Oracle - Instant Client - oracle

I'm trying to install the Oracle Instant Client and ODBC drivers on a 64 bit, Windows 7 machine.
I have downloaded BOTH
Instant Client Package - Basic
Instant Client Package - ODBC
I had put both sets of files in the same directory:
I set both the ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN environment variables to the same directory:
Finally, I am trying to execute the "odbc_install.exe" file as an administrator.
ERROR: Oracle ODBC driver with the same name already exists
The one thing I did BEFORE any of this was to install and later uninstall the OracleXEClient.exe file.
Not sure how to proceed???

Open Command Prompt as an Administrator and the run odbc_install.exe from there.

Try odbc_uninstall.exe. Unfortunatelly, entries may remain in Windows registry. You can search (with regedit) for oracle in instant_client_11_2 or simply 11_2 and delete the corresponding entries for the instant client (take care! not all matches 11_2 are for oracle instant client).
After, execute again odbc_install.exe. And additional care if using 32 and 64 bit applications!

You may get this message if you didn't run the command prompt or odbc_install.exe as administrator.


Oracle ODAC 18.3 for Windows Server 2019 Installation Errors

I am trying to install Oracle ODAC 18.3 on a Windows Server 2019 Standard so that I can create a data source connection to an Oracle database from a SQL Server 2019 instance, either by using Polybase or a Linked Server connection. The only components that I need installed are the Oracle Provider for OLE DB and Oracle Provider for OLE DB for OLAP. During the Perform Prerequisite Checks stage of the install, there are errors.
The errors are as follows:
PRVG-1901 : failed to setup CVU remote execution framework directory "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\CVU_18.[username]\ on nodes ""
Please select a different work area for the framework
[hostname] : PRKN-1014 : Failed to execute remote command "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\CVU_18.[username]\\exectask.exe" on node "[hostname]". Failed during connecting to service
[hostname] : Failed during connecting to service
Notes regarding error message above. [username] refers to my username that I am logging in with to Windows. It is an Active Directory account. [hostname] refers to the computer name that I am trying to install ODAC on. Also, I have tried installing this a few different times, all with the same error messages. On the second and third time installing I verified that during the installation the
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\CVU_18.[username]\ directory is getting created, so this should not be a permissions issue.
In the PRKN-1014 error message, I did notice that there is an extra backslash in the path, CVU_18.\[username]\\exectask.exe, so my suspicion is that there is an issue with the installer not being able to identify the correct path to find the exectask.exe. If I traverse to the
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\CVU_18.[username]\ directory I indeed find the exectask.exe file.
I have found a few different solutions online for others that worked for them, but none have worked for me. One solution was to add in the System Environment Variables the _JAVA_OPTIONS variable with a value of -Xmx512M. A second solution was to change the Environment Variables user variables TEMP and TMP to C:\TEMP. Neither of these worked and resulted in the exact same errors. I did in fact confirm that the Oracle Universal Installer extracted the files to the C:\TEMP directory.
Any and all suggestions would be very much appreciated!
I wasn't able to get the Oracle "Universal" Installer to work, like you. However, I was able to install the Oracle Provider for OLE DB and Oracle Provider for OLE DB for OLAP (same as you were trying to get) using the ODAC Xcopy installer.
I downloaded the ODAC Xcopy installer from here:
After downloading the installer, I ran the install batch file to install those two components. An extra undocumented step is that you must update the PATH environment variable on your system to include your install location and bin folder. In my case, "C:\Oracle" and "C:\Oracle\Bin".

windows cannot file http port in sql

I have Downloaded Oracle 11g and after installation i am having this problem.
Windows Cannot find path ''. Make Sure you typed the name correctly, and then try agian.

ora-12154 could not resolve... with oracle instant client

Here are the details:
I installed the oracle instant client from the OTN download page on a windows 7 64 bit vm (vmware).
I am trying to to connect to a remote oracle database, and I can successfully connect with one program using TNS, but not with SQL*Plus and other applications.
Trying to connect with SQL*Plus, using schema#servicename, password, etc, gives the above error.
To connect via SQL Developer, normally I would use the basic connection info and not rely on tnsnames, but trying a normal connection gives me: io error: unknown host specified. SQL Developer can successfully connect and query database if i use the TNS protocol.
Trying from other programs gives me the same error I got with SQL*Plus. Same when trying with the service name from tnsnames.
This is obviously quite frustrating for it to work one way and not the other. I followed all the normal instructions for using the instant client, the directory with instantclient has been addded to the PATH, a TNS_ADMIN entry has also been created, with the directory to the tnsnames.ora file
Well, on a whim, I went to changing everything in my setup to match an windows 2003 server that i had setup with instant client before. The main changes were putting the instant client in a folder at the root of the drive (not program files/oracle/etc), but c:/oracle, i know ive seen other posts saying that oracle was particular about characters in the directory path, maybe spaces are a no-no too?
I also add a bunch more environmental variables, anythign that was on the other machine, ORACLE_HOME (to root of instance), SQL_PATH (same), and added the root of the directory to the PATH system variable, not just the folder with the instantclient files. Anyways, I'm happy its working, anyone one of these changes could have been it though-
You may use ProcessMonitor and look at what your sqlplus process is doing. In my case TNS_ADMIN was correctly defined but, by mistake, my tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora had a stupid ".txt" extension, added by default by notepad when I created those files. And because "Windows Explorer" has the "Hide extensions for known file types" option set by default, the naming error wasn't obvious at all.
I installed the 12.1 instant client. For me, the problem was solved by creating \network\admin\tnsnames.ora file. Here's the PowerShell I used:
$source = "C:\Users\USER1\Desktop\tnsnames.ora"
$target = "C:\oracle\product\12.1.0\client_1\network\admin"
mkdir $target
copy-item $source $target

How to connect to newly installed Oracle XE instance?

