I'd like to display info when there is info in my description.
I need to hide the whole thing when there's no info
{if !empty($product.description-short) }
<span class="label" style="text-decoration:underline">
{l s='Information:' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</span>
{$product.description_short nofilter}
Problem : Even when there are info, nothing will display
In your if statement you check for description-short and try to display description_short.
Should be:
{if !empty($product.description_short) }
<span class="label" style="text-decoration:underline">
{l s='Information:' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</span>
{$product.description_short nofilter}
For CS-Cart Multivendor, Version 4.15.2
How can we display 6 Sub-Categories-Level-1 and 3 Sub-Categories-Level-2 on mydomain.com/catalog page, similar to https://my.indiamart.com/ or https://dir.indiamart.com/
Then how to display 5 Sub-Categories-Level-1 image and name as displayed on https://dir.indiamart.com/
How can we display All Sub-Categories-Level-1 and 5 SubCategories-Level-2 on individual Category Page like below along with Level-1 and Level-2 Images
Finally Display SubCatetory-Level-2 and All Sub-Category-Level3 like
enter link description here
I think there is some modification required in views\categories\catalog.tpl and categories\components\subcategories.tpl.
Also some HTML and css related help is highly appreciated for user friendly view on all devices.
{split data=$categories size=$columns|default:"3" assign="splitted_categories"}
{foreach from=$splitted_categories item="scats"}
{foreach from=$scats item="category"}
{if $category}
{if $category.main_pair}
{include file="common/image.tpl"
{capture name="mainbox_title"}{$title}{/capture}
{if $subcategories}
{math equation="ceil(n/c)" assign="rows" n=$subcategories|count c=$columns|default:"3"}
{split data=$subcategories size=$rows assign="splitted_subcategories"}
<ul class="subcategories clearfix">
{hook name="categories:view_subcategories"}
{foreach from=$splitted_subcategories item="ssubcateg"}
{foreach from=$ssubcateg item=category name="ssubcateg"}
{if $category}
<li class="ty-subcategories__item">
<a href="{"categories.view?category_id=`$category.category_id`"|fn_url}">
{if $category.main_pair}
{include file="common/image.tpl"
<span {live_edit name="category:category:{$category.category_id}"}>{$category.category}</span>
I need span title text (RS_GPO) as my xpath output
Here is code:
<TD id="celleditableGrid07" nowrap="nowrap" style='padding:0px;' >`
<DIV class='stacked-row'>
<span id="form(202567).form(TITLE).text" >
<span title='RPS_AEM3'>RPS_AEM3</span>
<DIV class='stacked-row-bottom'>
<span id="form(202567).form(CONTENT).text" >
<span title='RS_GPO'>RS_GPO</span>
My intention for xpath is I want catch text “RS_GPO” in to a variable.
Because this is system generated text.
Thanks in Advance.
If you want the content of the title attribute instead of the element's text content, then:
I want to Select all the LI elements which contain SPAN with id="liveDeal152_dealPrice" as descendents. How do i do this with xpath?
Here is a sample html
<li id="liveDeal_152">
<p class="price">
<span class="WebRupee">₹ </span>
<span id="liveDeal152_dealPrice">495 </span>
<li id="liveDeal_152">
<p class="price">
<span class="WebRupee">₹ </span>
(price hidden)
//li[.//span[#id = 'liveDeal152_dealPrice']] should do. Or more verbose but closer to your textual description //li[descendant::span[#id = 'liveDeal152_dealPrice']].
Use this
It selects
//li[ ]
.//span[ ]
WITH id ATTRIBUTE EQUAL TO "liveDeal152_dealPrice"
That said, it doesn't seem like a very wise element selection, mostly due to the dynamically looking id. If you're going to use it once, it's probably ok, but if you're using it, say, for testing and will reuse it many times, it might cause trouble. Are you sure this won't change when you change your website and/or database?
As a side note:
ul stands for "unordered list"
ol stands for "ordered list"
li stands for "list item"
Following is my code snippet from smarty template :
<div id="entrancelist">
<h2 class="heading">My Packages</h2>
{if $user_study_test_packages.test}
<ul class="entrancelist">
{foreach from=$user_study_test_packages.test item="user_test_packages" key=key}
{if $user_test_packages.pack_expiry_date1 >= $current_date }
<div class="fr"><span class="expiry">Expiry : {$user_test_packages.pack_expiry_date}</span></div>
<div class="fr"><span class="expiry_dt">This package is expired on {$user_test_packages.pack_expiry_date}.</span></div>
<p class="descp">{$user_test_packages.test_pack_desc}</p>
<div class="srtest"> </div>
You haven't bought any online test packages
Now what I want to do is reaplace the text "You haven't bought any online test packages" with the content of different URL say www.google.com But I'm not understanding how should I achieve this. Can anyone help me out in this issue? Thanks in advance.
Why not keep PHP separate from the template?
Maybe do this in your php code,
$gcontent = file_get_contents('http://www.google.com');
Then you can use {$gcontent} in your template.
You can even use query string parameters with the URL if you wanted to. More info on the php function.
Something like this works for me in Smarty 3, but some might not consider it very elegant:
I'm experiencing some performance issues on a medium-sized result set. The result set is a list of documents, each with a small array of properties (metadata like created, modified, tags, owner_name, etc.) that is hidden until the user clicks a show/hide button.
In the template, I'm using a lot of ng-shows, and when I comment all of these out, the performance improves dramatically, so I was wondering if there is a way to ask Angular not to compile any of this, not to render any of the ng-repeats until the user clicks the properties show/hide button. Or is there a more idiomatic way of going about this?
Update: actually, it isn't when I comment out the ng-shows, it seems to be when I comment out the entire block of html, making it seem like accessing properties of an object is the cause of the performance hit. Why?
<div class="property" ng-show="property.display && property.value && property.viewable" ng-repeat="property in item.properties()">
<span class="property-name">{{property.external}}:</span>
<span class="property-value" ng-show="property.type == 'string' || property.type == 'integer' || property.type == 'float'">
<span ng-hide="property.edit">{{property.value}}</span>
<span ng-show="property.edit">
<input name="{{property.internal}}" id="{{property.internal}}{{item.id()}}" />
<span class="edit-button"><a ng-click="simpleUpdate(item, property)">save</a></span>
<span class="edit-button"><a ng-click="editProperty(item, property)">cancel</a></span>
<span class="edit-button" ng-show="property.editable && !property.edit"><a ng-click="editProperty(item, property)">edit</a></span>
<span class="property-value" ng-show="property.type == 'stringArray'">
<span ng-hide="property.edit">{{property.value | join:', '}}</span>
<span ng-show="property.edit">
<textarea name="{{property.internal}}" id="{{property.internal}}{{item.id()}}" class="keywords" rows="1" cols="80"></textarea>
<span class="edit-button"><a ng-click="simpleUpdate(item, property)">save</a></span>
<span class="edit-button"><a ng-click="editProperty(item, property)">cancel</a></span>
<span class="edit-button" ng-show="property.editable && !property.edit"><a ng-click="editProperty(item, property)">edit</a></span>
<div class="clearboth"> </div>