Contextual Search: Classifying shopping products - algorithm

I have got a new task(not traditional) from my client, It is something about machine learning.
As I have never been to "machine learning" except some little Data Mining stuff so I need your help.
My task is to Classify a product present on any Shopping Site, on the basis of gender(whom the product belongs to),agegroup etc, the training data we can have is the product's Title, Keywords(available in the html of the product page), and product description.
I did a lot of R&D , I found Image Recog APIs(cloudsight,vufind) that returned the details of the product image but that did not full fill the need, used google suggestqueries, searched out many machine learning algorithms and finally...
I came to know about the "Decision Tree Learning Algorithm" but cannot figure out, how it is applicable to my problem.
I tried out the "PlayingTennis" dataset but couldn't make the sense what to do.
Can you give me some direction that from where to start this journey? Should I focus on The Decision Tree Learning algorithm or Is there any other algorithm you would suggest I should focus on to categorize the products on the basis of context?
If you say , I would share in detail about what things I searched about to solve my problem.

I would suggest to do the following:
Go through items in your dataset and classify them manually (decide for which gender each item is). Store each decision so that you would be able to somehow link each item in an original dataset with a target class.
Develop an algorithm for converting each item from your dataset into a feature vector. This algorithm should be able to convert each item in your original dataset in a vector of numbers (more about how to do it later).
Convert all your dataset with appropriate classes into a dataset that would look like this:
Feature_1, Feature_2, Feature_3, ..., Gender
value_1, value_2, value_3, ... male
It would be a good decision to store it in CSV file since you would be able to load it and process in different machine learning tools (More about those later).
Load dataset you've created at step 3 in machine learning tool of your choice and try to come up with the best model that can classify items in your dataset by gender.
Store model created at step 4. It will be part of your production system.
Develop a production code that can convert an unclassified product, create feature vector out of it and pass this feature vector to the model you've saved at step 5. The result of this operation should be a predicted gender.
If there too many items (say tens of thousands) in your original dataset it may be impractical to classify them yourself. What you can do is to use Amazon Mechanical Turk to simplify your task. If you are unable to use it (the last time I've checked you had to have a USA address to use it) you can just classify few hundreds of items to start working on your model and classify the rest to improve accuracy of your classification (the more training data you use the better the accuracy, but up to a certain point)
How to extract features from a dataset
If keyword has form like tag=true/false, it's a boolean feature.
If keyword has form like tag=42, it's a numerical one or ordinal. For example it can be price value or price range (0-10, 10-50, 50-100, etc.)
If keyword has form like tag=string_value you can convert it into a categorical value
A class (gender) is simply boolean value 0/1
You can experiment a bit with how you extract your features, since it may influence the result accuracy.
How to extract features from product description
There are different ways to convert a text into a feature vector. Look for TF-IDF algorithms or something similar.
Machine learning tools
You can use one of existing machine learning libraries and hack some code that loads your CSV dataset, trains a model and checks the accuracy, but at first I would suggest to use something like Weka. It has more or less intuitive UI and you can quickly start to experiment with different machine learning algorithms, convert different features in your dataset from string to categories, or from real values to ordinal values, etc. Good thing about Weka is that it has Java API, so you can automate all the process of data conversion, train models programmatically, etc.
What algorithms to choose
I would suggest to use decision tree algorithms like C4.5. It's fast and show good results on wide range of machine learning tasks. Additionally you can use ensemble of classifiers. There are various algorithms that can combine several algorithms like (google for boosting or random forest to find out more) usually they give better results, but work more slowly (since you need to run a single feature vector through several algorithms.
One another trick that you can use to make your algorithm more accurate is to use models that work on different sets of features (say one algorithm uses features extracted from tags and another algorithm uses data extracted from product description). You can then combine them using algorithms like stacking to come up with a final result.
For classification on the basis of features extracted from text, you can try to use Naive Bayes algorithm or SVM. They both show good results in text classification.

Do consider Support Vector Classifier (SVC), or for Google's sake the Support Vector Machine (SVM). If You have a large training set (which I suspect) search for implementations that are "fast" or "scalable".


What machine learning algorithm would be best suited for a scenario when you are not sure about the test features/attributes?

Eg: For training, you use data for which users have filled up all the fields (around 40 fields) in a form along with an expected output.
We now build a model (could be an artificial neural net or SVM or logistic regression, etc).
Finally, a user now enters 3 fields in the form and expects a prediction.
In this scenario, what is the best ML algorithm I can use?
I think it will depend on the specific context of your problem. What are you trying to predict based on what kind of input?
For example, recommender systems are used by companies like Netflix to predict a user's rating of, for example, movies based on a very sparse feature vector (user's existing ratings of a tiny percentage of all of the movies in the catalog).
Another option is to develop some mapping algorithm from your sparse feature space to a common latent space on which you perform your classification with, e.g., an SVM or neural network. I believe this paper does something similar. You can also look in to papers like this one for a classifier that translates data from two different domains (your training vs. testing set, for example, where both contain similar information, but one has complete data and the other does not) into a common latent space for classification. There is a lot out there actually on domain-independent classification.
Keywords to look up (with some links to get you started): generative adversarial networks (GAN), domain-adversarial training, domain-independent classification, transfer learning.

