Remote debuging with gdbserver for application with X (qt) environment - user-interface

I have been trying to remotely debug an application which can only be run on a specific server because of hardware limitations. To normally run the program I would login to an ssh shell with X.11 forwarding enabled (-X option of ssh) and its QT interface will show up.
I have been trying to achieve the same but with no success while debugging via gdb with the gdbserver and the integrated gdb client of Eclipse IDE.
Is there a way to achieve this?
I have already tried to copy the settings of the system variables DISPLAY and XDG_RUNTIME_DIR of an ssh -X session (the later being empty) but with no success. Searching for it gives no relatable results (or I may need a hint on what to search).

It's not the cleanest solution, but you can manually set the DISPLAY variable in /etc/environment. Variables set in /etc/environment are available to the entire system. You'll need to reboot the server before gdb will see it.
Here's a one-liner to append your current DISPLAY variable
echo "DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" >> /etc/environment


Launching a Singularity Container Remotely using Visual Studio Code

I am aware that you can launch docker containers remotely in VSCode. Is it possible to do the same with singularity containers?
Update: the solution to this was published in the same issue ( as before by user oschulz:
As promised, here are some instructions on how to use Singularity with VS-Code Remote SSH via SSH RemoteCommand. The procedure described below makes VS-Code run it’s remote server component inside a Singularity container instance (other runtimes like Shifter work too).
Acknowledgement: Credit for a lot of this goes to #gipert, who refined my original approach (using a custom SSH script) when support for RemoteCommand became available in VS-Code recently
Step 1
Use VS-Code >= v1.64 (includes support for the SSH RemoteCommand setting). Install the Pre-Release version of the Remote SSH extension
Important: In the VS-Code settings, set "remote.SSH.enableRemoteCommand": true.
Step 2
In your "$HOME/.ssh/config", add something like
Host myimage1~*
RemoteCommand singularity shell /path/to/image1.sif
RequestTTY yes
Host myimage2~*
RemoteCommand singularity shell /path/to/image2.sif
RequestTTY yes
Host somehost myimage1~somehost myimage2~somehost
User your_username_
Host otherhost myimage1~otherhost myimage2~otherhost
HostName some.otherhost.somewhere
User your_username_
Test whether this works using ssh myimage1~somehost. This should drop you into an SSH session inside of an instance of the "/path/to/image1.sif" container image on
Connecting to the remote host with VS-Code: F1 > "Connect to Host" > "myimage1~somehost” should now get you a remote VS-Code session running in the container image as well. The same for "myimage2~somehost", "myimage1~otherhost" and "myimage2~otherhost".
Step 3
However, since VS-code reuses remote server instance, that's not sufficient to run multiple container images on the same host at the same time. To get separate (per container) VS-Code server instances the same host, add something like this to your VS-Code preferences:
"remote.SSH.serverInstallPath": {
"myimage1~somehost": "~/.vscode-container/myimage1",
"myimage1~otherhost": "~/.vscode-container/myimage1",
"myimage2~somehost": "~/.vscode-container/myimage2",
"myimage2~otherhost": "~/.vscode-container/myimage2"
Request to the VS-Code dev team
Could "remote.SSH.serverInstallPath" be controlled via an environment variable? This would allow us to eliminate all these cumbersome "remote.SSH.serverInstallPath" preferences. The environment variable could be set by a container startup script on the remote side (like the one below) automatically, depending on the selected container image.
Other Container runtimes
To use a different container runtime than Singularity (e.g. Shifter, Charliecloud, etc.), simply replace singularity shell /path/to/image1.sif by the appropriate command for your runtime.
On some systems (e.g. with Shifter at NERSC) you may also need to override $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, since it's default location may not be writable from within a container instance. In such cases, it's best to use a custom container run-script like
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/`whoami`/run"
exec shifter --image="$1"
So in your SSH config, use
RemoteCommand /my/homedir/.local/bin/run_container image_name
I maintain a little container start-script called cenv that handles $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR (and quite a bit more, including some default bind-mounts) automatically for both Singularity and Shifter (contributions welcome).
Tips and tricks
If things don't work, try "Kill server on remote" from VS-Code and reconnect.
You can also try starting over from scratch with brute force: Close the VS-Code remote connection. Then, from an external terminal, kill the remote VS-Code server instance:
$ ssh somehost
$ kill -9 -1
(Will kill all processes you own on the remote host.)
Remove the ~/.vscode-server directory.
I believe this is still not supported. Refer to this issue:, and there are also some ideas for potential workarounds in the same link.

Android studio not running .sh script with Jsch

Whenever I try to execute a sh script via Jsh nothing happens , however when I execute it through a normal ssh session it works fine , I haven't been able to get a single sh file to work/run regardless of the contents of the sh file.
I have tried
I don't see anything wrong with your command, so I would have to assume it's your setup.
Are you sure you're even logging into your server? I would check your last logs to make sure you are even connecting.
Are you on the same network as the machine you're attempting to connect to? If you aren't on wifi I would assume your machine is hidden behind a NAT.

Customize Netbeans' gdb session

I would like to customize my remote debug session when debugging with netbeans 8 (from a windows machine).
In the gdb log, I have this line:
&"C:\Users\xxx/.gdbinit: No such file or directory.\n"
I have created such a file, but it's still ignored in my gdb session. It is probably a bug in Netbeans + Windows.
Is it possible to configure the Netbeans' gdb to use a custom configuration ?
There is an option about the debug session in the projet properties.
Here it is possible to give a file location for the gdbinit to be loaded.
For a remote debug session the path must match a valid .gdbinit on the remote machine.

