Trying to debug an application that starts up via an "exec" gradle task - debugging

I have a gradle task (type - exec). In this task I start a WildFly server using a standart bat file (standalone.bat). The war file is already in deployments beforehand, so the server starts up and everything works fine.
The problem appears when I need to debug the actual application on the server. Running the gradle task in a debug mode doesn't help, as it can only debug the actual gradle task itself and not the application that it starts.
I know, there is a solution to this problem using an additional configuration that would allow me to debug a remote java application. However, the goal for me right now is to move eveything onto gradle tasks and not have any configurations set up in my IDE.
I need to be able to run a gradle exec task that would start up my server and than to debug whatever application it deploys. Is there a way to do this? Thank you in advance.

Note: I've never used Wildfly
Ultimately you'll want to edit standalone.bat so that you include an additional arguments to the java.exe invocation. Take a look inside standalone.bat many applications include a line commented out that you can uncomment to enable debugging.
Eg sample argument to add to the java.exe call
You may wish to take a copy of standalone.bat which you call standalone-debug.bat which you invoke via gradle


Momentarily kill or restart Gradle Daemon from inside IntelliJ IDEA? "gradle --stop" doesn't work

IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1 and 2021.2 leaves the Gradle Daemon running when I exit the program. I would like to know if there is a way to momentarily stop or restart the Gradle Daemon from within IntelliJ without exiting. Gradle has a lock on files that doesn't go away when simply closing IntelliJ. The only way to get it to release the lock is to run gradle --stop from the version of Gradle that is currently running. The approaches I've found so far are far less than ideal. I'll share them in case they help anyone else, but I'm hoping there's a better way.
If I manually browse to my User Home.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-x.y.z-all<hash>\gradle-x.y.z\bin for the version of Gradle that I know IntelliJ is using, then I can manually run that gradle command with --stop flag and it will stop the daemon. So, yeah I guess I could create a batch script for this, but the fact that it is stored in such a buried directory involving some sort of hash code, I don't really want to have to change this script for different systems.
In InteliJ IDEA, If I click the "elephant" looking button at the top of the gradle menu called "Execute Gradle Task" it brings up a command line that starts with "gradle", but it only accepts established task names, it doesn't accept "gradle --stop". It gives the error Unknown command-line option '--stop'.
As a less than ideal work around, I have copied the gradle-x.y.z folder from near the end of that path to c:\Gradle\ and I have added that version's bin folder to the PATH environment variable. So, at least, I can open up a command prompt and run gradle --stop for now. This becomes problematic when I want my default / command line accessible gradle version to be different from the project I am working on. Yeah I could create a bunch of custom batch scripts that point to all different versions. That doesn't sound like fun. I have a hard time believing that I can't do something within IntelliJ to get the currently running gradle daemon to shutdown.
IDE does not kill Gradle daemon, because this demon can be reused by another build, including when doing a build from the command line.
There is an action Show Gradle Daemons (you can call it from Help | Find Action action):
It will show you the list of Gradle daemons with the ability to stop them:

Gradle Script plugin debugging in IntelliJ IDEA

I can debug build.gradle script, but it seems IDE can't properly wire into script plugins of Gradle to debug them. I am using IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3.3.
Its reproducible in the below example project:
There is
build.gradle containing mainTask, and
scriptPlugin.gradle a script plugin with scriptPluginTask task.
And following configuration that enables Gradle script debugging in IntelliJ IDEA.
Now if I run mainTask in debug mode, execution actually stops at the breakpoint set in build.gradle file in mainTask on line 5.
But if I try to debug task that is imported through script plugin, namely scriptPluginTask from scriptPlugin.gradle file then execution just runs through without stopping at the breakpoint on line 3.
Do I need to set additional configuration options to enable debugging Gradle script plugins from IntelliJ IDEA?
Or is this feature currently not supported at all? That means if I would want to debug script plugin I would actually need to copy paste whole content to the build.gradle file itself and debug it there.

