Add github public repository on odoo app store - odoo-8

I have my public repository on git-hub, and i want to add this repository on Odoo app store, There is any way to do this .??
I search on Google but didn't found any way to do this.
There are some article which are shown that the repository should be private.
If anyone has any solution please shared..

Your repository does not have to be private in order to submit it to the Odoo App store, however it would make sense to use a private repository for proprietary (paid) addons.
To upload your app or theme to the Odoo app store you need to register/login on and go to the App Upload page. There you need to specify the URL of your Git repository in the following format:<username>/<repo>.git#<branch>
Please ensure that:
There is one folder per App/Theme at the root of the repository.
You specify the branch name of your Git repository by adding #branch_name at the end of the repo URL.
The branch name exactly matches the series name for which your modules are meant, so #8.0 for version 8.0.
Once you add the repository you can scan it for Odoo addons/themes.
If your repository is private (eg. for proprietary addons), there is a section on that in the FAQ:
To publish your modules on our platform, we need to be allowed to read
from your repository. If you are on Github, you can simply authorize
our online-odoo user on your repository. If you are on Bitbucket, you
can authorize our OdooApps user. If you use another service, you will
need to authorize our public SSH key instead. Don't forget to use the
SSH url of your repository when registering it to allow us to identify
using ssh. For example for GitHub, it would be something like


How to clone multiple private repositories using GitHub Actions?

I have been searching a lot online for how to clone multiple private repositories while running a GitHub action script. Moreover, since the repositories I wish to clone are written in a text file within the repo itself, it complicates things a bit more for me.
I mean, GitHub explains how to do this here: but it assumes you know what you want to clone so you can list all the repos in the yml file. Also, they assume you have just one or two repos. What if you have 100 repos... I would rather use a script for that... So how to do that? Any Idea?
So you need to find a way to authenticate with github when you do the cloning. Then you do the cloning from a bash script that you can call from your yml file via github actions.
Part1: Authentication:
You can find in this link ( FOUR ways to authenticate and the pros and cons of each. Here is a summary of the methods:
Method 1: Using the built-in GITHUB_TOKEN secret
Method 2: Using your personal access token --> This is what I used with a small twist.
Method 3: Creating a bot account and using its personal access token
Method 4: Creating a GitHub App and generating tokens from it
So the solution I used is Method 2 above in which I basically used my own PAT (Personal Access Token) to send to the bash script I wrote that does all the cloning for me. The nice thing about this is that I used the PAT as a secret and this way it is not exposed to anyone.
Part2: Here is the part of the yml file that I used in github actions to do the cloning:
- name: Run multi repo cloning script
PA_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PAT_SECRET }} # `PAT_SECRET` is a secret that contains your PAT (Personal access token)
run: ".github/"
shell: bash
Moreover, GitHub has a mechanism to detect GitHub tokens in the run logs when GitHub Actions run and if their mechanism detects a token it hides it with "***". So that is why there is very little risk for your token to be exposed by someone reviewing the GitHub Action output.
Part3: in the bash script itself, I simply used the following command to clone all the repos I needed:
#clone subrepo
git clone "https://"$PA_TOKEN"<remote_name>/"$SUBREPO_NAME".git"

Go Get for Google's Cloud Source Repository

Making two different go modules
With as a common lib dependency (to share a model)
I'm trying to go get (even manually wrote it in the go.mod file) but I keep receiving the following error:
unrecognized import path ""
(parse no go-import meta tags ())
I have gcloud set up to be able to use app deploy and create new source repositories. I've tried setting up ssh for google cloud and attempted to use manual credentials. This neither works locally or in the google cloud build service.
I want to do two things:
Be able to go get this
Be able to integrate this go get into my App Engine automated build pipeline.
Any help would be appreciated.
Configure repo on
Authorize manual git access
In this example:
Your common module should go like
Run: go get on the other module
I would try the following steps:
Make sure it has manual git access - You can try a git clone from folder "a" to check if correct git access is in place. Delete it after it gets cloned.
Make sure that you are using HTTPs - looks like you are good in that regards - go1.14 made HTTPs as default for go get's.
Now, coming to the actual problem - looks like your private version control systems isn't sending the required "go-import" meta tag.
For example - refer any github go module, you can see the "go-import" meta tag:
In order to fix it, the VCS server needs to respond with this tag when go get tries to download "common" module
<meta name="go-import" content=" git">
This works:
got get

Setting Projects to Private by Default

I have my SQ server running in Kubernetes (via Tectonic) and all is going well. We need to tighten the security of our SQ installation, so we have LDAP up and working. We are trying to get all of the projects to be Private by default (which we can do Via the GUI for each project).
However, trying to flip the switch in the GUI to make all new projects Private works, until you refresh the page, then it reverts back to Public.
I have been searching for a way to set this up via the file or file (first if the preferred). The file we use is encrypted as a secret (because the LDAP settings exposes a service account password) and I would like to keep settings there.
I have combed through documentation, posts, discussions and all that, but have not been able to find out what the value=key combination is.
Has anyone seen what this is or if we can even accomplish that? Is it a setting stored in the database? I'm kind of at a loss on this one.
In SonarQube 7.x you can find the public/private setting when you browse to Administration - Projects - Management. This only works for new projects. For existing projects you can use the "Edit the permissions" option on the same page and switch between public and private.
You can also use the web_api to achieve the same results. You can find the documentation when you add "/web_api/api/projects" after the sonarqube URL:
Example of the POST request body: project=MyProject&visibility=private

How to create a public repository on Github but hide certain aspects

How can I create an Xcode project and push it to a GitHub repository that is public BUT hides keys.
For example if I have Firebase keys and I push my project to GitHub can't anybody see them and then do whatever they please with my data?

specify custom location of maven security-settings.xml file?

with maven you can easily specify settings.xml location, e.g:
mvn -s custom/dir/settings.xml package
Is there a similiar way to specify custom security-settings.xml?
The reasoning behind this is simple: to easily distribute it via a local repository. Now, security is NOT a concern - it's all on the intranet.
This was requested as MNG-4853. Although not implemented directly, a workaround is suggested:
I've verified that works
As detailed in the announcement blog post, you can also use the master password relocation feature. Write an ~/.m2/security-settings.xml file with a redirection in it:
