Decompose Categorical Attributes in R - categorical-data

This seems like it's probably basic, but how do you decompose a categorical variable into its subparts, to then run a regression? In case that is just mumbo-jumbo, hard example. I am trying to look at lawsuits filed, which include factors like plaintiff, defendant, filing date, type of law suit etc. The plaintiff category is then classified by country (as the party filing), I want to analyze what countries are filing which kinds of lawsuits. So instead of running a regression with data$plaintiff as a function of the other factors, I want to make a new variable(I think) that is based on the various factors within the plaintiff category. I think what I want to do is feature engineering, but I don't understand/cannot figure out how to do this.
I just realized this is basically sort and filter within a column in excel, how do I do that in R?


How to assign two or more time series identifier columns in Vertex AI Tabular Forecasting

I was wondering if it is possible to have more than one time series identifier column in the model? Let's assume I'd like to create a forecast at a product and store level (which the documentation suggests should be possible).
If I select product as the series identifier, the only options I have left for store is either a covariate or an attribute and neither is applicable in this scenario.
Would concatenating product and store and using the individual product and store code values for that concatenated ID as attributes be a solution? It doesn't feel right, but I can't see any other option - am I missing something?
Note: I understand that this feature of Vertex AI is currently in preview and that because of that the options may be limited.
There isn't an alternate way to assign 2 or more Time Series Identifiers in the Forecasting Model on Vertex AI. The "Forecasting model" is in the "Preview" Product launch stage, as you are aware, with all consequences of that fact the options are limited. Please refer to this doc for more information about the best practices for data preparation to train the forecasting model.
As a workaround, the two columns can be concatenated and assigned a Time Series Identifier on that concatenated column, as you have mentioned in the question. This way, the concatenated column carries more contextual information into the training of the model.
Just to follow up on Vishal's (correct) answer in case someone is looking this up in the future.
Yes, concatenating is the only option for now as there can only be one time series identifier (I would hope this changes in the future). Having said that, I've experimented with adding the individual identifiers in the data as categorical attributes and it works actually pretty well. This way I have forecast generated at a product/store level, but I can aggregate all forecasts for individual products and the results are not much off from the models trained on aggregated data (obviously that would depend on the demand classification and selected optimisation method amongst other factors).
Also, an interesting observation. When you include things like product descriptions, you can classify them either as categorical or text. I wasn't able to find in the documentation if the model would only use unigrams (which is what the column statistics in the console would suggest) or a number of n-grams but it is definitely something you would want to experiment with with your data. My dataset was actually showing a better accuracy when the categorical classification was used, which is a bit counter-intuitive as it feels like redundant information, although it's hard to tell as the documentation isn't very detailed. It is likely to be specific to my data set, so as I said make sure you experiment with yours.

