I'm using CLion to write a project, and the issue is that the stdout seems to automatically word wrap resulting in undesirable results. Example:
The newline wasn't put there by my program, so I'm just wondering if you can disable terminal word wrapping.
I am using Clion 2017.1.1. It seems that there is a toggle called "soft wrap" that can disable word wrapping.
Soft wrap off
Soft wrap on
It's very annoying for me that when I write the script, 3 dots appear and I can't continue to write my code because it jumps here and there.... does anyone know a solution for this? I would like to remove auto-completion from the code
I tried with the settings and keyboard commands, but unfortunately it didn't work!
Maybe using script editor is a better way. It‘s a built-in app, also supports syntax highlight and code running.
I was searching a thing in command pallet such as CTRL+Sift+P in VSCode.
Next, I needed to write programs in editors in VSCode. While wirting codes in a editor, I found a typo.
So I wanted to delete a charactor by using Back space. But, I could not delte the charactor in only the VSCode Editers. I can remove any charactors or numbers, while using any other editors such as pycharm, and, other editors. If I hit the Back space, the cursor moves to command pallet.
I checked short cut of the preferece of VSCode. But, I could not find any short cut of the Back space.
I use Win10, and VSCode version is V1.70.
I searched google. But, I have not found any answers.
Please help
I googled in relation to VSCode of the problems.
But, I have not found any hint or any solution.
I would like to use Back space of my key board.
You can try the follwing:
use "keyboard.dispatch": "keyCode" in your settings and restart VS Code
I didn't notice that I registered short cut key which was SQL.
If I hit backspace twice, automatically the cursor moved the command pallet.
So, I registered short cut key to a completely different character.
Then, I got the solution.
The Atom editor is a very good product, but in some areas it attempts to deviate from long standing user interface standards for operating systems, which can extremely annoying.
For example, on a Mac running OS/X, all apps compliant with Apple's guidelines will handle a Copy command with no selection by leaving the clipboard intact. On Atom, this action will either delete the contents of the clipboard if the line is empty, or overwrite them with the contents of the entire line.
Deviating from such very basic user interface guidelines is not a good idea, but if it's going to be done, the deviation should be an option, not the default.
Is there a way to force Atom to behave the way it should on a Mac, through options or scripting?
Figured it out.
Adding the following at the bottom of the keymap.cson configuration file returned Cmd-C to the correct behavior.
'cmd-c': 'native!'
To edit the keymap.cson file open Preferences, then Keybindings, then click on "your keymap file" at the end of the sentence under the "Keybindings" title.
Any solutions out there for dealing with google script code-editor turning "forward delete" into a "kill line" binding? I'm used to the hidden cocoa/emacs derived navigation keys. Google decided to mess with control-d.
This occurs when using the code editor. (edit-view?)
I would rather stop the google behavior than cope with it.
To understand more how fluid the control-key navigation can be
(and therefore how annoying when missing), try this...
set caps-lock to be the control key
open a cocoa browser like Safari and
start a script at https://script.google.com/
switch briefly to address bar
hit ctrl+a (goes to start of line)
hit ctrl+d (characters get deleted 1 at a time)
hit escape
switch to script area and try same thing (whole lines get munched!)
If you mean while you're working on your program in that editor, press the forward-delete key. On Apple's laptops and wireless keyboard, it's fn-delete (where by “delete”, I mean the backward delete, the key that is a.k.a. “backspace”).
You could try KeyRemap4Macbook.
Today I noticed that this problem no longer exists. So when editing a script file in the macro editor, emacs shortcuts WORK as expected. I cannot tell if they simply removed a bug or override, or actually patched it to work.
I want to be able to use Option-left and Option-right to skip words (and Cmd-left/right to go to beginning and end of lines) within Vim as it does at my shell prompt. My Iterm2 preferences have mappings to do this (e.g. Option-left to Esc-H and a one for option-right to Esc-F to skip over words), and this works in the shell locally or when ssh'd to a remote server.
When I use Vim locally or remotely, option-left works, but option-right does not. I suspect this is because Vim naturally listens for Esc-H, but not Esc-F. I am able to get around this by modifying .vimrc file to Esc-b to b and Esc-f to f, but I don't want to do this to every server I'm connecting to.
Similarly, I have the same desired setup for Cmd-left/right for going to beginning and end of a line. I can get this working in the shell via Iterm2 mappings (e.g. Cmd-left to Esc-[h), but Vim doesn't respond at all to this unless I map keys again (e.g. Esc-[h to ^).
Update: I just figured out how to get option-left/right working. I changed mapping in iTerm2 for these to be escape-[1;5D and escape-[1;5C respectively. I still want to solve the Cmd-left/right problem though (I changed my question's title to reflect this). Any ideas?
To mimic OS X's behavior of sending Cmd-left/right to the beginning/end of a line, I add the following mappings in iTerm2:
Cmd-left to escape-sequence [1~
Cmd-right to escape-sequence [4~
To mimic OS X's behavior of sending Option-left/right to the previous/next word, I add the following mappings in iTerm2:
Option-left to escape-sequence [1;5D
Option-right to escape-sequence [1;5C
Special thanks to this blog post for tracking down what I was missing with the cmd-left/right mappings
I'm using iTerm2 3.4.2 and there's actually a preset that you can select for your profile that enables this.
FWIW, dolan's answer didn't work for me on iTerm 2 on Mac OS X 10.7.3. His solution only inserted ~ and 5D/5C into my terminal when I pressed the shortcut keys.
Instead, I used the following solutions:
iTerm 2: How to set keyboard shortcuts to jump to beginning/end of line?
Option-left/right as well as option-delete:
YMMV, not sure why one set of solutions would work and not the other
I don't have MacOS, so I cannot exactly know your situation, but I recognize the problem from other OSes.
Basically, it would mean that the terminal sends keycodes that aren't understood by vim. I fixed it in the past by doing
export TERM
before invoking vim
E.g. in order to get all keys and syntax highlighting working on AIX 5.3 across Putty/screen, I needed to use
TERM=iris-ansi vim
There is a list of builtin terminal types if you pass a bad TERM