How to create a public repository on Github but hide certain aspects - xcode

How can I create an Xcode project and push it to a GitHub repository that is public BUT hides keys.
For example if I have Firebase keys and I push my project to GitHub can't anybody see them and then do whatever they please with my data?


Is there a way to wget a private github repo?

I'm trying to do something similar to this but unfortunately I haven't been able to get this to work on private repos
I'd like to grab from GitHubs Pull Request + Commits to essentially make a changelog then upload that into Confluence

which bitbucket server api suits to copy pr from repo to another repo?

My objective is to sync changes between all 4 repos such as "web, android, iOS & config", having config as the single source of truth.
Now of course each and every individual platform repo has its content, but at the root, there will be a repo that has the exact same content, so:
root of web will have a folder "config", where the content is exactly similar to "config" repo
root of android will have a folder "config", where the content is exactly similar to "config" repo
Now developer will only make changes to the repo "config", and upon pr successfully merged, i wish to create PR in "web.config,android.config & iOS.config" individually.
I do realized that bitbucket provides documentation for their API, however im not exactly sure which exact API suits my needs.
My best guess is i will have this script, being triggered upon pr merged successfully, then we can query the last commit of master branch by running the below command
curl -u username:password
# {"id":"refs/heads/master","displayId":"master","type":"BRANCH","latestCommit":"afff780e4xxxxxxxx","latestChangeset":"afff780e4xxxxxxxxx","isDefault":true}
Now that i successfully has the latestCommit, i can then query the changes?
curl -u username:password
in which i have tons of metadata, but im not sure what to do with them in order to proceed and create a new PR in other repos. Appreciated if anyone can shed some lights on this

Go Get for Google's Cloud Source Repository

Making two different go modules
With as a common lib dependency (to share a model)
I'm trying to go get (even manually wrote it in the go.mod file) but I keep receiving the following error:
unrecognized import path ""
(parse no go-import meta tags ())
I have gcloud set up to be able to use app deploy and create new source repositories. I've tried setting up ssh for google cloud and attempted to use manual credentials. This neither works locally or in the google cloud build service.
I want to do two things:
Be able to go get this
Be able to integrate this go get into my App Engine automated build pipeline.
Any help would be appreciated.
Configure repo on
Authorize manual git access
In this example:
Your common module should go like
Run: go get on the other module
I would try the following steps:
Make sure it has manual git access - You can try a git clone from folder "a" to check if correct git access is in place. Delete it after it gets cloned.
Make sure that you are using HTTPs - looks like you are good in that regards - go1.14 made HTTPs as default for go get's.
Now, coming to the actual problem - looks like your private version control systems isn't sending the required "go-import" meta tag.
For example - refer any github go module, you can see the "go-import" meta tag:
In order to fix it, the VCS server needs to respond with this tag when go get tries to download "common" module
<meta name="go-import" content=" git">
This works:
got get

Add github public repository on odoo app store

I have my public repository on git-hub, and i want to add this repository on Odoo app store, There is any way to do this .??
I search on Google but didn't found any way to do this.
There are some article which are shown that the repository should be private.
If anyone has any solution please shared..
Your repository does not have to be private in order to submit it to the Odoo App store, however it would make sense to use a private repository for proprietary (paid) addons.
To upload your app or theme to the Odoo app store you need to register/login on and go to the App Upload page. There you need to specify the URL of your Git repository in the following format:<username>/<repo>.git#<branch>
Please ensure that:
There is one folder per App/Theme at the root of the repository.
You specify the branch name of your Git repository by adding #branch_name at the end of the repo URL.
The branch name exactly matches the series name for which your modules are meant, so #8.0 for version 8.0.
Once you add the repository you can scan it for Odoo addons/themes.
If your repository is private (eg. for proprietary addons), there is a section on that in the FAQ:
To publish your modules on our platform, we need to be allowed to read
from your repository. If you are on Github, you can simply authorize
our online-odoo user on your repository. If you are on Bitbucket, you
can authorize our OdooApps user. If you use another service, you will
need to authorize our public SSH key instead. Don't forget to use the
SSH url of your repository when registering it to allow us to identify
using ssh. For example for GitHub, it would be something like

How to update archetype-catalog in Nexus repository

I have a problem updating catalog. Into my Public Repository (its type is "Group") I proxy the repository
"liferay-ce" (
If I click on "" I find the
original catalog "archetype-catalog.xml" which has some archetypes.
The "archetype-catalog.xml" sited at my Public Repository URL has an "archetype-catalog.xml" but
it doesn't contain the archetypes written into "liferay-ce" catalog.
I need to update my "archetype-catalog.xml" with the new archetypes contained into liferay-ce original
Have you any idea how to update my "archetype-catalog.xml"?
The archetype-catalog.xml file is generated from the search indexes. Run "update index" against your proxy repository, when this completes your local archetype-catalog.xml will have the entries from the "liferay-ce" repository.