I have installed Oracle XE on Win7 x64 machine. Installation completed successfully without problem, or perhaps installer didn't tell about them. But after installation I can't connect to database; its web interface is not working. I have looked through list of open ports, and there is no 8080 port as was noted during installation. Also I can't connect via SQLPlus.
SQL> connect SYSTEM
Enter password:
ORA-12638: Credential retrieval failed
Somewhere in the web it was told to edit sqlnet.ora file, I have changed it in the following way:
and now I get next error
SQL> connect SYSTEM
Enter password:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
What do I need to change so that I can connect to it?
I figured out the issue.
I was using domain login to install Oracle XE. If you are using domain login to install Oracle XE then the database creation will fail (though you may not get any error messages on that regard).
Install Oracle using a local admin user.
Now login with your domain user to use oracle XE.
Check the Oracle services are started
Did you set your ORACLE_SID environment variable to the name of the instance you're connecting to?
Make sure oracle service is started.
did to ran netca after installation? - if not you can ran it from cmd
You can't connect using system if the instacne is down only as sysdba (user sys)
Make sure your ORACLE_HOME,ORACLE_SID,PATH environment variables are ok
If everything was ok then you can try to start/connect to the instance manually
C:\Documents and Settings\asafm>
C:\Documents and Settings\asafm>
C:\Documents and Settings\asafm>sqlplus "sys as sysdba"
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri May 11 16:21:42
Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter password:
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 535662592 bytes
Fixed Size 1375792 bytes
Variable Size 360710608 bytes
Database Buffers 167772160 bytes
Redo Buffers 5804032 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL>select status from v$instance;
As Rejeev Divakaran said, installing oracle XE with local windows user, and switching back to domain user account, started db, able to connect.
Office Laptop
Windows 7 64 Bit
Oracle 11g XE
Can you connect this way from the command line:
sqlplus / as sysdba
if so at the SQL prompt enter
If the command returns ok then try to connect with a username and password.
This error message usually occurs when the database could not be started. The windows service may be running, but still Oracle might not be able to spawn server threads and hand out client connections.
Have a Look into app\oracle\admin\xe\bdump\alert_xe.log for any error messages during the last start of the Oracle service.
Just in case someone is as "lucky" as me: I recently couldn't install Oracle with a local user (as suggested here before) because the target machine (Win2k8 x64) was also the Domain Controller of that network.
All users were in domain - no local users available :(
Here are the steps I performed:
Installed Oracle XE in my local machine (that works fine). Made a backup (using the built-in backup.bat);
Transferred the fast_recovery_area folder to my target machine;
Installed the Oracle XE in the target machine normally;
Edited the %ORA_HOME%\network\admin\sqlnet.ora file and performed this well-known edit:
Edited the %ORA_HOME%\bin\restore.bat file:
Replaced every entry rman target / (...) by rman target sys/MySysDbaPass (...)
Replaced every entry (...) connect / as sysdba^; by (...) connect sys/MySysDbaPass as sysdba^;
Runned restore.bat - when prompted, pointed to the fast_recovery_area I've transferred before.
Done! (pheew!)
Sorry for answering this YEARS old question, but I managed to make it work...
Make sqlnet.ora change.
Run StopDB.bat
Run MakeDB.bat
This will create a demo database, reset the password to 'oracle', and will also allow you to connect without error.

Oracle tns listener error

I've just installed Oracle 10g When I try to connect to oracle db i get an error:
could not start OracleOraHome92TNSListener
when i got to services and try to start it, it says that the file doesnt exist. the service file is C:\oracle\ora92\BIN\TNSLSNR (TNSLSNR is a file not a directory)
C:\oracle\ora92\BIN\TNSLSNR doesn't exist on my machine at all. do you know how to get it?
Could not start the Oracle Ora92 Listener service on Local Computer.Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified
Here's a couple of issues I see. You say you installed 10g but the error is a 9.2 error. It could be that your computer already had an Oracle 9i on it that was mis-configured or uninstalled and that is leading to the error.
You need to check your disk and find the ORACLE_HOME (directory) where Oracle 10g was installed. Once you find that you can adjust the PATH and ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN environment variables to point to the right place. This should allow you to start the database and the listener.
If you need to install the Oracle Client for 10g then this information below will be helpful as well.
The Oracle client can be installed separately. Just go to this address, download the client and unzip it into a subdirectory and then run the Oracle Universal Installer by running setup.exe from the directory.
Oracle Downloads Page
