How to add dynamic code/ruby code inside .conf file - ruby

I'm using Sphinx search engine for my application, and I would like to add ruby code inside the sphinx.conf file to update some values dynamically based on my application server hostname? Is it possible to execute the ruby code inside sphinx.conf? Something like below
type = mysql
sql_host = testHost
sql_user = test
sql_pass = <%= D.decrypt("encrypted password") %> // Ruby CODE
sql_db = {{database_name}}
sql_query_pre = SET TIME_ZONE = '+0:00'
sql_query_pre = SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 32768
sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8

In short, no it's not possible. Sphinx is not capable of executing Ruby directly in its .conf file.
That being said, you can use environment variables to keep the password out of your config file:
type = mysql
sql_host = testHost
sql_user = test
sql_pass = $SQL_PASS
sql_db = {{database_name}}
sql_query_pre = SET TIME_ZONE = '+0:00'
sql_query_pre = SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 32768
sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8
Then you can either set the environment variable in the commandline when you run Sphinx:
SQL_PASS="mypassword123" indexer -c /path/to/config
Or set it in your .bashrc:
export SQL_PASS="mypassword123"
Or set it in ruby:
ENV["SQL_PASS"] = "mypassword123"
Keep in mind that no matter what method you choose, you must set the environment variable before you run Sphinx.


Sphinx + Oracle : Data source name not found error

I want to connect to remote oracle database server and index some data from there with sphinx search engine. My OS is ubuntu 16.04 and I havc installed sphinx on it and tested it with local mysql database and everthing was ok (All the data indexed and I could search and results was correct) . I also have installed unixODBC and tested it with isql tool to remote access to oracle database server and every thing was ok, but when I want to index data with indexer command of sphinx this error occure:
sql_connect: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified
Here is source block of my sphinx.conf file:
source src2
type = odbc
sql_host = hostName
sql_user = user
sql_pass = pass
sql_db = dbname
sql_port = 1521
odbc_dsn = DSN = mydsn; Driver={Oracle};Dbq=hostname:1521/dbname;Uid=user;Pwd=pass
sql_query = \
SELECT tableId, Name \
FROM sampleTable
And odbc.ini file:
Application Attributes = T
Attributes = W
BatchAutocommitMode = IfAllSuccessful
CloseCursor = F
DisableDPM = F
DisableMTS = T
Driver = Oracle
DSN = mydsn
EXECSchemaOpt =
EXECSyntax = T
Failover = T
FailoverDelay = 10
FailoverRetryCount = 10
FetchBufferSize = 64000
ForceWCHAR = F
Lobs = T
Longs = T
MaxLargeData = 0
MetadataIdDefault = F
QueryTimeout = T
ResultSets = T
SQLGetData extensions = F
Translation DLL =
Translation Option = 0
DisableRULEHint = T
UserID = user
Password = pass
and odbcinst.ini file :
Description= ODBC for Oracle
Driver = /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_2/
Setup =
FileUsage = 1
CPTimeout =
CPReuse = /usr/local/etc/odbcinst.ini
odbc_dsn = DSN=mydsn;
i.e. w/o spaces around = after the DSN and since you have everything else specified in the ini file just the DNS should be enough. You also need only sql_query out of the rest sql_*. Like this:
source src2
type = odbc
odbc_dsn = DSN=mydsn;
sql_query = \
SELECT tableId, Name \
FROM sampleTable

How to save a file with password in UFT

I am using UFT 12.5. During run time it opens excel and word. Then it writes some data in the both files. After that, I would like to save both files with a new name and then password protected. I need to be able to enter password manually to open it. So far, I have written the below code and I getting an error at the last line.
Set ExcelObj = createobject("excel.application")
ExcelObj.Visible = true
Set ExcelFile = ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open (file)
Set ScripSheet = ExcelFile.Worksheets("Scripts")
ScripSheet.Cells(1,1) = "Passed"
ExcelFile.SaveAs mm1, "ttt"
Please advise on how I can save word and excel files with a password using UFT.
You need to pass correct parameters with SaveAs method. Check this link for more info.
Here is the working code that you can try:
file = "File path with file name"
newfile = "File path with new file name"
Set ExcelObj = createobject("excel.application")
ExcelObj.Visible = true
Set ExcelFile = ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open (file)
Set ScripSheet = ExcelFile.Worksheets("Scripts")
ScripSheet.Cells(1,1) = "Passed"
ExcelFile.SaveAs newfile, , "test"
Per comments from OP
If you want to save file with ReadOnly, you have to use WriteResPassword parameter this way:
ExcelFile.SaveAs newfile, , , "test"
Note that I've two empty parameters for FileFormat and
Password respectively.
This way it will ask for password to open the file in write mode and if you won't provide the password, file will be opened in ReadOnly
Check the link that I've mentioned.

