How can I debug with the Cloud-SDK-based Maven App Engine plugin? - maven

I'd like to debug with the Cloud-SDK Based Maven plugin ( v. 1.3.0).
I run the goal appengine:run in Eclipse in Debug, but this does not put me into Debug mode, e.g. stopping on breakpoints.
I can use remote-debugger, but it is a hassle to run two processes every time I need to start my application. Is there a way of running a Debug session with one command?

I believe the only way to do this with Maven is by setting up a remote debug configuration in Eclipse as described in the App Engine documentation.
Your eclipse remote debug configuration needs to use the port specified in the jvmFlag arguments.
Another more practical way to run the debugger is to use Google Cloud Tools for Eclipse.


cannot access to /q/dev on quarkus from an uber-jar despite being in dev

I recently start deploying my quarkus project utilising a jar build by uber-jar
now each time I try to acces to /q/dev or anything like that, I have this error :
RESTEASY003210: Could not find resource for full path:
Any idea?
I'm running in profil dev.
Running in dev-mode and running from an uber-jar are mutually exclusive. If you're running an uber-jar, you are not in dev mode, and so the dev mode facilities are unavailable. Perhaps you mean that you compiled the uber-jar with quarkus.profile=dev, but that is a bad idea to do (it will probably only affect the set of used configuration values, but won't activate dev mode). Dev mode is what you get by executing mvn quarkus:dev on the project (or an equivalent if you're using Gradle).

How can I debug my tests in Open Liberty server dev mode (using liberty-maven-plugin) and toggle the debugger on/off?

How can I iteratively run my unit/integration tests in "dev mode" of the liberty-maven-plugin and easily turn on and off the launching of the debugger into the JVM running the tests themselves?
While the liberty-maven-plugin by default starts the Open Liberty server in debug mode, sometimes you need to debug into the source of the unit/integration tests themselves. The liberty-maven-plugin dev mode launches the server and will (by default) run my tests each time I hit <Enter>.
I can leverage standard documented approaches, which by default will launch a forked JVM waiting for a debugger on port 5005, e.g.:
mvn -Dmaven.failsafe.debug liberty:dev
But what if I already started dev mode without that property set on the command line?
Is there an easy way to enable the debugger after the fact? Or to toggle it on/off across executions?
An easy way to "toggle" the debug mode for the tests is to use Maven project properties and dynamically comment/uncomment out the standard test debug properties, e.g. maven.failsafe.debug.
E.g this will launch ITs in a forked JVM, suspended and waiting for the debugger on port 5005:
You can also configure the maven-failsafe-plugin in your pom.xml with normal plugin configuration to configure non-default behavior.
This should work with recent (since v3.1) versions of the liberty-maven-plugin, e.g.:
This could be applied to a simple sample app like the one here:
Don't make the mistake of toggling the value to "false" since you're really configuring this parameter. Just comment it out completely to avoid suspending for the debugger.

Trying to debug an application that starts up via an "exec" gradle task

I have a gradle task (type - exec). In this task I start a WildFly server using a standart bat file (standalone.bat). The war file is already in deployments beforehand, so the server starts up and everything works fine.
The problem appears when I need to debug the actual application on the server. Running the gradle task in a debug mode doesn't help, as it can only debug the actual gradle task itself and not the application that it starts.
I know, there is a solution to this problem using an additional configuration that would allow me to debug a remote java application. However, the goal for me right now is to move eveything onto gradle tasks and not have any configurations set up in my IDE.
I need to be able to run a gradle exec task that would start up my server and than to debug whatever application it deploys. Is there a way to do this? Thank you in advance.
Note: I've never used Wildfly
Ultimately you'll want to edit standalone.bat so that you include an additional arguments to the java.exe invocation. Take a look inside standalone.bat many applications include a line commented out that you can uncomment to enable debugging.
Eg sample argument to add to the java.exe call
You may wish to take a copy of standalone.bat which you call standalone-debug.bat which you invoke via gradle

AEM6 starting from console with -debug -nofork options

As I know when AEM is started in debug mode from the console using the -debug option, the JVM will be forced to fork, but what will be the result if the AEM is started with the -debug -nofork options? e.g:
java -jar aem6-author-p4502.jar -debug 8000 -nofork
Fork or nofork does not matter. aem6 will decide based on the available memory. if you want to debug, using following command
java.exe -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=9669,suspend=n -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -jar aem-quickstart-6.2.1.jar
then in intellj or eclipse connect it with remote debug. you can only debug the code in osgi bundles. you can't debug the jsp code.
What works for me is to double-click the server instance in Eclipse. It opens up the details. Near the right bottom corner, there is an option for "Debug". Expand it and uncheck the "Resolve sources when connecting".
This stops Eclipse from comparing your Eclipse code with the code running inside the server. This isn't an ideal answer. Ideally, we want to sync the Eclipse code with the server code, otherwise debugging has no meaning -- assume you're off by even one line of code when debugging.
I'm answering your specific question. For a broader answer on this, please see:
Eclipse java debugging: source not found
Sometimes our system OS generates multiple java forks in that case -nofork added at the end of the command will resolve the issue.

How to avoid unneeded recompilation from IntelliJ Idea 13 when it runs a maven vaadin project created in the command line

I have created a maven vaadin project using the command line like this:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.vaadin -DarchetypeArtifactId=vaadin-archetype-application -DarchetypeVersion=7.1.9
Then I change into the folder of the application and I give at the command line the following :
mvn install
After waiting for the application to compile, I open it using IntelliJ Idea (by opening the pom.xml file), I add Tomcat Server and I press run.
Then the IntelliJ Ide recompiles the application again.
Is there any way I can avoid this second compilation?
Thank you.
You should have tomcat configured as a server, and configure your module(s) to deploy at server startup. On the run configuration you will see a list of things to do before launch. It will probably say Make -- you can remove this if you need to.
However, you probably should allow idea to do this for you and really stop doing it on the command line. Idea can handle more complex build patterns for you. You should trust it.
