Get exit code of process substitution with pipe into while loop - bash

The following script calls another program reading its output in a while loop (see Bash - How to pipe input to while loop and preserve variables after loop ends):
while read -r col0 col1; do
# [...]
done < <(other_program [args ...])
How can I check for the exit code of other_program to see if the loop was executed properly?

Note: ls -d / /nosuch is used as an example command below, because it fails (exit code 1) while still producing stdout output (/) (in addition to stderr output).
Bash v4.2+ solution:
ccarton's helpful answer works well in principle, but by default the while loop runs in a subshell, which means that any variables created or modified in the loop will not be visible to the current shell.
In Bash v4.2+, you can change this by turning the lastpipe option on, which makes the last segment of a pipeline run in the current shell;
as in ccarton's answer, the pipefail option must be set to have $? reflect the exit code of the first failing command in the pipeline:
shopt -s lastpipe # run the last segment of a pipeline in the current shell
shopt -so pipefail # reflect a pipeline's first failing command's exit code in $?
ls -d / /nosuch | while read -r line; do
echo "result: [$result]; exit code: $?"
The above yields (stderr output omitted):
result: [/]; exit code: 1
As you can see, the $result variable, set in the while loop, is available, and the ls command's (nonzero) exit code is reflected in $?.
Bash v3+ solution:
ikkachu's helpful answer works well and shows advanced techniques, but it is a bit cumbersome.
Here is a simpler alternative:
while read -r line || { ec=$line && break; }; do # Note the `|| { ...; }` part.
done < <(ls -d / /nosuch; printf $?) # Note the `; printf $?` part.
echo "result: [$result]; exit code: $ec"
By appending the value of $?, the ls command's exit code, to the output without a trailing \n (printf $?), read reads it in the last loop operation, but indicates failure (exit code 1), which would normally exit the loop.
We can detect this case with ||, and assign the exit code (that was still read into $line) to variable $ec and exit the loop then.
On the off chance that the command's output doesn't have a trailing \n, more work is needed:
while read -r line ||
{ [[ $line =~ ^(.*)/([0-9]+)$ ]] && ec=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} && line=${BASH_REMATCH[1]};
[[ -n $line ]]; }
done < <(printf 'no trailing newline'; ls /nosuch; printf "/$?")
echo "result: [$result]; exit code: $ec"
The above yields (stderr output omitted):
result: [no trailing newline]; exit code: 1

At least one way would be to redirect the output of the background process through a named pipe. This would allow to pick up its PID and then get the exit status through waiting on the PID.
mkfifo pipe || exit 1
(echo foo ; exit 19) > pipe &
while read x ; do echo "read: $x" ; done < pipe
wait $pid
echo "exit status of bg process: $?"
rm pipe
If you can use a direct pipe (i.e. don't mind the loop being run in a subshell), you could use Bash's PIPESTATUS, which contains the exit codes of all commands in the pipeline:
(echo foo ; exit 19) | while read x ; do
echo "read: $x" ; done;
echo "status: ${PIPESTATUS[0]}"

A simple way is to use the bash pipefail option to propagate the first error code from a pipeline.
set -o pipefail
other_program | while read x; do
echo "Read: $x"
done || echo "Error: $?"

Another way is to use coproc (requires 4.0+).
coproc other_program [args ...]
while read -r -u ${COPROC[0]} col0 col1; do
# [...]
wait $COPROC_PID || echo "Error exit status: $?"
coproc frees you from having to setup asynchronicity and stdin/stdout redirection that you'd otherwise need to do in an equivalent mkfifo.


equivalent of exit on command line

I have a bash script that runs a series of python scripts. It always runs all of them, but exits with a failure code if any script exited with a failure code. At least that's what I hope it does. Here it is ...
for f in scripts/*.py
python "$f";
res=$(( $res | $? ))
exit $res
I'd like to run this as a bash command in the terminal, but i can't work out how to replace exit so that the command fails like a failed script, rather than exits the terminal. How do I do that?
Replace your last line exit $res with
$(exit ${res})
This exits the spawned subshell with the exit value of ${res} and because it is the last statement, this is also the exit value of your script.
Bash doesn't have a concept of anonymous functions (e.g. Go) which you can defined inline and get the return value, you need to do it explicitly. Wrap the whole code in a function say f()
f() {
local res=0
for f in scripts/*.py
python "$f";
res=$(( $res | $? ))
return $res
and use the exit code in command line.
if ! f; then
printf '%s\n' "one more python scripts failed"
Is it true, that the value of the error code doesn't matter. Then I have another solution:
for f in scripts/*.py
let total++
python "$f" || let errcount++
if ((errcount))
printf '%u of %u scripts failed\n' $errcount $total >&2
exit 1
exit 0
for f in scripts/*.py
python "$f" && echo "1" >> stack || echo "0" >> stack
[ $(grep -o stack) -eq 0 ] && rm -v ./stack && exit 1
I am rather stoned at the moment, so I apologise if I am misinterpreting, but I believe that this will do what you need. Every time the python script returns an error code of 0, (which means it works) a 1 is echoed into a stack file. At the end of the loop, the stack is checked for the presence of a single 0, and if it finds one, exits with an error code of 1, which is for general errors.