Contextual Search: Classifying shopping products

I have got a new task(not traditional) from my client, It is something about machine learning.
As I have never been to "machine learning" except some little Data Mining stuff so I need your help.
My task is to Classify a product present on any Shopping Site, on the basis of gender(whom the product belongs to),agegroup etc, the training data we can have is the product's Title, Keywords(available in the html of the product page), and product description.
I did a lot of R&D , I found Image Recog APIs(cloudsight,vufind) that returned the details of the product image but that did not full fill the need, used google suggestqueries, searched out many machine learning algorithms and finally...
I came to know about the "Decision Tree Learning Algorithm" but cannot figure out, how it is applicable to my problem.
I tried out the "PlayingTennis" dataset but couldn't make the sense what to do.
Can you give me some direction that from where to start this journey? Should I focus on The Decision Tree Learning algorithm or Is there any other algorithm you would suggest I should focus on to categorize the products on the basis of context?
If you say , I would share in detail about what things I searched about to solve my problem.
I would suggest to do the following:
Go through items in your dataset and classify them manually (decide for which gender each item is). Store each decision so that you would be able to somehow link each item in an original dataset with a target class.
Develop an algorithm for converting each item from your dataset into a feature vector. This algorithm should be able to convert each item in your original dataset in a vector of numbers (more about how to do it later).
Convert all your dataset with appropriate classes into a dataset that would look like this:
Feature_1, Feature_2, Feature_3, ..., Gender
value_1, value_2, value_3, ... male
It would be a good decision to store it in CSV file since you would be able to load it and process in different machine learning tools (More about those later).
Load dataset you've created at step 3 in machine learning tool of your choice and try to come up with the best model that can classify items in your dataset by gender.
Store model created at step 4. It will be part of your production system.
Develop a production code that can convert an unclassified product, create feature vector out of it and pass this feature vector to the model you've saved at step 5. The result of this operation should be a predicted gender.
If there too many items (say tens of thousands) in your original dataset it may be impractical to classify them yourself. What you can do is to use Amazon Mechanical Turk to simplify your task. If you are unable to use it (the last time I've checked you had to have a USA address to use it) you can just classify few hundreds of items to start working on your model and classify the rest to improve accuracy of your classification (the more training data you use the better the accuracy, but up to a certain point)
How to extract features from a dataset
If keyword has form like tag=true/false, it's a boolean feature.
If keyword has form like tag=42, it's a numerical one or ordinal. For example it can be price value or price range (0-10, 10-50, 50-100, etc.)
If keyword has form like tag=string_value you can convert it into a categorical value
A class (gender) is simply boolean value 0/1
You can experiment a bit with how you extract your features, since it may influence the result accuracy.
How to extract features from product description
There are different ways to convert a text into a feature vector. Look for TF-IDF algorithms or something similar.
Machine learning tools
You can use one of existing machine learning libraries and hack some code that loads your CSV dataset, trains a model and checks the accuracy, but at first I would suggest to use something like Weka. It has more or less intuitive UI and you can quickly start to experiment with different machine learning algorithms, convert different features in your dataset from string to categories, or from real values to ordinal values, etc. Good thing about Weka is that it has Java API, so you can automate all the process of data conversion, train models programmatically, etc.
What algorithms to choose
I would suggest to use decision tree algorithms like C4.5. It's fast and show good results on wide range of machine learning tasks. Additionally you can use ensemble of classifiers. There are various algorithms that can combine several algorithms like (google for boosting or random forest to find out more) usually they give better results, but work more slowly (since you need to run a single feature vector through several algorithms.
One another trick that you can use to make your algorithm more accurate is to use models that work on different sets of features (say one algorithm uses features extracted from tags and another algorithm uses data extracted from product description). You can then combine them using algorithms like stacking to come up with a final result.
For classification on the basis of features extracted from text, you can try to use Naive Bayes algorithm or SVM. They both show good results in text classification.
Do consider Support Vector Classifier (SVC), or for Google's sake the Support Vector Machine (SVM). If You have a large training set (which I suspect) search for implementations that are "fast" or "scalable".