AutoExport Run Results from UFT Function

I am running an automated test script using UFT 12.52. I am wondering if there is a way to export results from within a function in the UFT Script. The idea is to call the function and export the run results.
I can do it externally by creating a .vbs file which launches the script in uft and runs and exports the result, but i cannot figure out how to do it from within a UFT Script as function.
Below is my code for exporting results externally.
Dim qtApp
Dim qtTest
Dim qtResultsOpt
Dim qtAutoExportResultsOpts
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
qtApp.Visible = True
qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "OnError"
qtApp.Options.Run.RunMode = "Fast"
qtApp.Options.Run.ViewResults = False
qtApp.Open "Z:\D:\paperlessEnhancements\", True
Set qtTest = qtApp.Test
qtTest.Settings.Run.IterationMode = "rngIterations"
qtTest.Settings.Run.StartIteration = 1
qtTest.Settings.Run.EndIteration = 1
qtTest.Settings.Run.OnError = "NextStep"
Set qtResultsOpt = CreateObject("QuickTest.RunResultsOptions")
qtResultsOpt.ResultsLocation = "C:\Tests\Test1\Res1" n
Set qtAutoExportResultsOpts = qtApp.Options.Run.AutoExportReportConfig
qtAutoExportResultsOpts.AutoExportResults = True
qtAutoExportResultsOpts.StepDetailsReport = True
qtAutoExportResultsOpts.DataTableReport = True
qtAutoExportResultsOpts.LogTrackingReport = True
qtAutoExportResultsOpts.ScreenRecorderReport = True
qtAutoExportResultsOpts.SystemMonitorReport = False
qtAutoExportResultsOpts.ExportLocation =
"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop"
qtAutoExportResultsOpts.UserDefinedXSL = "C:\Documents and Settings\All
qtAutoExportResultsOpts.StepDetailsReportFormat = "UserDefined"
qtAutoExportResultsOpts.ExportForFailedRunsOnly = True
qtTest.Run qtResultsOpt
MsgBox qtTest.LastRunResults.Status
Set qtResultsOpt = Nothing
Set qtTest = Nothing
Set qtApp = Nothing
Set qtAutoExportSettings = Nothing
I also tried this :
Dim qtResultsOpt
Dim qtAutoExportResultsOpts
Set qtResultsOpt = CreateObject("QuickTest.RunResultsOptions")
qtResultsOpt.ResultsLocation = "C:\Temp\Notepad1"
Set qtResultsOpt = Nothing
#Lukeriggz :Attach a function library to all your script and the function library should be called in first place in your script(Either you can call the lines in your current library function itself. But the significance is to set the attribute at the first place and start with the execution). The content of the library should be the one which you have shown the code except the Open,run statement and releasing the objects(Primarily the configuration statements should be there). This will make your result location always pointed to your desired path and you can view the results. While configuration of the script have the script name in a variable to create the result file name to act is as dynamic
Another Implementation
We can easily identify where the results are getting saved Using the inbuilt environment variable. So programmatically we can copy the folder using file system objects
enter code here
path_to_save_the_results= "Type your path where the results should be saved"
fso.CopyFolder executionpath, path_to_save_the_results

How to create service on Windows XP Embedded (Sc.exe is not installed)?

How to create service on Windows XP Embedded (Sc.exe is not installed) ?
You could try using VBScript, I found this code from here, OP says it work's perfectly, so maybe worth trying.
' Connect to WMI.
set objServices = GetObjecT("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
' Obtain the definition of the Win32_Service class.
Set objService = objServices.Get("Win32_Service")
' Obtain an InParameters object specific to the Win32_Service.Create method.
Set objInParam = objService.Methods_("Create").inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
' Add the input parameters.
objInParam.Properties_.item("Name") = "GPServer" '< - Service Name
objInParam.Properties_.item("DisplayName") = "GPServer" '< - Display Name, what you see in the Services control panel
objInParam.Properties_.item("PathName") = "c:\Server\srvany.exe" '< - Path and Command Line of the executable
objInParam.Properties_.item("ServiceType") = 16
objInParam.Properties_.item("ErrorControl") = 0
objInParam.Properties_.item("StartMode") = "Manual"
objInParam.Properties_.item("DesktopInteract") = True
'objInParam.Properties_.item("StartName") = ".\Administrator" '< - If null, will run as Local System
'objInParam.Properties_.item("StartPassword") = "YourPassword" '< - Only populate if the SatrtName param is populated
'More parameters and return statuses are listed in MSDN: "Create Method of the Win32_Service Class"
' Execute the method and obtain the return status.
' The OutParameters object in objOutParams is created by the provider.
Set objOutParams = objService.ExecMethod_("Create", objInParam)
wscript.echo objOutParams.ReturnValue

ADS user details - subdomain - from vbs file

I managed to get ADS users without specifying authentication details from my ADS domain(ex, I used ADODB.Connection and ADODB.Command.
I also have sub-domains like How to get user details from sub-domain, by specifying authentication details of a user belonging to .
You can query records from trusted domains by using their LDAP name as the search base. However, since the DC of the parent domain doesn't contain the information about objects in the child domain it will generate a referral. The ADODB.Command object won't automatically chase that referral, because the respective named property "Chase referrals" defaults to 0x00 (ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_NEVER). You have to set the property to one of the following two values
to make your query follow the referral. Example:
base = "<LDAP://dc=test,dc=example,dc=org>"
filter = "(&(objectCategory=computer)(name=foo*))"
attr = "name,description"
scope = "subtree"
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
conn.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
cmd.CommandText = base & ";" & filter & ";" & attr & ";" & scope
cmd.Properties("Chase referrals") = &h60 ' <-- here
Set rs = cmd.Execute
I wrote a wrapper class (ADQuery) to encapsulate the boilerplate code for Active Directory queries (because I got fed up with writing it over and over again). With that you could simplify the above to something like this:
Set qry = New ADQuery
qry.SearchBase = "dc=test,dc=example,dc=org"
qry.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=computer)(name=foo*))"
qry.Attributes = Array("name", "description")
Set rs = qry.Execute
Either way you may still need to run the script on a DC, though.