Are these two bash snippets equivalent and if not which is better?

I am interested on which is better in the sense of either being more flexible/general/extensible or faster or less error prone or uses less memory.
grep '^+[^+]' /tmp/p0rn.lst | while read x;do
wget $x
while read x;do
wget $x
done < <(grep '^+[^+]' /tmp/p0rn.lst)
The first uses a pipeline, the second process substitution. Process substitution is usually better.
Piping input to a loop means the loop runs in a subshell. Variable changes inside a subshell are lost when the subshell finishes, i.e. when the loop ends.
For example, if you wanted to count the number of URLs processed by incrementing a variable each iteration you'd have to use process substitution:
while read x; do
wget "$x"
done < <(grep '^+[^+]' /tmp/p0rn.lst)
echo "processed $count urls"
If you used a pipeline it would always print "processed 0 urls":
grep '^+[^+]' /tmp/p0rn.lst | while read x; do
wget "$x"
# Doesn't work!
echo "processed $count urls"
In addition to #john-kugelman 's answer I would like to point out that the bash holds a variable called PIPESTATUS which is an array of all the exit codes of the last pipe:
(exit 1) | (exit 2) | (exit 3) | (exit 4); echo "${PIPESTATUS[#]}"
This will print
1 2 3 4
There is no similar mechanism if this is rewritten using process substitutions:
(exit 4) < <(
(exit 3) < <(
(exit 2) < <(
(exit 1)
In this case, the inner exit codes are just lost, unless they are explicitly stored somehow (e. g. dumped in a file or similar).
The overall exit code of a pipe is the exit code of the last pipe element, on default, so true | false is like false. In many cases this is desirable, e. g.
if curl "$url" | grep -q "searchterm"
# do something in case the searchterm was found
In this usage the exit value of the grep clearly is what is wanted.
There are other uses, however, in which you would rather react on the exit value of the left element:
curl "$url" | sed 's/password.*/###/g' > x || { # incorrect usage!
echo "Curl failed." 1>&2
This will not work because the pipe's exit value is the exit value of sed (which in this case is not the relevant part). Moving the check deeper inside can solve the issue:
curl "$url" || echo "Curl failed." 1>&2
) | sed 's/password.*/###/g' > x
Or also:
sed 's/password.*/###/g' < <(
curl "$url" || echo "Curl failed." 1>&2
) > x
But neither allows e. g. exiting the surrounding shell properly (because the check is done in a nested scope).
You can, however, use the pipefail option of the shell in which case a pipe's exit value is the exit value of the rightmost non-zero exit value:
set -o pipefail
(exit 1) | (exit 2) | (exit 3) | (exit 0); echo $?
This will print 3 instead of 0. Applied to our last example:
set -o pipefail
if ! curl "$url" | sed 's/password.*/###/g' > x
echo "Curl failed (or sed)." 1>&2
# Now we can even exit this shell here if we like.
(You might want to scope the pipefail option to avoid influencing the rest of the script.)
You can, however, achieve a similar thing using process substitutions for the output:
if ! curl "$url" > >(sed 's/password.*/###/g' > x)
echo "Curl failed." 1>&2
# Now we can even exit this shell here if we like.
But this will ignore failures in the right commands of the pipe (sed in this case). Using pipefail you can react on failures in any of the piped commands. There is no (simple and recommendable) way of achieving this using process substitutions.

How to get exit status of piped command from inside the pipeline?