What estimator to use in scikit-learn?

This is my first brush with machine learning, so I'm trying to figure out how this all works. I have a dataset where I've compiled all the statistics of each player to play with my high school baseball team. I also have a list of all the players that have ever made it to the MLB from my high school. What I'd like to do is split the data into a training set and a test set, and then feed it to some algorithm in the scikit-learn package and predict the probability of making the MLB.
So I looked through a number of sources and found this cheat sheet that suggests I start with linear SVC.
So, then as I understand it I need to break my data into training samples where each row is a player and each column is a piece of data about the player (batting average, on base percentage, yada, yada), X_train; and a corresponding truth matrix of a single row per player that is simply 1 (played in MLB) or 0 (did not play in MLB), Y_train. From there, I just do Fit(X,Y) and then I can use predict(X_test) to see if it gets the right values for Y_test.
Does this seem a logical choice of algorithm, method, and application?
EDIT to provide more information:
The data is made of 20 features such as number of games played, number of hits, number of Home Runs, number of Strike Outs, etc. Most are basic counting statistics about the players career; a few are rates such as batting average.
I have about 10k total rows to work with, so I can split the data based on that; but I have no idea how to optimally split the data, given that <1% have made the MLB.
Alright, here are a few steps that might want to make:
Prepare your data set. In practice, you might want to scale the features, but we'll leave it out to make the first working model as simple as possible. So will just need to split the dataset into test/train set. You could shuffle the records manually and take the first X% of the examples as the train set, but there's already a function for it in scikit-learn library: You might want to make sure that both: positive and negative examples are present in the train and test set. To do so, you can separate them before the test/train split to make sure that, say 70% of negative examples and 70% of positive examples go the training set.
Let's pick a simple classifier. I'll use logistic regression here:, but other classifiers have a similar API.
Creating the classifier and training it is easy:
clf = LogisticRegression(), y_train)
Now it's time to make our first predictions:
y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)
A very important part of the model is its evaluation. Using accuracy is not a good idea here: the number of positive examples is very small, so the model that unconditionally returns 0 can get a very high score. We can use the f1 score instead:
If you want to predict probabilities instead of labels, you can just use the predict_proba method of the classifier.
That's it. We have a working model! Of course, there are a lot thing you may try to improve, such as scaling the features, trying different classifiers, tuning their hyperparameters, but this should be enough to get started.
If you don't have a lot of experience in ML, in scikit learn you have classification algorithms (if the target of your dataset is a boolean or a categorical variable) or regression algorithms (if the target is a continuous variable).
If you have a classification problem, and your variables are in a very different scale a good starting point is a decision tree:
The classifier is a Tree and you can see the decisions that are taking in the nodes.
After that you can use random forest, that is a group of decision trees that average results:
After that you can put the same scale in every feature:
And you can use other algorithms like SVMs.
For every algorithm you need a technique to select its parameters, for example cross validation:
But a good course is the best option to learn. In coursera you can find several good courses like this:

Item-to-item Amazon collaborative filtering

I am trying to fully understand the item-to-item Amazon's algorithm to apply it to my system to recommend items the user might like, matching the previous items the user liked.
So far I have read these: Amazon paper, item-to-item presentation and item-based algorithms. Also I found this question, but after that I just got more confused.
What I can tell is that I need to follow the next steps to get the list of recommended items:
Have my data set with the items that liked to the users (I have set liked=1 and not liked=0).
Use Pearson Correlation Score (How is this done? I found the formula, but is there any example?).
Then what should I do?
So I came with this questions:
What are the differences between the item-to-item and item-based filtering? Are both algorithms the same?
Is it right to replace the ranked score with liked or not?
Is it right to use the item-to-item algorithm, or is there any other more suitable for my case?
Any information about this topic will be appreciated.
Great questions.
Think about your data. You might have unary (consumed or null), binary (liked and not liked), ternary (liked, not liked, unknown/null), or continuous (null and some numeric scale), or even ordinal (null and some ordinal scale). Different algorithms work better with different data types.
Item-item collaborative filtering (also called item-based) works best with numeric or ordinal scales. If you just have unary, binary, or ternary data, you might be better off with data mining algorithms like association rule mining.
Given a matrix of users and their ratings of items, you can calculate the similarity of every item to every other item. Matrix manipulation and calculation is built into many libraries: try out scipy and numpy in Python, for example. You can just iterate over items and use the built-in matrix calculations to do much of the work in Or download a framework like Mahout or Lenskit, which does this for you.
Now that you have a matrix of every item's similarity to every other item, you might want to suggest items for User U. So look in her history of items. For each history item I, for each item in your dataset ID, add the similarity of I to ID to a list of candidate item scores. When you've gone through all history items, sort the list of candidate items by score descending, and recommend the top ones.
To answer the remaining questions: a continuous or ordinal scale will give you the best collaborative filtering results. Don't use a "liked" versus "unliked" scale if you have better data.
Matrix factorization algorithms perform well, and if you don't have many users and you don't have lots of updates to your rating matrix, you can also use user-user collaborative filtering. Try item-item first through: it's a good all-purpose recommender algorithm.

