables" perspective or the "Debug Shell".
Options disabled
Variables disabled
Does somebody know a dummy manual to debug in Liferay?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: The line suggested by Purvesh is already inserted in setenv file.
Following the steps provided by Andre, I still cannot add variables or insert expressions in debug shell. And also, nothing happens with the breakpoints at lines 68 and 69.
Remote debugging
You can start your server with jpda start (guess this should works with .bat too). In eclipse run „Remote Application“ Debug. Your debug Port should be 8000 (per default).
Add Below line in your setenv.bat/ file.
Restart tomcat server.
Set debug configuration and put breakpoints.
Run your application.

Remote debuging with gdbserver for application with X (qt) environment

I have been trying to remotely debug an application which can only be run on a specific server because of hardware limitations. To normally run the program I would login to an ssh shell with X.11 forwarding enabled (-X option of ssh) and its QT interface will show up.
I have been trying to achieve the same but with no success while debugging via gdb with the gdbserver and the integrated gdb client of Eclipse IDE.
Is there a way to achieve this?
I have already tried to copy the settings of the system variables DISPLAY and XDG_RUNTIME_DIR of an ssh -X session (the later being empty) but with no success. Searching for it gives no relatable results (or I may need a hint on what to search).
It's not the cleanest solution, but you can manually set the DISPLAY variable in /etc/environment. Variables set in /etc/environment are available to the entire system. You'll need to reboot the server before gdb will see it.
Here's a one-liner to append your current DISPLAY variable
echo "DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" >> /etc/environment

How to enable OpenEdge debugger?

I have enabled the debugger with prodebugenable -enable-all as mentioned here:
I have got the success message
Debugging is enabled for the Progress 4GL installed in ...
But I still get the error
The Progress 4GL is not enabled for debugging. Run proDebugEnable from
within a proenv session on Windows or from a UNIX shell to enable
debugging and set the debuggerEnabled property to 1 for any services
that you want to debug. (11724)
prodebugenable.bat runs the exe file _debugEnable.exe. What does this file do?
Why the debugger isn't enabled although I get a success message ?
My Version: OpenEdge 10.2B
All that prodebugenable does is create a registry entry at:
or when using a 32-bit version on a 64-bit Windows installation at:
Containing the string value 'Debugging enabled'
In which <DLC> is the path to your Progress OpenEdge installation.
The DLC path was wrong in the ini-file. After I corrected it as in the registry the debugging worked.

GNU ARM plugin for Eclipse under Windows - OpenOCD not starting debugging

I'm having problems trying to setup dev env for STM32F4 Discovery board in Windows.
I have installed all required files (GCC for ARM, Windows Build Tools, Eclipse Plugin) and I'm getting this error when trying to start OpenOCD debugging:
Missing mandatory configuration. Fill-in the 'Config options:' field in the Debugger tab.
This is my debug config screen:
And this is the error which I get when I try to start it (and build success message):
openocd must be told what kind of board it should talk to
the only field that usually requires attention is the OpenOCD Setup
Other options:, where you should add one or more configuration
scripts; for example, for the STM32F4DISCOVERY board, the field should
read -f board/stm32f4discovery.cfg

How to reload stunnel configuration file without restarting it on windows

Is there a command line method(or any other approach) for instructing stunnel to reload its configuration file when running as a Windows standalone application?
When I started stunnel 4.56, I've recognized matching option in application's menu(Configuration->Reload stunnel.conf), but I was googling it without any success to find out how to do it not through stunnel's GUI.
