How can I turn off the autocompletion when writing applescript in automator? - macos

It's very annoying for me that when I write the script, 3 dots appear and I can't continue to write my code because it jumps here and there.... does anyone know a solution for this? I would like to remove auto-completion from the code
I tried with the settings and keyboard commands, but unfortunately it didn't work!

Maybe using script editor is a better way. It‘s a built-in app, also supports syntax highlight and code running.


AutoHotkey - persistent keystroke expansion? - HotStrings

I am having trouble understanding how this product works. In the old days of Windows 3.1 and 95 I used these things called "hotkeys" where, no matter where I was in Windows, I could hit a certain key combination and it would happen. I assumed that was what this program did. Is it really just a scripting language?
I followed the "quick start" tutorial in the help file and it talks about creating a script and how to set strings for keystroke patterns to expand into. However, I created this simple script and put it in an AHK file on my Desktop:
Great Seller! A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
When I run the script from my desktop it appears to complete pretty much instantly, and of course it does nothing because I am on my desktop. I assumed there was some way to actually use these hotkeys in other applications, but it is not obvious to me and I've made a fair effort. Is this just an automation scripting language, or is there some simple way to set up some simple hotkeys and have them persist across applications?
Hotkeys and Hotstrings are available globally by default. Your issue with the expansion is likely because you have special characters that need to be escaped. Try the following:
::gsell::Great Seller{!} A{+}
; Simple Hotkey - Ctrl+F1
^F1::Msgbox, You pressed a hotkey
I decided to try an example from the help file and it did work. Apparently the place where I thought it was telling me the script was closed, was actually saying the script was still running, and it counts the number of seconds when you refresh. For some reason the text expansion is still not working, but this question is pretty much solved.

Gimp/Mac: Text tool interprets keystrokes as commands

I wonder if you can help me with this rather bizarre phenomenon.
I'm using Gimp 2.8.3 on a Mac OS 10.9.5 and I try to insert text with the Text Tool. Easy enough, but when I type e.g. "Jazz", I get as far as "J", and then the "a" is interpreted as command and the airbrush tool gets activated. This happens with every (lowercase) key which in principle has a command function.
I checked the manual but there's no mention of something that needs to be switched off to use the text entry tool.
Anybody seen this before?
Thanks, Rob
Update: I've had the brilliant idea to check for Gimp updates. Turned out, there's a Gimp 2.8.14 now, which doesn't show this behaviour anymore. So, it seems to have been a bug in Gimp which luckily has been fixed.
Just for the record: if anyone is hit by this or a similar bug, there is a workaround if upgrading/fix is not an option: gimp 2.8, the old off-image text editor for creating text can be used, by checking the Use editor control in the text tool options.
GIMP will them pop a small blank window where the text can be typed without being intercepted by other parts of the application.

Text flashing in GVim as I type (Windows)

This isn't really a big issue, but annoying nonetheless; when I'm typing in GVim on my Windows box, the word I'm editing will sometimes flash as I type.
This does not happen for Vim sessions in Putty, and I've never noticed this behaviour when running GVim in Linux, but I've seen it on several other Windows setups.
I'm thinking the problem is GVim won't render the word until it has figured out what syntax highlighting to use, because the flashing disappears if I disable highlighting. But not using syntax highlighting is not something I would consider a solution ;)
Has anyone else experienced the same problem? Thanks in advance! :)
I had the same problem actually. Copy out all the items in ~_vimrc and put them in ~_gvimrc, this should work. Not sure why though.
I would say Change your colorscheme.
If that doesn't work try the command line, open up command prompt and type vim then see if you have the same problem

Emacs talking to XCode

I use emacs on my mac to program in Xcode. It works really well for the most part. I double click on a file in xcode, and it pulls it up in an existing emacs window. I compile, and get syntax errors, double click, and they come up in the active emacs window. great.
This is all XCode talking to emacs. Does anyone know of a way to get emacs to talk to XCode? For example, I want to be able to set a breakpoint in emacs and have the XCode version of gdb acknowledge it.
You can actually use AppleScript to set breakpoints in XCode from within Emacs by embedding the AppleScript inside of elisp.
This page contains the code you need. It's in Korean, but there's actually not much Korean to understand. The first code block is just a straight AppleScript example that was used to develop the breakpoint code. The second block is the one you want. It embeds the first example in an elisp snippet that you can add to your .emacs file.
Other communication can be done using the same trick. Just figure out how to do what you want in AppleScript and then embed that AppleScript in elisp within Emacs.
BTW, here is the documentation for do-applescript, the lisp function, available on the Mac, that lets you call AppleScript.
Sounds like a job for a new plugin!

XCode-like auto completion in vim (without tab)?

Greetings. I've been using vim for years, and I've recently started toying with XCode. One of the things I really like about XCode is that it will auto complete words without me hitting <TAB>.
For instance, in this image below I only need to type NSSObj and the rest is filled in automatically, no special keystroke required.
I'd like to reproduce this effect in vim.
To be clear, this question is not about how to get tab/omni-completion working in vim. I've already got tab/omni completion working just fine and that's not a problem. The question is: does anyone know how to get vim to autocomplete as I am typing ?
vimscripts has a plugin called autocomplpop.vim that does what you want.
Another option is a vim script called neocomplcache made by Shougo.