GUI programs won't open in an ssh server. ssh -X and downloading XQuartz have not helped

So I use a remote server for some of my schoolwork and have no trouble logging onto the machine and navigating. The problem arises when I attempt to run a software that uses a GUI called ds9. It's used for image processing but I don't think that is relevant. Anyways, I've tried ssh -X, I've downloaded XQuartz, and I've made sure XQuartz's Security preferences are all checked. Still, I receive the same error message: Application initialization failed: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
Unable to initialize window system.
I would be extremely grateful if anybody could identify the issue.
It may happened that you set a wrong DISPLAY env. var. at login time on the server. In general, ssh -X set the value to something like DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 (a tunnel set up by ssh in between your server and your local machine).

How do you edit files over SSH?

I program with eclipse and sometimes use GUI text editors like SciTE or vim. However, I'm at a point in a project that requires me to edit files over a ssh connection in a 80 column SSH window.
Since I have to (* shiver*) sudo vim before I can open the file I'm not sure how to open the file in an editor outside the terminal (that would allow me to see the text wider than 80 columns). If the command line was larger then I guess using straight vim wouldn't be a problem.
I'm at a loss of how to deal with this situation and how I could turn this nightmare into a manageable coding environment.
Maybe you should simply mount the remote filesystem to your local machine and then use whatever editor you like. If running a Debian derivative, install sshfs
sudo apt-get install sshfs
and then mount the remote filesystem ( issue on your local machine )
mkdir ~/remote_code
sshfs $$USER/code ~/remote_code
Once this is done you can access the code in ~/remote_code w/ any of your GUI tools and without the bandwidth overhead of using ssh -X (however you still need a good connection w/ a low ping time).
PS: When using ssh I can make the terminal as wide as it fits my screen and then use its full width, so I fear I don't completely understand your issue.
WinSCP is a SSH client ftp-like. The default editor is primitive but can be change.
There are various options.
You can make the terminal larger. ;)
If you have a graphical environment installed on the machine you are ssh'ing into, you can login with ssh -X (or xdeep-putty if you are on Windows) to enable window forwarding. You can then run your favourite editor on the remote machine, whose graphical output is forwarded.
Finally, you can mount the ssh connection into your file system, using for example fuse (similar options might exist for non-linux operating systems). That allows you to access any file on the remote machine as if it were in your filesystem, with your favourite editor, locally.
I'm not 100% sure if this works for files owned by root, but if your desktop is KDE & your remote system is Linux (or pretty much any form of *nix), you can get konqueror to access the remote machine using the "fish://" protocol. From there you can open the file from konqueror using kate, or your preferred editor, and konqueror will take care of copying the file to your local machine and copying it back when you save.
Failing which the X11 forward is a good option, but X11 over ssh to remote sites can be slow. "ssh -X -C" compresses the data stream and can give better performance.
Notepad ++ has a plugin for editing files remotely over ssh. I've used it before, but I definitely prefer Kate on KDE using the fish protocol.
Forward your X11 session to your terminal.
This probably belongs on
You might try the Komodo editor. It has a feature to load a 'remote file' over ssh. It's really convenient.
Emacs and ange-ftp.
If you're on Ubuntu, go to Nautilus (file explorer), connect to server (adding sftp:// to the hostname), then voila! You can easily launch gedit to edit your files now.
On Windows, you can use MobaXterm ( ): it has a built-in SSH client with a very useful "SFTP browser".
As soon as you connect to your remote server using SSH, you will see your remote files displayed in this graphical SFTP browser. Just double-click on your files and you will be able to edit them directly on your remote server through SFTP.
I use Cyberduck and Sublime Text 2
FileZilla did the trick for me. Notepad++ can be used with it which is awesome.
If you using windows, try Editplus. It's not free but allows you to open files directly over scp. Custom syntax files are coming really handy, too.
Recent versions of ultraedit do exactly what the OP is asking for elegantly (IDM software, v10 and up support SSH iirc). I do most of my coding remotely like that, been using it for years, works great with no intermediate files etc. Obviously it also does FTP etc too if you're so inclined.
I actually found this page whilst looking for a linux equivalent of ultraedit..
If you are more GUI-oriented and use one of the more newbie-friendly Linux distros like Ubuntu or Mint, this is another option and does not require any more installations.
You should have nemo as your default file manager. It may not be called "Nemo" on the menu, so go under Help > About of your file manager ("Files" app) to see.
In nemo, go to File > Connect to server, enter your remote machine's details (SSH's default port is 22), and then open the files just like any file on your local machine, with whatever editor you prefer. You can even close Nemo and continue working in your editor.
From the address bar, it seems to be using the sftp protcol.
Just be aware that if your remote host has an inactivity timeout for the SSH connection, this will also prevent you from saving changes in the editor after the timeout has dropped the connection...
Since sshfs is not supported in WSL at the moment, the tool that worked for me is sshfs-win.
Installation Steps
Go here and click "download winfsp"
Install it
Go here and download the installer
Install it
Open windows explorer and right-click "This PC" > "Map Network Drive..."
Select a drive letter (B:), type in "\\sshfs\debian#" and click Finish
Boom, done. Now you can have a B: drive on your computer and just do whatever with those files. Open them with VSCode, delete them, whatever you like
If you work in IntelliJ IDEA, you can use Friendly Terminal plugin instead of the native terminal. It allows to open and edit remote files in IntelliJ IDEA editor. Video