Separation and pattern matching techniques

I am new to Artificial Neural Networks.
I am interested in an application like this:
I have a significantly large set of objects. Each object has six properties, denoted by P1–P6. Each property has a value which is a symbolic value. In other words, in my example P1–P6 can have a value from the set {A, B, C, D, E, F}. They are not numeric. (Suppose A,B,C,D,E,F are colours; then you will understand my idea.)
Now, there is another property R that I am interested in. Suppose
R = {G1, G2, G3, G4, G5}
I need to train a system for a large set of P1–P6 and the relevant R. Now I want to do the following.
I have an object and I know the values of P1 to P6. I need to find
the R (The Group that the object belongs.)
To get a desired R what is the pattern I need to have in P1–P6.
As an example given that R = G2 I need to figure out any pattern in P1–P6.
My questions are:
What are the theories/technologies/techniques I should read and
learn in order to implement 1 and 2, respectively?
What are the tools/libraries you can recommend to get this
The way you described your problem, you need to look up various machine learning techniques. If it were me, I would try and read about k-NN (k Nearest Neighbours) for the classification. When I say classification, I mean getting the R if you know P1-P6. It is a really simple technique and should be helpful here.
As for the other way around, what you basically need is a representative sample of your population. This is I think not so usual, but you could try something like a k-means Clustering. Clustering methods usually determine the class of an object (property R) by themselves, but k-means Clustering is cool in this situation because you need to give it the number of object classes (e.g. different possible values of R), and in the end you get one representative sample.
You definitely shouldn't go for any really complex techniques (like neural networks) in my opinion since your data doesn't have a precise numerical interpretation and the values can't be interpreted gradually.
The recommended tools really depend on your base programming language. There's a great tool called Orange which is Python-based and it's my tool of choice for these kind of things (especially since it is really easy to connect your Python modules with C/C++). If you prefer Java, there's a quite similar tool called Weka that you could use. I think Weka is a little bit better documented, but I don't like Java so I've never tried it out.
Both of these tools have a graphical clickable interface where you could just load your data and get the classification done, play with the parameters and check what kind of output you get using different techniques and different set-ups. Once you decide that you got the results you need (or if you just don't like graphical interfaces) you can also use both of them as libraries of a kind when programming (Python for Orange and Java for Weka) and make the classification a part of a bigger project.
If you look through the documentation of Orange or Weka, I think it will give you a few ideas about what you could actually do with the data you have and when you know a few techniques that seem interesting to you and applicable to the data, maybe you could get more quality comments and info on a few specific methods here than when just searching for a general advice.
You should check out classification algorithms (a subsection of artificial intelligence), especially the nearest neighbor-algorithms. Your problem may be solved by different techniques, which all have different advantages and disadvantages.
However, I do not know of any method in artificial intelligence, which allows a two-way classification (or in other words, that both implement your prerequisites 1 and 2 simultaneously). As all you want to do so far is having a bidirectional mapping of P1..P6 <=> R, I would suggest to just use a mapping table instead of an artificial intelligence algorithm. An AI would work great if you not exactly know, which of your samples is categorized under A..E in P1..P6.
If you insist on using an AI for it, I'd suggest to first look at a Perceptron. A perceptron consists of input, intermediate and output neurons. For your example, you'd have the input-Neurons P1a..P1e, P2a..P2e, ... and five output neurons R1..R5. After training, you should be able to input P1..P6 and get the appropriate R1..R5 as output.
As for frameworks and technologies, I only know of the Business Intelligence suite for Visual Studio, although there are a lot of other frameworks for AI out there. Since I do not have used any of them (I always coded them myself in C/C++), I can't recommend any.
It seems like a typical classification problem. In case you really have a lot of data have a look at Apache Mahout which provides distributed implementations of machine learning algorithms. If you need something less complex for prototyping TimBL is a nice alternative.

Automatically linking categories to each other when categorizing text

I've been working on a project to data-mine a large amount of short texts and categorize these based on a pre-existing large list of category names. To do this I had to figure out how to first create a good text corpus from the data in order to have reference documents for the categorization and then to get the quality of the categorization up to an acceptable level. This part I am finished with (luckily categorizing text is something that a lot of people have done a lot of research into).
Now my next problem, I'm trying to figure out a good way of linking the various categories to each other computationally. That is to say, to figure out how to recognize that "cars" and "chevrolet" are related in some way. So far I've tried utilizing the N-Gram categorization methods described by, among others, Cavnar and Trenkle for comparing the various reference documents I've created for each category. Unfortunately it seems the best I've been able to get out of that method is approximately 50-55% correct relations between categories, and those are the best relations, overall it's around 30-35% which is miserably low.
I've tried a couple of other approaches as well but I've been unable to get much higher than 40% relevant links (an example of a non-relevant relation would be the category "trucks" being strongly related to the category "makeup" or the category "diapers" while weakly (or not at all) related to "chevy").
Now, I've tried looking for better methods for doing this but it just seems like I can't find any (yet I know others have done better than I have). Does anyone have any experience with this? Any tips on usable methods for creating relations between categories? Right now the methods I've tried either don't give enough relations at all or contain way too high a percentage of junk relations.
Obviously, the best way of doing that matching is highly dependent on your taxonomy, the nature of your "reference documents", and the expected relationships you'd like created.
However, based on the information provided, I'd suggest the following:
Start by Building a word-based (rather than letter based) unigram or bigram model for each of your categories, based on the reference documents. If there are only few of these for each category (It seems you might have only one), you could use a semi-supervised approach, and throw in also the automatically categorized documents for each category. A relatively simple tool for building the model might be the CMU SLM toolkit.
Calculate the mutual-information (infogain) of each term or phrase in your model, with relation to other categories. if your categories are similar, you might need you use only neighboring categories to get meaningful result. This step would give the best separating terms higher scores.
Correlate the categories to each other based on the top-infogain terms or phrases. This could be done either by using euclidean or cosine distance between the category models, or by using a somewhat more elaborated techniques, like graph-based algorithms or hierarchic clustering.

Which data mining algorithm would you suggest for this particular scenario?