Consider I have following commandline: do-things arg1 arg2 | progress-meter "Doing things...";, where progress-meter is bash function I want to implement. It should print Doing things... before running do-things arg1 arg2 or in parallel (so, it will be printed anyway at the very beginning), and record stdout+stderr of do-things command, and check it's exit status. If exit status is 0, it should print [ OK ], otherwise it should print [FAIL] and dump recorded output.
Currently I have things done using progress-meter "Doing things..." "do-things arg1 arg2";, and evaluating second argument inside, which is clumsy and I don't like that and believe there is better solution.
The problem with pipe syntax is that I don't know how can I get do-things' exit status from inside the pipeline? $PIPESTATUS seems to be useful only after all commands in pipeline finished.
Maybe process substitution like progress-meter "Doing things..." <(do-things arg1 arg2); will be fine, but in this case I also don't know how can I get exit status of do-things.
I'll be happy to hear if there is some other neat syntax possible to achieve same task without escaping command to be executed like in my example.
I greatly hope for the help of community.
UPD1: As question seems not to be clear enough, I paraphrase it:
I want bash function that can be fed with command, that will execute in parallel to function, and bash function will receive it's stdout+stderr, wait for completion and get its exit status.
Example implementation using evals:
progress_meter() {
local output;
local errcode;
echo -n -e $1;
output=$( {
eval "${cmd}";
} 2>&1; );
if (( errcode )); then {
echo '[FAIL]';
echo "Output was: ${output}"
} else {
echo '[ OK ]';
}; fi;
So this can be used as progress_meter "Do things..." "do-things arg1 arg2". I want the same without eval.
Why eval things? Assuming you have one fixed argument to progress-meter, you can do something like:
# progress meter
echo "$prompt"
"$#" # this just executes a command made up of
# arguments 2, 3, ... of the script
# the real script should actually read its input,
# display progress meter etc.
and call it
$ progress-meter "Doing stuff" do-things arg1 arg2
If you insist on putting progress-meter in a pipeline, I'm afraid your best bet is something like
(do-things arg1 arg2 ; echo $?) | progress-meter "Doing stuff"
I'm not sure I understand what exactly you're trying to achieve,
but you could check the pipefail option:
If set, the return value of a pipeline is the
value of the last (rightmost) command to exit
with a non-zero status, or zero if all commands
in the pipeline exit successfully. This option
is disabled by default.
For example:
bash-4.1 $ ls no_such_a_file 2>&- | : && echo ok: $? || echo ko: $?
ok: 0
bash-4.1 $ set -o pipefail
bash-4.1 $ ls no_such_a_file 2>&- | : && echo ok: $? || echo ko: $?
ko: 2
Edit: I just read your comment on the other post. Why don't you just handle the error?
bash-4.1 $ ls -d /tmp 2>&- || echo failed | while read; do [[ $REPLY == failed ]] && echo failed || echo "$REPLY"; done
bash-4.1 $ ls -d /tmpp 2>&- || echo failed | while read; do [[ $REPLY == failed ]] && echo failed || echo "$REPLY"; done
Have your scrips in the pipeline communicate by proxy (much like the Blackboard Pattern: some guy writes on the blackboard, another guy reads it):
Modify your do-things script so that it reports its exit status to a file somewhere.
Modify your progress-meter script to read that file, using command line switches if you like so as not to hardcode the name of the blackboard file, for reporting the exit status of the program that it is reporting the progress for.

bash script: how to save return value of first command in a pipeline?

Bash: I want to run a command and pipe the results through some filter, but if the command fails, I want to return the command's error value, not the boring return value of the filter:
if !(cool_command | output_filter); then handle_the_error; fi
set -e
cool_command | output_filter
In either case it's the return value of cool_command that I care about -- for the 'if' condition in the first case, or to exit the script in the second case.
Is there some clean idiom for doing this?
Use the PIPESTATUS builtin variable.
From man bash:
An array variable (see Arrays
below) containing a list of exit
status values from the processes in
the most-recently-executed foreground
pipeline (which may contain only a
single command).
If you didn't need to display the error output of the command, you could do something like
if ! echo | mysql $dbcreds mysql; then
error "Could not connect to MySQL. Did you forget to add '--db-user=' or '--db-password='?"
die "Check your credentials or ensure server is running with /etc/init.d/mysqld status"
In the example, error and die are defined functions. elsewhere in the script. $dbcreds is also defined, though this is built from command line options. If there is no error generated by the command, nothing is returned. If an error occurs, text will be returned by this particular command.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the impression you're really looking to do something a little more convoluted than
[ `id -u` -eq '0' ] || die "Must be run as root!"
where you actually grab the user ID prior to the if statement, and then perform the test. Doing it this way, you could then display the result if you choose. This would be
UID=`id -u`
if [ $UID -eq '0' ]; then
echo "User is root"
echo "User is not root"
exit 1 ##set an exit code higher than 0 if you're exiting because of an error
The following script uses a fifo to filter the output in a separate process. This has the following advantages over the other answers. First, it is not bash specific. In particular it does not rely on PIPESTATUS. Second, output is not stalled until the command has completed.
$ cat > <<EOF
echo $1
echo $2 >&2
return $3
while read line
echo "... $line"
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
mkfifo "$fifo"
filter <"$fifo" &
cmd a b 10 >"$fifo" 2>&1
wait $pid
echo exit code: $ret
rm -f "$fifo"
rmdir "$tmpdir"
$ sh ./
... a
... b
exit code: 10

Exit Shell Script Based on Process Exit Code [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Aborting a shell script if any command returns a non-zero value
(10 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have a shell script that executes a number of commands. How do I make the shell script exit if any of the commands exit with a non-zero exit code?
After each command, the exit code can be found in the $? variable so you would have something like:
ls -al file.ext
rc=$?; if [[ $rc != 0 ]]; then exit $rc; fi
You need to be careful of piped commands since the $? only gives you the return code of the last element in the pipe so, in the code:
ls -al file.ext | sed 's/^/xx: /"
will not return an error code if the file doesn't exist (since the sed part of the pipeline actually works, returning 0).
The bash shell actually provides an array which can assist in that case, that being PIPESTATUS. This array has one element for each of the pipeline components, that you can access individually like ${PIPESTATUS[0]}:
pax> false | true ; echo ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
Note that this is getting you the result of the false command, not the entire pipeline. You can also get the entire list to process as you see fit:
pax> false | true | false; echo ${PIPESTATUS[*]}
1 0 1
If you wanted to get the largest error code from a pipeline, you could use something like:
true | true | false | true | false
rcs=${PIPESTATUS[*]}; rc=0; for i in ${rcs}; do rc=$(($i > $rc ? $i : $rc)); done
echo $rc
This goes through each of the PIPESTATUS elements in turn, storing it in rc if it was greater than the previous rc value.
If you want to work with $?, you'll need to check it after each command, since $? is updated after each command exits. This means that if you execute a pipeline, you'll only get the exit code of the last process in the pipeline.
Another approach is to do this:
set -e
set -o pipefail
If you put this at the top of the shell script, it looks like Bash will take care of this for you. As a previous poster noted, "set -e" will cause Bash to exit with an error on any simple command. "set -o pipefail" will cause Bash to exit with an error on any command in a pipeline as well.
See here or here for a little more discussion on this problem. Here is the Bash manual section on the set builtin.
"set -e" is probably the easiest way to do this. Just put that before any commands in your program.
If you just call exit in Bash without any parameters, it will return the exit code of the last command. Combined with OR, Bash should only invoke exit, if the previous command fails. But I haven't tested this.
command1 || exit;
command2 || exit;
Bash will also store the exit code of the last command in the variable $?.
[ $? -eq 0 ] || exit $?; # Exit for nonzero return code
How do I get the exit code of cmd1 in cmd1|cmd2
First, note that cmd1 exit code could be non-zero and still don't mean an error. This happens for instance in
cmd | head -1
You might observe a 141 (or 269 with ksh93) exit status of cmd1, but it's because cmd was interrupted by a SIGPIPE signal when head -1 terminated after having read one line.
To know the exit status of the elements of a pipeline
cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3
a. with Z shell (zsh):
The exit codes are provided in the pipestatus special array.
cmd1 exit code is in $pipestatus[1], cmd3 exit code in
$pipestatus[3], so that $? is always the same as
b. with Bash:
The exit codes are provided in the PIPESTATUS special array.
cmd1 exit code is in ${PIPESTATUS[0]}, cmd3 exit code in
${PIPESTATUS[2]}, so that $? is always the same as
For more details see Z shell.
For Bash:
# This will trap any errors or commands with non-zero exit status
# by calling function catch_errors()
trap catch_errors ERR;
# ... the rest of the script goes here
function catch_errors() {
# Do whatever on errors
echo "script aborted, because of errors";
exit 0;
In Bash this is easy. Just tie them together with &&:
command1 && command2 && command3
You can also use the nested if construct:
if command1
if command2
# purpose: to run a command, log cmd output, exit on error
# usage:
# set -e; do_run_cmd_or_exit "$cmd" ; set +e
cmd="$#" ;
do_log "DEBUG running cmd or exit: \"$cmd\""
msg=$($cmd 2>&1)
export exit_code=$?
# If occurred during the execution, exit with error
error_msg="Failed to run the command:
\"$cmd\" with the output:
\"$msg\" !!!"
if [ $exit_code -ne 0 ] ; then
do_log "ERROR $msg"
do_log "FATAL $msg"
do_exit "$exit_code" "$error_msg"
# If no errors occurred, just log the message
do_log "DEBUG : cmdoutput : \"$msg\""