evaluating the performance of item-based collaborative filtering for binary (yes/no) product recommendations

I'm attempting to write some code for item based collaborative filtering for product recommendations. The input has buyers as rows and products as columns, with a simple 0/1 flag to indicate whether or not a buyer has bought an item. The output is a list similar items for a given purchased, ranked by cosine similarities.
I am attempting to measure the accuracy of a few different implementations, but I am not sure of the best approach. Most of the literature I find mentions using some form of mean square error, but this really seems more applicable when your collaborative filtering algorithm predicts a rating (e.g. 4 out of 5 stars) instead of recommending which items a user will purchase.
One approach I was considering was as follows...
split data into training/holdout sets, train on training data
For each item (A) in the set, select data from the holdout set where users bought A
Determine which percentage of A-buyers bought one of the top 3 recommendations for A-buyers
The above seems kind of arbitrary, but I think it could be useful for comparing two different algorithms when trained on the same data.
Actually your approach is quiet similar with the literature but I think you should consider to use recall and precision as most of the papers do.
Moreover if you will use Apache Mahout there is an implementation for recall and precision in this class; GenericRecommenderIRStatsEvaluator
Best way to test a recommender is always to manually verify that the results. However some kind of automatic verification is also good.
In the spirit of a recommendation system, you should split your data in time, and see if you algorithm can predict what future buys the user does. this should be done for all users.
Don't expect that it can predict everything, a 100% correctness is usually a sign of over-fitting.

Algorithm to recognize keywords' categories in a One-search-box-for-all model query

I'm aiming at providing one-search-box-for-everything model in search engine project, like LinkedIn.
I've tried to express my problem using an analogy.
Let's assume that each result is an article and has multiple dimensions like author, topic, conference (if that's a publication), hosted website, etc.
Some sample queries:
"information retrieval papers at IEEE by authorXYZ": three dimensions {topic, conf-name, authorname}
"ACM paper by authoABC on design patterns" : three dimensions {conf-name, author, topic}
"Multi-threaded programming at javaranch" : two dimensions {topic, website}
I've to identify those dimensions and corresponding keywords in a big query before I can retrieve the final result from the database.
I've access to all the possible values to all the dimensions. For example, I've all the conference names, author names, etc.
There's very little overlap of terms across dimensions.
My approach (naive)
Using Lucene, index all the keywords in each dimension with a dedicated field called "dimension" and another field with actual value.
1) {name:IEEE, dimension:conference}, etc.
2) {name:ooad, dimension:topic}, etc.
3) {name:xyz, dimension:author}, etc.
Search the index with the query as-it-is.
Iterate through results up to some extent and recognize first document with a new dimension.
Not sure when to stop recognizing the dimensions from the result set. For example, the query may contain only two dimensions but the results may match 3 dimensions.
If I want to include spell-checking as well, it becomes more complex and the results tend to be less accurate.
References to papers, articles, or pointing-out the right terminology that describes my problem domain, etc. would certainly help.
Any guidance is highly appreciated.
Solution 1: Well how about solving your problem using Natural Language Processing Named Entity Recognition (NER). Now NER can be done using simple Regular Expressions (in case where the data is too static) or else you can use some Machine Learning Technique like Hidden Markov Models to actually figure out the named entities in your sequence data set. Why I stress on HMM as compared to other Machine Learning Supervised algorithms is because you have sequential data with each state dependent on the previous or next state. NER would output for you the dimensions along with the corresponding name. After that your search becomes a vertical search problem and you can just search for the identified words in different Solr/Lucene fields and set your boosts accordingly.
Now coming to the implementation part, I assume you know Java as you are working with Lucene, so Mahout is a good choice. Mahout has an HMM built in and you can train+test the model on your data set. I am also assuming you have large data set.
Solution 2: Try to model this problem as a property graph problem. Check out something like Neo4j. I suggest this as your problem falls under schema less domain. Your schema is not fixed and problem very well can be modelled as a graph where each node would be a set of key value pairs.
Solution 3: As you said that you have all possible values of dimensions than before anything else why not simply convert all your unstructured data from your text to structured data by using Regular Expressions and again as you do not have fixed schema so store the data in any NoSQL key value database. Most of them provided Lucene Integrations for full text search, then simply search on those database.
what you need to do is to calculate the similarity between the query and the document set you are looking in. Measures like cosine similarity should serve your need. However a hack that you can use is calculate the Tf/idf for the document and create an index using that score from there you can choose the appropriate one. I would recommend you to look into Vector Space Model to find a method that serves your need!!
give this algorithm a look aswell