This is not a directly programming related question, but it's about selecting the right data mining algorithm.
I want to infer the age of people from their first names, from the region they live, and if they have an internet product or not. The idea behind it is that:
there are names that are old-fashioned or popular in a particular decade (celebrities, politicians etc.) (this may not hold in the USA, but in the country of interest that's true),
young people tend to live in highly populated regions whereas old people prefer countrysides, and
Internet is used more by young people than by old people.
I am not sure if those assumptions hold, but I want to test that. So what I have is 100K observations from our customer database with
approx. 500 different names (nominal input variable with too many classes)
20 different regions (nominal input variable)
Internet Yes/No (binary input variable)
91 distinct birthyears (numerical target variable with range: 1910-1992)
Because I have so many nominal inputs, I don't think regression is a good candidate. Because the target is numerical, I don't think decision tree is a good option either. Can anyone suggest me a method that is applicable for such a scenario?
I think you could design discrete variables that reflect the split you are trying to determine. It doesn't seem like you need a regression on their exact age.
One possibility is to cluster the ages, and then treat the clusters as discrete variables. Should this not be appropriate, another possibility is to divide the ages into bins of equal distribution.
One technique that could work very well for your purposes is, instead of clustering or partitioning the ages directly, cluster or partition the average age per name. That is to say, generate a list of all of the average ages, and work with this instead. (There may be some statistical problems in the classifier if you the discrete categories here are too fine-grained, though).
However, the best case is if you have a clear notion of what age range you consider appropriate for 'young' and 'old'. Then, use these directly.
New answer
I would try using regression, but in the manner that I specify. I would try binarizing each variable (if this is the correct term). The Internet variable is binary, but I would make it into two separate binary values. I will illustrate with an example because I feel it will be more illuminating. For my example, I will just use three names (Gertrude, Jennifer, and Mary) and the internet variable.
I have 4 women. Here are their data:
Gertrude, Internet, 57
Jennifer, Internet, 23
Gertrude, No Internet, 60
Mary, No Internet, 35
I would generate a matrix, A, like this (each row represents a respective woman in my list):
The first three columns represent the names and the latter two Internet/No Internet. Thus, the columns represent
[Gertrude, Jennifer, Mary, Internet, No Internet]
You can keep doing this with more names (500 columns for the names), and for the regions (20 columns for those). Then you will just be solving the standard linear algebra problem A*x=b where b for the above example is
You may be worried that A will now be a huge matrix, but it is a huge, extremely sparse matrix and thus can be stored very efficiently in a sparse matrix form. Each row has 3 1's in it and the rest are 0. You can then just solve this with a sparse matrix solver. You will want to do some sort of correlation test on the resulting predicting ages to see how effective it is.
You might check out the babynamewizard. It shows the changes in name frequency over time and should help convert your names to a numeric input. Also, you should be able to use population density from data to get a numeric value associated with your regions. I would suggest an additional flag regarding the availability of DSL access - many rural areas don't have DSL coverage. No coverage = less demand for internet services.
My first inclination would be to divide your response into two groups, those very likely to have used computers in school or work and those much less likely. The exposure to computer use at an age early in their career or schooling probably has some effect on their likelihood to use a computer later in their life. Then you might consider regressions on the groups separately. This should eliminate some of the natural correlation of your inputs.
I would use a classification algorithm that accepts nominal attributes and numeric class, like M5 (for trees or rules). Perhaps I would combine it with the bagging meta classifier to reduce variance. The original algorithm M5 was invented by R. Quinlan and Yong Wang made improvements.
The algorithm is implemented in R (library RWeka)
It also can be found in the open source machine learning software Weka
For more information see:
Ross J. Quinlan: Learning with Continuous Classes. In: 5th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Singapore, 343-348, 1992.
Y. Wang, I. H. Witten: Induction of model trees for predicting continuous classes. In: Poster papers of the 9th European Conference on Machine Learning, 1997.
I think slightly different from you, I believe that trees are excellent algorithms to deal with nominal data because they can help you build a model that you can easily interpret and identify the influence of each one of these nominal variables and it's different values.
You can also use regression with dummy variables in order to represent the nominal attributes, this is also a good solution.
But you can also use other algorithms such as SVM(smo), with the previous transformation of the nominal variables to binary dummy ones, same as in regression.