Run application via gradlew with -Xmx and -Xms

I have an application. I run it via
gradlew run-app
Or debug
gradlew debug-app
It works. How do I pass '-Xmx' argument into the application which I run (debug)?
Is it possible to do so without edditing build.gradle file?
I found this
Gradle unknown command-line option '-X'
I get a similar error when I try
gradlew debug-app -Xmx2000m
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Problem configuring task :debug-app from command line.
> Unknown command-line option '-X'.
I tried to create a file in GRADLE_USER_HOME directory (by default, it is USER_HOME/.gradle).
org.gradle.jvmargs=-XX\:MaxHeapSize\=4256m -Xmx4256m -Xms2000m
I also tried to org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2000m in project folder
And even then when I run an application, I see Commited Memory size is < 520 MiB
And this is when I run it as a normal Java App
In the second case, when I run the application as a normal Java app with -Xms, -Xmx, Commited Memory size is about 3.5 GiB because I passed -Xmx4512m -Xms2512m parameters.
Add this in your file :
From here
Specifies the jvmargs used for the daemon process. The setting is
particularly useful for tweaking memory settings. At the moment the
default settings are pretty generous with regards to memory.
edit : my answer what about the gradle daemon jvm, not the app jvm. You have to use the jvmArgs property
The extra arguments to use to launch the JVM for the process. Does not
include system properties and the minimum/maximum heap size.
Firstly, thanks #ToYonos for leading me to the right direction.
Secondly, I found the solution here
I ran my app from command line.
set GRADLE_OPTS=-Xms1724m -Xmx5048m
gradlew debug-app
Note, CMD Windows command SET works locally, so if you close your terminal, GRADLE_OPTS will not be set. For Linux, you can use
This is what I wanted to achieve.
Using application plugin one can use applicationDefaultJvmArgs property
apply plugin: 'application'
applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ["-Xms1024m", "-Xmx2048m"]
The arguments will be applied to run task and to start script of your application
more info
In my case Invalidate cache and restart the android studio(which is automatically restarted) then the error will be gone after restarting the android studio

How to set system properties in IntelliJ IDEA 13 gradle task?

I have a Spring Boot project with gradle build tool. The JDBC url, username and password are kept in a property file which is not part of application it's a external property file, the path of the property file is taken from system properties as follows.
It is working if I run the application from terminal using gradle bootRun, but when I try to run from Intellij IDEA 13 gradle tasks its not working, the property value is null.
I tried the VM options in Run/Debug Configuration as in the below screen shoot its not working either
How can the JAVA_OPTIONS can be set in Intellij IDEA 13 gradle tasks.
This is because every time you use the Gradle tool window to kick off tasks in IntelliJ, it creates/overwrites the launch configuration for that task.
Basically, I've had to run from the Gradle tool window just once. Then I go into the failed Launch Config (shown in question) and enter the system property in the VM options. From there on out, I need to use that Launch Config to execute the task instead of the Gradle tool window.
Update: Even better solution:
Preferences->Build, Execution, Deployment->Build Tools->Gradle->Gradle VM options
Add your system properties there (i.e. -Dappengine.sdk.root=/opt/google/google-cloud-sdk/platform/appengine-java-sdk)
Doing this will keep them from getting overwritten/lost in the Launch configs that the Gradle tool window generates.
Another thing to note is that using the Gradle tool window causes the commands to be run without access to Environment Variables. This can cause a lot of problems with builds that depend on these env vars.
I ran into this today with the appengine-gradle-plugin and had to put
in the VM options because it was not seeing the env vars. From the command line, it picks up the env vars and works fine. This worked for my appengineRun task.
But it does not work for appengineUpdate since that gives another error caused by lack of env vars: Toolkit not found: apple.awt.CToolkit

How to avoid unneeded recompilation from IntelliJ Idea 13 when it runs a maven vaadin project created in the command line

I have created a maven vaadin project using the command line like this:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.vaadin -DarchetypeArtifactId=vaadin-archetype-application -DarchetypeVersion=7.1.9
Then I change into the folder of the application and I give at the command line the following :
mvn install
After waiting for the application to compile, I open it using IntelliJ Idea (by opening the pom.xml file), I add Tomcat Server and I press run.
Then the IntelliJ Ide recompiles the application again.
Is there any way I can avoid this second compilation?
Thank you.
You should have tomcat configured as a server, and configure your module(s) to deploy at server startup. On the run configuration you will see a list of things to do before launch. It will probably say Make -- you can remove this if you need to.
However, you probably should allow idea to do this for you and really stop doing it on the command line. Idea can handle more complex build patterns for you. You should trust it.
